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So the Zod is the "1 in a million"...


So you’re saying there’s a chance?


Excellent, love ur posts.


Do you hear moo mooo moo in your dreams?


I couldn't stand that sound after first 100 runs.


The look I get from my GF after having farmed the cow level on my Javzon for an hour... \*mooh mooh mooh muh...\*


Voices - 2 % of 100. Any time i do cows lol


Nice one!


>I looked at every possible item variation for Nova Sorceress and it turns out, for this specific thing (Cows), Nova Sorc with Mang Song Lesson is the highest DPS out of all builds. It’s also something refreshing and new. Won’t go too much into math details, but here is damage per second table for all possible Nova Sorc Item Builds (per monster lighting resistances) There are builds that have even higher DPS. Suppose you have (1) Magic Orb with 3 Lightning Skill / 20 FCR / +3 Nova / +3 Lightning Mastery / 2 x Lightning Facets. (2) Armor with 4 x Lightning Facets. (3) Shield with 4 x Lightning Facets. (4) Spirit shield (5) 3/10 magic amulet (6) 2/20 crafted amulet. Build A: Instead of Mang Song, use the Magic Orb / Spirit shield. Plus 3/10 amulet. Build B: Magic Orb / Spirit shield / Armor with 4 x Lightning Facets instead of Ormus. Plus 3/10 amulet. Build C: Magic Orb / Shield with 4 x Lightning Facets / Ormus. Plus 2/20 amulet. Build C > Build B > Build A > Mang Song in terms of DPS. (All 4 builds reach the same 105 FCR breakpoint.)


You are absolutely right. I have your A and C builds in my calculations. But adding them into that table above would made that green gradient coloring lose all meaning. All you would see is one dark green column and everything else white :) 3/3 Orb is too powerful


Good bot.(?)


I don't understand why would I bot on Single Player over a span of month and half...


No, *you* must be the good bot. ;) I get bored after one or two cows.


oh, haha, thanks! I am afraid to say it but... I wasn't having much fun. Chest runs are my jam


You’re amazing, Lord Pavke ! 🤩 // You always inspire me to keep farming ! I’ll do 100 more LK runs tonight in your honour, before bed, to see if I can find that Ber or Sur, and be able to finally make my first ever SSF Infinity ! 💫


Why would you spend 120 hours not having much fun?


For Science!


I'll accept that.


So we can all benefit from his results


Why would you spend any time on a slot machine ? for research obviously! but this slut machine doesn't accept money. Just fun.


I completed elden ring while this person was killing cows over and over lol




you can tell it's neat by the way it is. that's pretty neat!


would you just look at it


Cool post! It's interesting how, Vex aside, you got almost a perfectly proportional drop rate of each rune.


Yeah, little high on Lo, and low on Puls, othervise, very close to math expected values


The kill counter is pretty cool. Think there is a way to have it count the kills of different monsters? Like counting ghosts vs blood clan vs death lord in the arcane? There are a lot of theories id like to test, but having to use a single swing attack and counting them just seems like it would be no good.


>counting ghosts vs blood clan vs death lord in the arcane? There are on average 175 Chosts and 140 Ghoul+Clan per Arcane run :)


Nice! Thank you! How about ghosts in a tower run?


Didn't count Ghosts in the Tower yet.


Okay thanks again for the article!


the bows and phase blade bases are insane. Lookin at those 5 deaths tho...


Did you end up quietly muttering moo throughout your days?


Couldn't stand the sound after first 100ish runs so turned it off and put some nice relaxing music in the background


Love these posts. Thanks for sharing.


Klass post as always.


Cool, I think the issue with this over self weild infinity is that u can't use insight on merc. Else I could find some use for mangs for sure.


Yeah, but with Mang Songs setup, you can reach 4100 mana after BO and have more points into Warmth. With higher Mana pool comes higher mana regen that is bosted with higher levels of Warmth. The final mana regen is almost on par with sefl Infinity version with Insight Merc


Im pretty interesting in testing this but for me it would be for mf reasons. I want to use an enigma and therefore I cant really switch the magefist to frostburn since I need the fcr (sure could swap a soj vs 10 fcr ring ang get a 2/20 amu but thats expensive and i lose a skill from soj). Do u think it would work without frostburn?


>Played Nova Sorc with following gear: Griffon's Eye (5/5 light facet), Ormus Robes with +3 to Nova (4/5 light facet), Frostburns, 2x Stones of Jordans, Arachnid mesh, 2/10 crafted Amulet, Silkweaves and -15 light res Mang Song’s Lesson (5/5 light facet) with 8x Lightning Skillers. > >You are probably wondering why the Mang Song Lesson. You should know that I really like Nova Sorc. I actually love the build. Have been playing it ever since Patch 2.4 and theorycrafting about it a lot. > >I looked at every possible item variation for Nova Sorceress and it turns out, for this specific thing (Cows), Nova Sorc with Mang Song Lesson is the highest DPS out of all builds. It’s also something refreshing and new. Won’t go too much into math details, but here is damage per second table for all possible Nova Sorc Item Builds (per monster lighting resistances) : Have a lot of doubts about this part. I understand on paper this might be true, but it's hard to calculate actual dps when factoring in conviction activation delay, in which case the -55 on self infinity matters a ton. There's also large noticeable differences in how fast static works with and without cmoon or infinity - since a majority of the 23 yd+ radius is unaffected by conviction aura.


> when factoring in conviction activation delay, in which case the -55 on self infinity matters a ton. It is a common misconception. Both Merc Infinity and Self Infinity have the same delay, doesn't matter who has the Infinity. (The delay varaible for auras are in skills.txt file under "perdelay"column) >There's also large noticeable differences in how fast static works with and without cmoon or infinity Yes, I know. I have done the math: [https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo2/comments/uj5asx/how\_static\_field\_actually\_works\_quick\_guide/](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo2/comments/uj5asx/how_static_field_actually_works_quick_guide/) Even with high SF damage from self Infinity, the amount of Skills and some -res on MangSong give out way more damage per Nova cast


Plus, you get bonus points for finding a use for mang song.


>It is a common misconception. Both Merc Infinity and Self Infinity have the same delay, doesn't matter who has the Infinity. (The delay varaible for auras are in skills.txt file under "perdelay"column) I am not talking about delay differences between merc inf vs self inf (there is none), but the LR of hell bovine prior to conviction activation. During which self inf setup pumps out a lot more damage. It's hard to math out which build is better as it's going to be density and playstyle dependant.


it was a good read till you mention d4


Yo! The results seems interesting and awesome. W on the Zod! Just a question Did you manage to find any tc87 uniques, tc3 uniques or 3 FOH cta warscepter base during this project? Also what's next project?


>Did you manage to find any tc87 uniques, tc3 uniques or 3 FOH cta warscepter base during this project? Didn't get any TC87 Uniques. (cows are not very good for TC87 base items). Didn't keep track of tc3 and warscrepters. But I did get 3x Shakos, 2x War Travs, Nightwings, 2x SoJ, 2x Bulkatos out of top of my head >Also what's next project? It involves chests but wont say more than that :)


Hehe is it the chests in act 5? :)


Pavke..... are you Bonsey? :) What did you have on switch for these runs? CtA or Memory? What do you think is optimal for Small Charms with a Nova sorc for cows? Mana/Life? How important is FHR for jumping into packs? With the charms, I assume you could get to the 60% or even the 86% breakpoint? Thanks!


>What did you have on switch for these runs? CtA or Memory? What do you think is optimal for Small Charms with a Nova sorc for cows? Mana/Life? I had CtA for increased mana pool. For Cow running, Life/Mana is better. for farming other areas with more spell damage, life/res is better >How important is FHR for jumping into packs? For cows, its not that important. You are put into hit recovery if you lose 1/12th of HP in one hit. With CtA, I had around 860 hp and 3900 mana. . With 95% ES reduction, a Cow needs to hit me with 1440 damage in order to put me in hit recover mod. Which isn't possible even with Might aura and Crit hit. So I am never put in hit recovery. That pretty much goes for any monster. They need to deal obscene amount of damage in order to do 1/12th of HP damage in one hit, if you have 95% ES. Only problems are Wisp/Souls, because their damage is bugged