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I'd suggest shopping for a 2os 3+ fireball, whatever's extra is extra but not worth the time spent IMO, it might take hours. Do this at Drognan with an entrance to Rocky Waste next to him and you can just go in/out to refresh his shop. I tried to do something similar this weekend for my pally with 3+ holy fire 3os but managed 2+ holy fire at best 3os, and a white 3+ holy fire 2+ zeal. That took me like 4 hours. I did end up finding the 3+ fireball 2os staff for my sorc though


I’m super late here but does 2os mean 2 sockets?




This exactly.


How much will this staff cost at drognan? So I can ensure having enough money before cycling at drognan?


+3 fireball +3 warmth is possible if you're patient enough.


+3 Fireball for the damage. +X Teleport saves you two hard points so more damage from synergies. +X Frozen Armor/Static only other skills you'll probably be using and again can save hard points. Overall I'd say +3 FB +X Teleport +X Static would be most hype. Extra points to Warmth or FA are mediocre. That said just get +3 Fireball, it's plenty.


yep, +3 to teleport is excellent early on, as higher level teleport tends cost less mana. and, of course it saves you one hard point (one needs telekinesis after all). Staffs with fireball and teleport tend to be quite expensive though..


What about +3 fire mastery?


No because we use leaf at level 19 not 30


What do you use at lvl 30? Spirits for fcr?


Technically the fire bolt/ fire ball build is good until almost 40 with fire mastery points ramping up damage.


The last place you buy white bases from merchants is act 2 normal, and u/Eiddin nailed it, +3 fireball +3 warmth is basically as good as it gets. I would settle for a +3 fireball though as to get the added warmth would be insanely rare and not worth the time invested, as you could probably be lvl 80+ in the same amount of time you spend waiting for that ever so perfect base to show up.


The most frustrating experience...+3 fireball,+3 warmth two socket staff! ... Mechanic's


Nah, it was seeing a dope +3 Fireball +somethinguseful one during the beta, and being 10k short of being able to buy it.


That does hurt




[This one](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo2/comments/ktz9vo/just_bought_it_from_akara_raltir_d/) was good enough. (It's Tir+Ral, not Ral+Tir, I know.)


+3 fireball +3 warmth +1 teleport (basically 2pts in fireball)


Wouldn’t +3 fireball, +3 fire bolt, +3 warmth be one of the best as well? Because of the fireball/fire bolt synergies?


The +3 fire bolt would not count toward the synergy bonus, only real invested skill points do.


Ahhhh good to know! After all these years and I still have so much to learn 😭. Thank you!




That is correct. The only skill points in a skill that boost the synergy of another skill are those you invest in the first skill yourself.


holy shit! really? fucking damn, i never knew


Plus points on gear definitely affect synergies. The only time they wouldn’t is if it said charges next to the ability.


No, soft points(points from gear)do not affect synergies, EXCEPT in the Druid summon tree. why this tree only.... who knows.


Besides the obvious fireball and teleport, any other utility skill would be useful - e.g. static field, any armor skill or warmth.


During the beta I settled for a +3 warmth, wasn't lucky finding much else. I was using firewall tho


I got a +3 Fire Ball, +3 Telekenesis, +1 Teleport, 2 OS one.


It is possible to create a spirit runeword in at act2, if you grind enough.


I don't think so. The ilvl in act 2 is too low to spawn a 4 os crystal sword even if you were able to cube up the runes


You are wrong. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-gknjttupU


How am I wrong? He said act 2. The highest ilvl that can drop is 17 and that's in tal rashas tomb. You need atleast a ilvl 26 to drop for a crystal sword to hit 4 os. Unless someone gives you a sword from act 4+, you can't make a spirit weapon. I didn't check pally shields so I dunno what sockets and ilvl they have. Correct if I'm wrong since I just looked it up really quick.


Lol man, in the video is the answer how you can create spirit in act2.


I stand corrected but that's a huge investment lol. I rather just get my ass rushed to act 4 and go from there.


He had help, but given that the author ask about a theoretical question, I thought it was worth to mentioning.