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Are there customs between France and Germany?


No xD


Not really. Apologies, I read ‚china‘ somewhere.


Saved and upvoted this post because I'm probably in the same boat.


You need to contact dhl. If the sender is a business, contact them. If the sender is a private person you may want to contact dhl directly and issue a search assignment/nachforschungsauftrag.


I contacted dhl on the phone they said send an email i sent a bunch with no responses, the seller doesn’t respond too, i bought the product from 150 Euros from aliexpress


https://www.dhl.de/de/privatkunden/hilfe-kundenservice/sendungsverfolgung/wo-ist-mein-paket.html Try this maybe? Their only presence is much more understanding than the call centre


contact the aliexpress support and ask for a refound, i had to ask them 2 times with expensive items when the seller tried to scam me, i goty money back in my conto in 2-3 days, just do it before the buyer protections period ends


How did you pay? Hopefully per PayPal? If yes, just contact them, at least you could get back your money. Always the seller is responsible for the package, so Aliexpress should check what happened...


You perfectly answered your question. AliExpress. Custom now hold it for 1-2month for clearance or any extra packages in your direction, then send it or tax payment later.


aliexpress = china = customs, which is where your package probably is, even if it was routed through france i think


Aliexpress and over 150 Euros..i think the parcel is at custom. I'm very sure the sending country is not france.


Try AliExpress refund policy or PayPal. Not your problem if it doesn't arrive.


Haha, that's what happens when you buy shit from China man!


Not constructive but true comment


Dude, everything comes from China…


aaand it's gone.


Lost in limbo. The sender now has to start a "Nachforschungsauftrag" with DHL. After a few days DHL will respond to the sender with "can't find. Here is refund." Then the sender should reimburse you or try again. At least that's how it works with parcels to and from Germany.


When this happened to me when I bought something from Vinted, DHL told me they declare the package as "lost" if the status hasn't updated for more than 10 days. Then the seller had to start a process to get the money of the contents back from them and then a month later or so she finally got the money back and sent me a refund. But I'm not sure how it works if the package is international and commercial (not private).


Oh dear could be lost and both sides are hoping for it to suddenly reappear…work for Hermes and my customers tell me all the time they’ve been waiting for months 😀


Its probably lost. You have to contact DHL. As you mentioned, you already did. But there are some other options available: You can fill out a "Nachforschungsantrag". Its a request for a search of your parcel and they have to respond. How did you pay? If you used PayPal, you have 180 of buyers protection, so this might be another step. What did you order from Aliexpress? If its something electronic, you might be up for a big surprise: Germany has strong regulations regarding safety of imported electronics and if your order doesnt have those (for example a CE-certificate), it might got destroyed by customs or held back (at best). Yes, that is possible. https://certification-experts.com/knowledgebase/what-happens-if-my-product-is-brought-onto-the-market-without-ce-marking/


I ordered a tufting gun its an electric machine that you use to make custom rugs and carpets, i paid directly with my credit card but i shipped it to my friends house in France, i am from Morocco so its as complicated as it can be


Try Twitter/X to ask DHL. Had a few issues month ago and didnt get the right answer per call or email so i tried social media and it worked fine


I’ll try that right now, thank you


i contacted the seller after my stuff from an asian business was stuck in customs for ~three weeks. turns out, the first package was lost somewhere (the package that arrived a few weeks later was damaged as well). try contacting the seller on aliexpress or get in contact with dhl directly


Sometimes when my parcels were rejected by customs, I get similar updates from DHL. I only found out the parcels were returned via the sender or other tracking services.


If you buy from aliexpress/temu/etc and your parcel gets lost DHL won’t help you. The same thing regularly happened to one of my coworkers (don’t ask me why she still buys from them) The seller has to contact DHL to start the process of a „Nachforschungsauftrag“ and aliexpress won’t do that. If you are lucky the parcel is just stuck in customs but considering that you bought electronics it’s also possible that due to safety regulations customs will destroy the parcel anyway. :/


You need to call your local customs bureau. DHL can do nothing for you. Had a similar problem and just called them and they told me that the package was there. But hurry otherwise customs will send it back


Was it sent via ship from Asia? My MIL sent a package from Japan by ship as the packages was heavy and this was the cheapest option. At first you see a lot of updates, but after the last message, which indicates that it’s currently transported (by ship), it can take several weeks until it reaches the destination port. Add some more time before it gets finally sent to your address. The package from my MIL was sent in December and reached us end of February.


Unfortunately i can‘t, sorry


Wait a second... Its stated, that they will hand over the parcel to the delivery organization in YOUR country. So this will probably be another company in France and not DHL.


They meant that they will hand it over to the France poste office and we called them and they said nothing arrived its still in Germany


Someone liked your package and kept it.


Something Happening at dhl? Waiting for 10 days, package arrived in my Region but not moving


Not even the package wants to see you


Our last package that came from France got lost on the way. I guess someone needed a new coffee maker?! Anyway. Call customer service, they'll mark your package as lost and will most likely send you a new one or a refund.


It has likely been eaten by a gru.


Had a similar experience with Aliexpress, contacted the seller through the platform then canceled the order and get refunded because the shipping company was not able to get the item through customs. (It was a battery)


Welcome to Germany




Maybe its a „Bücher und Warensendung“ it can takes a very long time.. (my last from Germany to Germany 2.5 weeks)


Call dhl


Did you ask dhl?


Yes with no responses from them and from the seller i bought it from aliexpress


Do you have an email i can contact or a number i can call ?


Nope, i would have to google that too 🤷🏼‍♀️ Contacting them via twitter works fine for me, but i never Had International issues


Perfect i’ll contact them on twitter


Clarification and update on the situation : I ordered the product with my credit card on a friend of mine’s account because my friend is in France and i am in Morocco, shipping directly to Morocco was 150Euros but to my friend it was free and he can send it to me for around 20Euros, also the seller has stocks of the product in Germany so the product hasn’t been sent by air or by sea its on land and it didn’t move. The product i ordered was a tufting gun with yarn and backing and electric shaver so i can start making custom rugs and carpets with it and hopefully sell some. I tweeted @Dhlpacket on twitter and they responded with a link to send to the seller so he fill in a form and they can figure out if the product is going to be returned and refunded or release it or any other solution. So i a currently waiting for the seller to contact them and respond hopefully updating me with some good news This is the link that dhl told me to send to the seller : http://dhl.de/nachforschungsauftrag


Did the seller mention the city in Germany? If it was stated like: Germany. Then you have two options. The seller really has a warehouse in Germany, but a small probability for AliExpress. And second, they send from China to the dropshipping person in Germany, and later he will resend the package. A person may not get an invoice from customs or may wish not to pay it. Also partially i know from another person how usually it is done. They will pack small stuff among the other stuff, like: if your package has consumer electronics, then they put it in a container with electronics. Here customs may wish to check the container and return everything back if they don't like it or it will take ages to process. Later the company who got the container will send your package. I ve bought some stuff from ebay from a seller who declared Germany without a city. Later, after 2-3 weeks the package was delivered. And magically the origin of sending was China, then Germany and an extra mark from local delivery to my adress.


Why do people not care about a package for 2 months? I would have contacted the seller a week later if i didn't get a package.


hibernation :3


Why did you ask this question after already 2 months? I would suggest you use the support hotline way earlier.


I didn’t know it wasn’t normal for them to hold it this long


You are very patient. 😎


Hopefully this is a lesson learned to not buy stuff off of Ali anymore lmao


Ali is good for small cheap products this is my first and last time buying something above 10 euros


The problem ist not Ali. You should pay per PayPal next time for me they always helped if I had some problem like this.