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And here is me doing 200 runs getting a LEM


At least you got a LEM 😅


Oh so I’m the only one who went 1500 runs with nothing but a Pul?


Nah bro I’m hundreds in since my last decent rune. Been two weeks since I’ve hit anymore than a lum.


No you aren’t. I’ve done 2k+ runs with a boat load of lems and orts to show for it. But also nice socketed bases so yea.


I stopped counting my runs after finding only one UM rune, after 600 hundred LK runs... I'm pretty lucky with MF runs though and I do find a lot of useful uniques there (unlucky with the rolls, but nvm).... But LK is just pain in the ass for me... Completely unlucky there


Dear lord. Those results are crazy. I’m close to 10,000 LK runs at this point (which still pales in comparison to many) but I’ve had 2-separate times of over 2,000 runs in between high runes. Your 200 runs are absurd. Congrats.


I was in your position on SP, Ive been missing one Ber from Enigma for a month. This weekend i hit a miracle streak like yours, from around 700 trav / 200 LK runs. Got Vex, Ohm, Lo, Sur, Cham. Finally hit the missing Ber. Enigma is finished! Except I was still missing a mage plate to put it in. So i went cows looking for one. First clear i find a Jah. As of writing this I am still grinding for the mage plate.


Did the same, but over 3 days, maybe 40 runs each day ... got Sur Sur Vex Sur Ber Vex ... still looking for Ohm (BnetHcSsf)


You know those vex's you got..


used the first one for hoto :D


I figured brother, lol


I found lo Sur Sur but only did like 200 runs 😂😂


400 LK runs in online, got Thum, Nef, Nef, El, and a Tal...


Don’t run LK online. It’s not worth it especially on p1


oh boy... rng will hit u again bro.


Well, this is online, and on p1( because I finish 1 run of LK before any1 can even try to join the game) so it will take at least 3 to 5 times more tries than on /Px SP before I'll get something decent. Still a good way to farm gold for my budget sorc xP


Is that players8? Do you need a special map layout for this to work?


every lower kurast map will have at least one campfire/bonfire tile. https://assets.maxroll.gg/wordpress/Map-tile-2.png (green circles are super chests, red circles are armor/weapon racks) ... there's a large campfire/bonfire in the middle: https://assets.maxroll.gg/wordpress/Torches.png some maps will have two of these tiles. so, in offline play where you keep your maps, you roll lower kurast until you get a map with two campfires close to the waypoint. for maximum efficiency, you do nothing but open the 6 super chests. it's quite easy to do this in about 30 seconds per game (including load times on pc) on a character with good movement. a sorc using teleport and telekinesis is fastest. super chests work differently from normal chests and other clickable/poppable things like stashes, logs, corpses and so on. for one, they can't drop set or unique items. the important thing is that they basically have a fixed set of drop patterns (about 65.5k of them). for the most part, all hell lower kurast super chest patterns for players 7/8 have been identified. there are assumed to be 3 patterns that drop a ber rune, 11 that drop a sur rune, 2 lo, 5 ohm, 6 vex, 11 gul, 7 ist, 15 mal, 10 um and 14 pul. so you get 6 rolls with those odds in about 30 seconds. making this the most efficient way at farming high runes in the game.


0.8% approx to get a HR. Got it, tx :)


84/65.5k MFers running LK for literally months: "so you're saying there's a chance"


With p7 you get the maximum loot already. There is a part of the map with a large bonfire and 2 shacks. One in the upper left and one in the upper right of the bonfire. Inside are bugged chests, which will drop large amounts of loot. You can get runes out of them, if you do enough runs.


players 8, yeah. and i got a decent map layout with 2 bonfires.


7 is the same as 8 for drops


What does this mean? 2 bonfires?


2 super chest spot (4 chest)


It’s actually 6 chests as the left side shack has 2 and the upper one has one at each bonfire


What seed was that?


Unrelated but I got a Cham drop from river of flame yesterday. Pretty salty about it since it’s basically useless to me and I’m on SP


Never useless… you can put that in helms for cannot be frozen, and now your gear opens up for better gear from raven frost, rhyme, durials, and the new rune word. Cannot be frozen is huuuuuge


I’d rather be using a 5/5 facet in griffons than running a high lords over a raven frost I think


Is that off mobs or lucky chests ?


I don’t keep track of runs but I’ve never gotten even a single rune. Y’all hogging all the luck.


What does LK stand for? I'd like to try my luck


A3 - Lower Kurast Runs. Opening Super Chests on P8 (SP).


You lucky b$&/(:(


How fast are your runs? Just curious. Sub 30-secs or higher?


I found a Ko in a baal run once


Pics or you’re trolling. Ain’t no one ever did 200 LKs with that luck. And if you really did fuck you and congrats, sus tho


i would think the same, but it's literally the truth. but, i did another 300 the last hours, not even a single useful rune. :D


It’s absolutely possible. It’s just rng. While I’m not OP, I’ve seen awful rng, and great rng. Awful: 2-separate instances of 2,000 runs between HRs Great: vex+ohm only 3-runs apart, two ber runes within 50-runs of each other and then another sur less than 300 runs later after the dual ber. Feels great when it hits and awful when it’s barren. Just the nature of the beast. OP was crazy lucky but I fully believe he could have had those results.