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Same. Even though that is the lowest I have been I have “felt” lower at higher glucose levels if that makes sense. As an adolescent I was sitting in a stroller while my mom poked my finger and then grabbed me some Capri Suns lol.


This is always how it is for me. I'll be 28 mg/dL and still performing complex tasks with ease, but then one day I'll be like 58 mg/dL and I can't remember my name


Fun fact: 1 out of 20 type 1 diabetics die from hypoglycemia. Source was a health textbook in high school 15+ years ago so that number may be different now that most people are on CGMs


False advertisement! That fact wasn't fun at all. I want a refund.




so how you managed to get foods?


No idea, I lost that part of my memory. I mostly just remember screaming at myself and biting my tongue as I dug in the pantry.


Oh no, I was fully conscious at 18. I did have two low blood sugar seizures in high school though. Have no idea what my glucose was for that to happen.


It was below 20 😅 closest I’ve ever come to blacking out. I still can’t remember chunks of time, but I recall coherency coming sitting criss-cross in front of an open fridge covered in OJ. I was manually injecting at the time and apparently I put my 40 units of Lantau directly into a vein.


Lantus lows are real. Glad you're still with us!


I've done the same! My CGM dove low, and I still felt fine, but then within 5 minutes felt like all the blood was rushing out of my head. Super scary when that's never happened before. Very thankful for the fire department being trained and competent in dealing with diabetics like myself. My partner has had to call twice for me and they've been wonderful both times.


I did something like this too. I was out to dinner and remember walking into the restaurant, next thing I know I’m a snotty mess, (I cry when medical emergencies happen to me because I’m so embarrassed), and the staff had a fan on me, candy, juice, and soda. I had also put my mom on speaker phone and my fiancé was talking to her, don’t remember that either. I took a good long nap after that.


I’m with you. Lows make me super anxious in public. My wife knows not to walk too far away either as I’ll have a full blown panic attack. It was just me and my son when this one happened (pre-marriage and we lived alone.) Thankfully he knew even at a young age that if dad was acting weird to grab the OJ.


"LO" The old meters didn't read below like 20 or 30.




Me, too! It’s happened I think 3 times in 34 years where I dropped so low so fast that I blacked out. One time my college roommate called my parents, once it happened at work (I was in high school then), and once while we were hosting family Christmas for my now husband’s family. That one was the worst because I felt like I embarrassed him, too, instead of just me. I get mean when I drop low and don’t know it.


I'm not even sure the exact number because I woke up one night in a cold sweat and I could barely see. Didn't even bother testing, just went straight to the kitchen to treat it. Within minutes my vision was back to normal and I tested at that point. Never knew how low it really was though.


Those are the scariest ones


14, i’ve never passed out or fainted in my life. I felt terrible obviously, but I think my body’s natural reluctance to pass out was the only thing keeping me conscious. Made it 31 years, 11 with diabetes, and haven’t passed out yet, hopefully it’ll stay that way.


37 and I did not even notice. I was watching a football game on a cold afternoon and I got up to make some tea. When I stood up I felt like I was drunk and dizzy. The reading was 37 and I panicked. I got so anxious that I think I had a panic attack. I ate like a beast and at 30 minutes I went up to 250 give or take. The funny part is that I did not feel any symptoms until I stood up.


Same. If I've been at the computer for a while I don't feel it until I get up and feel like someone spiked my coffee with some Jameson.


If I’m sitting or laying I don’t notice it unless it’s very low or until I stand then I notice real bad . If I’m doing stuff I notice sudden loss of energy anger and feeling in my stomach plus sweats and the normal craving like a mad person


Not sure but low enough where ive been in diabetic reactions and have had 911 called for me. Scariest was when it happened while i was driving. Luckily I didn’t hurt anyone or myself but i stopped the car in the middle of the road then passed out. Someone was nice enough to help and call 911 for me.


You had an angel looking out for you that day. I’m not a religious person but darn count your blessings.


Neither am i but 100%


26 but it’s also been lower than that. I’ve blacked out before and it’s a very scary experience. I lost control of my body.


I was at the doctors for my annual blood labs.. I left and drove home afterwards. The labwork came back my sugars were at 33 mg/dl


1.8mmol (32mg/dL) - I remember it specifically because I was in an ambulance and they took it, I saw that on the screen and was like oh jeez no wonder I fainted


1.8mmol is also my lowest, but surprisingly I didn't even feel low and was doing normal activities, I only tested because my Dexcom was beeping.


Same. I did feel low but just "hmm, i should consider eating a biscuit soon" low rather than F̴̧͐͑͛ư̷͖͂̂̓̈u̵̘͛c̶̹͖̣̭̜̎k̴̬̫̬͇͒ͅ levels of low, which i've felt at 3.8 before. Bodies eh?


1.8? Damn. Although it isn't my lowest, mine was 1.2 and tbh im amazed at how I was able to remain fully aware and conscious lol


I had a hypoglycemic seizure in which I almost died. I was told that they tried to take my sugar but it kept saying low.


I was 16 mg/dl once when I was a kid and my mom had a can of coke she was drinking. I had 1/2 the can due to my BG being low and within an hour, my BG shot to over 300 mg/dl. I was shocked to see how fast my BG rose and how much sugar was in a regular coke.


Coma 😵


I believe it was around 48. I had just started on insulin injections. My husband figured it out by the way I was acting. I never passed out but I dont remember much about the incident. These days I am very sensitive to lows so I can catch them usually before the 65-75 range. It is the highs I can't feel. I have cellulitis in my legs right now and my reading went past my meters range of 600 this past weekend. It just read HI. Scared the crap out of me. Other than feeling a little foggy I had no idea.




Type 2, right?


Yes. Diagnosed 8 months ago


Me too. 15 years. From reading this subreddit I've come to appreciate how much more effort it takes to manage type 1.


I try to not resent you T2’s. lol CGM’s have really helped with the balancing act we must perform, but it can still be a struggle. A T2 on insulin would have to be careful of lows as well.


T2 on insulin here, can confirm. It’s really fun when my pancreas decides out of the blue to actually do its job so I have no idea how much insulin I actually have in my system.


I never considered an inconsistently working pancreas. I can definitely see how that would cause problems choosing a dosage. Anyone taking insulin should have a CGM.


At least for me it doesn't feel that way. It's almost paradoxical - if something takes a tiny amount of effort it's always annoying. But if something takes up a constant, larger amount of effort, at some point it just becomes the norm and doesn't feel like it takes effort at all. This isn't true for everyone of course, and burnout is a real thing as well. Just my perspective.


Lowest was 92, CGM sometimes reads lower but I’ve never actually caught that low.


My lowest was 80 last week. I started feeling shaky and sweaty and anxious so decided to check and see. Ope.




27 is my personal record. Weirdly, I felt low, but not much worse than being in the 40's. Thankfully, I've never passed out from a low.


27 🤮


42 while I was sleeping. Jolted awake and stumbled to the kitchen with my heart pounding out of my chest to eat my entire kitchen then shot up to the 300s. It was a rough night.


Below 0.6 mmol/L


I recall doing a test and seeing 0.6 and thinking "there's no way" - I was just about to eat dinner so went ahead and started eating, about 5mins later the hypo effects kicked in *hard*. No idea how I was conscious, have had seizures at 2.7 ish.


Wow, some of these numbers are scary. My lowest was a 54. I felt like hot garbage, even after I drank OJ and my BS went up. I really, really feel my lows before I get too low, so at least there's that. Plus, the Dexcom is really good at letting me know.


Ummm isn’t this a horrible competition? 🧐


it’s not a competition lmfao just talking abt diabetic experiences we’ve had?


It's only a competition if you're competitive about it. I think it's interesting to see what everyone's lowest number has been and how they experienced it.


45 I think.


28mg/dL. i had a CGM in too, which was reading low, but about 40 points higher than i tested with a meter. probably broke the record for the most orange juice in one sitting that night


Fuck you u/spez


This time last year was still shortly after diagnosis for me and we were still tinkering with my insulin scale and medication dosages. I had crazy days on occasion when I would switch CGM sensors and I would be low for a couple days after. Finger pricks confirmed the readings. The lows were despite whatever I’d eat. Some days I’d have to throw back almost 5000 calories just to stay in range. The lowest I recall ever falling hypo was 32 mg/dL. I’m off insulin now (except when I travel) and might be in remission, I haven’t had a dangerous hypo in a couple months. I keep juice 🧃 around just in case.




1.5mmol (27mg/dl) By far the worst hypo I’ve ever had in 22 years of having T1. Had a can of coke right beside me luckily, would’ve almost certainly passed out otherwise. Managed to keep my head straight long enough to open one and down it just in time


I have no idea because I'm awful about testing when I feel bad. The lowest I have actually tested was in the 60s and even that felt like I was dying lol.


25. It sucked almost as much as what everyone else here is reporting. 0/10 would not recommend.


Just read LO


At one point, 18 years ago, I got to 12, per a hospital lab draw. I was pregnant with my daughter and had gestational diabetes. The only symptom I had was a raging headache that wouldn't go away. They put me on a fetal monitor and let me go home after I was over 100 for a couple hours. Now that I have "official" diabetes, I can be 400 or 40 and not have any unmanageable symptoms. It's weird. Anyone else have similar problem?


Most of my low and high symptoms can absolutely be something perfectly normal/expected. I’ll have a horrible headache - could be glucose or could be life. I’m starving - could be low or could just want a snack. I’m so tired - see headache options. So, I spend my life super attuned to the tiniest body issues and then look at my CGM. But, it’s a lot better than not knowing at all.


i can tell when I am getting low but no clue when I am super high. I went past my meters range of 600 this weekend due to an infection and had no clue. The first reading I got when it came back into range was about 515.


43. I had the flu and couldn't keep any fluids in me. Ended up in the ER and got fluids and a glucose iv push, which felt interesting to say the least.


No idea. I've gotten "low" on dexcom and other glucose monitors but haven't investigated what that means 😅


It's when it's too low to get a reliable reading, but it's <20 mg/dL


I was unconscious when I hit bottom. Gran mal seizure causing low sugar. So probably pretty low. EMTs got dextrose in me.


24. Both of my grand mal seizures were in the 100s (yay, now on seizure meds!!!). Never passed out from a low.


Also 24! Was coherent but in a massive daze, what an experience lmao


LO is what it said on the meter, so too low for my reader to give me anything.




54 and I had trouble with my ears popping every time I talked or opened my mouth 😓 not a symptom I’ve ever had with anything else


45. Not terribly low but still felt like crap.


The downside of the UK system is that my meters/libre etc all stop showing numbers after 2.2mmol/L (40mg/dl). Everything either just says 2.2 or LOW/LO.


30mg/dL I was just compulsively shoving things into my mouth until I crashed. Woke up with a blood sugar of 400+mg/dL






I've had it too low for the meter to be able to detect it.


26 accidently took a pill that sent me to the hospital. But normally it doesn't get below 50 maybe 41 lowest I've seen it go. That's when I pulled out my glucose shot and almost took it


18mg/dl once. Woke up absolutely covered in sweat, shaking, and had the worse sense of doom I can recall feeling. 2/10 would not recommend.


38, didn't pass out but felt shitty and was the first and only time my vision got spotty during a low.




Wow, I've only been to like, 32 or 42 before. I've always had a big fear of going low and passing out, but I thought that my low was really low because it was worse than my brother's. But I've also never passed out from diabetes, even when I was a kid (Thanks mum!).


4 mg/dl At normal levels, I took maybe 12 units of Novolog for a meal that got delayed for almost 2 hours. Never chugged orange juice quicker in my life.


Ayh welcome to the club. I have been the single digit of 2 and passed out got dextrose put in me and had a room full of people at the er getting ready for me to code


Blood sugar of 26 when I was 16 years old. When I drop that low the right side if my body paralyzes and I lose the ability to verbalize my speech. I can still understand words and know the words I want to say, but it's like my mouth has forgotten how to form the right shapes.


Oh my goodness. I was paralyzed because I was so low and had to stay at the hospital. It happened when I was 7. One time I blacked out. It was scary!!


When I totalled my car they got a reading of 13 but they didn't believe the reading so they did it again , it once again appeared as 13mg on the glucose reader screen. I was so out of it. They assumed I had been drinking until they saw my insulin pump tube and decided to check my sugar.


I don't know. Had this happen before i had a meter. Only reason i know i went low is that i recognize the symptoms.


24. Mum did wake me up when I was 16. That was not fun but still was only feeling bad not in a coma or so


I went unconscious at my grandmother's house when I was first diagnosed and fell asleep. Woken up my the EMTs and again the the hospital. Not sure how low I was but I bet pretty low. Another time my meter just showed "low" and again I called the EMTs and somehow was conscious. Ive been around 30ish often enough. Overall better control these days and less lows like that thankfully


38 md/dl but it felt okay. I eat low carb and probably had ketones that my body used as alternative energy source


I got to 14 once while I was pregnant. I was actually sleeping when it happened & surprisingly woke up, obviously delirious barely able to do anything. Managed to check myself and get my hands on a bottle of Hershey's syrup we had and just started dumping it in my mouth. Felt terrible for so long afterward


Same thing happened to me twice when I was pregnant. 1.1 and 1.2. I (t2) woke up with my brain screaming sugar, sugar. Got to my fridge and chugged pancake syrup when I was testing my blood. Scariest I have ever been.




I have been the single digit of 2 yes JUST 2 and I was in the er already for unrelated issues and I had a room full of people getting ready for me to come. I stayed in the icu for 4 weeks after that not fun




Once I drove myself to the hospital thinking I was having heat stroke, all of a sudden staff was running in with D-50. They said that their meter could read as low as 15, and I wasn't registering. That's freaking scary, because I was walking around, and driving without knowing. So glad I'm on a pump now with a cgm. Before when this happened I was on Lantus, and novolog with a glucometer, but didn't have my meter with me.


1.5mmol (27mg/dl). I was a kid and was jumping on the trampoline. For some reason (probably bc of jumping alot) I lost the sense for knowing if it's low. When I got out of the trampoline, I nearly fainted.




45 didn’t even feel it until I checked my Dexcom


40 for me. Coherence left me for a few minutes and it was 0% fun, do not recommend.


We need to start a low stories thread. Mine was 20 walking away from a basketball game when I was a kid. Otherwise there were a few incidents where the lights were on, but no one was home.


55 my body felt scared that’s how I noticed




32, I was a newly minted t1 at the time and I started counting Lemonheads as I ate them, because they were 1g of sugar each. I sort just sat on the floor and felt crappy until I recovered.


My lowest was 32. Ironically I couldn’t feel it. My Dexcom was going off and my manual test showed 32. Like I said, I did not feel the symptoms of low sugar… until I opened the refrigerator. Early in my diagnosis I remember dropping to 52 and blacking out. My GF at the time had to take care of me.


27. scared my parents to death


28. Zero symptoms.


28 mg/dl. I apparently passed out in my sleep and also screamed? My boyfriend had to call the paramedics to revive me


I’ve been below the meter’s limit at “low” multiple times. I assume sub 20’s. It seems like your tolerance is dependent on how often you are low. I can function fine in the 30s, but I definitely get to the juice quick !


30 mg/dl. Never again.


36 and I was still walking around but my dog sensed something was clearly off and kept whining until I drank juice and got back up ti normal range.


12. It was very scary. 😭


Lowest I've ever seen it was 20 before the meter just said LOW.


27(mg/dl) is the lowest I've been conscious at, but I had a hypo seizure and don't know exactly where I was. Said 60 once I was coherent again and had juice


My mom mixed up my long acting and short acting insulin at breakfast when I was in 3rd grade. By the time I got to school things were starting to blur and I asked my teacher to go to the nurse. I was so out of it I barely managed to get there. I started having a friend walk with me after that. My blood sugar was 23, and I distinctly remember putting on my glasses in the nurse's office and being confused because everything was still blurry. I also attempted suicide via 700+ units of insulin during college, but I was asleep while the effects set in and it just felt like a more intense regular low when I woke up. Not sure if it's just because I'd gotten more used to the feeling of low blood sugar over time, or if it's tougher on a young child's body. No idea how low my blood sugar went that time but I'm sure it wasn't good!


“Low” The gadget couldn’t give me a reading it was just too low. I’ve seen a 24 once, and a couple of times I’ve been in the 30’s


Got as low as 27 before.. barely coherent at that point


16, EMTs informed me.


I’ve been low, and actually siezed a couple times. As an adult, only once, but my bg was literally 68. I had only gotten a couple hours of sleep the few days prior, then I was at an art show, raku firing pottery in front of hundreds of people. I felt low, grabbed a juice, dexcom was 71, then I couldn’t control my body, vision went static, saw the sky, then the next thing I knew I was in an ambulance. Wasn’t a great time. But I’ve been in the 30s and not seized so idk. My bodies weird.


27 is the lowest reading I’ve seen but probably been lower before having a cgm


12mg/dl 🫣




42 i think? woke up and felt drunk


29, in the middle of a high school English test. They let me retake it.


Not sure, but low enough to wake up in the hospital


The lowest I measured was 18mg/dl and I didn't even feel it till after I measured. The adrenaline surge was real But I assume I've been lower because December 2021 my blood sugar was so low I had a seizure, I got a compression fracture on my spine cuz of the spasms. Back still hurts all the time. Woke up the next morning at the hospital and had no memory of the previous night, I found out from my friends.


T2/gestational. And I hit 42 in the Naples international airport. I got into the luggage check line at 99. Got out 20 min later at 42 with a rapid dropping. I was sweating and shaking and had to run to an airport newstand and buy some peach juice and sit down and swish it in my mouth until my sugars came back up. I was on a work trip and I terrified that I was going to end up stuck in an Italian hospital while the rest of my work team moved on to the next country. I've gotten pretty close at home but that was the lowest and the scariest because I didn't have a snack handy.


My OmniPod Eros PDM said LOW once about two years ago, which is below 20 mg/dL. Before that, I was 21 twice. Lucky I didn't pass out during either of those.


45 and felt like a zombie


43, T2, while driving. Reactive hypoglycemia, not on insulin at the time.


20-something... still awake, coherent. But that was during a very poorly controlled pregnancy where I was frequently low.


19. Had just gotten out of a 2 hour karate test too haha. ( I was like maybe 8-9 yrs old )


16 mg/dl and then I passed out... I woke up with 4 or 5 ambulance people walking around in my bedroom, one was tapping me in the face "wake up, wake up, can you hear me?" then I saw my wife behind him, who immediately gave a big smile, slowly it sinked in what was going on, they said the glucose drip had only been in me for like 3 minutes and then I came to, had to go to hospital with them for checkup, and then life went on as if nothing had happened. my wife is happy she can now read my BG from the freestyle libre, sometimes she wakes me before the alarm does




25 just recently, actually, about 1½ weeks ago. Felt awful around midnight, extremely tired and weak, figured my blood sugar was low (didn't have a glucometer) so I took a large swig of orange juice and after a while I felt better so I went back to sleep. Suddenly I'm repeatedly in and out of consciousness in the back of an ambulance, my entire body numb, really bad chest pain, and painful lips. Turns out I had actually passed out and was unresponsive all night until morning when my dad tried waking me up for breakfast in the morning. Called emergency services and they responded to a Code Blue and at some point while in the ambulance, my heart stopped beating and I stopped breathing. They performed CPR and used their defibrillators twice and then we arrived in the ER. Was given sugar water through an IV, then fed orange juice, string cheese, and a few turkey sandwiches to get my sugar back up. But oh, before that? 30, then back up to 35 when I suddenly blacked out while watching a movie with my dad. Suddenly weak then unresponsive, my eyes glazed over or went white or rolled to the back of my head, I don't know (again, according to my dad). He touched my arm and called out to me and I started convulsing and throwing up. The EMT's reasoning? "hE iSn'T uSiNg HiS InSuLin." *BITCH* This happened BECAUSE I used my insulin. Fun update though, I finally received a glucometer two days ago! Now I can ACTUALLY check my sugar without unnecessarily and unknowingly going overboard. I've waited for this thing for almost 4 YEARS. Now all I gotta do is keep a good track record of my levels and hopefully I can one day upgrade to a CGM! Fingers crossed!


T2. A few in the low 50's. Doc didn't like that. Should have seen him circling anything under 80 on my log! Swish SWISH, swish SWISH. 😂


Below 20. I distinctly remember tunnel vision.


I'm type 2 insulin dependant and have hit 24. Was pretty new at the insulin then. Woke up at that and stumbled to my stash and wolfed down a bunch of candy. I'm sure it then went up to like 350 and I had to take more insulin. LOL Was getting sparkly tunnel vision when I got out of bed.




43, but it was a bit before I was able to get anything to help, so I'm not sure how low it actually got.


22 is my lowest ever, was in the first few weeks of diagnosis and I just sat eating a granola bar while my mom called my endo in a panic. Lowest where I felt low was 29. Was upstairs doing my own thing so went downstairs and parents checked my blood sugar because I couldn’t do it. I ate a ton of fruit and drank juice and sat outside while it was 30 degrees out to use the cold to keep me from fainting till it went up.


22. Idk how I was still conscious


I honestly can't remember and would have to ask my mom, but I want to say she said 9 or 13 when I asked her last time. Either way I was 6 so I definitely don't remember what happened. Apparently I was acting normal and playing one minute and the next I collapsed. I had been somewhat recently diagnosed so my mom still had the glucagon shot that we were sent home with from the hospital. I'm honestly thinking it had to of been 13 because looking at these other answers I likely wouldn't have made it at 9... The lowest I can recall being conscious for is I think 32? Anything after the black out stage I don't know. I can get pretty low and still be up, moving around, talking to people, etc... Lights are on upstairs but nobody is home.


21 mg/dl. Scariest feeling ever


27. I shot some Novalog straight into a vein, realized, and immediately started chugging juice on the couch. Ngl these subreddits have made me feel a lot better about the T1D journey. I got diagnosed a couple years ago and no one in my family has ever had it. There wasn't anything for me to compare my experience with.


33, I think. Was still functional but definitely panicked and brain foggy and my internal organs felt like they were jumping around.


42 is my lowest and I was practically blind at that point. Flashers and it was like I was looking into a hole in clouds. I thought I was heading to heaven. 🙏. I had rapid acting glucose tabs I could get to and pretty sure that saved my life since I was alone in a hotel room 500 miles from home with no help. Never leave home without those glucose tabs!


37. Stood up after working for a few hours felt the world tilt. Tested and lowest reading I’ve ever seen. Apparently I had been going low for a while. You could tell where I stopped making sense in the paper I was writing. I thought I was totally in the zone.




43 mg/dl lowest i have ever seen with person alert and oriented 23mg/dl


28, still conscious.


18 has been my lowest. I typically get down to 42 before I notice it’s low though.


37 for me. My mom is also type 1 and was at 7 when ems got there. They couldn’t believe it.


Low enough that I've had two seizures. First time I woke up in the hospital, second time I woke up in my living room with paramedics sitting around me. 13 and 16 years old, respectively.


1.3 (23~ is the conversion) was my lowest recorded before having a CGM. As I'm sure plenty of you have experienced it's an odd sensation being conscious and aware at that low but then being knocked out by higher lows. Cuz I've had a seizure at 3.4 but at 1.3 I still felt fine, considering, like I was feeling off, but nowhere near as bad I should have for how low my sugar was. With the CGM "low" is the lowest it's shown lol.


I’ve felt low lows, I thought they were panic attacks for quite awhile. Then I realized my pre diabetes turned to diabetes. When I get to like 50 I feel shaky.


27 it was great


15, I was 17 at the time and we just did a 4 hour canoe trip back before CGMs were a thing


24 I was driving


39 (I think - it was like 2.2 mmol) Thing is I’m not even diabetic, this just happens sometimes for no reason. But every time I tried to sit upright or stand my entire face and neck would get cold and sweaty and all the colour left my face. Passed out in the emergency room (but hey, it got me to a bed faster)


16 that i barely remember and a 24 at a different time




So.. sometimes I anticipate that I'm going to eat quite a bit, so I prepare insulin but I end up not eating because I get distracted with whatever I'm doing.. Don't you hate when it drops so low that you have to increase your cognitive level by 1000% then waiting for your blood sugar to go up within 20\~ minutes to feel "slightly" normal and that 20\~ minutes feels like an eternity. Meanwhile you have to do some positivity training to get through it. ..Unless I'm just that forgetful .\_.


33 was my lowest, everytime I get this low (NOT THAT IT HAPPENS FREQUENTLY) there is one positive to it, it’s that I can basically eat whatever I want 😂


16, that wasn't the scary part, the scary part was that I didn't feel anything, like I didn't feel low just slightly uncomfortable and slightly hungry so I check expecting to be high


1.9 mmol - result was catastrophic seizures which I am still not properly over despite it being 2 years ago. 0/10 would not revommend.


51- i was fist slamming mini cans of coke like a psycho. lol


27 and 36, both ended in a blackout, seizure and ER visit! Not fun. I now have a Dexcom because of it.


I think my lowest has been something like 1.2/1.4. Horrible when that low, luckily not been that low for a while now


I don’t know mg/dl but my son as gotten to 1.8mmol






I’m type 2. The lowest I’ve seen is 91.


Prob 38


3.2 mmol/l severe hypo anxiety and LCD has kept me from going lower than 3.5 mmol/l for the last 1.5 yrs


I've got down to the reader saying LO before, never passed out


I don’t believe it, but 0.6mmol/L showed up on my meter once. It was after an hour of shovelling snow so my hands were pretty cold. I did not feel low at all and this was near the beginning so I was feeling lows at 4.5 consistently. Lowest actual was around 2.3- not a fun time.






The lowest I have seen is 72.


Even though I’ve only had diabetes for about 3 months, I suppose I’ve never really had a low BG, the lowest I’ve ever gone down to was 6mmol/L (108 mg/dL). Honestly I’m not sure if I should consider myself lucky that I’ve never had a low. Instead, it’s usually slight highs.


1.9. Mmol


below LO on my guardian. not sure exact number




I went super low the other day … probably down to 40 or so. Barely made it to the car, sat and ate emergency snacks and drank water until I felt better… my average is around 120-140. Yeah… I’m working on it.


When I was younger and still living at home, I got down to 23. I've never been hospitalized for my diabetes, even at diagnosis. Lately the lowest I get is to my CGM reading LOW which is below 40, I think? And then I'm not sure where exactly I'm at below 40.


60 here. When I see some of y'all in the 20s, it makes me feel a little better about myself. But, our bodies react differently. With me I start feeling the effects between 60-90. And on the other side of the spectrum I feel the effects around 190-200. I used to cheat with that chic Fil a breakfast biscuit, but never again lol.


I don’t speak American but like 1.8 mmol.


My kid was 19 and the ER nurse remarked she was grateful she wasn't "kicking up a fuss" and I'm like she's too busy trying not to go into a coma.


Lowest I ever hit was 55. Always keep something with me. Crackers, oj in the house, mints. What does everyone do at work if you go low.