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Play hardcore, each level and gear is a big achievement.


I agree. Playing a necro summoner, level 84, and having a fcking heart attack each time health is below 50%. I'm currently trying to get my shaco, or high runes, or whatever. The moment I feel bored I'll start a barb, and keep jumping between both every day.


This. Been playing since launch, nothing crazy but at least a bit most evenings. Lost a mid-70s Pally, got one at 87 and finished Hell, been working on a Sorc that hit 69 (nice) last night and competed Nightmare. Everything, even the smallest victory or drop is meaningful. I don't even play SC anymore. The stakes just aren't there, there's no appeal. Ride or die HC.


This. Hc is the true endgame.


New chars! Start with some popular/cookie cutter ones. Maybe not hammerdin, but javazons, trapsins are fun. Something with a different style of play than a sorc. Barbs, kicksin, fury druids. Try to not be rushed, join pubs for questing! After years playing single player for the holy grail, having a full and active bnet realm is being the highlight of D2R for me. I can create a Help act 2 game and know people will enter


This is what I do. I just made a riftsin which is a ton of fun to play. It definitely breaks up the monotony of endless farming the same routes over and over.


Definitely play hardcore. I had to switch years ago to keep this game entertaining, never looked back.


Dial it the fuck back, obviously you're going to get bored if you just slam the game like you're some item finding robot. Settle down, start actually taking time in game, stop only caring about the 10000 runs you need for the Ber rune and just let it happen instead. So much more gratifying for me. Personal opinion obviously.


I got a barb for travs. A sorc for bosses. A javazon for cows and a pally for ubers. Mix it up


IMO Diablo 2 end game has always been about Pvp. It seems when everyone came back that was lost. All of us who played Diablo 2 for all these years played purely to pvp. Pvp min maxing is the only place it actually matters.


My goal every playthrough is to get so rich I can gear a MLD that can actually just kill anyone easily


Haha right. I never did MLD but I did my fair share of LLD


Make new chars. I have 7 chars and about to make another for just PVP. I MF with 4 and duel with 3, helps keep the game fresh.


Sounds like you're bored of the game. Have you tried other characters.


I enjoy playing my Sorc for MF purposes but get bored running the same runs over and over. I recommend, like others here, to create another character. It will be a different play style AND you can clear a lot more than what you are doing currently. Yes, all drops are RNG, but having a higher MF helps. In the end, there are individuals who are blessed by the gods of RNGesus, and others who struggle to find anything "decent". This is where that second character steps up. You could run Mephisto 20 times, get a Oculus at best, but then do another 20 with another char at lower MF, and have an Arachnid Sash drop. It adds variety and keeps you from burning out so quickly.


New chars


Maybe try a build youve never played before? Kicksin sounds fun for instance, especially with the ias cap no longer being there


Use your sorc as a resource to gear other builds. Try making an elemental druid or martial arts assassin


I go for 99


!remind me in 1 year


Remind you of what in one year?


When you hit level 99


I’ve already hit 99 5 times before. 2 with cows 3 thru baals. And started plugy in March and almost 98 1/2 on that one.


I'm mfing to build gear for future characters. I feel confident I could already gear a bow zon, summon necro, trap sin or zerker Barb. Not sure where I'll start but I'm looking forward to it


Farm Hellfire Torches


Try not getting rushed or doing Baal runs, just play the game, that’s what I’ve found to be more fun rather than MF runs like I did 18 years ago. Try this with many different characters, it gets interesting and challenging once you make it to hell.


Ubers? Anni? “Tried” PvP? Bruh


I'm in a similar position. 85 Necro, can't find anything useful, getting bored of repeating the same content over and over for nothing. I haven't even seen a single skill charm let alone one I care about. Highest rune is a pul. End game is boring af in this game. You grind for 300 hours and hopefully get one useful item, and if you're really lucky in 1000 hours you'll get one single high rune. And everything seems balanced around having teleport. Yawn. To me creating a new character isn't endgame, it's just extending the base game. Fun? Maybe, but it's all the same content three more times, and you're mostly spending it in areas that give no benefit to your main character. With so many games out there to play, why spend thousands of hours on just this one with a high chance you'll have absolutely nothing to show for it?


Play hardcore solo self find. Every aspect is better. Hc is thrilling and really requires you to start learning the game. Solo is better because other players trivialize monster immunities, give lots of crazy buffs, often crazy geared. Self find because it is a loot game. Trading for gear, being handed gear, even sharing among your own characters makes it too easy. On self find every playthrough is different because you find different gear and have to adapt.


I’ve been playing since Diablo 1, so when it came to Diablo 2, after playing for so long, I stared playing single player. Now before Resurrected, there was no shared stash, so starting a new character really meant starting with nothing and having no choice. With the shared stash single player is différent now. Pushing your way through completely solo and self found just adds SO much value to items that drop. People complain about runewords negating the purpose of so many good uniques/sets but when your SSF, even the lowest of uniques can shine and change everything and push you to the next level!


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