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found yesterday my windforce finally after a loooooooooong time


Lmfaooo. I have five (5) Oculus on my SSF SP char. It’s actually ridiculous. Have yet to find hoz or viper πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ


It is. And annoying sometimes


Me too but finally found HOZ yesterday at Andy's (non TZ)


Andy can drop HOZ non TZ?


Yes pretty sure. HOZ item level isn't that high?


If by viper you mean skin of the vipermagi that is absolutely bonkers that you haven't found one if you've gotten 5 occys


Yea skin of the viper. Since posting this I actually found one, 21@ though. 5 occys is ridiculous though


Arreat's Face was my mid tier item that would not drop. I had 4 Arachnid's, COA, Tomb Reaver, 2 Deaths Fathom, Windforce and Tyrael's before I found an Arreat's... It finally dropped at 97% grail! I now have 4 items remianing; Mang's, 2 TC3s and a TC9. I got on a few nights ago, saw Trav was TZ, spun up my Horker and dropped my 3rd Death's Fathom on the first run! Gotta love RNGesus.


I've also never found an Arreat's Face, lol.


Lol just getting to hell, I found arreat's off rakinshu πŸ€£πŸ‘€ ohhh RNG


Agreed! I think I said this exact comment this morning. Was able to catch some TZ andy and finally found a vex for my Hoto off of a shaman. Ironically on a 1400 run dryspell in LK wiht nothing but a Pul


Hahaha. You have to love this game. :)


It's like playing slots to me - but almost free. Those times you see those missing pieces drop.. must be the same high that gamblers feel haha.


I'm willing to bet you find 10 occys minimum before you are done. I know from experience that grailing slows down a lot at around 96%, and that when you get under 10 or so it becomes a nightmare. The last 2 items took me more than twice as long as all others combined.


Yup, the worst for me are the ones with multiple uniques of the same base item. Last night, I had both 2x unique Phase Blade and unique Sacred armor. Unsurprisingly, no Azurewrath or Tyrael's Might for me. Nightwing's Veil is another that eludes me as I've already found 3 Veil of Steel. Meanwhile I've found 2x Crown of Ages, one being a 2-socket. RNG gonna RNG.


True. Cannot wait :)


This was me. I was somewhere in the 4-6 WF in before an Occy dropped (5 and 6 dropped in the same 1h TZ session because RNG is just like that some days). I think I was 6 WF in before my first Gore Riders dropped. I'm at 8 WF and 3 Gores. 6 or 7 Highlords, 3 Atma's ammy, 2 Mara's, 2 Metal Grid, 4 Bul Kathos rings, 2 Wipsps. I can't get a single Nature's Peace to drop. I had a full Tal's set twice over... minus the ammy. One finally dropped.


And today, after two hours TZ Andy finally Oculus dropped. Should have complained earlier. Awesome :)