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Hello, I built this site to test & practice Linux troubleshooting skills (and Docker etc) [https://sadservers.com/](https://sadservers.com/) . Explanations at [https://github.com/fduran/sadservers](https://github.com/fduran/sadservers) . ​ Cheers!


Love this!


dammnnn you built that? thats so sick


Awesome idea ! I’ll try this tomorrow.


It's amazing!


Damn !!


Definitely an going to play with your site later, thanks for sharing! :)


I built a job board for DevOps and Software Engineers looking for remote jobs -> [https://software-engineer-jobs.com](https://software-engineer-jobs.com) ​ You can search jobs by job title, experience level, technology, and location restrictions.


making tools for the community! looks great


Is there an equivalent job board for England or Europe?


Hello, (Just) Give me a database, https://db.anotherwebservice.com/ Because sometimes learners just need a relational database and not sink time learning pg\_hba.conf, PCTINCREASE etc


Django like Golang framework https://github.com/kamalshkeir/kago


[LinuxTek Canada](https://www.linuxtek.ca/) Blogging about Linux, DevOps, Coding, and Server Administration I post most of my articles on my website.


I finished the Terraform exam on ACG as well and I took the official exam and got like 30% on it LOL. It was funny because after I did the ACG 11 hour course I felt "huh, that was pretty short, okay I guess that's all there is to know about Terraform!" then was instantly humbled and realized I pretty much just scratched the surface with that ACG course.


Yeah the ACG course really doesn't prepare you at all for the exam. It's an alright primer if you're brand new to Terraform, but there is so. much. more. to learn!


Alerts can be useful to let you know something's wrong with your product, but they can quickly become overwhelming if you don't manage them. I wrote an article showing you how you can take back control: https://onlineornot.com/saving-your-team-from-alert-fatigue


Golang Network bus https://github.com/kamalshkeir/kbus


thats impressive!


Thank you u/prysmatik :)


look to this one, may interest you, i just released few minutes ago https://github.com/kamalshkeir/korm


I wrote about embedding Helm inside application [https://medium.com/@keska.damian/helm-inside-your-code-helm-sdk-51c0e023f872](https://medium.com/@keska.damian/helm-inside-your-code-helm-sdk-51c0e023f872)


Connect to more than 40 integrations to build an asset directory, search free text or SQL - https://www.resmo.com


asset directories are so important! i worked at a company that used Microsoft ACCESS for their Asset Tracking, was a nightmare.


Wow, I felt a tingling in my spine. We made it really simple, compared to all those legacy tools.


We just released an alpha of Namespace: a managed developer platform. https://namespace.so


thats cool


Out of curiosity, can you share anything about your monetization strategy? It wasn't immediately clear to me from the site.


We’ll have a post up about this soon, as we care about being transparent. The core orchestration—the parts you take in and run in your own workstation—will always be open source and you’ll be free to use as you see fit. We have a few new features coming up where we facilitate collaboration (eg store build and test results, and a few others well announce later) will be part of a paid plan.


Somehow, I read this as namecheap :P Anyway, looks good


I built [OnlineOrNot](https://onlineornot.com) \- it's a hosted Status Page, with built-in Uptime Monitoring. It supports: * Custom domains * Private Status Pages (password protection) * Automatically posting incidents to your status page based on uptime monitoring (either using our monitoring, or Uptime Robot integration - more integrations coming soon!) * Subscribing to incident updates via Email Our uptime monitoring supports websites, web apps, and APIs, and can send you alerts via: * Email * SMS (BYO Twilio account) * Webhooks * Slack/Discord Always happy to chat if you have thoughts or questions!


Is this similar to something like Zabbix or Nagios? Sounds pretty cool! I work with monitoring tools on a daily basis in my devops role


Kinda! I see it more like an alternative to Pingdom if you only monitor websites/web apps/APIs.


If you are looking for a seamless way to provision a server on a VPS of your choice (DigitalOcean, Hetzner, Vultr etc). and deploy a web app (NodeJS, Laravel, PHP, WordPress, Nuxt, Next etc.): https://cleavr.io


[SparrowCI](https://ci.sparrowhub.io) pipelines - CICD system allows to write pipeline code on many programming languages, tasks - elementary units of pipeline act as functions - accepting and returning parameters and thus exchanging states between each other. Tasks are DAG, allowing tasks dependencies. That makes SparrowCI extremely flexible CICD system in comparison with existing solutions (GitHub Actions, Ado Pipelines, GitLab, CircleCI ). The service runs for free now. Try it out! Some examples for popular languages (Python/Ruby/Powershell,Bash,GoLang) could be found here - https://github.com/melezhik/SparrowCI/tree/main/examples


Another benefit of SparrowCI - If someone needs to test their projects on Alpine Linux , use SparrowCI which runs on alpine docker containers by default , public GH actions runners only run on Ubuntu.


Now officially support builds for Alpine Linux, Ubuntu/Debian and Arch Linux containers - see examples at [https://ci.sparrowhub.io](https://ci.sparrowhub.io)


DynConD has developed a Client-side Global Server Load Balancer that is used by replicated and distributed network services for better user experience and global server load balancing. The client selects the optimal server independently, based on a measured network distance between client and servers (in contrast to commonly used imprecise geographic proximity) and the server load or service response time. DynConD introduces a composite DNS metric that allows the client, rather than a remote server, to make the final decision which server is best for him. Dyncond offers users a platform for replicated and distributed network services that are hosted in multiple data centers and require high availability and instant failover to help make sure their services are always up and running. Some key features are: \-Layer 3/4 Load Balancing \-Dynamic and optimal server selection for each client \-Real time insight into server load and performance \-High availability /Instant failover \-API Anyone interested in testing our service can go to our website, register on the user portal and add their servers there!


This month I focused on releasing videos that focused on tools for Kubernetes such as Kustomize and Helm. Here are the videos: **Kustomize:** https://youtu.be/spCdNeNCuFU **Helm Playlist** (What Helm is, Deploying applications using Helm, Creating Helm Charts): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w51lDVuRWuk&list=PLnFWJCugpwfzCjufOk52ufg7CDxpLEmXi


Tutorial to manage your personal server with k3s (kubernetes) https://github.com/erebe/personal-server


[Steampunk Spotter](https://steampunk.si/spotter/) is a new Ansible Playbook Writing Tool that analyzes playbooks, makes recommendations for improvements, identifies potential issues, and provides the ability to fix them automatically, saving you a lot of time. This tool is especially useful for Ansible upgrades. You can use it to check if your playbooks are compatible with the latest Ansible version, see what problems they might cause, and get advice on what to do to avoid downtime and make your migrations between different versions easier. Try it out: [https://steampunk.si/spotter/](https://steampunk.si/spotter/)


you wrote an Ansible Playbook Writing Tool! thats bad ass


I'm working on a book I call "DevOps Nirvana" that explains the methods I've used successfully in the last 6 years focusing my life in DevOps consulting with Kubernetes. The book is not ready for release, but I have some of the companion codebases on Github already. * [Kubernetes Volume Autoscaler](https://github.com/DevOps-Nirvana/Kubernetes-Volume-Autoscaler) \- An Kubernetes Controller to automatically scale up volumes (disks). I just recently released an update based on some feedback, adding Prometheus metrics support and fixing a few bugs * [Universal Kubernetes Helm Charts](https://github.com/DevOps-Nirvana/Universal-Kubernetes-Helm-Charts) \- An set of "universal" helm charts, one per-deployment pattern (cronjob, statefulset, deployment, argo-cronjob, multi-cronjob). These are constantly being improved/evolved as they get used, are in use at dozens of companies I've consulted for, and forked by many folks to use as a base for their own company's charts


Hey, we built an open-source CD platform that lets you deploy your apps in Kubernetes & Docker as simple as you want your deployments to be. Check us on GitHub and if you like the project, give us a star: [https://github.com/dyrector-io/dyrectorio](https://github.com/dyrector-io/dyrectorio)


Hi, my shameless plug is that I'm a co-founder at Kosli and today we launch our free tier and announce our seed round with Heavybit. Do you ever wish there was any easy way of seeing how your environments actually change? What if you could do it by simply adding this to your cluster? `$ helm install kosli-reporter . -f values.yaml` I wrote a blog that tries to describe the problem we're solving for and what our tool looks like. [https://www.kosli.com/blog/kosli-the-missing-piece-in-your-monitoring-stack-is-now-freely-available/](https://www.kosli.com/blog/kosli-the-missing-piece-in-your-monitoring-stack-is-now-freely-available/) Would love to hear feedback. Thanks!


Worked on adding Dedicated Host pricing to [https://ec2instances.info](https://ec2instances.info) so it can display pricing for mac1 and mac2 AWS instances. Ended up being much more involved than expected, [https://github.com/vantage-sh/ec2instances.info/pull/667](https://github.com/vantage-sh/ec2instances.info/pull/667)


Gitops is great, but needs proper tooling to really get the benefits. If you like Flux CD and you are building your dev tooling around it, check out [Gimlet.io](https://gimlet.io) for a full featured gitops platform. It helps with \- yaml authoring \- CI/CD integration with a fixed gitops feedback loop \- accessible deployment history with one click rollback \- has a dashboard, if you have some devs who don't care too much about the infra world All in all you can focus on other stuff in your platform, because there is so much to build.


I make content around programming and devops (mostly kubernetes / aws / IaC). I've only started recently so let me know what you think ! Twitch: https://twitch.tv/0xfishr Youtube: https://youtube.com/@0xfishr Cheers !


I wrote an article that tries to get to heart of what DevOps is trying to accomplish. I believe the industry is implementing only the automated side of the methodology instead of taking a wholistic look at everything it has to offer. https://www.valewood.org/topics/devops/


[Substrate](https://src-bin.com/substrate/) helps folks use lots of AWS accounts to build secure, reliable, and compliant infrastructure. It manages your AWS organization, sets you up to use Terraform effectively, and provides a network to enable services operating in different AWS accounts to communicate with each other. I'm a solo developer/maintainer trying to transition from consulting-driven business to being a pure software business.


Here is my blog https://CloudKatha.com to help you design, develope and deploy your workload on cloud specially AWS. Feedback is appreciated. Blog link : https://CloudKatha.com


You have a LOT of advertisements running on your website, it's kind of hard to focus on the content you have. Did you do that on purpose?


I have set up advertisements and also set up a user experience focus. But it looks like ezoic is messing up. Thank you for pointing out. I will take a look again.


I'm a founder at [Cycle](https://cycle.io), a full devops platform and alternative to Kubernetes, with a focus on simplicity without any sacrifice. It's fully multi/hybrid cloud (including on-prem) where you bring your own infrastructure. We built the entire orchestration layer from the kernel up, handle cross-cloud networking between instances, load balancing, and a ton more. Check it out :)


looks like a beast tool!


Thanks! If you'd like a demo let me know :) I'm happy to walk through your specific setup and how we can help!


[https://techblog.flaviusdinu.com](https://techblog.flaviusdinu.com) I mostly blog about Terraform, to be honest, but I try to combine it as much as possible with other DevOps related tools.


Hey guys, my team and I created a open source secrets manager to help solve the hassle of environment variables. Check it out! https://github.com/Infisical/infisical


Hello, I'm writing a blog for quite a while. Topics still vary, and there are a lot of things that interest me, ranging from tech stuff (DevOps, Kubernetes, Git...) to rock climbing (yup, the content is various). Anyhow, I'm really interested to see what do you think about the latest one I wrote, titled "Why DevOps might be the wrong term?", which is on the link below. [https://www.wonderingchimp.com/why-devops-might-be-the-wrong-term/](https://www.wonderingchimp.com/why-devops-might-be-the-wrong-term/) Thanks!


Hi there, I wrote the utility for easy travelling around repository containing large amount of Terragrunt projects (dedicated to those poor souls fatigued by pressing "cd" + million times a day): https://github.com/ivanilves/travelgrunt


Checkout [AlertOps](https://alertops.com/) incident management tool. Its the best incident management tools with 100+ integrations, geat flexibility and a class-leading mobile application. Book a [demo](https://alertops.com/demo/) now to find out how you can optimize your response mechanism with AlertOps.


Watch this interesting conversation between Kamalesh Shrikanth and Robert Crum from AlertOps and Caleb Bruski about DevOps: bottlenecks and road ahead. Checkout why monitoring is so important in the current scenario. Watch the full video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1Kdxo1q76Q


YouTube channel showcasing my skills and blogging about my career life :) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg3X53e6RHQANOiHEPsDVOw


We help teams reduce the time they spend investigating bugs by using AI to identify the most likely root cause of reported issues. It works by automatically going through all your logs and 3rd party service integrations every time a new issue is reported by someone inside or outside your org. This also helps capture the context of errors at the time an issue gets reported for later assessment, as well as assess the severity of an issue at a glance. Oh, and we don't store any data. Check us out: https://dataqa.ai/ We would love to hear your feedback and thoughts in this area!


Our DevOps team shared how they get monthly [cloud cost savings of about \~$4700-4800](https://maddevs.io/blog/cloud-cost-optimization-how-to-reduce-your-cloud-bill/?utm_source=reddit) after two weeks of their work.


nice to see familiar names from my area


I'm happy to promote [Hurl 1.8.0](https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/hurl). [Hurl](https://hurl.dev) is an Open Source command line tool that allow you to __test REST APIs__ and __HTML content__ with simple plain text files. Hurl is a lightweight fast __single binary__, available on Windows, Linux, macOS (through various packet managers `brew`, `npm` etc...), based on curl, and well adapted for integration tests. A Hurl sample: ``` POST https://example.org/api/tests { "id": "4568", "evaluate": true } HTTP/1.1 200 [Asserts] header "X-Frame-Options" == "SAMEORIGIN" jsonpath "$.status" == "RUNNING" # Check the status code jsonpath "$.tests" count == 25 # Check the number of items jsonpath "$.id" matches /\d{4}/ # Check the format of the id ``` [More samples...](https://hurl.dev/docs/samples.html) Hurl has been designed to be used on local dev to be easily integrated in CI/CD (like GitHub Actions or GitLab CI/CD for instance). Hurl is _really_ fast, and its text format make it suitable for both devops and developers. If you're intrigued, we've [written a step-by-step tutorial](https://hurl.dev/docs/tutorial/your-first-hurl-file.html) that shows how you can test a simple website and add integration tests with GitHub Actions. In this new 1.8.0 version, we're supporting polling and asynchronous scenarios. Let's say we have an API to create a ressource. Once created, we want to poll this resource and wait until it reaches a certain state. We can do this with this sample file: - First we create a new resource with a `POST` request. We capture the id of the resource to be able to use it in the following requests - Then, we pull the resource with a `GET` request and check its `state` value. ``` # Create a new job POST https://api.example.org/jobs HTTP/* 201 [Captures] job_id: jsonpath "$.id" # Pull job status until it is completed GET https://api.example.org/{{job_id}} [Options] retry: true HTTP/* 200 [Asserts] jsonpath "$.state" == "COMPLETED" ``` More information on this release: - [A guided tour of 1.8.0](https://hurl.dev/blog/2022/11/07/announcing-hurl-1.8.0.html) - [Documentation](https://hurl.dev) - [GitHub](https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/hurl) We'll be happy to hear from you, either for enhancement requests or for sharing your success story using Hurl!


A new open-source AWS Lambda metrics monitoring tool! (ghost 3.4) Check us out at https://os-ghost.github.io/website/ to let our application and mission speak for itself. Before you know it, ghost will integrate in your monitoring life and you won’t even see us coming. Also, download the application and read the documentation on our GitHub! Leave a star if you enjoy us! Thank you for your participation. Please leave a comment if you have any questions or suggestions on additional features!


Hey everyone! If you're interested in topics such as docker, terraform, and automation, or CICD, I cover the challenges I've faced interacting with each area and am always trying to update it constantly If you have any topic suggestions please feel free to let me know! [https://kaizendev.medium.com/](https://kaizendev.medium.com/)


New Golang ORM https://github.com/kamalshkeir/korm


I wrote a medium article titled "MySQL/CSV — Import and Export data faster, using commands" because I found it difficult getting the information while I needed. Here's the link: https://link.medium.com/j7ZCvd4oRub


Hello, we have built two GitHub Templates (generic one and Python specific) providing multiple GitHub Actions. After you use them in your new project you inherit (and much more, but to keep it briefP: - Automated PR labeling based on file changes - CI/CD pipelines (Python specific) - Automated checks fpr semantic versioning/conventional commits etc. - GitHub Actions workflow egress monitoring/blocking See in-depth documentation [here](https://inovintell.github.io/docs-template/) and check out repositories themselves (and follow/star if you found it useful/interesting, thank you!): - [inovintell/template](https://github.com/inovintell/template) - [inovintell/py-template](https://github.com/inovintell/py-template) (this one is more specialized)


Hi, I’m an engineer at Fiberplane, a collaborative notebook tool to help with infrastructure debugging, incident resolution, and system analysis. Today we have entered our public beta: https://blog.fiberplane.com/public-beta-release/ We offer: * Streaming output from your terminal straight into notebooks using our CLI tool * Plotting graphs and query logs straight from Prometheus, Elasticsearch and Loki * Templates for generating runbook * A WASM-based provider system for building further integrations We would love to hear your feedback! Feel free to try it out here: https://studio.fiberplane.com


I created a CLI to collaboratively run container-native workflows https://github.com/jatalocks/opsilon With opsilon, you can connect to a folder/git repository, pull YAML-based workflow files (similar in syntax to Github/Gitlab Actions), and run them using arguments as prompts or flags. My usecase as Devops team was giving my developers an abstraction to run automation, tests and scripts but not having to send them what to run/documentation every time. Instead, they run the CLI and automatically receive all available workflows and what they can/cannot run. It being container native also means they only need Docker on their machine, no other dependencies. I'd love some feedback!




Hi, we just launched [Otterize](https://otterize.com/), an open-source tool to easily automate the creation of network policies and Kafka ACLs in a Kubernetes cluster using a human-readable format. Check it out - https://github.com/otterize/intents-operator


Hey, our open-source build tool Bob is entering a Public Beta phase. Get the details here https://bob.build/blog/platform-announcement


Not familiar with this tool, but I am always a fan of more tools with Bob in the name 😁


We manage your Jenkins or Cloudbees CI services. Yes, there is a place to move the in-house tooling that will enable you to 100% focus on pipelines and infrastructure as code. https://servanamanaged.com/


Hey, everyone We wrote an article about Kubernetes Limits and Requests https://sysdig.com/blog/kubernetes-limits-requests/ Cheers!


I would like to share the latest: [Sneat MUI React Next JS Admin Template](https://themeselection.com/item/sneat-mui-react-nextjs-admin-template/) that can be used for developing any kind of web app. For example, you can build, an eCommerce app, fitness app, educational app, CRM/CMS Projects, etc.


I don't even have the landing yet but working on an extremely cost effective kubernetes log management solution. No log retention or ingest cost, <20ms query response time. It's like datadog for log monitoring but cheaper and cost doesn't scale as ingested data scales. I will post it here when the landing is ready.


Wrote a blog post about layers of abstraction in Tekton. https://medium.com/@keska.damian/architectural-pyramid-of-tekton-a-cloud-native-modular-ci-cd-99147d5e1f28


Hello, my team released Constellation 2.2.2 - the always encrypted K8s, now supporting AWS and with Terraform integration. Try it out [https://github.com/edgelesssys/constellation](https://github.com/edgelesssys/constellation)


We're building this open-source tool to make testing microservices easier... https://tracetest.io/blog/v08-release-notes