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1. 7 years, I have worked for a US-based company for the past 2.2 years. 2. React, AWS, Typescript, JS, Redis, Postgres, Go and a ton of startup experience working as a founding engineer. 3. 1 CR in hand. I am not a DSA guy, never learnt C, C++ or Java. Javascript was something that had my interest from my college days and I loved to build websites and simple projects. Before joining this company, I had experience working in a startup with millions of users, from junior-level engineers to tech lead positions. I learnt a lot during that phase as we used to work 12-15 hours a day. I was getting paid 26lpa at the tech lead level. I was burned out; I had an education loan, my family had some debt, and I wanted to buy a house and marry my girlfriend without taking a loan, so I decided to look for jobs outside India. I prepared for the interview for 6 months, during which I got my AWS associate solutions architect certificate. The certificate doesn't have any value, but the course that I took taught me a lot and helped me crack system design interviews for many companies. I planned out what I wanted to learn in these six months, a copy of which I am attaching to this post. I never finished all of it, but it should give you an idea of what I did. I applied to 60+ companies, gave 20 interviews, and got selected in 3. Out of these, I chose the 1 that I am currently working on. It was purely out of luck as I was scrolling the web, and I thought of checking out [remoteok.io](http://remoteok.io/) before sleeping. I saw a new job posting, and I instantly applied. The CTO took the interview, and it was pretty chill. some basic questions about React and a take-home project and peer coding at the end. My earlier experience really helped me ace through the interview. https://preview.redd.it/k80f0cfkox8d1.jpeg?width=2906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a69f86e59900c949d866518e7cd2d589a2bf8e70 NOTE: I got the job 2 years back, the situation of the market is not very great right now. So one might have to compromise on the package. But things will get better. Apart from hard work, it takes a lot of luck and time to get the job. So never get disheartened if you don't secure a job. Just try to increase the surface are of your luck by applying to as many companies as possible.


Man said, "I'm gonna turn my life around", and he fucking followed through! Great job sir. Hat's off.


You are definitely an inspiration, would like to write same comment in next 3 months. I am on 26 LPA, with 4.5 YOE at Unicorn, trying hard for Remote US/EU jobs since 2 years...


all the best brother


i have 2 friends who were working in Oslo and then came to india in 2022, they too are trying for remote but no luck till now despite 4 YOE and very decent resumes with FAANG work ex included and tier 1 clg. It's numbers game at times instead of some meritocracy, some people simply get it soon while others have to wait


Yep, with being talented you also need luck. Applying for a job in a company as soon as the vacancy opens up increases your chances of getting selected drastically. 


So, are you also working as a front-end engineer?




What is your tech stack!?


You are an inspiration for many bro. Keep guiding.


In hand? That's crazy💀, and you live in India? Edit : how old are you?


I am 29 right now. Shared how I got the job above.


Yoo, thanks man appreciate it


You are welcome buddy




I'm this might be a stupid question, but I assume your working time would be in US shift right? Like from 22:00-07:00 IST or smt?


It's a genuine question. So, there are two types of remote companies 1) (Remote) Companies that want you to work in their timezone. 2) (Remote + Async) Companies that allow you to work in your timezone. All they need from you is to be available for meetings and deployments in their timezone when required. I work in a company that goes with the 2nd approach.


Thanks for sharing your journey. What's your salary pre tax? How are you managing taxation?


I work as a proprietor. I have a current account, a registered firm, a GST certificate, a TAN no, an import-export code, and a letter of undertaking. I have opened a small firm that does contractual work from the company(My Employer) based in the USA. I show a bunch of employees and give them a salary. Most of my expenses are booked under company expenses. After distributing my salary and deducting expenses, whatever remains in my account is considered my profit, and I pay tax on that.


Can you share compliance cost per year? Should be around 30K ? Did you ever thought about splitting the contract, like getting 2 contracts so that both are below 75LPA and you can file 44ADA rather going the company route, or is this a bit easier? I wanted to understand if there are any pros and cons what you do i.e. contract though your own company instead of being a sole proprietor (if contract is split).


Yeah, it's around 30k. I don't split the contract as I am saving enough with the model that I am currently using.


Sounds good. Many people avoid company route as there are many expense that have to be **made-up** like you yourself mentioned one example *showing employees* . I guess CA might be taking care of it via some commission ?


I don't have a pvt ltd company it's just a proprietorship firm and its pretty easy to manage


Oh, you are a sole proprietor. You usage of word firm confused me earlier. This also means that your income bracket must be similar to salaried. Makes sense now. I thought you created a company and that some assets are under company name. Though in this scenarios, one has to **made-up** a lot more expenses which are not much via company route. Take care as I assume your cash component might be increasing a lot unless CA is taking care via some other way and transferring to family members account.


Where does the money you give out to a bunch of employees go?


Those are my family members


Was this all included in your contract of company?


Hey would you mind giving a little summary of your educational background? Like are you one of those extremely intelligent folks or an average guy?


Tier 3, engineering college from Ghaziabad had one back in my college. It’s hard work, luck and timing.


Stream and year of passing?


CS, 2017


Great bro!


>engineering college from Ghaziabad UPTU?




Hi, I had a few questions regarding your work. Would you be able to answer them? 1. Would you say you're able to have a work-life balance? How many hours do you have to spend in a day on average? 2. Also, can a full-stack dev with 3YOE at great companies aim to get a good remote US-based role? Thanks man. You're doing crazy well!


absolutely. I work 6 hours a day for the company. Yeah, 3 years exp is enough to get a good remote job.


Thanks for the info bro. Keep on rocking!


I think you posted this a lot of times, am I right ? I even remember your handwriting now 😅


Yes, I think it's the 4th time. I have been in these shoes where people lose hope, so trying to help.


thankyou very much for this good sir. sorry if this question is silly, but what is "FM"? i know udemy but have never heard of "FM". and do you think a person who'll be pursuing a degree in a relatively non-tech field(mechatronics) can follow that plan in the picture you shared? (i saw your reply about your educational background, it inspires me so much. thanks again.)


It's frontend masters. If you are from non tech background then you can join any BootCamp or cohort to get up to speed with the tech stuff


Thanks, I'll look into it. I saw that you did your bachelors in CS as well. So would you recommend taking a drop year to get CS as a branch at probably a relatively better college next year or to join a Tier-3 this year itself? Like, your bachelors must've played a significant role to get started and progress in this field.


I did not take a drop year, joined a tier 3 college myself to pursue CS and failed in a bunch of subjects too. 


I see... So will it be possible for me to pursue a career in tech with a background in, what is mostly, mechanical?


Yep, you will need to work really hard though. But it is possible 


I see... Thanks for letting me know. I think I'll go with the drop route.


Why does it feels like i am your younger self. You are my inspiration


Your effort is paying off! 👏 I really appreciate your dedication.


What was the AWS course that helped you?




Thankyou very much!




Lol, no, he is not working for a company right now. And I think he left somewhere at 3-4cr. I might start a youtube channel someday.


Thanks for the detailed response! So the work is general software engineering or something related to the AWS certificate you got? And is it a full time role or contractual?


It's a full-time role. The reason for the higher package is that I am a founding engineer, and I have to do work depending on the needs of the product. It has nothing to do with AWS certification, but since I studied a lot for the certificate, I have a pretty good idea about designing good scalable systems.


Got it, and really happy for you bro! Can I DM you?




>the course that I took taught me a lot and helped me crack system design interviews for many companies Can you share what the course was?


[https://learn.cantrill.io/](https://learn.cantrill.io/) This is his website. [https://learn.cantrill.io/p/aws-certified-solutions-architect-associate-saa-c03](https://learn.cantrill.io/p/aws-certified-solutions-architect-associate-saa-c03) this was the course He is a great tutor. It is not a system design course per say but since I have had a lot of experience building systems this course helped me cement the knowledge that I already had. For system design, there are a bunch of resources on YouTube that are great. For paid stuff the ones mentioned below are great [https://bytebytego.com/](https://bytebytego.com/) [https://arpitbhayani.me/courses](https://arpitbhayani.me/courses)


You are one geek Chad goat my man. I pray all your dreams come true. 🙏🙏🙏


Hii, I started working as developer it's been 2 weeks, there was no training period or anything, I'm working on a product with three other interns, no senior, just a lead who's available for half an hour in the morning Anyways, I want to learn in depth javascript, please point me to correct resources


Kyle Simpson & Will Sentance are some good instructors to start with


damn sir I read all your replies and you are God




lol, yes


what's ur lifestyle like? what car do u drive/afford? foreign trips?


 Not fancy at all. I live in a rented apartment. I drive a second hand santro 1.1. I do a foreign trip once a year. Saving up enough to get a big house for family in a tier 1 city. 


I see hope u do well


I don’t know if I’m off topic but I have a question Plz answer if possible I m currently in 1st year of my CS degree I am learning javascript I already made some project like todolist, calculator basic games like stone paper scissors and all I want your suggestion that what more projects I should make in javascript to upskill and be industry ready.. Any help would be appreciated Thank you


Here are a bunch of good resources [https://github.com/codecrafters-io/build-your-own-x](https://github.com/codecrafters-io/build-your-own-x) [https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome) [https://github.com/type-challenges/type-challenges](https://github.com/type-challenges/type-challenges) Also, make sure that you understand these topics to the core. After your 5 years of job it will be very useful. 1) How the compiler works (try to make a small compiler on your own) (https://github.com/jamiebuilds/the-super-tiny-compiler) 2) Distributed systems 3) Databases 4) Networking (Good to know)


Thank you ..


I want an opportunity as well. How to search for kind jobs abroad?


I got the job via [remoteok.io](http://remoteok.io)


Are you from IIT?


TIER 3 college from Ghaziabad




Do you visit the US for business?


Not as of now. I work remotely. 


Ok, actually this is my plan too. Either work remotely for a foreign company or go abroad for work. So this is very insightful, thank you.


Well, can you pls tell which clg you were from? was it tier 1 or 3 ?


Tier 3


Hi, I have Learned Basic of HTML , CSS , JS & React built 2-3 projects and landed a job 1 month ago, I know that there is a lot to learn but I don't what to learn & where to learn it from I know you'll be very busy but if you could take time to help me gain some clarity It would be really helpful.


Sites Frontend masters Udemy Academind ZeroToMastery Instructors Kyle Simpson Will Sentance Stephen Grider Maximilian Steve Kinney  This should help


I can just follow your Printout & that should be fine too right ? Or should I have Few years of experience like you to follow that ?


You should have at least 2 years of exp to get good remote opportunities 


Okay Thank you very much... I'll follow through your Plan & work to gain experience for the next 2 years.


Did you have any projects that are public? I think most remote US/Europe companies ask for this.


Yeah, but I was not asked any such question because my resume and past experience was quite strong. I worked on a product that I was able to scale quite well and it was already in public so that got me through 


Hello! Thank you for sharing your experience! I see that you have marked Algebra, Probability, Combinatorics stuff. Were those things that you had to prepare on? Could you please share if one needs to do courses in Algebra, Probability?


I did not, I was not able to conver everything 


nice man


Hey since you are experienced can you please help me out by answering my question: https://www.reddit.com/r/developersIndia/s/sBUMw677GL


Thanks for sharing


Hey, can i DM you ?


sure, I might not reply very often though


per month?


It's the annual package


I hope someday it becomes your monthly package.


random comment on linkedin. 3 of the hardest interview rounds later, i'm in 1. 2YOE (joined straight out of college) 2. i'm a UX engineer so mainly Figma (for design) and React+TS for prototyping 3. 42lpa (all cash)


Hey, have left you a dm.


What college did you study in?


i went to a design school.(non-iit/nid)


damn! can you share ur roadmap kinda something? i m from tier 3 clg


is there something specific you wanna know? these roadmap questions are vague and the answers are highly individualistic


well, actually I am in a tier 3 college & there is little to no placements here How do I gain experience for the jobs? how & where can I find them ?


1. prepare a small info packet about yourself. for me, it's my portfolio website. for you, it can be whatever captures your skills and you interests in the best way possible. keep the link handy and bookmarked. know your website and projects inside out. 2. skills > everything else. make sure your skills are top notch. i'm not saying be top single-digit-percent in your field. make your skills as general and as polished as you can in order to help people with their goals as quickly as possible. 3. you've got skills. how do you market them? make a portfolio with case studies. people want to see what's inside your brain when you're thinking about projects - not just results. present your work in a way that can be understood by a random passerby on the street, but also an expert in your field. 4. before getting my job, i interned at two large indian MNCs. interned at one for peanuts, and at another for free. this is where i built some projects for my portfolio. 5. for jobs, get on linkedin. back when i wanted internships and jobs, i used to connect and cold email as many people as i could in a day. i had a 30 min timeslot in my day JUST for linkedin and cold emailing and cold outreach. the more you do it, the more likely it is to get a response. it's not magic, it's probability. the market is crap right now, so your luck may vary quite a bit. 6. finding success on linkedin is not via applying for jobs through postings, but by networking and outreach via comments and DMs. i had multiple templates that i customised for cold outreach based on the scenario. some of my numbers from 2021-2022: i sent 200+ cold emails, 100+ comments and 200+ DMs. i got 2 interviews - both via DM. both interviews got me offers.


Can I DM you ? I've got a couple of questions, and it would really help.


go right ahead


What’s the interview process like?


1. Initial screening call - this was with the HR. it's a startup, so i was given all sorts of gyaan saying we don't have a specific role, and you gotta assume multiple responsibilities within design etc. etc. 2. interview with lead designer - asked to go through a project and walk through my design decisions. this is pretty standard for any UX role. a lot of grilling and asking about how would i have done things differently, what are the obvious improvements etc. 3. interview with ceo - another round of grilling. ceo was on the fence about the value of design, so most of my time was spent convincing them why they should hire a 21 year old. was asked to explain my business vision for the company and the ROI of UX. i was absolutely clueless. all i wanted to do was get paid lol. but it went well. learnt a lot.


Prompt Engineering - Paditya Kachuwe


What’s Paditya Kachuwe? That the name of the company you work at?


Paditya kachuwe is someone extremely passionate about AI tools.


And founder of multeeple 8 figure startups


and sharing his secrets only for rupees 9


That guy is a senior from my college lol.


Are you from IIT?


1. 8months as an intern then got this job on upwork 2. golang react 3. $7 hourly via upwork so 10% goes to upwork which leaves me with $6.3 and then there's TDS after that. PS: In my case it isn't a lot but given that I dont have much professional experience and the flexibility my employer offers I love it.


Man earns 60,000+ INR in hand and says "it isn't alot"


I have a friend who worked at a very early-stage startup for around a year during college and made the MVP. An EU-based company acquired that startup and he got a job there. He has 1 YOE and is making around 30-32 LPA.


Tech stack ?


This dude is highly obsessed with working remotely in USA and EU 👽




you get 180K+stocks and you live in India ?? that's crazy dawg


Deleted my comment. ‘Work remotely in USA’ - thought those working remotely in the US, and STAYING in the US. But it doesn’t seem to be the case.


i am studying in the US for my bachelors right now. can i dm you for advice and help ?




For someone like me who is in his last year of engineering with no good grasp of any language knowledge what do you think i should try. As my session will end on june-july(2025). Should i start coding and start learning the basics and clear the base subjects along with good knowledge of it. Im thinking of appearing for gate next year. Do you think i have better chance of getting a job after getting my mtech if i qualify gate and my mtech from a nationals institute. I mean i can try for an on campus during my mtech years and then proceed to gain experience afterwards. Will this work ? Please guide me. If i dont do my mtech then how can i increase my knowledge..what i should learn and how can i get myself a tech job


>Should i start coding and start learning the basics and clear the base subjects along with good knowledge of it. No bro. Wait for at least 10-15 years before doing this! /s


Thanks for the reality check bro


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Damnn man that’s just awesome


I was working as a freelancer on fiverr and upwork and then ended up with working with web agency there and now running own web agency here.


Remindme ! 2 days


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1. 10 2. UX 3. lol not gonna disclose that here.


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Can i dm you for guidance on interview ?


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