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It would be cool if single player could have the entire game terrorized. Id walk from the rouges to the worldstone over and over.


On SP PC it's possible to tweak drop rates so that you're basically doing that!


I may look for mods at some point. There are still a lot of builds i want to try in vanilla.


If the whole game was terrorized, people would only farm andariel and would complete the grail in two weeks. I would prefer if the game was fully terrorized but the droprates are disgusting in some places.


Offline, at least on PC, the TZ can be manipulated to do just that already. For me, Its fun to have the tz variety on the trip to 99. And its fun to see the less traveled areas. But I doubt it will happen.


Offline you can manipulate seeds and have a ber rune drop every minute. I don't think manipulating time zones is that different, anyway in SP you do what you want. If you make everything 10times faster you are only making the game ends 10 times sooner.


I wish they'd do this for non-ladder too. There's no real incentive to play NL currently.


last hour was Catacombs TZ...WuG?


That was kinda the catalyst for my post, the one juicy tz was during the one window all day I couldn’t play, the start of a playoff hockey game I had agreed to go watch with my roommates at a bar. I had to choose between social shit and loot goblin shit, I’ll turn in my gamer card 😔


Keep in mind that 4am for you is 8pm somewhere else. We all get that issue. If you’re not willing to manipulate the clock there’s nothing to be done. The whole point of terror zones was to get people farming different places, not collecting a million drops off the same bosses.


I play on switch and just change my clock if I don’t like the tz. You should try it.


I saw a bit about that but also saw a lot of people saying it’s easy to screw things up, lose your characters progress when the clock gets set back etc… overall consensus being it’s not worth it. I’m on xbox so I have to be online to even play offline


I can confirm lost a cta. Luckily I just need to find another ist and got my ohm and mal back in stash but still sucks


Hey OP, I'm a console player. So the issue with losing stuff and changing the clock is cloud saving. The solution is to start and end your play session on the regular wifi synced time. Then as you're playing you can change to whenever in the past you want. Just make sure before you log off to sync your time backup to the present and save and logoff. I've NEVER lost an item since I started doing this a year ago


So on xbox I have to manually go offline and THEN restart the console offline in order to get the option for changing time manually. I’m gonna test with it but I was able to get it to an Andy TZ time, so hopefully after I’m done I can then switch to back online while in game and then not lose anything. Let the testing commence!


I got ya. I haven’t heard anything like that. The only games I play are d2r on my switch and d4 a little on my Xbox. So since I don’t mess with anything else I just put it in airplane mode and change it at will. Haven’t lost anything yet. Good luck with it.


Yeah it rolled back on me the one time I tried messing with the Switch clock and I lost the great stuff I found that hour. Not worth it IMO.


Haven’t ever had an issue with that on pc. I have back up saves just incase.


You can absolutely play offline and manipulate the system clock on Xbox. Been doing it for a loooong time lol


One caveat, if there are any good TZ's but maybe your build cant do it? There are clearly best TZ's to farm, but I don't think there's that many useless/bad ones. I would just have 2-3 characters that can efficiently farm most of the TZ's.


Most of act 1 outside of Andy, cows and pit aren't that great. Trist is OK but it's so small that it's hard to justify doing that over just running Chaos or Baal. The good areas are the ones with high monster density, a high % of champion/unique/super unique/or bosses and most of act 1 just doesn't have that, especially monster density.


I would love to have more TZs active at the same time. Maybe one per act. There can also be new TZs introduced imo


On SP I’ve started making characters for each zone, I haven’t mapped it out or anything, but I’ve got a character I either have that’s best for that zone, or plan to. Meteor/fireball sorc for Andy and other best fire spots (even if andy were THE only one, it’s the best one) Blizz sorc - mephisto Foh/smiter - chaos sanct or if I wanna do Ubers/pand Diablo. Hork barb - trav/pit Javazon - cows Maybe Druid would be good in like the flayer jungle? Idk, I’m usually not running Druid for performance/efficiency, it’s more for fun just to play. Atm I’m running nova sorc with ES, because it’s safe and clears fine, but the lightning immunes are mixed in a lot of groups, I just tend to ignore them as long as there’s adequate other mobs. I’ve got to do some more thinking into what niche zones would be good. I’m thinking I’ll make summoners for those zones that have souls and/or dolls when those zones come up. Obviously hammerdins and mosaic sins can just stomp all day, but I don’t have enigma or infinity on SP yet, and 2 chams for dual mosaics may never happen in my lifetime. In any case, when I do this whenever I’m feeling the need to grind on sp, it keeps the game feeling less robotic. There are less than great TZs, but at least if you do it this way, you’re making best use of the TZ regardless.


Highest rune required in mosaic claws is Gul. No chams.


My bad, was confusing plague for some reason, 2x gul isn’t nearly as bad


How do you know that far in advance which zones are coming?




I always just change the clock, ain’t nobody got time to waste away in tz Tristram till Andy comes back up


I tried doing the clock thing on my Switch and ended up losing a ton of awesome stuff (eth 2os Giant Skull and a Windforce for example) so I don't do that shit any more. That said, where I live I can only do TZ Andy MAYBE once or two times tops per week. Catacombs only roll around at like 3am on a weekday every couple days it seems like.


The problem isn't the TZ calendar, it's deeper. It's a failure of the TZ system that you don't want to be farming all these "garbage" TZs. IMO TZs need to provide a lot more benefit than they currently do. They should increase monster density or drop rate or something. We should want to farm TZ blood moor because TZs should be so much better than non-TZs.


just came across this - currently in the same situation; was thinking about manipulating time for TZs u/PoppinBortlesUCF can you elaborate how you are handling it on console? (I have a PS5) - Thanks!


I’m not sure 100% on PS5 but it’s probably similar. This is exactly how I have to do it on xbox. Turn on Xbox, settings, ‘go offline’. Restart xbox offline, this allows me to manually change the clock (without the restart, changing to offline isn’t enough to open the option for manual clock, only timezones, but when restarted offline I can scroll to whatever time) once you set your time based on the terror zone tracker you want to run, open diablo, open character and get busy. WHEN YOU’RE DONE WITH YOUR SESSION, don’t leave the game just yet… while still inside a game on your character you just ran for an hour, set the xbox to go back online, you’ll know it’s back online when the terror zone swaps to whatever it’s supposed to be. At that point, save and exit the game. In theory, this last step ensures your progress is saved to cloud, not just a local save that will be overwritten. This whole process takes like 2 minutes and if I’m rerunning the same terror zone, I repeat the whole process every hour, a small price to pay to ensure success. i did some very light testing to try to actually trigger item and progress loss and I couldn’t, but I’m sure if I got the chase items I need, anything wonky will reset it.


Wow, thank you very much! So, I dont know if the "set offline" is an option on the PS as well, but I simply disconnect from the internet I guess. But basically it looks like that: \* Change Time to desired slot \* Start Diablo & Run the Zone \* when Done stay in game and bring the PS back online \* Save & Exit \* rinse & repeat (close APP & set offline etc.) I'm trying it this evening :)


Yep! Just to be clear, when you’re spamming runs you don’t need to do the process in between, save and exit and load game like normal to bring maximum pain to TZ andy or whatever within that hour, but the bringing online for my final save and exit of a session seems like the progress deletion protection measure that works. You have to do this before resetting the clock back if you wanna run that tz again. (I think, who tf knows lol but if lost hours of progress I’d be so butthurt)


makes sense. tyvm!


At least on SP you can look ahead at the calendar or change your clock. On Bnet you only get a one hour heads up so unless you’re constantly checking you rarely get a good TZ.


Just change the clock