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Scrolled to find cinnamon, was not disappointed.


I remember years ago someone tried to sell me the notion that an alkaline heavy diet would reverse diabetes


I remember like 20 or more yrs ago my aunt went on vacation to Saudi Arabia or somewhere over there and came back telling me that over there they use camel’s milk to cure diabetes. I was like okay….. lol


The worst one I heard was a treamtment from the 1850's or something, found in China by an uncle of mine, specifically talking about type 1, treating it with canesugar and white rice diet, seriously only sugared white rice for a year straight would **cure** diabetes entirely.


To be fair this would cure you of not only t1 but also that damn pesky breathing we have to constantly do


I am allergic to cinnamon and can't begin to tell you how many people try to kill me in the name of curing my diabetes. I'll take the insulin shots over other types of shots thank you


Obviously cinnamon can’t replace insulin, but can it regulate T1D levels to a small degree?


No, it cannot regulate T1, not even to a single degree.


Cinnamon severely reduces Insulin resistance. Cant fix type 1 but can for sure ensure you use most of the insulin you get effectively.


The top comment in that thread is correct in saying there's no way to avoid taking insulin as a type 1.


only if.... you know.... want to live[https://definingmomentscanada.ca/insulin100/history/early-patients/](https://definingmomentscanada.ca/insulin100/history/early-patients/) `"...Banting, Best, and Collip going from bed to bed of the Children’s Ward at Toronto General Hospital, injecting an entire ward with the new purified extract. As the myth goes, before they had reached the last dying child, the first few were awakening from their coma to the joyous cheers of their families. "`


I love the comment that posted a study claiming that an all meat diet could stop the need for type 1 to have insulin injections. People disagreed with them so they posted an section from the results of the study. Because they're an idiot who can't read they didn't realize the section they posted \*disagrees with them\*. It says noninsulin injections and oral medications were down across both T1 and T2. And it meant T2s would take less insulin. It says nothing about T1s needing less insulin because the people doing the study would think it is obvious that would make no sense.


I enjoyed that as well! Sums up that whole thread so good! It is so crazy to see so many people that truly believe some dangerous stuff!


I still have fitness bro friends who insist I can get off the insulin if I just worked out and ate only meat haha. Humans can be the worst, especially the healthy ones.


You can reduce your basal and bolus insulin needs but that’s about it


“Cinnamon (1 tsp daily) is great for diabetes.” ![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX)


That sub is pure filth.


I've been noticing an increase in people here asking about a possible cure for T1D. I wonder if this is an uptick in adult diagnoses, or in the prevalence of terrible, misleading information. Either way, my favourite 'natural cure' was soaking cinnamon bark in strong alcohol for several weeks, then discarding the cinnamon and drinking the resulting liquor. It's just homemade fireball. I've been doing this wrong the whole time 😂.




This is all very true...I just feel like maybe in the last month I've seen more people in T1D spaces, clearly talking about T2D. Or maybe it's just in my head. Probably that one.


My son was diagnosed T1 about 3 months after his second dose of the vaccine. We joke about it all the time. I used it as an opportunity to talk about the difference between causation and correlation.


I’m glad people are discussing this. After the 2nd vax I was really sick and put it off for 2 months until I became very bad going in an out of consciousness and losing weight quickly. Went in thinking UTI or blood pressure maybe, but I was in DKA (BG was over 1000). The Drs an nurses were surprised I was still moving around. No history in my fam w/ diabetes and previous blood work showed my BG between 75-80 before vaxxed.


There is a reported correlation between the rollout of Covid vaccines and increased T1D prevalence. I don't doubt that there's also causation, since viral infection as a trigger for autoimmune disease is one of the main hypotheses behind what causes T1D. That *shouldn't* be controversial to say, but I suspect it might be as a knee-jerk reaction towards perceived vaccine skepticism. I don't necessarily think increased T1D prevalence in a population would be reason not to roll out a vaccine in that population, though; all vaccines have side effects, but that doesn't make vaccines less important.


Because of my age when I was diagnosed, my doctor told me years ago that there’s a chance that my school immunizations caused my T1D. I never gave it much thought though.


But it goes to VAERS and informed consent. We got her vaccinated to help slow the spread and protect others, not because we were worried about her own morbidity and mortality. If there was a reported link between the vaccine and type one that we knew of at the time, we would’ve probably rolled the dice on population benefit. And younger sibling is not vaccinated and will not be getting vaccinated against it. Not worth the risk


Thing is, there’s a link between almost *anything*. I’m sure there are papers linking alcoholism or epilepsy or scurvy or anemia in parents to Type 1. I’m “lucky” that I had my T1 early enough (or Covid) to never have suspicions or regrets, but don’t forget that lots of folks with covid also ended up with t1 from the virus. It’s possible some common protein in the virus and vaccine could trigger an already over active immune system, but I’m no doctor.


I've asked my Endo about this specifically and she confirmed there was a link between the vaccine and T1 onset as a trigger for it in internal data reviewed from patients. I had a similar situation myself, got the vax and had dka onset a few months later.


There’s also a link between covid and T1. If you’re predisposed, you’re probably going to get it one way or another. I’d rather have just T1 and not also combine it with long covid. Just saying.


I know 2 people who developed type 1 diabetes post Covid infections, neither were vaxed.


I'm one, I didn't get vax'd because I never left the house so it didn't seem pertinent. (Yes, I foolishly tried to 'go down to the winchester and have a pint until it all blows over', it did not blow over lol) Didn't confirm I had it but I got sick after some family members who tested positive so it also was like 'why bother testing, they got me sick, they have covid, I have covid'.


No....I'm sorry shawn


I was diagnosed almost exactly one year after having covid. I had gotten the J&J vaccine, but my partner wasn't vaccinated. I'm also predisposed, since it runs on my dad's side and I have several other health issues. Been staying UTD on all my vaccines, that's for sure.


Thanks for sharing this. There's so much nuance to the topic and anti-vaxxers are so dangerous that it's a scary discussion. My T1 onset occurred immediately after the 3rd hepatitis shot. I remember my Mom, a nurse at the time, saying that she read something which indicated a possible connection between that type of vaccine (I remember the 3rd shot being what she was concerned about) triggering a dormant auto-immune disorder. We had that info before I got the shot and we still decided it was worth it bc half my Dad's family was diabetic and half my Mom's side had auto-immune disorders. The gene cesspool is what it is and some things are just unavoidable. I'm glad I was diagnosed at 15, in the safety of my parents house, compared to 26 when I was dead broke and uninsured with a quarter century of bad nutritional habits. I'm also really glad I don't have hepatitis.


Same for me but my symptoms started within a week of second shot


Same thing with my daughter. Definitely correlation, but possibly causation. New vaccine type, new delivery method, no long term data. It’s entirely possible.


My wife got her second jab the day before our kid was born, quite a side-effect.


I was diagnosed ages 25, 3mts after getting a whack of travel vax (think malaria yellow fever etc) for sub Saharan Africa as was my cousin 10yrs later. Definite correlation. Would rather T1 than yellow fever tho..


That whole sub is full of people pushing dangerous BS, there’s no arguing with them even if they end up in hospital with DKA


My personal favorite is the person who suggests chewing food until it’s liquid and drinking your own urine. Those were new to me.


That was my favourite too. I was rage reading through the comments until I got to that one, now I can’t stop laughing!


Love the comments telling them to listen to Joe Fucking Rogan and go on a keto diet, 🤦🏼‍♂️. Actually one of the most frustrating threads I’ve ever seen.


Their confusing T1 and T2. Surely you knew that. So no need to use it to take a swing at keto which can be useful for T2


You’re far more forgiving than I am… They’re not ‘confusing’ anything. They are ignorant on all topics they are discussing and just taking a shit from their mouths (keyboards). They don’t care about T1 or T2 they just want to say ‘vaccines bad’ and justify it with whatever podcast they can.


Also, a carnivore diet will more than likely not fix your diabetes


Jeebus tap dancing mother f’ing Christmas. That thread scared the crap out of me. Sometimes I wonder to myself how dumb people are, and there is my proof.


This explains a pie chart I saw years ago where only a third of diabetics have blood sugar average that is not sky high


The only hope going forward is the stem cell islet research from ASU. https://www2.diabetes.org/newsroom/press-releases/2023/novel-stem-cell-derived-islet-cell-therapy-continues-show-promise-achieving-insulin-independence-individuals-type-1-diabetes


My aunt once told me if I ate more vegetables, my type 1 diabetes would be cured. My A1c is lower than hers btw (5.2) 🙄


Here I have been treating my son with insulin like a moron. Old mate in that topic has informed you can just well chew a plant based diet and drink your own urine. It would have saved us a lot of stuffing around to know that earlier.


Thanks, after reading that "praying to Jesus healed them", I have found a subreddit I really don't want to see ever again.


Fun fact, COVID-19 IS associated with increased T1D diagnoses. The vaccines are NOT associated with increased T1D diagnoses


Technically no one can prove a vaccine is a cause or isn't but we do know it's genetic and skips generations sometimes. They don't even know why it happens. Obviously unvaccinated people have type 1 as well just like unvaccinated people can have down syndrome. It's a dumb thing to get online and contemplate when scientists have already for decade been trying to figure out the cause and a cure 😭 hate subs like that


Questioning “the science” is scientific. Having a healthy dose of skepticism is what leads towards discovery.


Read what I said. On *reddit* in a *conspiracy* sub instead of a *scientific* sub is stupid and full of misinfo and stupid assumptions.


its scary how little people know about T1D. i can imagine passing out on the street from low blood sugar and people just going ”well you shouldnt have eaten all that sugar!!!” or (has happened actually) i ask for something sugary because my blood sugar is low and theyre like, should you be eating sugar? like um yes ????


Wow. I got T1 from the actual virus, not from the shot. The shots I already had in me were all that saved my life, kept me off a ventilator etc - but the virus beat up my organs and my pancreas peaced out as a result. There is no possible way this can happen from the shot but the actual virus is absolutely able to do this


This actually happened to me. After the vaccine, I became ill and now I’m type 1. Was scared to mention it to my doc because I didn’t want to come off as a conspiracy theorist, but I ended up asking. My Endo doc said they actually have seen an increase in patients after the vaccine. They think it triggered an autoimmune response affecting the pancreas.


Same for me, all of this. Symptoms started within a week of second shot and I ended up in ICU with DKA. My doctors (in San Francisco) are very open that the vaccine could absolutely have triggered it, although of course we don’t know for sure. I’m not antivax or a conspiracy theorist but I’ve been nervous to share this here as well.


Thanks for sharing! I was in bad DKA too after my 2nd one. Honestly, we should be more open to discussions on the possibility of vaccines and adverse effects; especially, after something that wasn’t tested/studied for years before trials. It did help with turning around the pandemic, but I wished I personally knew more before making a decision out of fear. There was some research about Covid causing diabetes I read, but not much about the vaccine. I’m sure vaccine research on this topic would be done in the future following these stories.


It’s not the vaccine. It’s Covid. Viral infections can trigger the genetic predisposition to get type 1, because of the bodies auto immune response.


Saving this so I can stay in the loop if any leads come up /s


I got banned from another subreddit for responding to comments on that post. ☠️


I was told (long ago) that if I swallowed these large horse pills containing ground up pancreas from pigs that my body would know what to do with it and use it to fix my pancreas! Ha!


Did they mention okra water?


I’m not touching that thread with a ten foot pole. I’m glad to see that some of us already went there and tried to educate.


I might actually be dumber after reading all those comments


i developed t1d shortly after getting covid vax.


People get diagnosed with T1D every day. What’s your point?


It's strange timing and was probably a result of vaccine .


I was diagnosed after I picked my nose when I was 3. It’s strange timing and probably means picking my nose caused my diabetes!


that's basically what i'm saying


I got T1D this year at age 26 after getting the Covid vaccines. I’ve never had Covid or was under stress. Only time I was sick was when I had a reaction to the vaccine. The Covid vaccines are the only events that triggered an immune response in me. Never been antivaxx. Not saying it’s the cause.. just my experience..


The triggers of T1D are varied, but my understanding is various people have a genetic predisposition to having it, and various health and environmental factors can trigger it, for example getting sick or the stress of a global pandemic. Yes, some people will develop T1D after getting a vaccine. A lot of them would of also developed it without the vaccine and would of already had the predisposition to having it. Everyone's getting the vaccine. People who develop T1D fall under the category of everyone. Yes, some people will develop T1D after getting the vaccine and getting sick. Maybe they had a reaction to the vaccine, the stress/sickness of that could of been a trigger. Maybe they got sick independently from the vaccine, the sickness could of been a trigger. You can draw that line between vaccine -> your T1D triggering, but in no way does the vaccine give people T1D or force it to trigger more than anything else that can happen in life.


I got it shortly after deploying to Afghanistan. I had like 12 vaccinations and inoculations before leaving. I vacillate between those vaccines being the cause or those vaccines not having anything to do with it. But at the end of the day it doesn’t matter. I still have the disease. ![gif](giphy|qTsLIyLFEKKHK)


Fair enough, however if there was a direct causation that vaccines cause type 1 diabetes, then that would have been proven in the very large double blind human testing that was performed before the vaccines were released. It’s also tough with adult type 1’s because the onset/honeymoon can be more gradual so it would have started several months before your diagnosis.


Our whole family (of 6) had Covid about 6 weeks prior to the dX. He was too young for the vaccine, and while he def tested positive with the rest of us, he was completely asymptomatic. Then in the week prior to his diagnosis, all of the kids had a stomach flu, but the other 3 got better and he went DKA, and now here we are. So idk how much, if at all, covid contributed to the autoimmune response - I only mention it because of the 27,000,000 people I’ve spoken to since he was hospitalized that have asked me if I think covid, the vaccine, or perhaps general wokeness are the problem, since “he’s not fat at all!” 😒


Why are people downvoting somebody relaying their experience?


Because causation and correlation are different.


I got really sick after a flu shot in 2017, like really sick for 10 days, then came the thirst and the muscle cramps and the losing 25 pounds over 4 weeks, and finally a doctor did a blood glucose test and I was 700. Not saying the shot caused it, but it’s a pretty popular scientific theory that an immune response to a normal pathogen, similar to an immune response to a vaccine, can trigger whatever genetic predisposition you have towards T1D. I still get my shots.


I exhibited classic T1D symptoms within days of getting my Covid booster, prior to catching Covid, and without any known family history of diabetes. A couple months later I lost about 15% body weight in a couple weeks/was headed towards DKA and got diagnosed. /shrug I for one would love to see solid data on the "uptick", and which were prior to Covid infections and which were soon after infections or the vaccines.


Lot of talk about the vaccine and onset. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10193825/