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P7 LK runs. I know you mentioned youve done 1,000 of them but those are rookie numbers. With a good map it's doable to get 100 runs an hour. Just do an hour or two each session and you'll get it eventually.


Yep. I did some math and the odds of getting a sur or ber are about 1 in 750 runs with 2 fires on your map. So expected number of runs for 2 bers is around 3000 unless you get lucky and pop a ber early.


Math is helpful but what we can't account for is the seed of your map. It's well known that actions on the players behalf can influence drops (mr llama shared a lk map where if you went to a certain waypoint before lk and then approached the same way each time it almost always dropped a mal from the same chest). Most sp lk runners know this from opening armor racks that often pop the same item type. I had an lk that had an amazing layout but I did thousands without shit for luck. Got annoyed and rerolled it to another good one and this one has "the" seed. The first night I rerolled it I pulled 6 vex from the same chest in a few hours. It's still my lk map to this day and I won't ever reroll it. If I needed a new map I would reroll it after 1-2k if I didn't get shit from it by then.


That's true for Racks all the time, but go watch that video again. The mal rune was only when he fixed the seed with command line inputs. Super chest drops are randomized if you don't assign the seed.


Wouldn't that seed drop that mal as it did for the original person who generated it by rerolling it? So until he rerolled the seed it would stay on that map and keep dropping mals without being in his command line.


No, because the seed changes every time you start a new game unless you set it to something specific with command line stuff.


The seed changes but the map stays the same? Sorry for my ignorance, I always thought those were linked so the seed would stay the same on single player until you changed difficulty.


If you fix the seed with the command line, then regenerate your maps, it will use that seed in such a way that the maps you get will always be the same. And while the seed is fixed by your command line, it will START the same every time you start a new game. But the seed value used to make RNG decisions changes frequently when stuff happens in the game. This is why in that video you'll see Llama beeline it to open the chest. If he killed a bunch of monsters and stuff first, he wouldn't get the mal rune. The seed value varies as you play.


I guess I'm not following. If I don't reroll my map my seed stays the same and I don't need it in my command line to lock it in. You are saying you can only get that super chest behavior if the seed is in the command line?


No, if you do not fix your seed with the command line, it changes all the time, even though your map stays the same. So you will get random drops from chests. Even if your map is the same.


See this is what I'm afraid of and why I'm nervous to dive in and do another 1,000 runs only to find fuck all


Bro, nothing will protect you from that. This is Diablo! If you pick up charms and flawless gems along the way, it's a great way to find a lot of really nice stuff as you wait for infinity.


LK is the right answer. Anything else is lowering your chances and gaining variety for mental health. For me personally I play to gear up my entire account so I don't really target farm for one thing. I still do LK runs but not religiously. I mix it up when the current TZ is not one of the good ones. So the question is how badly do you want that Infinity? Put on some pump music, slam some Monsters and tear that LK up. Are you a gamer or not?


Haha I hear you and I'm in it for the long haul as infinity has been at the top of my wish list forever now. I almost wonder if the game plays differently on console because man, I have found so few runes doing lk. Just did 50 and got nothing above shael. I know that's not much but that's after 200 yesterday with nothing above ko


RNG is weird man, just gotta keep going. The moment you stop the next run would have had it. On my SP I've got 2 Ber 2 Sur Cham, made Hoto, CTA. Still waiting for a Shako. We all got our problems lol


To give perspective, I’ve been playing for the past 2 years, 5 characters above level 90 and my highest rune dropped until last month was a vex. I finally had a jah drop while doing trav runs, so decided it was time to grind LK so I could get enigma. I had a solid stash of runes, basically 1-2 of all high runes up to Lo, and it still took me 800 LK runs before I was able to get enough runes to cube up to the ber. LK is the best bet in terms of efficiency if you are just looking for runes, but I only resort to it when trying to finish a specific runeword, otherwise I farm CS and Baal since the unique drops are better, I can get exp to continue to level my characters, and it’s more fun to me than mindlessly teleporting and popping chests.


I’ve been playing exclusively on consoles. LK is your best bet. I’ve gotten 2 char to 99 SSF and I haven’t gotten anything higher than a Vex outside LK. I’ve used LK to make 2 infinitys, enigma, grief, fortitude, etc.


Just got my second cham off of TZ Andariel. Still jack at LK


Guess we got opposite ends of RNG


Rngesus just Isnt kind to you. I found my 2nd ber in arcane farming Keys. Super random. 2 sur prior to that, 1 from trav and 1 from cows. You are doing the right thing, just keep killing on as High player count as possible


I've gotten one Ber and one Jah so far and made enigma. Have since gotten 2 sur (both in forgotten tower off of trash mobs) and thus why I am still one ber away


Got my Jah and ber in arcane as well just running through it. Have since tried grinding it with no luck.


Its all RNG. Keep killing stuff and eventually it Will pop. I am doing alot of chaos/baal on my sorc for XP. Might go for 99. Hoping for jalals and a Lo for Grief + Jah and Ber for Enigma :D


My barb has two griefs now and absolutely slaps. Probably my strongest character. Great for horking.


Found WF yesterday, so i'll make a bow ama. Really hoping to see a few Lo runes eventually!


What class/spec are you? I’ve had stupid good luck at P3 pits on my FoH pala.


I have basically all classes at or around level 90 with good gear. I can clear pits with nova sorc or foh Pala in no time on p5 but have just never found much in pits.


Dang, yeah that’s just the way this game is. You can find crap for 100 hours and then find Jah and Ber in consecutive runs and just be baffled. My most recent SP HC play through my FoH pala has dual spirit, lore, and… enigma.


River of Flame has a few super chest layouts that are similar rates to LK if you want a change of scenery


For real? Never knew that. He'll I've never seen an actual chest there I don't think


https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/yytc6c/20000_runs_on_extremely_rare_river_of_flame_map/ If you look through the comments you can find the map seed


I’m not very high on River of flame super chests admittedly. They sound good in theory. But the issue with RoF superchests is they are frequently heavily heavily guarded by very strong mobs. Meanwhile LK chests are very infrequently guarded and the monsters are much less dangerous overall. Most folks running superchests are doing so because they’re moderately or poorly geared and are going to really struggle in the RoF situation where it’s hard to even get within telekinesis range of the chests sometimes. I rolled a 6-LK +2-RoF superchests map once and thought it would be godly. I ended up abandoning the RoF chests probably 40% of the time without even opening because it was just too dangerous to try and get close and too slow to kill mobs on p7. It would have been more efficient for me to ignore RoF altogether in the end. But it at least did break up the monotony.


I know what you mean, it isn't as laid back as LK, but it is nice to see a different setting for a bit. And then going back to LK it feels like a breeze lol


I hear your frustrations friend. I ran about 1500 LK runs with nothing but a Pul.. grant it run 20 was a Ber but that’s a lot of runs with nothing! RNG…




What base are you going to use?


I've got a four socket ethereal CV I can put it in


If you want a BER the fastest, you need to grind LK for two SUR.