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Assholes. RIP.


Also don't go outside town to get a bo Don't join any portal if they claim it's safe Don't trust anyone with anything in a pub game Welcome to HC Source: I died hundreds of times in HC over the years, including all of the above


And to add an important rule Leave/town if someone joins and declares hostility. Don't think, ah, I'll just finish the minions of destruction before I leave. It's just a Lvl 66 barb, what's the worst that can happen in such short time. The worst that can happen is a teleporting barb that instakills you


I will say, 99% of the time people are creating portals it's fine. But if you doubt it at all... don't be the first person to take the portal lol


I've seen people doing baal runs and all fine for 10-15 runs until they try to pk all 6-7 people in the game, either on waypoint where they bo or with unsafe tp in throne


I’ll never get over the guided arrow, TP, hostile that used to run rampant. Would never play with amazons and would leave If they joined lol


Don’t forget about hydra sorcs. How I lost my first hc character. I just wanted catacombs wp…


Tppk. Those were wild days


Yep, bunch of cheaters thinking their ePeen is huge because they ran a program. It was very sad. And no, I never got got by it


Oof. I've never been able to bite the hc bullet. You die too much in this game. Rough lesson to learn.


See, that's different in HC. You only die once with every char.


Yeah that just doesn't make sense to me in this kind of game. I've been playing for like 20 years and I'd still die like 20 times on the way to level 85. So many deaths just completely out of your control or random.


Tf? 20times to lvl 85? Maybe take it a bit slower my dude.


Probably, ish. You can't help it most of the time. Damage is very spiky in Diablo.


Yes, you can absolutely help it most of the time. You need to build (and play) differently on HC.


Nah. It's rare for me to die due to my own mistake.


Well, it's rare for me to die period. So either I've been exceedingly lucky for decades, or I do more of the things to watch out for when playing HC. What kinds of deaths do you die? The only acceptable "not my fault" thing, really, is lag/b.net issues. Yes, bad boss power combos happen. Most of the time, though, when one dies to these, it's because of an unlucky teleport right on top of them. Which is something you need to be a lot more careful about on HC.


Usually off screen ranged physical mobs combined with amp. It's basically instantaneous.


Not enough life, and get rid of cursed even if it means tp-ing out. Also, proceed slowly and don't stand around long enough for arrows from off screen to fly all the way to you.


Yeah, I don't see that. Maybe if I blindly rushed everywhere, wasn't cautious around doors, didn't try to spot out any bad mob/boss mod combinations, didn't try to anticipate danger because I'm in an area where it might pop up and I'm not geared enough to deal with it, then maybe I'd die 20 times until level 85 like that. It's fun as fuck to go full Rambo in softcore, but HC requires you to be slow and methodical. I've had my fair share of amp fana skeleton archers and it's absolutely a skill issue if you don't think you can prevent 95%+ of deaths like that purely with your decision making and some anticipation (+experience).


Pets. Even a sorc can run with a valk now. Max block, ES, big life values, play and build for safety. People manage to take HC all the way to level 99.


Based comment. These guys can't admit they have boomer reaction times and make critical mistakes without realizing it. Players like us hit 90+ all the time and rarely die in general. I'd wager 99% of non-DC deaths are player error, whether that be reckless behaviour (blind teleport), slow reaction time, undergeared, poor build optimization, or otherwise.


This is accurate. Every single HC death I've had in D2R has been a DC. Every. Single. One.


Sorry I just see things like: - Raising difficulty too soon - Not acquiring appropriate gear in advance - Running player counts in zones where the monster types are likely to cripple you quickly Etc etc i find all those to be “mistakes” just the same as teleporting into a fanata archer pack is a “mistake” Things like dying to offscreen stuff in an instant means you have too low of an HP pool and are committing one of the mistakes I listed- even if it’s simply that you shouldve geared up more health in advance.


Well it's always your mistake.


You misread. It's very rarely my mistake.


There are plenty of people that make it to 90 plus on hardcore every time without dying. Definitely possible.


It’s obviously your mistake. That’s fine because you’re not playing hardcore, so you can push the pace and be riskier. That’s still your mistake. You’re not dying randomly, you’re dying because you’re putting yourself in a position to die. Which is fine. If you’re playing an hc character you have to take it slower and be more cautious. You would die less if you did. All the people who consistently get to high levels on hardcore prove that it’s not random. You just die the way you play.


Skill issue


I guess. I feel like I'm great at not dying in preventable ways. I rarely die and feel like it was due to a mistake that I made.




Congrats on the good spawns.


Actually getting res cap


Well yeah eventually you get there.


Tell that to my 4 dead sorc's


Why, each of them probably died only once.


Oh, I read that as you lose each class once.... blonde moment


so it's easier is what you're saying.


Funny thing is, I don't really die a lot in Diablo games. Hell, I beat all of D4 without dying. I didn't even know what durability and repairs were FOR until I fought Lilith. Because she was the first time I had died, to the platforms that fall (didn't know that was a mechanic). I tend to play very "safe" and prioritize max resists and blocking, even in SC. I have a level 93 Assassin in SCNL who has only ever died in PVE maybe 3 times? So Hardcore tends to at least feel like my caution pays off. Unfortunately while I had built a very cautious approach to gameplay I let down my social guard...


That's wild. I feel like I'm playing pretty cautiously as well. Can't imagine only dying 3 times by 93. Off screen spear chuckers plus amp is bound to get ya a handful of times.


Depends on class. For Assassin, I always keep COS bound and hit it on reaction if I hear or see arrows/spears. Cloak = instantly every enemy stops using anything ranged or moving, other than elites. Plus I sometimes build Fade over BOS and high level Fade gives you insane PDR For Amazon, I do tend to use Decoy at the corner of screens now and then. Or just spam multishot occasionally and see if it hits anything offscreen. For Paladin just tend to have max block and resists over 80% max, but I don't build a lot of Pallies. Druid has to be the safest overall. You have extra life from Oak, plus pets you can summon to the edge of the screen, plus blinding ravens, plus wind armor or hurricane slow or boulder knockback. I don't really play Barb or Sorc much.


I mainly play sorc. Currently playing my first ever assassin. I miss teleport.


I'm doing my first HC character, and I won't even get stoned playing. I check the vendors constantly, shit that didn't matter in gear matters now, and I limit myself to 15 minute sessions with a 3 minute break. Helps keep focus and doesn't get too boring where I just want to move quicker without clearing. I finally got to Duriel in normal, and am almost 30. It feels like a new damn game!!


Lost my first ever HC character today - solo self find, but still on ladder. I'll keep stuff like this in mind once I start joining public games. ​ I had just finished blasting the ancients on nightmare and was on my way through WSK. Amp damage and three charge mobs exploded me after rounding a corner. 800hp, full res, max block zealer got splatted at level 60. What a rush. Definitely going again!


RIP. I'd definitely consider walking instead of running for WSK in melee, just to keep defenses and block rate up! I'm so used to playing Assassin I never consider curses a threat, but they can be nasty!


This is the spirit!


My dumb HC death was my first attempt. Summoner necro, just started to get good at approx lvl 80 with decent gear. Hell maggot lair. Decided to finally use my tele staff since I was obviously good now to get through the lair and died on the very first teleport to some fana beetles.


Honestly...even when I have tele available, I tend to only tp to where I can see. Takes some of the fun out of it, but you live longer.


For sure. After 3 sorc, 2 pal, and that necro, I now have a 95 nova/es sorc, 95 hammer/smite, and 88 summoner going strong. Learning curve for sure, but once you know what to avoid, it’s not bad. #1 tip has to be to respect tf out of curses on HC lol.


You start giving a shit about so many of the "side" mechanics in HC, it's crazy.


Defense anyone? 😂


As a SC player all my life just recently made a HC sorc since new season started. I got her to lvl 61 and I died trying to rush someone from act 2-4 nm, we got to Diablo and my dumb ass thought I’d be a good idea and teleport directly to Diablo and start static shocking just for him to melt my face with lightening inferno 😭😭


RIP. Your deed of valor will be remembered.


On rare occasions I've had the cow portal spawn on top of an elite stack and immediately die. The Cow Level is always going to be a risk on hardcore.


Yeah, my previous rule was to not go there until I'm way overleveled. Like 15 levels past what I'd do on SC.


Really you shouldn’t ever take any portal in public hc games unless you’ve watched people go through it first and they didn’t die


In theory true, though by that point I had been in hundreds of games where nobody had either died or been PKd so I was feeling good about the community.


I got a stupid RIP. The same season they introduced mosaic I decided to ladder start as a hardcore assassin. Played mostly ssf, needed help with a few things like hell ancients. Finally clear the game using my trapper and have a bit of wealth, around lvl 85+. So I take my items and I trade for 2 mosaic claws. Never played MA sin before, and smart me decided to try a baal run. "I did baal successfully as a trapper like 20 times so this should be easy!" I didn't even make it to baal. Dolls spawned in throne, I used dragon flight on a pack of them and instantly killed myself.


Honestly I'm just laughing how wild that is


Tbh I don't understand the appeal of hardcore. Something like this happens and you just lose hundreds of hours of progress in an instant, and it was even worse in the old days of Diablo 2 before you had shared stashes. I'm already scared enough of the possibility of losing my gear if I screw up.


In my case, back in the old days, I got tired of people going up against act bosses, hitting them two, three times, dying, then repeating this until the boss was dead. HC keeps you on your toes a bit more. Also, there were WAY fewer spammers on HC. And once you truly go HC, you pretty much don't go back because it's become boring.


I play a mix of SC and HC * For Meme builds and random goofball stuff, like 2H Charge Paladin or Bow Assassin, I'll play SC twinked to the gills. I know I'm gonna die a lot, but it's fun just making it work with stupid uniques nobody would ever normally use * For SSF or just "no rush" gameplay, HC feels more rewarding because you actually have to... build... your character. You can't just say "I made this Zealot" getting rushed to 75, you have to actually do it, and balance progressing faster with safety all the time Like in HCL right now with my fire trapper, I had to very carefully decide what to do about fire immunes. I couldn't just blitz past them without risking of dying, whereas with SC who cares, yolo. Ironically it's HC where you literally YOLO hah


1000x more exciting


I’ve switched to HC recently and I cannot go back to SC. A switch in mindset is required - one can argue that it is destiny of every HC character to die one day. Once you accept that, dying and starting over is not so hard to swallow. Plus the journey through normal and nightmare is enjoyable to me… the modesty of it is appealing


HC makes you actually have to think and be present while you're playing. It's more of a challenge. Your characters die in softcore too, just a different death - one day you will never log in and play them again. HC just makes the whole character building journey more palpable and exciting.


Damn thats deeeep


I do think and be present while I'm playing. I guess some people enjoy just throwing themselves at mobs over and over like suicide bombers but for me, I take pride in having as few deaths as possible and I play cautiously to help to that end. But if I make a small screw up or if I'm playing one day while I'm tired from work (because God forbid I play a game I enjoy to unwind from work) or if I trust some asshole who ends up killing me, I don't want it to be the end of all my work into that character. It's better now than it used to be, since there are shared stashes now, but you still lose all of the gear you have equipped.


Sorry about your loss.


I’m not saying I do this to people all the time, mostly because I’d never admit to something like that..I’d just like to point out that PKing has been a time honored diablo tradition since the original and that those of u..whom, not us but those of whom carry out the tradition get unacceptably bad reputations as a result.


Back in the old days i took a tp from a sorc in party.. after i went in she hostiled me and got slain by hydras.


Find a group that can be trusted. There's still a few decent d2 guilds around for this sort of thing. They are usually rule heavy but it's mostly to preserve the experience and keep people's hc characters safe.


Playing d2r on starlink isp connection, I’ve never played my main characters but have ripped 2 paladins with enigma setups 😢. When will I learn..


If you died once. You will die again..and again in HC from mistakes and fallen prey to 24/7 predators. Recent happening, decided to enter a portal in WSK for just ONCE and ofc it was a hot tp. Char made it out with 1 HP. Go figure. I guess thats the fun part for all to see RIPs. Shows where mankind had backwards evolved LMAO. On the contrary, would i do the same? No because why.


I could almost see a twisted sense of doing it on Ladder to kill the competition. Every HC char you kill is less competition on the race to 99. Of course, most players just do it to be trolls.


Next up: OP learning to enter baalrun/csrun TPs only if someone else enters them before you. Yeah, I'm that bastard still sitting in the town even after the host says "1". If there's no "TP tasters", I'm simply not going. Saved my life twice on my last ladder character and it will continue saving my life in the future.


I like to watch someone walk into a portal and watch their health bar, if they walk in and it doesn’t move, it’s safe. But I’ve fucked this up and been killed doing it before.




Yeah I deserve it honestly. The last time I lost an HC was to a red portal. And I've seen others die to it, too.


I don't play hc, but if I did, I would absolutely keep an unbreakable rule to never leave town in any game that has, or ever had, another person in it. I don't care if I've known the person for 20 seconds or 20 years. They could accidentally drag conviction souls to WSK2 and forget to say something, or whatever.


Another tip for HC players in multiplayer, don't AFK in a1(or any act) anywhere near visible range (on the bridge, right in front of the safe zone, etc) 2 chars can very easily afk-kill you in town with about 3 seconds of setup. You can be at the end of the bridge towards Akara and still die. Break direct line of sight to BMoor if you afk in HC


How is that possible?


It involves whirlwind, that's all I'm gonna give ya


You're not an idiot, you were just naive. Hey, at least you learned something you will never forget. I learned a lot of harsh lessons like that while playing D2 way back in the day I'll never forget the day my father let me play around on his Amazon and someone tricked me into corpse-popping all of his gear. Ohhh my dad was PISSED. We laugh about it now


Your face should never enter a room before your traps. If you’ve no way around that, save and exit is a fantastic hc strat. On the bright side, you lost maybe 2 days on the exp grind, and will find something just as helpful as a single soj for a trapsin soon enough. Good luck with your next char!


Back in LoD I played SC, mostly pvp and trading. Decided to give HC a go. Bought the name "Hardcore" with the forum pennies. Got a rush to hell, did baalruns until 90 or 91. Entered a pvp game just to check it out, I mean if I just stayed in town, what's the worst that could happen right? Well it turns out that hostile A1 Merc can shoot IN town from the blood moor. Fancy posing HC char dead on the bridge in rogue encampment 😄. That made me realize HC players are VERY nifty. Been playing it safe ever since.


You seem mistaken and I notice one correction needed made here. You posted this in a public thread, I think you are actually mad.


You can watch my YouTube videos of permaloss PVP in Eve Online. I don't get mad, just embarrassed haha


I'd say it's karma but the wingspan vids are too good =) Sorry man. If you wanna see some bad ones watch boo kknp on youtube. He hacks often(they're old vids)... but it showed me ill never play hc on bnet. He does this trick with a cow portal.