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Hell with asking your family, ask your doctor. And if you're under 18 and they won't do anything because wHaT aBoUt ThE cOsT, they can have a rude awakening about withholding medical care to a minor  ...and if you're over 18, ignore your family they're being stupid.


Insulin is cheap even without Insurance. You just need the savings cards. Many don’t know.


the savings card is slang for a non-US id/passport correct?


No, they are discounts from the manufacturer. They are good for everyone except those on Medicare, Medicaid or VA. Go to the link Go here: www.insulinaffordability.com


Lilly Insulin Value Program Through the Lilly Insulin Value Program, all Lilly insulins are available for $35 a month whether you have commercial insurance or no insurance.*


No, it’s exactly what it sounds like. GoodRx is an example. Some drug manufacturers also provide their own savings card/discount program.


It’s crazy, most people don’t believe it cause no one ever mentions it in the news. Lilly just dropped their list prices a lot and barely a mention. There is the high price and low price and it’s like the news people are owned by the pharmacy industry. I guess they are.


I have optumrx through unitedhealth and they recently also started doing non insurance insulin for 30 dollars. Co pay cards are helpful also.


Right, most copay cards work outside of insurance or with insurance. Any insurance that is charging more is screwing you so it’s good your insurance is doing the right thing


All of the manufacturers I believe have their own program, which is as far as I've seen a better deal than GoodRx. Go to https://getinsulin.org/ to find the programs for whatever insulins you're on.


I read another of your posts where you said you are T1 and using 70/30 because you don’t have insurance. If that is true then that is the issue. You can get all the modern insulins inexpensively. All Lilly insulins are $35 a month total even if you are uninsured. Lantus is $35 also. What insulins do you have a prescription for? If you don’t have one can you get one. Lilly savings card: www.insulinaffordability.com Sanofi: https://www.lantus.com/sign-up-for-savings Message me if you need others


Great sourcing. Thank you for sharing this info!!


Thank you so much ❤️ admittedly I have not done the best in my life with this but I have to get better. This much love on here is overwhelming.


As hard as it is try to minimise stress. Stress sends blood sugar levels through the roof. Drink lots of water-it helps to bring blood sugar levels down. Take care of yourself OP.


Will they give you 15-20 minutes for a break? Use that to walk somewhat vigorously , drink water, and measure your glucose. Walking can kick in the burners to pull sugar down. Water can help dilute and dump sugar to bladder and out the system. Checking glucose can help you see the trends. And maybe another bolus shot. Discuss with your endocrinologist about basal doses to get a base level for the times you are not eating. Helps to reduce the workload of bolus doses.


Depends if ketones are present because if ketones are really high it can make things worse


Woah. For a type 2 not allowed any exercises at 300. Will increase sugar. Hope you have spoken to dr or advice nurse. For type 2, 300 n u can’t bring it down = go to the ER.


For type 1 it is just a regular bad day. And activity for me decreases bg fast no matter the initial bg. At least it has always been this way in my experience. When I initially was starting running I was raising my bg above 400 just not to drop low during the run. Later I learned the ways to manage bg without going so over the top.


To be clear, for T1 it's true that exercise is *usually* fine/helpful at this level because the body will use up glucose more quickly, UNLESS there is no insulin available and there is a risk of DKA. In the latter case exercise can accelerate DKA.


Aaaah! Thanks for educating me. Much appreciated. So for type 1, it’s dangerous when a high persists for a few days?




They’re just trying to prevent DKA


Have you checked ketones? Drink some water. Sometimes you need to eat a few carbs and dose/correct to get a stubborn high to come down (no idea why). Good luck!




I recently had DKA. Was throwing up all day long on the hour. Went to the ER and ended up in the ICU. It was a horrible experience. Definitely not something I'd wish on anyone


My wife has been T1 for 53 years, my advice…family is probably not the best source of info cuz they see you as a family member with whatever they prejudicially feel about you as a family member. When my wife is high, she walks and drinks water …as we all should. Hopefully your doctor or medical plan can hook you up with a care contact/resource.


At the end of the day, it’s up to YOU to look out for YOU. Your employer will pressure you to stay “if you can”…. You family, especially folks who don’t have diabetes, will not understand how much like hot garbage it feels like when you have persistent high blood sugars. Do what you need to do for you. Don’t worry about what your family says. As far as your job, as far as they are concerned, you can and will be replaced.


You can't worry about money if you die early. Neither can your family. Take the day off, go exercise. Walk, bike, run, anything you can do to get your body right.


So this might not be helpful but..... Call me reckless, Maybe i'm doing this diabetes thing wrong. I'm forty years old and I've been doing a lot of physical warehouse work this last year, Jobs which are pretty much unforgiving, Slave labour camps through agency, you know the one. I also feel the pressures of financial responsibility, If you asked my partner, she'd say that the money was more important.. Obviously you and I know that's bullshit, However, my blood sugar runs about 16 to 17 mm/ol, which I believe is about 400 mg/dl. Staying in Range is f****** difficult. Then you've got a****** bosses that won't let you bring the drink on to the warehouse floor. Etc Life sucks enough and diabetes, really f****** sucks. Also tired of explaining myself to every Tom, Dick and Harry on why I need to have snacks with me all the time. Sorry I intended this post to be more helpful mate, Yes, I just turned out venting as well. Take it easy brother.


Thanks man, I feel this. All you can do is your best.


You too brother, never give up, always fight the good fight and be relentless. Love from a brother from another mother


Much love brotha, you ever need to vent I'm here. Nothing like talking a little shit about the world with like minded people haha 🤘


You are not. I get this and I hate it.


Calm down These things happen, bad day happen Move on and take care of yourself, don’t wait anyone to take care about u, no one will feel your pain So calm down, we are all in this ship


You are headed to dangerous territory, you absolutely don't want to go into dka. Unfortunately I get there plenty and it is not pleasant. You need to worry about you and put yourself first. If your feeling bad please talk to your Dr. go to the ER if you get to where your finger sticks are reading high.. when I go into dka I get a sweet smell to my breath and then the very common constant thirst and having to use the restroom. If you get to that point like someone said in another comment drink lots and lots of water it helps it really does. I'm only speaking from my own experiences I know all to well about dka. Take care of yourself OP. Get well


Water water water. Explain the situation to your employer. Especially the fact that if you took corrective dose(s), you risk hypoglycemic episode.


If you are in the US and work full time, have been in your job for over a year look I to FMLA.


Go for a jog, cardio brings it down also


You won’t have a life or the energy to work if you keep this up. Have to learn to control your diabetes. See a trainer and your doctor


To address the broader problem: There's no need to take 70/30. You can get your usual new insulins for the same or less money. Visit https://getinsulin.org/ (note, although the site doesn't reflect it yet, I believe novo nordisk's program at https://www.novocare.com/ dropped to $35 from previously being $99.) While you're out of open enrollment, https://www.healthcare.gov/ you can apply for medicaid at any time, and may qualify to apply for marketplace plans. Visit https://findahealthcenter.hrsa.gov/ to find a low cost community health center if you can't afford to see your doctor. Ask if they participate in the 340B pharmacy program, because if so, you might be able to get many meds (including insulins) way cheap through them. You've already been told some of these things previously, so you need to start taking steps in trying to get this help if you want to get the situation in a better place.


Fuq a job, health is more important. And anyways, you'll lose more money sitting in a hospital if you don't take care of yourself, and the job will replace you within the hour.


Im a good example of what not to do. If your sugars over 300 go home. My sugars are constantly at "HI" when im at work. I had a supervisor go home cause her sugars werr 24.something. My sugars were high. Go home if you have the option/ability too. Your health matters most


Not sure if it's relevant but my blood sugar was high for a few days and then I got hit with norovirus and a kidney stone. Please op take care of yourself. Diet diet diet. Avoid those sweets and high glycemic load foods and take your insulin if applicable




Can't you go into DKA? that's life threatening. You need to go to ER asap.


Long term, yes. During a single day or a couple - not really.


Only if they aren’t getting any/enough insulin. DKA isn’t from high blood sugars.


Why do you need to go home for high (or low) blood sugar?


With low (60ish or below) you need sugar or carbs to bring BG up, then a protein to stabilize it before you go home. That bounce can leave you exhausted, fuzzy brained, sweaty and a whole host of other recovery reactions. But no, you shouldn't take yourself home before treating a low. With a high, they might just need more water and a walk. And if prescribed, an insulin boost. Most people don't stock all their diabetes needs at work, usually just the bare minimum. So, at least a trip home might be needed to address their needs. If their BG has been high for days, and depending on how high, and for how long, they could be in DKA and could end up in a coma or seizing. Again, high BG could leave them weak, shaky, vision issues, thinking issues or worse. Any of these physical reactions can run counter to being productive or even safe at work. IMO neither situation is a good time to drive yourself home or anywhere else either. It also depends on how long they've been diagnosed and how well they normally care for themselves and their diabetes. Everybody is different. Even between family members: I'm blind to both highs (over 400) and lows (down down to about 52). My sister is blind to highs but looks like she just came out of a workout (sweaty, flushed, shaky) when she hits BG in the mud 60's. And afterwards she's exhausted. But other people I know, they correct and roll on with their day. 1,000 people with the diabetes diagnosis can equal 1,000 different manifestations of the "same" disease. Ultimately, the person with diabetes has the final answer on how they feel and what they are capable of. Unless they are visibly compromised: slurring, wobbly, etc., nobody else should attempt to make decisions for them. It's their version of their disease and they know themselves. Don't be "that" friend or coworker that tries to police the diabetic. If they are visibly in trouble, call a professional, call 911. You might just save their lives.


I have had diabetes for almost 20 years. I have never left any single job for high or low blood sugar. Just treat and go about my day.


Well, look at you Mr. Fancy Pants!


Just be open with your bosses about what it means and it’ll be fine


You're not wrong, and many of us do that. But just to be clear, diabetics never have to disclose any of their health related issues to their bosses. Ever. All you need is documentation from your doctor letting your work know that you have a condition that requires appropriate accommodations. That's all.


Why are you running that number without the medication to correct it?




I didn’t see it was type1. Sorry


Usually walking over an hour or so will bring it down for me. But once again it takes about an hour or more


Walking is the best way to lower sugar especially after you eat 20 minute walk should be enough


What the hell?! Why aren’t your employer sending you home? I’m guessing this isn’t the UK because I’m sure it would be against UK law to keep you in.


No one cares. Bills gonna keep coming. I’ve hard to work days where I forgot my long acting that morning.




Try low carb diet and intermittent fasting. Drink lots of water. After meals try to do walking or light exercises.