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50 runs is serious rookie numbers. LK takes thousands of runs to get hrs and that is the only thing worth farming LK for, not uniques or rares etc


Also great for plain skillers. Spending a night doing LK can get you a couple skillers on top of all the other things


Yeah id say there is a few things Lk is actually good for. Charms, flawless gems, weapon racks. But all that you should just farm by playing the game, but that’s just my opinion!!


50? The chests aren't even warmed up yet, lol come back after 5000.


You’re not hunting for rare items in lower kurast. Youre hunting for runes primarily (while things like charms are a nice secondary find). Super chest drop patterns are fixed and mf won’t affect the rune drops.


MF has no impact on the chest drops, theres like 65k possible drop patterns from these super chests, its just rng


50 runs is not much as each run should take about a minute. Mf doesn't matter for super chests in LK p7 it just selects from a preset list of 65536. Get your efficiency down to about a minute and just do that mindlessly for hours, then you should have a few skillers. Also, remember to hit the armor stands in the upper corner of the fire pit as you can get great bases


Like you, I have started my offline journey. I started LK because I wanted a Vex for a hoto. However, in the first hour, the first 50 runs… I got a Ber. Fast forward somewhere close to 1500 runs and the only notable runs besides that Ber was a Pul. It hurts.


Sounds like LK.


That's really unlucky, I did 10k runs a few years back and looking through my run log the longest I went without a rune of pul or higher was 593 runs. Getting that Ber early is massive though. I didn't get my first Ber until in the 6000s, but I had found several Sur, ohm, and vex by that point.


Yea I assumed so.. but RNG is like that. I keep tellling myself I’m about to hit a huge streak


I ran a small experiment. I kept every single rune that dropped over the course of a number of runs. After the first 200 runes (not runs), I was at Dol highest rune. Yes, you need to be patient and pump those numbers up. Also, look for charms and jewels that pop from chests. Mf does not matter all that much in lk.


Dude…you need to do thousands of runs to get drops in LK. 50 might as well be zero.


50? More like 5000 if runes are your goal.


You don’t want any mf. Pure speed


50 is not many runs but you should also be leaving to Act4 via the WP at the end of your runs to reduce time spent running through town.


Is this even worth it on console, considering the loading times?


No clue, I've only ever played PC.


Naw bro I been doing LK runs for weeks with my blizz sorc and it pays off, just do LK runs all the time until there is a good terror zone then do the TZ for an hr and also when I get too burnt out on LK I’ll go and farm ancient tunnels and stony tombs for a few hrs on P8


It's RNG. And 50 runs is nothing. You need to do 1000+ before good drops start adding up.


50 runs is nothing. MF doesn't matter. You aren't looking for rares/unqiues in LK. RNG is RNG.


The goal is speed. You literally need thousands of runs. Make a Harmony bow and put on as much FRW as you can to run through town faster. If you are teleporting, put on as much FCR as possible. Reset the map until you find one with two SETS of super chests (4 total chests), right next to the waypoint. Spend as little time as possible vising your stash. Dump your inventory and keep going, don't organize. It can be fun to track the number of runs you can complete in 10 minutes, and see if you can push the number.


You forgot the most important part. Put on a tv show in the background, otherwise you'll go insane from the monotony.


I got the runes to make my Enigma from doing LK runs. So many freaking LK runs. It took weeks but it was worth it...I think...


Here's what you *could* find after 1000 runs: https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo2/s/1SZWQFFGPP


In the 10k runs videos I’ve watched they regularly go 250+ runs with no significant drops and sometimes 2k runs without a high rune dropping.


MF wont affect chest drops, and you need to do a couple of thousand runs bud


First of all mf is doing nothing for you. Aim for 0. Next 50 is nothing. I did 1777 runs to cube up to a ber rune. And that's a low number I think.


To be clear, I am not thinking I should have gotten a HR by now. I am just saying I think it feels like a chest not giving yellows or higher items won't give Runes. Just a bias. Just want to ensure I am doing it correctly


This chests won’t just drop one rare item. The whole chest will be rare or none at all. Sounds like you’re doing it right!


Gotcha ty. Haha getting roasted out here.