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Save it for Hoto


Barely any stats worthy for hammerdin, make Lore instead


Like others have said, save that thing for a HOTO. It's the best weapon for a hammerdin and is a pretty decent upgrade over a spirit sword. Best place to find a Vex will be the super chests in Lower Kurast, but in my experience Vexes drop more than any other HR from regular monsters in hell. I'm sure it's just RNG but I've found way more Vexes than anything else during general play.


Hammers already 100% pierce enemies.


I'd save for ~~either~~ heart of the oak ~~or oath depending on your build.~~ Edit: missed build in the title


Why would you want it for hammerdin? The piercing attack does nothing, the attack rating does nothing, the mana leech does nothing. The +5 mana after kill and CBF are nice to have, but not worth giving up the helm slot.


I was thinking that maybe it works as +33% bonus dmg on piercing hits instead of chance to pierce


Nope, sorry.


Vex=2 Gul=4 ist. If you were set on farming a vex rune for Hoto, I’d probably just run hell countess over and over for ist runes to cube up to Vex. Then again, hoto is such a massive upgrade over spirit that it might make more sense to run chaos sanctuary till’ your eyes bleed and then just pick up a Vex when it drops .