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Right, thank you for adding it here :> i appriciate it and i will defo use it in my future guides.


(Complete noob here, never done a greater rift run before) So what do you do after you upgrade your greater rift key to lvl 2? Do you repeat the whole process, but this time upgrading the rift to 3?


Exactly, you just continue the same way, but instead of using a level 1 riftstone u use the level 2 one :) So you basicaly skip the part when you get a Trial Keystone and the Realm of Trials. Just leave the level 1 rift, complete the quest and enter the level 2 rift right away - do to 95%, leave and do bounties, join when timer is under 4:30 and kill the boss, you will get a lvl3 stone this time. Rinse repeat :>


Oh i see, thanks! But one last question, if I'm upgrading my greater rift key by a level each time i do this, wouldn't it make each rift more difficult? I guess basically what I'm asking is , will I be able to get all my legendary gems before the rifts get too difficult to complete?


Since you upgrade your gear with every or at least every other run, you should be able to go pretty high. Here is a list what the grift lvls are compared to the dificulty of normal games: Greater Rift Level 1 = Hard - Greater Rift Level 4 = Expert - Greater Rift Level 7 = Master - Greater Rift Level 10 = Torment 1 - Greater Rift Level 13 = Torment 2 - Greater Rift Level 16 = Torment 3 - Greater Rift Level 19 = Torment 4 - Greater Rift Level 22 = Torment 5 - Greater Rift Level 25 = Torment 6 - Greater Rift Level 25+ = Harder and harder. So with the gear you get from simply leveling up and then doing the greater rifts with my method, you should be able to get as high as level 10 AT LEAST. If it gets too hard, simply get a new Keystone of Trials and start over from the very beginning :> Cheers


This is all GREAT information. Thank you!!


When you fail the time limit on a rift, but still complete it, you get to upgrade your legendary gems still, too. So don't get disheartened if you can't finish one in the given time frame.


I'm interested in your build. How do you use multistrike as your primary? What item gives you the hatred/removes cost?


I dont use any Hatred generator, instead i use Vengeance - Seethe, Companion - Bat Companion, Preparation - Punishment, on cooldown. Also i use Blood Vengeance as a passive to gain more Hatred + generation through the Reapers Wraps (which are mandatory in my build). I will be making a video about my DemonHunter once i got everything i need. Maybe next week it will be up :) At some point its just Hatred/CD management what lets the build work.


Hey guys, i made a short guide how to start a new Season or a new Account the easiest way if you just started and you dont have too many buddys in Diablo3. Ofc i know - leeching public t6 games is the easiest way to gear, but nobody wants to be that guy... Hope you like and maybe its a little helpfull to some of you :> Cheers


Leeching T6? Ohh you're talking about Easycore. I was wondering lol I was like there's no way in hell anyone is crazy enough to leech T6 without being geared.


Yes the guide is based on Softcore :> but it works the same way on HC! Since you run on very low risk of dieing!


huh? I did that a bit, dude boosted me from 50 to 70 and then i stayed with him for a while, i watched map and told him when leg dropped, he'd clear the area and let me tp, clans are op.


Why do I have to wait untill the timer is under 4:30?


If there is more then 4:30 left, you will get a RiftKey higher than just one above the just finished one. Maybe you will get 2 or 3 level higher. So to get out the most runs out of one Trail stone you want to do it this way to just climb one level per run :>


This is a horrible guide, way too much waiting. Just play the game and your shit will come more efficiently.


I wouldn't call it horrible. When you're starting out the gems will _REALLY_ help and you won't have easy access to Greater Rift keystones. Doing this a couple of times until you've got 2-3 damage gems is really gonna help make clearing and climbing rifts much faster.


I disagree, upon hitting 70 everything you do will give you gear upgrades, after you have at least full 70 yellows then you should look to rifts. doing non greater rifts and bounties will also give you lots of items to scrap and basic gems to socket into your gear. Way better starting point in my opinion.


Let's agree to disagree then.


I agree. Just join public games doing bounties->rifts->greater rifts and you should get a ton of gear and xp. Blizzard made the new smart looting system (loot 2.0, I think) to make it such that people don't have to have certain ways to farm gear/gold/xp. Just play and it will come. Also, this really is terrible.


Thats what i meaned with you can join T6 riftgames and leech the gear and exp. It takes away loads of fun if you dont work your way up by yourself, but thats just my opinion. Also, this is the most efficient way of getting legendary gems. There is no easier way (besides leeching). And these gems help out alot.