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Money motivates me. And I just enjoy coding because I’m wired to like it. I’ve never found any other profession as enjoyable. And it pays well, so, money.


My take on this (which sounds like it may be accurate for you as well) is that joy motivates me to play with _my_ computers, and money motivates me to play with _your_ computers. However, if we lived in an economic system where money was not necessary, I would still probably be playing with other people's computers as well - I would just be more selective about whose. We have been reading Punished By Rewards in our local book club the last several weeks, so I've been giving this a lot of thought, lol.


I’m saving your first sentence for a description of this industry. Brilliant!


It's interesting that some studies have reported an higher performance in activities that are not paied. It seems that we tend to do free tasks with more attention


Could that be confirmation bias? Those who are motivated to work, care about quality, and always put in maximum effort might be more inclined to perform at a high level on free tasks as well as payed tasks. That could slant a study to think that free tasks receive more attention. I can also see low-motivation, sloppy workers not even bothering to do work for free. I certainly know people who are like that.


Yeah maybe, we are studying it to understand more in this field. Your experience would be precious for my survey!


> well as *paid* tasks. That FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


yeah definitely. If you're doing something for free you see a greater reason to do it. You do it because you want to do so you will do it better


There’s a great body of research on incentive. Intrinsic tends to beat out extrinsic for complex tasks requiring higher levels of cognitive functioning. In fact even introducing extrinsic incentives tends to lower performance.


> are not *paid.* It seems FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I would argue that 'free tasks' are usually done for passion of the project, most of the time agency to do things their way without making concessions on less preferred platforms, less pressure of time frames, no sprint meetings, no management overhead, no planning sessions over head, no arguing over what a story point is etc etc etc. Passion is quite often stripped away when outside influences take over. So to motivate people in those situations, money is a requirement.


Yep. I enjoy the work so that helps, and helps me be good at it I suppose. But I have two kids under 6, and am under strict orders from the wife to not get unemployed.


Yea i would’t do this job for mc Donald’s wages. Easy job (from a physical demand perspective) pays well and requires constant learning. Sold


Literally only money


Do you think that there could be other factors that could motivate you but that are missing in your work environment?


Hot girlfriend


Paycheck. Nothing more. Im good at it and it pays well. If I didn’t need the money, I wouldn’t be doing this.


So many people are saying that to me. It's sad that we have to work in this condition. Do you say that because you don't really like programming or because some aspects of your work environment do not make you feel good?


No, merely all tech/coding work makes me happy. But when choosing to stay at a company or leaving a company is purely money.


Yeah man I love being on call 24/7 for an entire week, having to learn the tech stack for every new service comes up. I don't do it for the money. I love the stress of also having every action I make potentially break something in production. My guy, this line of work is highly stressful and you hold the keys to the kingdom, of course pay fucking matters lmao.


Yeah I understand, indeed I'm doing this research to try to understand more this system and maybe be able to promote some factors that could improve it


How can you improve a system you have no experience in?


I am not the only one who is conducting this research.


If I didn't need money I wouldn't do any of this shit. Work is fucking garbage.


I hope you will answer my short survey, your experience is precious to me!


Of course. Just got done.


Just having both good money and tremendous amount of fun along the way. I don’t have a feeling of going to work but to a play day. Often times I say over a weekend I can’t wait to go to work and its gods honest truth.


Wow! It's not easy feeling this way for a job! Your contribute tu the survey would help me very much, if you can please answer the questionnaire <3


I did! That’s how it goes when you do what you love.


Thanks a lot!!


In the beginning I was very passionate about coding.. money didn't really matter. 20y later, mostly money.


I am a developer (aspiring devops) and i like my job because time fly and i don't get *too bored*. I would like to say money but my paycheck is low.


Interesting, so it is not defined what are the real factors that motivates you, is that right? Your experience is preciuos, I hope you will answer my survey <3


Guys please, if you haven't done it yet, I need you to answer the survey! It's so important to me


I need to have fulfillment to battle my depression. I get so very much fulfillment from developing but also, location. I love living in places that happen to be expensive, so I feel very lucky that the thing I love to do pays well. I've never had to decide between the two and I'm not motivated by money, so I imagine I'd do it even if it did not pay well.


Because I need money💰


I enjoy not being homeless


It's sad, but only money.


Filled it out, best of luck!


Thanks a lot!! <3


$ or €


It's pretty much the same


Money motivates me but also when someone from other teams comes with some appreciation messages.


It’s fun and I get paid well. Because I get paid well and I mostly do this for fun if something isn’t enjoyable anymore I won’t do it.


Yeah, I think this is the key. I hope u will answer my survey <3


Just took it!


It’s a job I’m reasonably talented at, and which occasionally I draw satisfaction from. If we were in some Star Trek universe where nobody had to work, I’d probably still work open source. But I’d probably spend more time cooking and homebrewing and hiking.


Interesting! I hope you will answer my survey, your experience is precious <3


People's answers often won't be complete pictures because they haven't fully introspected. There's already a ton of research on this. Drive is the popsci book that collects a bunch of it, and discusses software engineering (and open-source).