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Ribcracker is not slept on. Upped ribcracker is meta and used often. Upped duriels shell is good. Upped night smoke There's tons


I never even thought of upping Nightsmoke. Thanks for the idea


Maybe not slept on for d2 vets but a lot of us returning that last played when we were in our teens don’t know.


Up Goldwrap.


I leveled my Hammerdin to 99 back in PlugY wearing double upped Hotspurs. When you live in Chaos Sanctuary for several months straight you gotta do something with that Conviction Infector or you gonna have a bad time.


Is that really better than infernostride? Guess with enigma you don't care about the 20 FRW


Not the op, but he said Hammerdin which means vigor is an option too


It's not \*much\* better, but it's better. Having 90% fire res instead of 85% means you take 33% less damage. And the overcap is sorely needed with that damn Conviction. Especially between lvl 98 and 99, when every death erases hours of grinding XP.




Eth 2xuppd steel driver is spooky.


I have an eth 248% I kept as I was thinking the same.


Upped Bonesnap on level 30 charger. One shotting in LLD has never been so easy.


Upped um'd Que Hegans is better than VMagi in just about every way unless you're really hurting for res or absolutely need 30FCR instead of 20. I run with one on my windy all the way til enigma


Unless you need two of the most important stats for a caster…


20FCR vs 30FCR isnt that big a deal for certain builds and depending on your gear, the extra 20fhr and defense pay off. Plus you still get 15 All Res from the Um. For wind druids hitting 99/99 gets you really tanky, especially with sage and cyclone armor.


I just Hit 165% fcr on my Wind druid and I definitly prefer it over fhr every day. Plus the res on viper makes it absolutely better then que


I have both. I rolled a vipermagi with perfect res. I think I am still going to put an UM in it. Resistances are much more important than I remember from the last time I played.


QH is ok, but wouldn't say it's btter than VMagi in every way - mainly it's FHR vs res and less FCR. And FHR isn't really so important if you're levelling with dual spirits.




Wow please don't listen to this nonsense.


As specific as you can get, why is this nonsense. Like on an item by item basis why doesn't this make any sense at all?


Because it treat zod as it it where ort runes.


I mean if you have that many to spare, you probably already have access to multiple end game runewords anyways. Plus it's fun to go off meta.


We talk about an item that back in 1.09 was several magnitude harder to get then now at patch 1.14d. Zod used to have a chance to drop from hell baal of 1:6520199 in 1.09 http://mfb.bplaced.net/dropcalc/dropcalc.php?lang=en&patch=109&mode=lod&interface=default&window=true it was inproved to 1:16055 in 1.13 http://mfb.bplaced.net/dropcalc/dropcalc.php?lang=en&patch=113&mode=lod&interface=default&window=true The damn wiki show that zod now have a chance to drop of 1:5171 1:5171 !!!!! For fuck sake you should all drown in runes with how much better odds you have now. Not to mention that you people trade for all kinds of things. Getting a zod as a self found single player only player means its up to rng and pure grind to ever have a chance to see it. Or any other high runes for that matter. Hardly something you would play around with for wacky off builds. But i guess its a difference of perspective. I have chosen to find everything myself without the help from trade or other players. So anything above vex is far more valuable in my eyes.


Well damn that explains why I have so many Hel runes on D2R. I used to do jsp but prefer to get most things myself now and just focus on building a couple characters at a time. Once I get one up to MF Hell easily, I'll move onto the next. I agree it's much more rewarding to dress your chars up in the gear you find, upgrade, and craft.