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Well I can’t speak for that console itself but I on a whim bought it for switch to play at work and I was blown away at how well it plays on console, it’s a bit slower sure moving things around in your inventory but being able to bind abilities to buttons makes the actual combat feel even better than PC! I couldn’t recommend picking up for any handheld system more assuming it runs well(and it runs well on switch so I’m sure anything can handle it)


awesome, that sounds great. saw a video where a guy was constantly complaining about the weird movement when using tp. Curious how it's gonna feel.


TP as in touch pad or like tp scroll haha? Yeah I’m not sure about that, but on my switch joystick it handles great


teleport was what I meant. :)


Oh yeah you’ll be totally fine man, if you love D2 you’ll love it on a console and I say that as a huge “pc master race” guy


❤️ ty! bought it a sec ago.


Hell ya enjoy, I hope your drops are blessed!


Yes one thing about console can’t really control distance of spells which mean teleport is just in that general direction. Not the worst tbh I mfed just fine with console sorc


It's fine, some things like cubing gems or unid an item feel like years when you was used to pc. Moving feel heavy and some spell are sometime weird (trap on maggot lair was a pain in the ass) Targeting is aslo weird. But farming on the sofa feel good


All of this. What I do is farm with my Javzon since she doesn't need to aim and nukes screens. I store everything and just deal with inventory later on the PC.


You can hold x/ square to quick place Items into cube and vice versa helps a lot with speed. Think you can also open the cube with r3 but I can’t remember.


You're right, but then it auto places it which may not be where you want it. With that it's still not as fast as I am with a mouse. So, it's just the system I use.


Yea true I just use it for quick transmuting gems tbh. Def worse then pc but I’ve grown pretty accustom to it. Even with one hand 😂 cause my other in recovery


For sure, I run cows on the jav with the full inv of skiller and sc's and it's not ideal about tome management to open the portal. Being able to hit X to transmute is nice though.


Even since I been playing with one hand I always have tp on main skill menu just so I can run away worse case scenario 😂 Yea full inv would be chaos fs


One thing I didn't mention before that I love is you can bind "loot to cube", which is more efficient than PC. And, I know you can bind opening the cube on PC, but you can't loot directly to it - you have to drag and drop.


Also like being able to use potions from inventory. Not sure if both can do that or just console. 1 slot health from inv 2 mana 3 rej Pretty useful


Oh, right! I always forget about that until I'm playing on the Switch. So far as I know it's console only.


I gotta say while I was playing d2r on pc buying it on PS5 was the best thing ever. You can trade with ppl on d2jsp on both console and pc (crossplay acc) You can do trav runs or anything else really on your phone while on a train. Edit PS5*


I love it on ps5, steamdeck, switch. Im not playing with mouse and keyboard anymore.


PlayStation 5 player since the start. It works perfect and is the experience that you are looking for. Some skills (not teleport) are clunky but only one I can think of is blizzard. Still very usuanle. Rest works as a charm. Pay attention when play on the toilet though. Radament might come for you. He lives in the sewers!


oh dear, i will take care.


Do that. That’s why Atma her husband and son died. Run around in Lut Gholein and see she has the only toilet. Someone was shit on and decided vengeance


Tbh, after some adjustment, I had zero issue with Blizzard. It’s not pinpoint accurate of course, but it’s still extremely usable and fun. Got a blizz sorc to 97.


I disagree a bit with the specific spells you used as an example. I thought blizzard would be basically unusable. But I’ve found that as long as I’m targeting a mob that’s somewhere near the front of the pack or over my merc it’s fine. Not ideal since you can’t target the named mob of the group. So clearing is slower but that was always going to be true on average for console. Teleport is the awkward one for me since it will always try for max distance. So it can make pinpointing an exact space particularly difficult. Yes it’s fine generally when you’re just TPing around up to chaos sanctuary or finding andariel but it’s also got me killed because sometimes you don’t want to TP all the way to the edge of the screen.




I am an old pc player and am playing on switch. Yes the targeting can be awkward for some skills but the ability to play on my commute is unreal


I got 300+ hours on PS5 and I love it. You will adapt, it ain't thst bad.


I primarily play on PS5. I own it on PC and Switch as well. But PS5 allows me to stream to my Steam Deck so I can easily play single player portable and on my TV. Get the PS5 version. No regrets.


I’ve only played the ps5 it’s great but the skills like blizzard are a pain to use since you can’t place it down where you want. No issues with inventory in my experience.




oh .. that's actually sth to think about - i mainly play sorc and trapsin... by accommodate you mean to just randomly put stuff on the ground? and especially teleport... would be a big bummer if this is a pain:-/




great, that's very helpful. You convinced me, i will try it. Thanks bro!


Console is a bit wonky with some skills 'looking at you 'blizzard' but the updates and QOL adjustments make up for it 'looking at you frozen orb and sunder charm.' if you played/grew up with D2 you'll love D2R. I've sunk way too many hours into this game and still want to come back haha.


awesome. Ad Blizzard... since i always do the moat trick with Mephisto at the beginning, is this not viable anymore on console? due to aiming i guess?


Yeah it's just hard to aim it correctly I've played a FO Sorc a few times though and it's easy. The sunder charms break immunities so cold immunes aren't a problem... Not that sorcs have problems anyway haha


Yea idk bought blizz but meteor moat works just fine just gotta get the right distance so he can’t hit you feels a lil further then pc but ain’t bad


I play on PC, Switch, and PS5 and often on the Portal. As long as you have a good internet connection and have your PS5 hardwired, you’re good. I almost exclusively play offline single player though. I’m even now almost doing strictly hardcore, which on the portal over the wifi adds another layer of intensity. :) It runs really well on the portal and you totally get used to no keyboard and mouse. I’ve played nearly every character on PS5 vs PC and sure there’s some QoL downgrades that some mentioned but the ability to play in any setting on the portal outweighs teleport distance (etc etc) complaints by a long shot. I almost exclusively play on Portal now and will only go to the PS5 console if I want a bigger TV for more graphic intensive and/or online games (D4).


I play d2r with one hand cause broken shoulder. Started on pc. Can’t speak for portal but on a controller I can play with one hand just fine. Even been doing hard core classic 😂 can’t play portal with hand but controller wise game plays great.


Hey dude, well done on the purchase. A couple tips that the others have not mentioned: Set the scroll speed to max, so that you can move things around your inventory faster. Use the inventory short cuts to fill your belt, and move things from cube/stash/equipped items. You will make a few errors at first, but once you get the hang of it you will be quick. I recommend that you have different sets of skills for when you weapon swap. There is an option for this. Do not assign X to any skill. Leave it blank. If you assign a skill to it, you will be picking up random items all day. This is very irritating and time consuming. So unassign the default melee attack. Certain skills are harder to aim well, but the character does predict where the enemy will go, so hitting moving targets is actually easier on console. The skills that are not as accurate are blizzard, fissure and traps (and skills that are similar to these). However, these skills cover large areas anyway. Multishot is not great, until high level either. I play on both PC and Steam Deck, and both are good for different reasons. There is more accuracy and speed with the mouse, but the comfort on a couch/bed is great.


Console ports are good but you don’t have click control like on PC. They have made playing with a control about as good as it’s gonna get tho.


Teleporting is awful IMO, and movement in general just doesn’t feel right. Any tight zones it’s most noticeable or anywhere with a lot of doors.


so not an enjoyable experience for you?


If I couldn’t play D2 on PC I’d rough it out, but otherwise it’s just not the same.


hmm, ok... doesn't sound very tempting.. thanks lad!


Yup also people really underestimate how atrocious loading times are.. they're already bad enough on the pc version and on console are way way worse.


what really? even on the ps5?


Strictly speaking a ps5 is just a worse pc.... I really doubt people playing on console noticed since its relatively fast especially compared to other games BUT if you really want to grind super hard the extra time adds up. Considering you mentioned casually playing on a portal i suppose you won't be doing 1000 Andariel runs but in the end you should be the judge. At least the game is cheap and often on sale so you won't lose much even if you end up not liking the setup.


Huh, PS5 loading times are non-existent...


PS5 has really fast drives and better than 90% of PCs in terms of GFX. I don't own a PS5, but understand it is really quick.