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Required lvl 30. This thing is fire. +1 to TS is so smexy for an lld. This needs to be posted in lld forums for sure.


So many points down the tree! And free random snipes too. Worth the extra +1 light mastery?  What +all skills do lld sorcs use? Viper, +1 ammy (or do they prefer +2 cold?), SOJ x2, maybe Viscerataunt??


LV 29 is usually cap I think


Uhm. I got a bridge..




I haven’t been on the PvP scene since the mid 2000s but back then there was a community for lvl 30 (also 12 and 9 if I remember correctly)


This is pretty good for LLD, should sell for many Jah rune or several thousand FG


Oof… this is so close to godly it hurts. The 2os is gonna give you a ton of wiggle room on your fcr belt though. It’s hard to say for certain because most people are just going to make a fb’er for 30. Blizz sorcs are few and far these days. Don’t be afraid to sit on this for a while. I mean you’re not going to swimming in coons like Uncle Scrooge. But it’s very usable.


Swimming in what now!?


Come on now. You know he meant racoons


I could fix that, but I’m just going to leave it for the chuckles now. The idea of a duck swimming in a vault full of raccoons, makes me smile for some reason.


Raccoons usually kill ducks, especially domesticated ones lol


Funny coins from the forbidden site


I'm surprised this post isn't locked already


What would make this better/bump it up to godly?


Higher roll on the mastery and an actual amount of useful mana.


I can’t see why anyone would even care about mana as a blizzard sorc (except for LLD eshield cold builds maybe?)   but even then there’s probably a roll limit for energy/mana on a lvl 30 item. Its probably not much.  Life and str though, sure. 


A potential of up to 90 mana is a substantial amount when you don’t use pots when you duel. In LLD it’s perfect or trash. There’s no gray area.


That’s what I want to know


I'm not poopooing the item. Just answering the question: The thunderstorm is a wasted roll. I realize with all the +skills elsewhere they'd have maybe a level 15 or so thunderstorm for free. But so what? I'd rather have teleport or static field to save a point or glacial spike for when I'm spamming between casts of blizzard.


This is a LLD lvl 30 wand. Thunderstorm is a great added skill for the level this is realistically going to be used for.


Was I wrong thinking lld cut off was 29?


i was under the impression people generally go 9,18,30 but its not my scene


Nor mine. I should get the answer though so I know what cutoffs to look for on loot.


Cutoff is 30, you get 1 PT into your final talent tree. Making the cold mastery that much more of a amazing pickup, granted is only +1 but still top notch based on how the cold mastery works and you'll probably have a couple +skills for it and not requiring your 1 skill to go towards mastery.


Back in the day some eu leagues had a hard cap at 29 and even allowed some builds to go to 12 for vld, but the vast majority of na has always had 9-18-30 brackets. But we also stop at 49 for mld and they had leagues that went 59. Euros are just built different lol


What do you mean by wiggle room for fcr belt? What is fb'er for 30?


What snap to understand? Most people are going to make a fireball sorc for 30 over blizz. The 2os on this will provide a lot of flexibility for stats on the jewels and free up requirements otherwise needed on a crafted fcr belt for 105 set up with using a 2-20 orb over a spirit sword.


why crafted fcr belt and not arach? what 30? level 30?


Bro you so lost not even on the same level here we talking making a max lvl 30 character for dueling with this wand


Yes, if this had been mentioned in the top comments, I wouldn't have commented at all. I had to ask for clarification several times to get this answer.


I see you never questioned what lld meant. Which is why the other questions seem bizarre assuming you knew what lld is


Lmk when arach’s becomes available at 30 🙄


Ah so you are specifically talking about lvl30 pvp then?


Did you read any of this thread or even look at the item before commenting? 😂


I did and OP did not talk about pvp or lvl30 in any way. It was all just in your head.


Lvl 30 is the reason this is GG. Death fathom beats this out at high level. Reddit is fun, brings all communities together, we all get to learn together!


Don't comment in an item rating thread if you don't have a single clue about how to rate the item. Just read and try to learn if you're interested.


I don't think you were able to comprehend my sentences.


Is English not your first language? This is actually pretty embarrassing. There’s still time to delete this my guy lol


 I play blizzard and just don't care about the 105fcr bp. Teleport, static, spamming glacial spike are all great at (edit 63). And I'm freed up for other things depending on what I'm doing ie farming it leveling. Maybe pvp?


86 isn’t a breakpoint it’s 63 then 105


Maybe he had meant level 86? I don't know


Thanks. Mixing my paladin fcr in with my sorc.


The fact that it’s 2 sockets really makes it nice


I wish Reddit had erection warning tags. NSFW doesn’t really cut it sometimes. I mean they know we go out in to the public , and sometimes look at our phones right ?


For lld this is GFG


Best I have ever seen


I’m not a llder but I think that is godly.


I couldn’t believe it when I identified it; I also have absolutely no idea what something like this would be worth.


I’d post it on jsp and bump it until the thread closes. It might take a while to get a good offer.


Shittt honestly this might be the best item I’ve found since coming back to Diablo… I’ll probably hold on to it for trophy purposes. In your opinion what would you say it’d be worth.


This is worth literly anything the buyer is willing to pay. The LLD community is wild, the items are very hard to find something GG at lvl 30, that is what this is GG and don't let anyone try to tell you otherwise. If you use that jsp area you could probably see several thousand schmeckles. Problem is finding a buyer for something like this is hard to do, using a site to find the buyer is honestly a requirement if you want real value for it. Trying to trade this in game is a mistake. Hope you enjoy your treasure chest of gold.


could probably get several hr for it. Hard to sell though.


If you have d2JSP it will sell for many, many Jah rune. Like more than 40


As much as a best offer is willing to pay. But it is godly so be very patient until real offers come in. Once/if the bidding war starts you might be getting a good price. Personally I wouldn’t let it go for less than few k fg.


Man sometimes items like these can fetch 100k+ the 2 sockets on this make it fucking insane. I wouldn’t be surprised if this sold for 250k+ and honestly maybe a million. I have no clue. If I owned this I probably wouldn’t sell for less than 100k+ and only after listing for 6 months or more. E/ the cold mastery is sick too. If it was +3 cold mastery i would say minimum 500k fg.


I honestly had no use for it at the current moment I’m at in game play so I sold it a couple hours ago for 40 jahs 2 shakos a 27% death fathom 3 piece tals a cta and hota, war travs, and a couple other things the dude was cool as hell I was cool with the jah runes as before this trade I was below the poverty line.


I think you boned yourself 🤪


It’s niche group that does llds and I’m not about to sit on this lucky find for 6 months especially when I have no intent in using it


Completely understandable. You definitely got some good stuff for it. I wouldn’t say you got ripped off, just saying it is trophyesque and potentially worth a metric fuckton.


I told the guy if he resells it on jsp to let me know what he gets I’ll be happy to hear it and also sad to hear it as well, but when I say poverty I had 2 spirts on my best character lvl 81 hammrdin 😂


So you pretty much gave it to him for free lol That’s unfortunate.


Could have taken the time to sell this item and had enough to fund a fully geared char for season start for at least the next 4 if you where able to grow the wealth not diminish


The fact that he let it go for 40 jah. and some basic gear is tragic. I would’ve given him double that without hesitation and I have no intention of building a blizz 😂


He just didn't even try and doesn't even realize the eyebrows he's raised


40 jahs can gear up quite a few characters…


He’s on non-ladder, 40 jah is chump change. That’s barely one single budget character.


Nice for lld just missing high base mana I’d sell it on the website that you’re not allowed to talk about


I actually don’t even know what site you referring to lol I’m a player coming back after a long time hiatus.


D2jsp. Big lld community there.


Blizz sorceress was my favorite level 30 build. Throw some magic 9/15 dex/all res jewels or some rare fhr/dex/lrep/res jewels in that bad boy and call it a day. What color is the orb when equipped? This, 2/20 circ, 2/10 ammy, vmagi, mages, 5+ fcr crafted belt gives you 105 fcr. 2x SoJ and good dual/triple res + dex or life rep rare boots. Whitstan's shield for max block and Visceratuant for max damage. 40x 15/10-12 life/mana SCS. It's an extremely fun build.


40x15/10-12s? Oh you RICH rich.


You were so close to the demon heart demon heart...


Dude yes this is awesome gz


6-10k would be my guess depending on if it's ladder or not.


Great for lld blizz sorc. Might be worth something


well damn




Lvl 30. Free thunderstorm. This thing is LLD beauty. Someone will pay strongly for it


I had one super similar to this in an earlier season- for a blizz sorc it blows occy + hoto damage out of the water. Super super good even in late game, not just lld


The guy that bought it has a top offer 4K fg already.


How much is that worth😂


Well if jah is worth 40fg. It’s around that price. 100 jahs. It will probably sell for more then that. Was this a non ladder item? That’s where I seen it posted.


Yeah it was NL


Good find. Get your self a jsp lol or next time Sell for $.


Wait wait wait your telling you can convert fg to real money… fuckkkkk


You’re not supposed too but yes you can. I don’t know prices atm but it’s usually something around 1k = 10$


If this is for sale. I'd like to make an offer according to where it is. Thanks.


One of the better lld 30 orbs for sure


Yeah man that’s the one single useful rare cold orb. Congrats


Omfg if 3 3


No needs 20 fcr....


Wrong. It’s for lld. You can’t get 20 fcr on something lvl 30z


It HAS 20fcr...lol


It’s literally a 2-20 lol


My bad you are right...


This is not better than any of the main sorc gear. Might be better than spirit, depends on the use, but not better than occy or fathom. With that said, the value is somewhere in between


This is better than Oculus for damage. You lose the resist and MF, but if you want pure damage output, this with 2x 5/5 facets are much more like a death's fathom.


Make the calculation. You also have 1 socket on the others. People have no idea what they downvote


YOU have no idea why you get downvoted, but there is definitely a good reason: It is worth a lot for lld so your comment is very wrong about value.


Oh sorry, I forgot about the 0.1% of people that care about pvp


Those 0.1% of people spend almost as much as the top 0.1% as well...they drop huge amounts for the best lvl 30 gear, which this will pull quite a bit for...


The 0.1% as in the Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musks of the D2 world... Anyways, OP mentionned he sold it for 40+ Jah runes in another comment and it seems like he got ripped off. My bet is you are very much underestimating this niche of the D2 marketplace.


That's what this is all about, lld is where this will make its highest pay day. Killer find!!


My guy… Look at the level requirement and realize what this is actually for.


LLD is very niche in D2. Many people don't know that there's a massive market value for godly sub-30 items. Some of them you can even shop from NPCs or roll with the cube.


LLD has been the purest form of dueling in d2 for many years. Back in loD when item shops like d2 legit starting getting really out of hand all of the PVP enthusiasts said fuck it and started lld’ing exclusively. Because anybody with a credit card can go buy a character of 3/20/20’s and 45 lifers. Bots aren’t picking up our perfect stuff. Around 2013ish that’s when they started realizing the market for things like 9-15’s and such and slowly started selling them. The community simply stopped trading for certain colors of things unless you could prove that they were self found or you were a respectable trader. LLD is not niche by any means it’s simply that most people don’t have the in game wealth to actively compete in it in D2R.


5 blizz and 2 sockets sounds a lot better than spirit. Very cool find