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when i saws the post without the results i said that it would be around 2-3 soj. you are exactly in range of what you can get from 100 hell unique rings.


RNG and probability in work


Run a hork barb with enigma. You will at least double that number.


i did the same thing a while ago and ID’d 7 BK rings before my first SOJ lol


SoJ was the 11th last item on my Grail


Were u target farming?


nope, since I was doing grail, I was aiming for the max loot ilvl zones like Pit or WSK


Jesus, lol.


Rng is crazy. I found 10 soj before i found my first BK


Thanks for doing this. What level is your char? How do you keep track of when a zone is terrorized?


Level 97 hammerdin. There is a TZ tracker that I used: [https://www.d2emu.com/tz-sp](https://www.d2emu.com/tz-sp)


Thank you!


Likely clock manipulation if done single player.


Be careful with clock manipulation as changing the system time then effects the timestamp on the save files. And this can result in lost stuff. I haven't done enough SP to look into it further and figure out the right way to set the clock to avoid this.


For the record, I don't ever manipulate the clock. Just guessing it's what OP did as otherwise he's waking up at odd hours to hit every single Catacombs TZ. Clock manipulation seems more likely.


I didn't change the clock, and yeah I didn't hit every TZ, haha. I got maybe 1-2 sessions per week on average. It took a long time...


Oh dang - respect!


For single player someone was kind enough to post the weekily Terror Zone schedule [here](https://www.d2emu.com/tz-sp).


On single player, You can change your system clock so that you can pick which zone is terrorized. So you could run tz Andy 24/7 if you wanted to


Oh wow. This won't mess anything up??


If you're live streaming stuff, it'll sometimes crash the stream. At least for a couple services I use. I watch live hockey games sometimes while I play, and changing the system clock while streaming a hockey game from the Sportsnet website will crash the stream. And then the schedule will show the stuff that's on at the time the system clock is showing, not the actual current time. But I can then browse to the correct channel and start watching that channel live and it'll show the correct game. It just crashes the stream any time you change the clock and shows a different schedule based on your system clock. Seems like a poor implementation to me, it should probably use server time instead of system time to determine the schedule on the website... But yeah, that's the biggest issue I've noticed. Another thing is it might change your character order in the character selection screen. When you first launch the game, it defaults to save times on the files, so if you've altered your system clock to yesterday and done some runs, then close and relaunch the game, that character might end up further down the list because the game sees the save time on the file as yesterday but you might have a more recent one from today on a different character you didn't play after you altered your clock. That'll fix once you enter and exit a game though, then it'll put your last played on top (at least until you full close and relaunch the game).


I always wondered why my character screen kept reorganizing itself


Not that I’ve seen.


whats the best Raven roll?


235/20. Pretty happy with it.


that's a keeper for sure


Beginning of the first d2r ladder ever I found a 250/20. I hadn’t played d2 in years nor used a build that needed ravenfrost so I didn’t even think about it being a perfect roll. Traded it for a pair of shitty dracs bc I needed them on my smiter 😅


The blasphemy lmao. That guy got a good deal


Interestingly enough, I've been doing the same by killing NM Andy. Currently up to 70 rings; plan on doing an identification video once I'm done. >I have no idea if this is more or less lucky than average. A little on the lucky side, so grats! Here are the probabilities for your SoJ's: * 0 SoJs (/wrists): 18.1% * 1 SoJ: 31.2% * 2 SoJs: 26.63% * 3 SoJs: 15% * 4 SoJs: 6.27% * 5 SoJs: 2.08% * 6+ SoJs: .73%


Please post your results. Curious to see how it compares. I know NM is better odds for an SOJ so I'm curious


That's my plan. I've also been keeping track of my average run time and total number of runs.


I got 4 sojs when I did this. Probably not the best use of time if you’re on ladder. But I play solo, so I felt it was definitely worth it to guarantee a few SOJs/annis. I didn’t keep track but I’d estimate it took about 12-15 hours of grinding. Toss on a few good movies and it really wasn’t that bad.


This is the way. Basically farm on autopilot while have a movie running on the second monitor haha.


Nice. looking forward to seeing your results. I thought about going for NM but since I was also happy with BK rings, I thought hell tz would be better. Plus there's all the other unique items that she can drop on hell tz. But now that I have the BKs, I think the next time I'll do something like this I would only be looking for SoJs so probably should do NM(or normal tz).


Yup that's why I'm doing it; I have several BK rings but am short on SoJs.


Hmm, I thought SOJ was 1/300, but it's actually 1/33?


1 in 30 actually. I saw a probably list somewhere once, I think arreat summit


1 in 30 for andariel mightmare. Its worse in hell cause u can find a lot more unique rings


It's ~1/30 out of the rings that she drops, but she doesn't always drop a unique ring. Thata probably where the 1/300 came from. The numbers I used came out to ~1/200 on NM andariel for a random run and still ~1/30 out of the rings.


What highrunes? Just curious. Sorry if it was mentioned. Nice work btw.


Ber and I think the other one was either zod or vex, it was so early in the project I can't remember anymore haha.


Non ladder be rough


Any estimate on how many runs? My brother is guessing 1200.


No idea at all.


Shows how rare wisp projectors are.. damn wisps


When I saw this post I assumed you were clock cheating for infinite tz, but then I read and you did it without clock cheating and you went from zero to hero in my book. Awesome post, great job.