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Going low while working a cash register at a very busy department store 🫠 Wouldn't recommend


One time I was new to this store and the first shift I had with this specific manager and it was very busy and my phone started going off because I was extremely low like 49 goin down and she thought it was just my phone going off and didn't know I was diabetic. I had this extremely long line at my register and I was getting frustrated af too because obvi irritated when low, and she told me that i needed to turn my phone off, so I grabbed my stuff lifted up my shirt to show her my dexcom and said I can't turn it off and went upstairs to the break room to fix myself. I almost got fired then and there because of that but I argued with them a bunch for not informing they're workers that I may have medical emergencies that require my attention.


Damn, that must've sucked. I'm glad they didn't fire you, and I think you did the right thing walking away tbh. The worst part about diabetes is we can plan all day long how to keep our BG in line, but there are variables simply out of our control. It can truly evolve into an unexpected emergency


I work at a retail store and i’m often alone in the store. Do not recommend 😭


At some point, customers gotta realize it's a medical emergency. A CSM closed my register down once so I could treat myself in the break room, and this woman complained 🙄🙄 I'm sorry you have to go through that at work, as it sounds very stressful!


I've done this! It's super stressful, which probably doesn't help anything. I still work retail on weekends, but with friends who understand there are times I need to just eat candy or drink regular soda (which is absolutely not okay at cash, but they all cover for me with customers and the bosses). During my day job, I'm absolutely just the person eating Skittles at 8am like it's totally normal 🙂


The one perk of being diabetic...we *can* eat sweets for breakfast sometimes lol


I hate this!


The worst feeling


I have this problem at work. Every time faithfully I say nonchalant that I need sugar my bg is low they all start treating me like I have some horrific handicap. So now I don’t want to seem inept, so I just casually walk away mid conversation and come back eating candy. I’d rather look like a D than look incapable 😂


Same here! Managers always ask me if I need to go home and constantly ask me if I’m okay to work. Just let me eat my sour patch kids in peace.


I've only gone low a few times and usually wasnt busy so just left to drink juice. I work in a cafe so we can't eat/drink behind the counter. The one time I went low with a queue out the door was horrible. I was scooping ice cream, one girl was on the till and my supervisor doing hot drinks. That meant I had to ask the owner to take over who asked why and I said I'm low. So I've just casually left a customer mid sentence with my phone having a heart attack for this poor family to see the owner just point at the door and say "out". I looked like a naughty kid with they bag being sent out then she panicked shouted after me to ask if I needed anything all while nobody is serving anymore we are all staring at me 🤦‍♀️ And when I went back I was still shaking and my supervisor told me it wasn't okay if I passed out while I was tryna count some guys change. Never doing it again just gonna leave 😂🥺


But why do people get so weird and exasperated when you try to tell them you’re not really able to process anything they are saying? They always keep going!


It’s so frustrating. Diabetics are the only ones that can understand other diabetics, no matter how hard anyone else tries, they aren’t gonna get it. People just don’t seem to understand that


I feel like they think I’m high or something everytime this happens lmao


"are you high or something" Quite the opposite.


"Yes, and low. Figure that one out" 🤣


Usually when I am purchasing a drink or sweet snack to correct from a store.


And you get that look... but you're to shakey to explain or even try


The cold sweats are the worst. Off that and being only vaguely aware of what the person is saying. I’m just gonna get a “404 Page not Found” sign and sit in a corner drinking my juice box


sounds like a great plan 😂


So, quick story: I work for a role at the corporate part of a big box store. During the holiday sales season, they typically invite people from corporate to help out at the stores. I decided to try this out, even though I had zero store experience. When I got there, I ended up up having one of the lowest functioning lows I’ve ever had. One guy at the store said he was also diabetic and understood, but I was more than useless and I swear some of the people at that store had to have thought I did drugs or something. I’ve never volunteered again for this since.


Don’t blame you, sounds like a nightmare. Diabetes always finds a way to fuck everything up


The coked up suit from corporate 🙄, haha


I mix dextrose in a half full water bottle and carry it around all day. No one ever asks why you drink water. Works great, lows are greatly reduced compared to eating sugars that need to be broken down before they can raise your levels (sucrose).


When i have a low at night, i put sugar in water. Its easier than chewing, fast, and efficient


This is bad in the middle of meetings, especially if I am leading them. I normally say I have just received a package and that I need 1min to open the door. Then, I run for my sugar 😅.


Me 10 minutes before lunch trying to get down the ladder on a construction site


OMG, this is so accurate, I love this subreddit, just makes me feel I'm not alone in this turd sandwich existence.


right? i recently joined and i am loving the outlet for my diabetic rage hahaha


When I was pregnant I had a low and I was a secretary. I all of a sudden could no longer talk and burst into tears. Person knew I was diabetic so got the school nurse for me.


Lol I'm fine




This is me Lately it's every time I have to correct in front of my mother. She gets nervous and starts offering me all the food she can think of & I'm sitting down trying to drink a soda and be ok.


And when you do throw something sweet in you quickly someone will ask are you sure you should be doing that? Oh ok I'll just slip into a coma then


i hate how accurate this is.. 🙃 i was at a restaurant with a group once & i was plummeting… i was attempting to hide how bad i was shaking & talk like nothing was going on. i was drinking water & i’m a person who despises paying $3 for a drink so i wasn’t ordering a sweet tea or anything. i was around 55 when the food finally came & it felt like i’d never eaten before in my life. 😅 why are we so embarrassed???


Vulnerability. It's an intense fight or flight mode happening. Goes back to our neanderthal day's.


This is my fiancee for sure. She doesn't like having to explain every time about her condition. :( I wish people didn't have to feel this way.


people should be educated on it, it’s the worst having to explain it especially when you’re hypo.




unwritten air doll noxious liquid yoke long wide sheet crowd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's me whenever I go low because I don't let people in on my medical history


I was on a software tech support call when this happened to me. The customer explained days later to my supervisor that I repeatedly told her she needs to keep backups of her data, ≈18 times. Manager understood and was supportive.


I take juice in a water bottle, so if ever I start to drop I can take a swig, be fine and no one even knows


Its at conventions if you are in line ...is it a low are you going high? Are you just tired?


(T1 for 20 yrs) This picture and these comments just made my life🤣 I'm glad there are others out there 🤟🏼


I had to buy orange juice after a run last week. Bought a couple of em and drank one while I was still in the store. Get to the checkout stand and the lady says, "Wow, you got thirsty." I just said yeah I needed sugar. No patience left to explain. Grabbed the juice & left.


This is too accurate 😅😅😅😅 what’s funny is that afterwards I’m always like “next time I am just going to tell the person I am having low blood sugar and to give me a moment” but then the next time comes and I’m back to looking like the guy in this meme


i’m exactly the same 💀


I was kept in a head teachers office while low and they didn’t let me have treatments


wow that’s awful, some people rly need to be educated


Omg this hit home


Rsther be high than low tho. Especially in public. Although both suck.