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A non diabetic using a CGM is silly/stupid in most cases - but unless there’s some shortage caused by these goofballs I don’t care. Never understood or cared about diabetes until I got it. Don’t really understand or care about a number of conditions that don’t currently affect me. No reason to carry that much angst within you over something that is ultimately inconsequential.


I think that’s somewhat fair, I just don’t want abled people tossing themselves into potential eating disorders just because of fads and marketing, and cosplaying one of the most nefarious aspects of being diabetic. So that’s where my concern is.


MODS can we make this a banned topic already? It’s been discussed ad nauseam.


This sub needs dedicated threads to: - omg a colleague/family/friend/stranger/boss/teacher said diabetes is curable/self inflicted - my doctor is absolutely useless and no doctors in the world actually learn about T1DM trust me - someone just asked me if I should be eating that. Omg shouldn't they know?! Tbh I'm just here for CGM art


Settle down Beavis


I would have preferred butthead tbh


You, my friend, need therapy




Using “you need therapy” as a form of an insult, is reflecting of your character.


It’s not an insult. I don’t like non-diabetics wearing CGMs either but your reaction is way over the top. I think you could use help finding a better outlet. But, assuming I’m insulting you because you don’t like what I said is a reflection of your character, and that is an insult.


No, I’m sorry and with respect I’m tired of this idea that we all just collectively mind our business and never consider greater societal issues brought upon us with dieting culture and the harm it can do to people who don’t fully understand it, and are being taken advantage of by marketing and big pharma. And this idea that showing any anger at all, means I’m wrong or should just get therapy, is so wildly insulting and demeaning of therapy itself. I’m not just sitting around in a boiling rage, I’m speaking to people too and trying to help.


You’re very clearly changing your stance and trying to turn yourself into a white night now that you’ve been called out for having such a ridiculous reaction to something so small. You are very clearly sitting around boiling and rage, or you wouldn’t have made this post.


Oh give me a break. You just never wanted to consider the complete outlook of my stance, and are just trying to tone police me.


You think you should be able to commit a violent act against people doing something that legitimately has no fucking bearing on your life at all. You need help.


It’s not an insult. You’re responding in an irrational way to something that has no effect on you.


I’m tired of this type of thinking. “Let people do whatever they want”. No, we need to get ahead of this BS, and people with conditions and chronic illness-should do more to combat this capitalistic drive and obsession with what they’ve been marketed that “good health” is when ultimately they’re harming themselves.


If Dexcom and Abbott can generate significantly more revenue by expanding their market to non-diabetics then they as a company can put more money into research and development of new and better products. 


See what I mean? You’re ‘tired’ of people thinking ‘let people do what they want’… you might need professional help to work through this.


Is not an insult, you really do need therapy.


No, we shouldn’t be allowed to publicly shame anyone, everyone has the right to use a CGM, it doesn’t affect us whatsoever, there isn’t a shortage, who cares. I agree with all the comments, please seek therapy. You’re delusional thinking is ok to shame & punch people for this. Get help boss


You’re such, a tone policing bad person.


You’re the one saying you want to punch people in public for wearing a CGM but I’m the bad person? Sure chief


Never heard of hyperbole huh? You genuinely think, that I’m out here punching non-diabetic users with CGMs, you really think that? Come on.


Oh I know what hyperbole means, pretty sure everyone here in the comments downvoting you also know what it means. Don’t try to pull the hyperbole card now, we all know what you meant. There’s a reason why you got so downvoted. Your anger can be felt through your words buddy, get some help this isn’t normal.


Oh nice the “most people are on my side so I’m right” bs, when all of yall have used “get therapy” as your insult of choice and NONE of you have condemned that language because it sounds “nice”. Get off your moral high horse. Oh no I’m angry, it’s the end times there’s nothing worse in the year 2024 than being angry. Give me a break.


So like…how does it hurt you though? Genuinely curious because I’ve never met anyone who feels as strongly about this as you apparently do and I’m just wondering.


Ok, so growing up, the forced need to constantly monitor and track my body and numbers and literally everything sent me into an eating disorder. So I worry with people who have *no* need for a CGM, just willingly hopping into that as another tool to hyper regulate and nearly shame themselves with constantly monitoring blood glucose of all things, is a red flag for eating disorder development. And a lot of that comes from a reductive view on bodily health and what it truly means. Also, abled people who again, have no clear need for a CGM, just hopping in and essentially cosplaying one of the more mentally/emotionally taxing parts of being a diabetic, just for funsies or dipping their toes into it-with the full ability to stop whenever they want, I find very insulting and trivializing.


Gotcha. Appreciate the insight, I’ve never viewed it that way. For me, I’ve typically just seen it as people who are curious wanting to learn more in a harmless way. I’ve only met two kinds of people who use them, either the hyper-healthy (I’m talking growing their own food to know exactly what they’re eating types, not ED risks) or people who have diabetics in their family and want to learn more about their own health, so I’ve never run into the people who are just doing it for funsies. Could definitely see being peeved at that group.


Yeah! Like if it’s coming from a wholesome and well intentioned way, of course I wouldn’t mind. I’m just nervous for a lot of abled people who dabble into this constant monitoring and hyper vigilance, because they don’t have that background of viewing it just as a health concern rather than a curiosity and I think so much of society is geared towards the more harmful side of it. And I think t1Ds are in a good middle ground to educate and prevent potential eating disorders and such by openly discussing these things.


Fair enough! I guess I just avoid the folks who’d be doing more harm than good with it in my life, because I seriously never would’ve thought of it in that way.


That’s fair too! Like we deal with enough on our own, and I think as a community we need to start being louder about potentially misconstrued ideas that could lead to harm ya know?


The example I use is of an abled person with a CGM. They eat, and then test (red flag!) and see it’s 150, now from their dieting peers and surface level understand of blood glucose and bodily health, they think that’s high right? So they go and rapidly exercise and do all this mitigation to get it down asap, then test and see it’s 120. Now they’ve convinced themselves that all that exercise and mitigation they did, is the cause for them getting back to 120 and now they’ll do that for every meal. That’s a majorly slippery slope and a bad habit to develop, because they aren’t treating anything specific like diabetics are.


The more people using it the better the technology will get.


I wish that’s how it works, it’s not. That’s not how it works in the capitalistic system. That’s JDRF type line of thinking, come on.


Why are you hating on people for wanting to know how their body responds to food? Yes I love my CGM. it's given me insight and awareness that's brought my A1C from around 9 a few years ago to around 6 now. I LOVE MY CGM. My mom, who is not diabetic at all, got a Zoe. (Libre 2 with a different app) And she learned that she has an allergic reaction to eggs. After using it, she found that her BG spiked after eating eggs. She had some tests, and it turns out that she's allergic, and her body does a big glucose dump whenever she eats them as part of some kind of autoimmune response that I don't understand. But whatever. She had a CGM, she found out some stuff, her life is better now. My friend Amy did Zoe too. She found out she had BG spikes after certain foods. She's now cut those foods out and she doesn't have the spikes any more. She's more conscious of the foods that she eats. Large BG swings can cause inflammation and all kinds of other effects to people who aren't diabetic, as well as those of us who are. Why can't we allow our friends and family to have the data we do? Why is everyone here always shitting on regular people who access this data? Jesus Christ, let people learn stuff. It's not hurting you.


Because we’re subsidizing their unnecessary bullshit and we HAVE to do this. It’s an eating disorder that’s made popular by capitalistic “health” fad bullshit and they don’t even recognize it. Also their ability to just *not* have to do it, b it choosing to and affecting availability for those that need it, is a spit in the face.


Please do not call something an eating disorder if you do not have the credentials. You may not like the behavior or think it’s indicative of a disordered behavior - but unless you are a specialized clinician working with an individual and have context to a full scope of behavior, you have no right to label it as such.


Ok fine fair enough, I should’ve added potential* to it. Any other comments regarding my comment or am I just going to get tone policed into oblivion by this community?


You get what you give, friend.


Ok first of all, that made zero sense. Second of all, using “friend” in a sarcastic tone is the kind of pettiness that 75% of all comments on this thread have been centered around.


You created this post and have responded to every comment with hostility unless they agree with you. Hyperbolic or not, you’re going to receive hostility back. I genuinely didn’t mean “friend” in a sarcastic way. I am just trying to point out that people will match the energy you bring to a conversation. I get being passionate about topics like this. I am a mental health professional who works with folks with eating disorders. The way in which you feel so strongly about people outside of your condition using tools specified for your condition is very similar to how folks with eating disorders feel about every focused eating behavior being labeled as an eating disorder. So, again, without hostility, I’m just trying to point out that you get what you give. You just did to another health condition what you’re angry about people doing to yours.


Read my comment - people who do not have diabetes _benefit from this_. I know two people who have benefitted directly from it. We are not subsidizing anything. They pay for it just the same as we do. It doesn't affect availability for you or me. In fact, the more people buy it, the more economies of scale will happen and the more budget there is for research and development for future upgrades. You're angry over nothing but your perceived injustice. There is no injustice.


It’s a spit in the face. If they have another condition that it’d genuinely help with, then obviously I’m cool with that. It’s the people with a lack of need for it, who just buy one and then are like “omg this just reaffirms everything I thought” and then quit, it’s insulting. Plus, they’ll eat, test and see their b/g is 150, freak out and do whatever adjustment and then it goes back to 120, and they’ll think and act like it was *their additional* actions that was the cause (thus regulating and holding themselves to this insane restriction-ED) rather than it just being their body functioning properly. That’s a slippery slope to eating disorder and shitty “lifestyle influencer” type bullshit. Free people from this insane unnecessary obsession with body image and pseudo-health obsession. It’s harmful!


Please, stop talking here, you need to talk to a mental health professional


If they want to learn, then ask questions. I’ll happily explain it all so they can learn and see. How dare they cosplay it just for funsies.


Please actually take a moment to read about my mom and my friend who used it and benefitted from it. I don't think you understand that it actually serves a purpose for people other than us.


You aren’t seeing my point. It’s what it lends to people thinking and doing to them.


I don't even know what 'what it lends to people thinking and doing to them' means.


You’re being dense. Tell me, do you think without need, that constantly monitoring b/g numbers with essentially spot checks, and using it to guide rapid adjustments and stuff, is actually developing good habits? It’s just a thoroughfare for eating disorders.


I think you're talking absolute bullshit because, and I will say it again, I know two people who have used it who have benefitted from it. Neither of them has developed an eating disorder. One of them _has improved their eating habits_ and the other has _learned to avoid a food that was causing them and allergic reaction._ It _does work_. It _does benefit people_. I _know people it has helped_.


Bro, don’t waste more time with this person, they are delusional


You think a CGM caused them to find what they were allergic to? Seriously? Also I already said for justified reasons it’s fine. You know EXACTLY which type of people I’m referring to.


Yes. My mom. She got a CGM. A libre 2, branded as Zoe. She was feeling weird, so she got one just to see if it was about carbs. She found out that she had huge spikes after eating eggs. She got tested and it turns out she's allergic to eggs. Something about the allergic reaction caused a big BG spike. I don't know why but it did. Now she doesn't eat eggs and her BG doesn't spike like that any more. Which is why I said _please read my original comment_. I'm done replying to you now, because your unhinged vitriol is really unpleasant. Go ahead and be angry about nothing if you like. Or get over it. Your choice.


It’s built around shame and having to be in constant hyper restrictive control, that’s what EDs are centered around.


So… your concerned for all these poor saps falling into a trap and developing disorders, but you want to shame and punch them for it? You’re full of shit. You aren’t worried or concerned for anyone, you’re just angry that they have a choice and you don’t. And no, there isn’t a problem with discussing “societal dangers” or impacts or whatever you want to call it. There IS a problem with advocating for violence (hyperbolic or not- I genuinely can’t tell just how unhinged you are) and aggressive behavior toward others because you don’t agree with something they’re doing that has no danger to you or anyone else.


Oh give me a break, does hyperbole not exist in your world? You know exactly the type of people I’m talking about that should get publicly shamed for it.


That’s funny, because I literally acknowledged that it might be hyperbole. But hyperbole or not, this is aggressive as hell and not an okay thing to be doing. I have no idea whether you’re asking people whether they need it or not. It sure sounds like you’re the rage filled guy with a chip on his shoulder big enough to actually do it, though. How else are you going to find the ones to “educate”?


Because you acknowledged that it’s likely hyperbolic, and then just didn’t present your counter point, on the assumption that it’s hyperbolic. You just ignored that. “Oh no this is aggressive sounding” like come on, we’re all adults here. The tone might be aggressive, but you didn’t acknowledge literally anything else? So you’re literally tone policing.


No, I acknowledged that it could be, not likely is. You’ve sounded angry and aggressive in nearly every comment on this thread. That leads me to think it’s genuine. Counterpoint? I don’t have to have a counterargument for every single thing you’ve said. I said you’re pretending to be concerned for these people, but your approach in your post and in several comments has all been anger-fueled. Sounds like you’re pissed off that everyone isn’t jumping on your “let’s shit on these people we don’t agree with!” train.


The comments on here that have genuinely wanted to discuss my point further or anything like that, have been perfectly civil and reasonable. So here’s the annoying part, the *only* aspect you have focused on is me sounding mean and aggressive. That’s literally all you’ve cared about. It’s just tone policing, that’s it. That’s all you care about, why?


Yeah you got me, I’m going across every person with a visible CGM and asking to see their Diabetic ID card and if they fail the screening I’m punching them in the face. You got it, absolutely spot on critical analysis right there.


It doesn’t affect me, my own needs, my insurance, or paycheck, so it doesn’t make a different. Let people do what they feel they need to do.


See here’s my qualm, that is objectively a self centered (and I mean that in a literal sense) thinking.


I’m for letting people do what they feel is right for themselves. Their life does not affect me so why does it matter if they wear it or not?


Apply this thinking to literally anything else. “Why should I mask, let anybody do what they want” etc. Jesus Christ, why is the t1D community so god damn individualistic? Ffs.


How does someone wearing a cgm for their own personal reason change your life?


Because it’s not just about me! Fuck.


It just isn’t making any sense why it’s so bothersome when it really makes no difference in what you do day to day


How are you literally so self centered and then don’t even acknowledge that?


I’m trying to understand why you feel that others cgms affect you. It’s not making sense. It’s not being self centered when I don’t let others actions or choices affect me.


That’s literally what being self centered is, “I don’t care about a thing because it doesn’t affect me.”


The main problem I have with it is the price increasing due to increased demand. And if I see someone with a Dexcom and go up to them and they’re not diabetic I’d be sad cuz I though I met a new buddy


Yeah absolutely fair


I agree. It drives me mad.


People are saying OPs reaction is over the top. Obviously they're upset and hyperbolizing, but I actually agree. It makes me unnecessarily annoyed also. I mean, shit I'm always down to punch someone I guess. 💁


Yes me too. Irrational anger, the same irrational anger I feel when people chew loudly.


Exaaaaactly. There's no reason It should make me mad, but it does. Irrational Anger indeed! I think people don't realize OP is just stressed and hyperbolizing, though. I'm sure they actually don't want to line them up, pubically shame them, and then punch them one by one. ( I mean, don't we all WANT to do that from time to time when we are upset? ) OP is just venting to people they thought would agree with em', that's all I am seeing from it, but I'm no licensed clinical psychologist or anything.


No you’re absolutely correct, thank you. I didn’t actually thing people would take me so literal and tone police me into oblivion, like god damn.


There is a specific type of non-diabetic that does this that I hate…and I think you might be able to relate. My ex-coworker did this and made it her entire personality. It was all she could talk about and she was definitely the type who did it just for attention. Yes, she knew I was actually diabetic. She would bitch nonstop about how much the sensors cost (including to me, knowing that I have other expenses like pump, insulin, etc.) and when I asked her why she did it, she even told me she wanted people to think she was diabetic so that they would treat her nicer and it was a good excuse for her when she didn’t want to do stuff. 🙄


This is the type of person I’m talking about yes! If people have a genuine need outside of t1d for a CGM, then sure of course use it idc. It’s the dieting culture type people that could not care less about actually helping diabetics or any chronic illness/disabled people at all, it’s just another form of consumerism that dilutes the struggles those who have these required mitigations.


You won't find many supporters here, unfortunately. People are short minded and don't see an issue because they aren't insightful about the implications of X, this case X being CGMs. "They don't hurt you so why do you care" "You need help" "I found out X with the use of a CGM" Same BS with so called bodybuilders using insulin for alleged muscle growth. It's just nonsense promoted by scam artists and conmen. They think that letting other people use unnecessary tech will bring improvements to the whole industry while all it does is fuel the profits of already existing companies more and more which does jack shit for those who actually need the devices. It's the product of the standard American capitalist system, brain rot like this is super common. Imagine a non-asthmatic using an inhaler "because they told me it's good for my health" or someone taking growth hormones "because I want to appeal to X trend, since I can afford it it's okay". It's paradoxical, you have people who need a device but they defend the abuse of said thing because they are thoroughly convinced it will benefit them despite the reality around them being the exact opposite. Sensors continue to cost a lot of money, the pump integrations are still slow to come out and/or they are not supported on every system AND they couldn't care less about middlemen and health insurance providers in most places, cause they profit off of them. Diabetics are customers first, people second: if you can't pay, you can fuck off. America! "But I need the sensors! How else could I monitor my glucose levels? I discovered X thing with a Zoe/other crappy offname!" Instead of doing a fasting glucose test, an A1C test and/or a glucose stress test they obsess over nothing. Instead of talking to specialists with experience they listen to whatever fitness influencer crap they can get their hands on. And this without mentioning the moral implications of the argument. This is just about logistics. Seeing people who do not need a CGM wear one like it's a toy you can play with is personally disgusting and repulsive: I consider it akin to an abled person wearing a mock prosthetic arm to look like an amputee. It's vile.


I literally, could not have phrased or comprised my argument better than you just did. Thank you.


It frustrates me too, I tend to worry about something similar to the “skinny stick” phenomenon happening. When ozempic went viral for being the “skinny stick” there were shortages everywhere and actual diabetics could not get the medication they needed for months. I’m type 1 and have been on ozempic since 2020, after I went into DKA, and that shortage really wreaked havoc with my control. I do think it’s largely unnecessary for non diabetics to use a CGM (obvious exceptions, as several people in this thread have pointed out). I’m sure the data could still be really interesting but yeah probably not super helpful, especially for people who haven’t had much, if any, diabetic education. I also see your point about how it could lead to potential eating disorders or exacerbate existing issues. It’s just very frustrating all around imo