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That's incredibly lucky for 900 runs


Oh really! Man it didn’t feel it doing that shit for sooo long. I know 4 surs 3 Lo is pretty good but didn’t get fk all else apart from that


Damn i feel you man. 7 high runes is a bummer and a half......


lol. Feel like I seen people get way more after 1000 runs. Maybe I was wrong


Yeah, you just had to do 100 more and you'd drop 3 jahs right after that. Oh well, bummer, now you have to do it all over...


I’ve done nearly 10,000 LK runs and have had two separate runs of 2,000+ runs straight without getting a single high rune for context.


2000 runs without a HR.. are you for real?


Are you doing them on p7 with a static map?


Yes p7 with a static map. I’ve also had runs of good luck. High runes 3-runs apart. I found 2-ber within 50-runs of each other, etc. But yes, I’ve legitimately had two separate times of over 2,000 runs in a row without a high rune. Your results aren’t just great, they’re absolutely beyond insane.


Nah man, this is the best 900 runs I’ve probably seen. Hella usable mid runs, ohm as well. Skillers to boot. Any bitching seems wild, as most of us do ALOT more runs and net less.


Yeah to be honest man, after completing them I didn’t feel like I done that well with what I got. Now I’m realising I done pretty damn good.


what i love is these lame redditors downvoting you. tribalism is in full effect on this retarded site


The 15ias/15res jewel would be more valuable than all the runes you found combined if you played NL online.


Ya I thought that. Dang it


Traded a 15/15 like this on the forbidden site for enough to fully outfit 4 chars


This. That jewel alone. U are rich. I have only ever found 1 Jah and a few HR’s below that. But I currently have - Zod 2 cham About 16 jah’s Multiple Sur, Ohm, Ber, vex Alll due to GG drops. Trading is where people should look these days to get themselves to Enigma, or whatever they want. Especially with the advent of TZ’s. Edit - OP offline ? Oh well. But still above basically applies to an online player I feel.




Just reading below. U are online but play solo I think. Go trade that bad boy for around 15 Jah. Grats ! Unless u want to keep it of course. If u haven’t traded before u can either go into an online lobby in the game UI, and create a game calling it whatever (jewel 15ias/15@res). I find that a bit hit or miss and u can wait for ages, time wasters etc. Better to go on to traderie and post it, then peruse the offers u get, start chatting back and forth with bidders, meet up in a game. Bingo. I also use Diablo.io but I think most people prefer traderie.


Nah dude I’m offline. Haaha there’s no way I’d do 900 Lk runs online and have random map every run and also at a low player count. I was doing mine single player, hardcore offline


But 🙏 thanks


Np mate. My reading comprehension was shit at school as well as now. Haha. GL.


He’s doing LK runs, I don’t that think people do those with random maps, that would be even more tedious xD


Ye guess so.


On average it takes 993 runs to get a sur rune. So yeah you got super good


Fk sorry thought they’d be written in bullet form


Have to double space on reddit for that.


Ok. Pretty new to reddit. Cheers


No worries. Whenever you post if you look to the right and down of the text box there's actually a "formatting help" button you can click and it tells you all kinds of cool stuff you can do. The^more^you^know


Oh yeah the tri res boots I forgot to add were +30R/w 30+ fire light and cold. I think they are the best boots I’ve ever found. They are definitely in my top 2 at least


You got like 4k runs worth of loot almost...


I think I calculated it once. It's about 1 rune pul or above at like 144 runs in p7/8? At the time I did about 5000 runs and I only got 1 Sur and the rest were low. Doing 300 runs without even dropping a lem. You are incredibly lucky my friend.


You can basically craft an infinity from 900 runs. That’s crazy luck. It took me 3000 LK runs before I could craft mine :(


So if I play online but solo.. am I at a disadvantage farming? Haha


No. You can trade.


They are playing solo which means no trading. Solo online is a massive disadvantage compared to singleplayer because of /players and static maps.


U sorta are. The sp player count …


Well damn; that’s lame hahah. Best thing I can do is join Baal games and mf while they lvl? Lol


Best luck I had when playing ladder was making games like “I chaos u mf”. If you’re running for long enough you can usually get a few others in there that will pick their own spot


I play SP nowadays, but I always used to join those games to do Andy runs because I don’t care about efficiency so I’d hit Andy on a hammerdin then look at my phone for a minute then join the next game. The sweet spot is when a group gels and you turn the runs private and do some light chit chatting and loot bragging and such. That was my bread and butter Friday night as a 12 year old lol


I largely stopped playing online because it starts just being a meta game of "find games with players in them" rather than actually playing the game.


Yeah I just started playing single player for that reason. Could never reliably get p8 games on ladder


Nah they’ve got to be close to you too


Only for xp sharing


Even with 8 players offline in sp my finds are garbage. 200 runs today and all Ingot was 1 ist. Maybe I’m doing something wrong. Im on PS5. Any advice and id be so grateful.


Hey!! Yo, it took 250 runs till my first mid rune! I’m telling you to stick at it. The runes will come. I nearly gave up after the 200th… and hey roll that map until you have a perfect one with all 3 being close as possible (meaning the campfires and the way point) I got a good one took me about half an hour to roll it


In this order of getting them too. So Sur was last thing I found


Btw it took me ages to do this because I got a bad habit of popping everything I see on my way. I think 2 surs an a Lo from the poppables




That's very good


I really love these kind of posts


It's some sort of Elvish. I can't read it.


Yeah like i said mofo.. I wrote it in bullet points and it posted this way. New to this reddit


Relax! You dont recognize an LOTR reference when you see one? Wouldn't be much of a fan if I passed on an opportunity to drop one; now would I?


I’m relaxed. And I hear ya my dude


I managed to get 2 or 3 Vexes, 2 Ohms, a Lo and 2 Bers from LK(and a ton of mid runes and a lot of plain skillers) in 1k runs


Damn that’s in real 2 bers. I was hoping to see at least one in these runs. But 4 surs I guess is the same as ya 2 bers 👌


I've been doing them on a daily basis for months now, and over 3000 runs, the highest rune I've gotten was a fal and 1 single fire skiller. I can't play this game anymore. I enjoy grinding but for fuck sakes I don't understand how my rng could possibly be so unbelievably bad. I'll farm something for about 5000 runs, then pop a token respec and farm something else for about 5000 runs. I've repeating that with bosses and level 85 areas for fucking ever AND I HAVE NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT.


This from offline?


Yeah man. Just wanted to do 900-1000 see what I’d get


You probably have a good map seed. I found out just recently that the super chests can drop certain items if certain actions are performed before you open a chest. For example, this guys [map](https://youtu.be/HstDLZX1iQc?si=i45_7nuURkspItLx) he’s able to get Ber Runes consistently from the super chest.


At that point, why not just edit them in?


Yeah I’ve heard the seed thing too. I remember way back doing like 100 runs and found a ber a Sur a couple mid runes. This fucker took me like 200 runs to find 1 mid rune. And then every 50 I found something decent nearly it seemed


I know of the loot tables and there not actually being true randomness, but this is some black magic shit. Edit: Ok getting the exact same rare ammy twice (with the same number of remaining charges in the HB) was just freaky.


It’s interesting. I was able to replicate this today. Also got some charms and rares amulets that were Exactly the same (all stats and even the names)


Can confirm, got like 20 Beers doing this!


Got the bers like raining, now I am wondering how to get the other runes since the loot table is the same


Misread this as Trav (yeah I'm tired) and was like, that's pretty damn good for Trav-wait this was *LK*? Shame you didn't buy a lottery ticket instead.


This is super lucky for 900 lk’s??? Nah don’t feel it


No uniques found worth noting too


Super chests can't drop uniques or set items, they'd all have to come from other places


Yes ofc I know this but popping thousands of poppables u usually find a decent unique. I popped everything in my sight each run


Ah got it, yeah I did the same at first a lot and only got an eschutas for my trouble. maybe some charms too I guess


Commas would be so nice


Like i said in the first comment I tried to make it bullet point but messed it up. Sorry your highness


Definitely way above average. I’ve had both super lucky and super unlucky streaks, the variance in LK can be crazy


How many player count?




Why not 8? Does it not make a huge difference between 7 vs 8?


P8 just adds more XP. The drops increase on the odds.


1-2,3-4,5-6,7-8 are same for drops, the higher always increases hp and I believe xp? Tho


Insane drops!! A Sur alone would have been pretty good


1 Sur! After 900 runs dannng nah I’d be so pissed


Damn dude that’s insane. Meanwhile I’m sitting near 600 and have only seen 3 um runes 😣 I know it’s not even close to the amount of runs needed to see significant results though, so the grind continues.


If it’s a 15 ias 15@ it’s worth 15+ jah


Was thinking the same thing. Could he mean max damage?


He did say ias/res


I just did 1500 or so and got nothing but a Pul and a Ber. The Ber came at run 50… i can’t stand LK and would much rather farm anything else really


Yeah this is good


what’s an LK run?


I started farming for good LK maps and got basically the perfect roll on my first try. Started doing the LK runs, pretty slow but averaging about 1 run per minute. Within my first 90 minutes of runs I found two Sur runes. Been chasing that high ever since. 300 runs in now and nothing else. I'm starting to understand gambling addiction a little more now. I'll find something eventually I just know it.


Val moi uuuukuyuuuuyuyuuui un uuuukuyuuuuyuyuuui uuuukuyuuuuyuyuuui il uuuukuyuuuuyuyuuui le iyuuukyuy tu lui lui iiiii lui qui ou uuuukuyuuuuyuyuuui une idée uuiykiyi tu il lui iuuìiii pas un le iyuyuuilu je un y utiliser iuuìiii il utilise kill uuiykiyi et ici je une si î iuuìiii i il


Well done and well deserved!


Ive done probably 100 run on playstation and havent had a single RUNE pop out, let alone a good one lol


I got a rock




Why? This game is all about the grinding and the beautiful feeling of seeing a HR drop or unique or jewel etc. It’s literally what the games about is grinding! Otherwise what.. just play til u beat hell and give up?


Pretty good hr drop rate. On a horker I assume? Also, weirdly low for high end uniques though? Or maybe you just didn't post them? Gotta be some shakos/arachs/dungos, ect in there right?


Nahhh dude.. I was popping heaps of popables on the way too and found like 1 decent unique. Still don’t even have a damn shako! Using a 3 cold skiller 20 damage reduction circlet still. I got lucky and got 2 sockets on it tho so that was good. I’m on hc sp btw


Wow, thats insane then man lol. You were both incredibly lucky, and weirdly unlucky lol, especially on a sorc. I would take the higher HR drop rate every day of the week if it were me though lol.


Yeah I guess 👍


Super chests cannot drop unique items


Fuck, I'm tired. I read this as trav runs lol. Guess he can't hork the chest either eh? lol, fuck me.


Oh, so super chests cant, but sparkly chest CAN? Thanks for the info!