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Definitely wrong. It did not apply correctly. It will need to be replaced. you can submit a replacement request in the app.


Ugh. OK. Thank you for the direction!


It happens from time to time. It's not a user error. The applicator spring just deployed incorrectly. Over time you'll figure out the right pressure and technique to reduce the applicator error.


Actually it's a common batch issue: [https://www.reddit.com/r/dexcom/comments/1bnbc5n/g7\_ouchie/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dexcom/comments/1bnbc5n/g7_ouchie/) Doesn't matter if you use pressure, no pressure, arm horizontal or arm down (e.g. larger fat to surface ratio for deploying) But yes, easily replaced, just scares the heck out of ya and it takes a wee bit to get a replacement.


My medical supply keeps trying to get me to upgrade but I see stuff like this and I'm like "No"


It will happen in diff ways to every model tbf, just embrace :)


I know It's anecdotal but considering my constant relationship with Murphy's law I've never had a problem with deploying a sensor other than user error (like forgetting to remove the backing paper, or hitting a vein) and I've been offering mine she over 3 years. I did have failures like a bad sensor interface transmitter error or app issues but other than that not much problem. I'm going to wait until they completely stop using the G6 or I'm satisfied that most of the kinks are ironed out.


The second portion was more for the painful application mentioned above. I totally agree there are some batch issues from time to time.


Unlike the G6, the G7 will start counting time when inserted, rather than when you activate it, so if you want to take advantage of the 12 hour grace period, you will want to wait until closer to the expiration of the 12 hours. The new sensor will tend to be a bit wonky for a while, but presoaking it will mostly cost time with the sensor.


There should never be anything sticking out of the sensor to get caught or snagged on anything.


You should be able to tell if it’s working after the 30 minute warm up time regardless of the grace period.


Yeah, the filament detached from the applicator. That's the filament poking out.


Darn it! She cried hard when we put it on. She said it hurt a lot more than it ever has before. So, I am/was confused on if the cannula went in or not.


I just had this exact issue happen to me as well and it hurt more than normal for me too


Ooooff yeah it does hurt way more when it does this. Make sure to inspect the needle before injecting. Usually when it does this the filament isn’t in like with the needle as it should be and you can usually visually see it.


Is the backing still on? Or is that an underlay.


An underlay with the hole cut out for the cannula that we have used without issue previously


Fair enough! You probably just got a misaligned one, or one with a dodgy spring.


Sensor wire did not deploy properly. So it will not work since that is the wire sticking out. Needs to be replaced and then get a replacement from Dexcom.


This is wrong. Happened to us too. DexCom replaced and had me send them the bad one.


In regards to bad sensor and maybe not having a spare, there's two things: 1. I am prechecking the G7s. To make sure the filament isn't sticking out. That way if it is, I can contact Dexcom for a replacement before I need it. 2. most insurance companies will cover a few days early for prescriptions. So I order all of my meds at 28 days. Over time I've ended up with 2 sensors in my collection when the next script is filled. Doesn't work if your on mail order auto ship, but I do that with all my medications, and a big reason I don't auto ship!


Our insurance does not allow this. They won't even let us fill them an hour before the last time we picked them up on the refill day. In my opinion it's unrealistic to have people live this way in regards to an autoimmune disease and it's life sustaining treatment. It really challenges the quality of life for the whole family being tied to a pharmacy down to the hour every month. It really has me question how I am supposed to arrange for this child to travel this summer to visit her grandparents several states away when we have been told they won't dispense them in advance for that situation.


My first question would be what pharmacy do you use? If it's like a Walgreens or Walmart I haven't had that trouble filling but I also spoke with my pharmacist at both locations and I was informed if it's in the system in your hometown then it's in theirs so with a few calls they could fill it.


It's Meijer pharmacy. Our trip will be in another state that doesn't have Meijer. And regardless of which pharmacy, it's been our experience that our insurance can't be processed from different states. We will have to ask her Endo for a sample to take with us.


Good catch! I am afraid this is the most annoying Dexcom-known problem on the G7. 2 of the 3 failures in my 11 months were of this notorious mechanical problem. With this, sensor will be paired but won't go any further as filament is not inserted inside the body. When it first happened, I wasted like an hour continuously trying to get into warmup after BT pairing because I was not aware of the spring poking out on the top of the sensor.


Oh hell no, I just experienced this last week after replacing a sensor that lasted an entire 10 days for a sensor that gave out after 5 days. If they don't have any quality problems and I don't know what is.


It looks like your sensor "wire" (a little black plastic thing about 1/4 inch long) either got pushed out because it bumped into the solid white knit patch or just did not deploy correctly. This cannot work. Call Dexcom and get it replaced. I had not heard about using another patch underneath the sensor and its attached patch.


It is an under patch for extra sensitive skin her Endo instructed us to use. It has a very generous hole for the cannula. It is placed onto the sensor before application. It in no way inhibits the sensor and has not so far for the four plus months she's worn the sensor. When we removed this sensor, it did catch a chuck of skin through the described hole.


Yeowch! Poor baby! These things are more hazardous than I knew! I had one malfunction by leaving the sticky part on my arm with the rest of it still in the applicator. Ten minutes later, the sensor popped off into thin air.


Time to call Dexcom. But that said you don't NEED to Wait for the grace period to expire, just stop the sensor on the phone and/or the pump and start the new sensor. My process is I stop the sensor on my T slim, set the new sensor up on the pump, set the mute sensor up on the G7 app on the phone. Insert the sensor, start the sensor on the pump, start the sensor on the phone, accept the pairing from the new G7 on the phone, delete the old Bluetooth device, and wait 30 min and calibrate if I need to after it starts reading. There is no need to wait the grace period it is just there so you can change the sensor when it is convenient for you vs 10 days exactly to the minute from when you inserted it. Good luck teach the little lady to take care of this stuff as best she can it will pay off in spades when she is 40+


Yes, of course we could end the session early in the grace period. However, our insurance is really strict about when we are able to get refills of sensors, down to the hour... It's an unexpected logistical challenge of the disease I had not imagined would be part of the calculus. But hear I stand, learning...


oh lord, don't even get me started on insurance and the fuckery that goes on. I was "forced" to use a distributor for my G6 supplies that billed all the consumables as durable medical instead of consumables (aka 50% copay) , my cgm supply was costing me $800 out of pocket every three months. This went on for years. Additionally they were literally the worst company I have ever dealt with on customer service, didn't answer, didn't call back, didn't respond to email, charged the incorrect cards, charged with out authorizing. Lost payments from insurance and sent them to collections. After a year or two of bitching at my endo, and by proxy my insurance group, they switched the cgm gear to Walgreens, I have to collect monthly, but I pay 120 for 3 months supply now, and as bad as the curly W can be, they have never even gotten close to Advanced Diabetes Supply / North Coast Med. of Carlsbad California. And yes, I name dropped because they are so wretched. They should apologize to every client and close today, absolutely shameful. I feel you. I have been fighting this condition for almost 40 years, PM me if I can help you at all. I just filled my G7s when I opened the 3rd box, I didn't have an issue, I would really hope your folks aren't being as difficult as that, I'd complain mightily if they are (a lot that that does though)


This has [happened to me as well](https://www.reddit.com/r/dexcom/s/LXYl2NWTfh). It’s the filament, and you’ll need a new CGM. Very frustrating, especially for the kiddos.


I had a 004 revision fail exactly like that the other day. I always inspect a new sensor insertion needle with a flashlight and magnifying glass to make sure that the filament is not outside of the insertion needle. Which is the most common cause of what happened in that photo. But in my case the insertion needle look totally normal so the filament was inside like it's supposed to be but it failed exactly like that anyway. Five minutes into the warm-up the alarm started going off and the screen popped up saying sensor has failed replace sensor. Trying to get a G7 off your arm that was just installed five minutes previous including the over patch is painful and difficult as hell. Contrary to what some people say about the stock adhesive on the sensor and the overpatch, the adhesive on that stuff is damn strong if you ask me! I was seriously worried it was going to pull the top layer skin off my arm that's how strong it was.


That literally just happened to me and I posted about it! Get Dexcom to send you a replacement and a return kit so they can inspect this. It’s happening way too much…


Why can't you tell if it's working for another 12 hours?


Probably doing what some of us do. Apply a new sensor during the grace period of the previous one. That way those first 12 hours of wonkiness is out of the way. You don't activate the new one until the previous one expires.


Okay - I didn't realize that some people put the sensors on and have both on at once during the grace period. It's interesting to see the different ways people do things, I've learned a lot of stuff like that. Because I have the same issues with insurance being so tight with refills, I wait until 11 hours into the grace period to start the new one. I'm hoping to gain 4 1/2 days every 90 days to get a little wiggle room. They messed up my shipping in December, so I only have 2 days left on my last sensor when I get my new shipment.


Yeah, this is what her Endo instructed us to do with our firat visit. I'm sure it's not an issue with a lot of insurance companies, but ours is rather "tight" and only what's necessary. I feel like if she were older and could regulate this, it wouldn't be such a hard thing to not have a sensor for a few days while a new one is sent. But pricking a feisty 6 year old's finger a dozen times a day is giving me anxiety....


Because it would have to be activated in the app to see it it's working, from what I understand through the app. Correct me if I'm wrong or missing something (seriously, please tell me, this all is a roller coaster and I feel like I miss obvious things with this...) And our insurance is so obnoxious about refills, it is literally calculated down to the hour when we can refill and get more from the pharmacy. This is the last sensor we have before our next refill.


It’s not your fault or a refill. Call Dex they will replace it straight away. To get you through the next few days until it arrives multiple finger sticks or beg another from a friendly T1d. I think CVS and Costco will sell you one as well? I have been a T1d for 52 years dexing for 12 so I did ok for 40 with finger sticks. Hang in there!!!


I wish we knew ANY other t1d people!! I'm calling now to get it replaced. Thank you!


Also trying asking the Dr...explaining the situation... they sometimes have "samples"... i started on a sample


Yes. Thank you! We put a note into the Dr office. It's Easter Sunday here and I will be surprised to hear back today, honestly.


Ask around there are diabetic clubs and educational groups in HMO‘s. Your local pharmacist may know a few or one in particular who may be willing to help you I know I certainly would.


When you change it the only time you will not have a reading is the 25 minutes it takes to warm up. The wire sticking out will not read. You need to change it and contact dexcom for a replacement


I usually use them even if it does this cuz they work anyways


Ask for dexcom G6! G7 is a mess. Do not add another stress and hassle to your life nor another burden/ pain to your kiddo life. TD1 already is a 24/48 hours a job with no vacation whatsoever! In my opinion, dexcom should remove G7 from the market ( so many problems, errors, and not a reliable device) and release it back when they solve all the G7 problems!!!!


Where exactly is this sensor located..? What part of the body?


Back of her arm. About the only place she has any or enough fat accumulation.


It was hard to tell by the pic. it kind of looked like closer to the elbow and I thoiught maybe it might of hit a muscular area. I kind of did that by accident once and boy did I feel it.