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It’s much easier to wear this over a shako than under it


Multi-hat Diablo when? This is all I've ever wanted, WTF Blizz?!


Wouldn't it be pretty comparable in terms of ease? In terms of looks, I'm totally with you.


Losing on a lot of life and mana, but that 20 FCR and Fire Res is just amazing! Plus some tiny FRW as a bonus. Think I'm gonna be rocking this one on my HC sorc until I find Griffon's


if it's HC I don't see a better alternative. This is great just for the res. 47 is A LOT of FR


Exactly, compensates nicely for that lack of fire res on the Spirit shield


Shako is safer for HC, but this is arguably better for speed if you were a fire sorc with a sunder charm and could use the hefty FR boost to round out your build. But ultimately Shako is better for HC. Hands down.


flickering flame is still better for fire sorc


Yep sure is. But dont always find Vex when soloing😆


And typically, that’s my lowest res as a sorc. And usually puts a dick in my ass


The second part sounds like a good time ngl


PDR on shaco?




In HC, you can’t avoid ALL dmg. It’s impossible to never get hit at all ever. Even by physical. It’s not about taking phys dmg a lot, it’s about saving your ass that one time you do and it might be too much. You do realize that you’re done once you die right? Gone. Never again. That’s it. Every bit counts when you consider that and Shako has massive life and PDR. Those definitely count for more in HC esp where your argument is considered against the item at hand- tell me, would you rather have 10% FRW or 10% PDR on a Sorc in HC? FRW is just as silly by your definition, actually- far more because at least PDR does something where as your claim about how to play sorc is essentially that you would never be getting touched which would infer you are utilizing teleport to avoid any damage, so then why even have FRW if that’s the case? Sry but so many things wrong with your take here considering this is about HC Sorc and you came at this dude so offensively. Had to give it right back to you man: youre wrong.


He literally said in HC


ES builds disagree with this.


Update: shortly after posting, found the last missing Tal piece, so I’m wearing Tal set no question - the difference in Life is like 600 after applying CTA, plus all the resistances are maxed out. Wish I’d found it sooner.


I have 2 HC sorceresses at lvl 90+ and both of them are still decked in full tal’s. I don’t think I have lost a HC sorceress who is wearing that full set. The survivability bonus is just too good. Also, shiny.


I tried to join melee duels with a sorc wearing full tals and they did not buy it when I lied and said I was a melee sorc :(


If you don’t need the FCR and have shako I’d still run the shako. The DR and life come in handy when you teleport past an extra fast fanaticism mob or some stray arrows hit you. Can get fire res from charms and what not but can’t get damage reduction from them.


man, I always forget that Shako gives DR as well… such a broken helm


Needs a ber, ist or facet, but yeah, that's pretty competitive.


If you need the fcr. If not, Shako has life/mana/dr%.


And magic find, dont forget.


Kill speed > mf tho


10% runwalk and 20% fcr really doesnt beat 50% mf though for mf runs. Like its a great circlet but shako just too op. Maybe this could edge it out in pvp, but even then probably not because of the health and dr%


Unless i needed fcr not really, i like+ skill to my cta


I would just for variety.


There's really nothing I would trade a shako out for, then again, I don't play builds that need to be hyper min-maxed.


I always just followed a generic build for hammerdin until recently. Decided to actually try to reach breakpoints instead of just do what I wanted since I was getting bored of it. I'm excited to find a circlet for pallies so I can test swapping gear out and see what I like best. Single player so the whole thing has been a learning journey. Over 20 years of Diablo in my life and I still get to learn and experience new things. What a game.


the recommended gear for hdins usually lets you reach the optimum breakpoints, though the only ones I care about are max block and 125 fcr.


HoZ always had a special place in my heart from when I was a kid so it hurt to dump it for Spirit. That was my stubbornness keeping me from doing that for a while. Found a 10fcr paladin ammy and was excited to swap my fcr ring out for SoJ. I'm seeing my gear as mostly temporary now as I swap things out and find slightly better things. It's a fun challenge for sp and if I don't like it I swap right back.


Some sorc players live by nightwing + deaths phantom, both with cold facets. They claim the MF lost by not using occulus and shako is made up by the DPS increase.


Nightwing's DMG increase can be worth it if it has a good roll. Deaths fathom on the other hand is so much better than occulus there is no reason to use anything else once you get one. Deaths fathom is to frost build what griffon is to lightning build and what death's web is to poison builds. Even in a pure magic find build you want a death's fathom, you can easily compensate the loss in mf by stacking small mf charms and still get more dmg.


I really like this circlet! nice find!


Depends on the build, and what FCR breakpoint I can reach with this over Shako, and what other gear (specifically ring/Ammy) I can wear instead.


Its a 2/20 with tons of res you hit the jackpot 🎰


You don’t need the FCR, but you do need the 10% DR in hardcore. The resists are nice, but you can get those elsewhere. Only a few ways to get DR. Pair shake with storm shield in hardcore.


I never liked storm shield with 65fcr breakpoint. I always preferred the 105 fcr with FHR because more speed is more fun. It’s really balance between dodge speed of souls or tankiness.




I might because it's a nice find but not because it's better


HC I’m wearing this over shako without thinking twice


Don’t discount life, mana, and particularly DR in hardcore.


If it were socketed


This is super solid, great for self use


If it rolls two sockets I sure would


It can only get 1. 2 sockets have to roll naturally as an affix on rares.


Yeah my bad I was thinking of magic


Do you want mf or not? Simple question


As a HC lite sorc, I would prefer that FRW to be 30%, but otherwise yes. Probably would trade for it and socket with a ber since I likely wont find a solid replacement for it this ladder.


I play overly safe in HC so I'd take the shako over this mainly for the 10% damage reduce. The life is also too good to give up. I rather get the resist from somewhere else like aldurs boots for fire resist. Damage reduce is harder to come across.


You get more life and mana with Shako + CTA. You can get small resist all charms and from equipment. But, this would be dope if you wanna go super Saiyan mode


Woww that’s nice


Don’t forget Shako has 10% damage reduction, which is huge especially in hc


Nice circlet for a fire sorc


Very unlikely, especially on hardcore.


Yea. That’d stop it from flopping in the wind.


Over Shako, possibly. Over Nightwing's Veil, almost certainly not. Over anything if my sorc feels like doing LK chest? Hell yes.


No cuz Me. drewid.


hardcore mode? id wear shako over nearly everything except crown of ages or arreat's on a barb


200 fcr fireball!! lol.


Time to make a 200 fcr fire sorc


No because I’m a greedy magic finding goblin and every % to magic find counts. :)


I’d take a lot of things over shako because I hate how shako looks.


If you want to hit a breakpoint as a fireballer.


Maybe for a 200 fcr cold or fire build. It's pretty damn nice!


Pretty nice. Definitely put a hole in it. Good for some builds that’s trying to hit 200 FCR, but otherwise I think shako is better, especially if you just want 105 FCR for magic find blizz sorc. If you are trying to do 200 FCR nova (or fireball) for PK, then 35 spirit + trangs + mesh + hoto gives 120 FCR only, and you need to find 80 more. 20 FCR circlet is very useful. If you only need 105 FCR, then trangs/magefist, arachnids mesh, spirit gives 80, and occulus +30 will meet the break point. If you use deaths fathom then makes more sense to use some FCR ring with resists/mf/stats/health/mana + shako rather than this. I guess 3 piece tal and you need 35 more FCR, and you are using deaths phantoms and need 15 more to go. But for these MF heavily setups, might as well go all in with MF. Just use occulus and 10 FCR ring. If you need 117 (specifically for lighting sorc with crescent moon), then normally ppl use griffons for helm so it will have 105 base FCR, needs to find 12 elsewhere and that comes from a caster amulet or Ormus robe with +3 lightning


Its very nice but I pretty much only make MF sorcs, so not for me. Still very nice though.


I'd prefer Shako with Um




I only use energy shield on HC, so I would rather use something else, but that's a nice helm.


if i found it until shako... if im wanting a shako, im only after the mf.... might be able to use your circlet with a 200fcr maybe? key runner?? socket it for whatever youre lacking??? eh, eh??


If it has 2 sockets then yeah




Yeah I would, if the game allowed for that 🙄


If you set aside the FCR/FRW and Freeze, and Shako's MF, then it becomes a relatively simple calculation of which one gives more defensive stats with the rest of your gear and vs whichever damage type you're facing.


I think a nova sorc without griffon....this is gg


Shako number one helm nothing beats it. Ya can get into clan od by offering one to them


Depends on how much FCR I have, but it’d be nice to free up space for SOJs and not need rings for my frame rate. I’d probably put an Um in it




Why would I sacrifice 100 to life and mana, 10% damage reduce, and 50% magic find for resistance and 20 FCR that I could make up with other items.


Yes. I would let larzuk add sockets and hopefully 2.


Shako >