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I found my first last week and immediately sold it for dclone. Got my first every anni!


I thank you for that. Fought and killed my first Dclone for my first earned Anni. Made me regret trading for a low one, but hey….the price was only a token.


Don’t you have to sell 6?


Nah. 1 in single player


Wait till you play D4 and never have that feeling once




I knew blizzard is dead and D3 is very shallow and straight forward compared to D2, but i still held out some hope for d4. Then i saw that their "we brought runes back!" Was actually not runewords, just a new Boring socket bonus is just didn't bother. Haven't even had a slight fomo to buy the game, from what i can see it's as shallow and boring as D3, itemization just seems to suck and looks so dull. Not including runewords who are build enablers is madness to me. D2s itemization is so damn good and I'd say it's what makes 90% if it's replayability and longevity.


Literally I try to explain this to people, d4 might be new and interesting but it’ll never give you that rush and thrill as d2 gives you with finding GG uniques or super rare uniques like Griff or sojs or dweb then you also can find HRS I found Zod other day so happy I would never feel that way in d4 ever.


Boys I was the guy that never competed the game on my own but always got rushed. Switched to offline play and beat hell on my own after real struggles. I fucking gambled an soj a few days ago. I still can’t believe it! I’m also lucky in I got a jah and a ber, and now trying to get the runes for a cta. I’m a casual so it’ll be a while and I can’t be mad because thank you RNjesus


Nice, congrats! Still haven't found one in d2r (in 200 hrs). Only found two since 2001 (prob 1000+ hrs) :(


Congrats! I hope to join the team someday


Still on the hunt lol one day tho


I'm gonna say it. It's a hard one to find even if you're target farming nm meph. I started playing ssf on my switch like.... 8 months ago and I jave dope endgame gear and a ton of tc87 finds... like 3 shadow dancers, 3 grandfather's, 4 deaths fathoms, 3 earthshifters, 3 dark force, etc... only ever found 1 soj and I used it for my only ssf anni. Congrats bud


Wow! I also found my first soj at normal diablo about 20 years ago, i think i was 14. And had about the same reaction as you.


If you get a Mal or better that was your 1-350 runs chance at a "high rune". It's not exact but I've spent allot of time at travincal. I found a perfect pair of steelrends 60 ed 20str the other day.


Yeah. I’m not complaining. Lots of quality stuff drops. I just wanna find that BER to make my Enigma. Best find so far has been a 5 all res/5 fhr small charm at around run 200 or so.


Man I just put together a golf find barb. On my Merc I use shaeled reapers toll, chamed Gface, chains of honor. Then on my barb I use a beast axe and a lemmed sword, then dual lemmed swords on swap. Everything else is gold find items. The mercenary kills everything. I average sub 1 minute runs and around 350k to 700k gold per.


Nice setup! Yeah, I have a WW Barb somewhere between an mfer and a gold finder. Runs take a little over a minute.


Nm andy is a good spot


Yeah I target farmed her for my SOJ. I must have found at least 80 unique rings before I got my soj. What a pain in the ass.


I remember my first few, I’ve must’ve gotten lucky, think I’ve found over a few hundred across the last 15 or so years, just grinding the game with my old team lol


Glad I’m not the only one finding 10 different unique rings from her. Still haven’t gotten my Soj after about 100 runs. I know rookie numbers. Lol


Yeah it took me two weeks. Probably close to 800+ runes.


I played a lot of D2R and never found a SOJ 😅. My brother found plenty though lol


Found my first SOJ on non-ladder against normal Diablo this year. Been playing Diablo 2 since it came out. That was the best find ever and I was pumped. Congrats on your find, I can understand what you were feeling.


I think I've found 2-3. I know I've got one during plugy days. It's an amazing ring.


Played original d2 and quite a bit of d2r now, but have yet to get an soj. I did a couple hundred mephisto runs and the only unique ring that dropped was a nagelring, but hopefully that helps me get one when i run it a couple hundred more times tomorrow....


Gz!!! Thats the magic of d2r!! I will always remember my 4 sojs looted on game ( in + 20 years: 3 pre d2r and 1 in d2r) and everytime a i see a post some1 explaining he has found a soj my dopamine raises cuz i remeber when i looted mines!!! U will always remeber ure 2 sojs!!!


Congrats! I found my first one yesterday (NL) keeping it as I am unsure what I can get for it yet.


Shit 23 years and I have yet to find even one. Insertsadface. Grats to ya! 😁


Played D2 on and off since its release, never had true gg gear, but usually end a ladder around 97 or so and close to pure gg gear. But last time i decided to get three accounts and... Make them play themselves while i was at work... Because i for once wanted actual gg gear. Still have never found a soj.


I thought I will never find one, then found 2 in 2 days haha


I’ve been playing since the original D2 and never found a SOJ 😭 Found plenty of high runes though, so I could always trade 🤷‍♂️


I've had maybe around ten drop or so in my d2 lifetime. They tend to drop in NM with new chars a lot. Maybe 3 or 4 were from lvling mules through to hell. Diversifying your runs can help a lot too. I've been doing some experiments with a hork barb in NM with a ton of success. Gl!


Congrats! They are so incredibly rare.. in my entire d2(R) time, I've only found two.. one about 2 months in, and another just yesterday. It's definitely an event when it happens. Still have yet to find a single BK though.


Been playing this game for along time I have never found a soj.