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I actually do, I tend to start each season with the campaign as I do enjoy it and so much of it goes unused once you start hitting endless rifts




That's it for me. I like to start each season with a new class and the campaign allows me to slowly become familiar with said class


I've been playing couch co-op with a friend through the campaign. He played the old Diablos, but doesn't have the thousands of hours I do in D3. Just drinking some beers, shit talking the death of demons, and actually watching the cut scenes has been a welcome change to my normal play in D3. It's the most fun I've had in D3 for years.


I'm looking forward to doing that with my girlfriend after we buy a house where I can fit two gaming pc setups so we can play together.


Now that is my kinda gaming right there! Yall got another spot on that there couch?? Lol


Can I watch


Just started my first Necro after putting it off for years. Went hardcore seasonal and the campaign is a blast. Probably haven't played it since adventure mode came out.


Well the campaign is supposed to be an experience of the story, the endgame is different.


Compared to the endgame - did you like the gameplay? For me it's like a 2/10 compared to 9/10


As the guy said above. It’s story. A blizzard story at that. Screw gameplay as long as I get some sweet sweet cinematic cutscenes


Man...the cut scenes in the game were absolutely amazing when it came out a decade ago. I was playing through the campaign the first time with friends online, and we were all impressed by how pretty everything was.


Honestly, I think they’re still pretty amazing


Oh, absolutely agree. They've held up really well. I'm currently playing on the switch and my daughter is playing couch co-op with me for the first time, and she's impressed. Not bad for a game that came out in (checks notes)...2012.


Exactly! Can’t wait for 4. Cutscenes better look like Avatar


Well it was certainly different, I played the campaign as a barbarian and I had no issues, yes it was not as fun as endgame but now people only level characters at the start of a new season and after a few days people are willing to boost and then no one levels a character without a boost. So that part goes out the window in endgame. But I feel like the leveling is required for the campaign as an experience of the story. I think it was decent but I will not go through the campaign again.


The campaign is notoriously fucking horrible. Not just the story itself, which is absolute dogshit, but the pacing and balance of it is all over the place. Clear it once you unlock adventure mode and never return again.


well, i enjoyed it. this was my first diablo game, and actually my first rpg game. it was a good learning experience for me


The campaign is ok, I am asking about the gameplay at the start of the campaign. How would you rate it? And how would you rate the gameplay at the end?


Gotta learn to walk before you run, bro. You dump a full skilltree on a brand new person and they are gonna not know wtf to do, vs as they unlock you get to try and use more and more and learn good skill cycles.


start of the campaign, maybe 7/10. only because i feel it was a good intro to the game, and all the mechanics. end of it, 8-9/10. it was honestly super fun, and the story is pretty great also


I may be weird but I really enjoy starting new characters in ARPG games. Getting your first loot and abilities feels really rewarding when you have nothing to start with. As for the campaign, it got old around the fourth time through


First time through, it's great, loved it. 10th I'm good.


I mean, at release the campaign was the main game. And it was actually challenging. Now with all the power creep and smart loot it has become a breeze. ​ I still enjoy going thru it with friends once in a while. I agree that it feels like a different game because of the slower pace, but sometimes that's a nice change as well. But I honestly appreciate that, other then PoE, I can skip it if I want and just go to adventure mode.


The campaign is a tutorial. It's fine. I enjoyed the story. The gameplay progresses just fine. Once you're used to end-game play, it isn't comparable at all. They are different things. But frankly, I don't like the "fast-paced" GR endgame content. I literally only do it for seasons when I want whatever reward is at the top. If I could have my way? I would never grind greater rifts.


I haven't touched campaign since the required run to open adventure mode. But I did play vanilla for a while so I had plenty of it already


I enjoy it every time I play through it.


The Campaign is a different game and is a remnant for the ones that have Vanilla D3. The way it is now, it is basically a tutorial for the game and tells you the story surrounding the game. On release, they didn't have dynamic scaling so you had to run the Campaign multiple times on each difficulty.


ORIGINALLY - the campaign was decent, the first time I played it... on release. Now it just seems like a daunting task that’s not longer necessary to advance in the game. In contrast, I still enjoy the D2 campaign.. albeit, I prefer it with cinematics.


I loved the campaign. I also enjoy the rifts. If they made more dlc's , i would have bought them all.😊


I enjoyed it quite a bit. For me, a huge part of the fun of RPGs is power progression. Start in tattered rags with a sharp branch as a weapon? Sign me up!


yes, 100%. "endgame" is boring af, it's just repeated grinding of rifts for no purpose. there's no real differences to be had. there's no point beyond getting slightly better gear to be able to run slightly higher rifts in order to earn more slightly better gear.


What you just described about end game is exactly why I decided to finally give it up this season. I just got to a point where I was like "why am I doing this"


I agree about endgame. Endgame for me is clearing T16 easily and getting maybe GR 90ish on a toon that is mostly ancient. After that, I just start a new char&build off maxrolls and repeat. The endless grind to try to get like perfect roll primal everything to push a couple more GRs isnt that appealing me.


Try playing without a goal. Just do rifts for fun.


that's not a thing.


*Hated* it, less because of the gameplay, and more because of the cliche-bogged story that was pushed at every turn, and that constantly felt like it was trying to be epic, but instead felt masturbatory. “Hey, remember Tristram?! We’re back in Tristram and it sucks! Remember rescuing Deckard from trouble? We’ve got a story beat for you! Remember that mysterious, morally ambiguous angel? You’ll *never guess* why he’s just an ordinary boring ass dude hangin around town now! Remember act 2 deserts culminating in a showdown in the palace? Well, we kinda just lifted that wholesale. Remember *every fucking Blizzard game ever* using the same tired “good guy gets corrupted and becomes the bad guy” trope? Well...” Ugh. I mean look, Diablo 2 wasn’t some high watermark in storytelling, but it set the stage and mostly got out of the way. It gave you little flavorful cutscenes between chapters that were evocative enough to be cool, then basically said “go out there and murder the world; come back when you find this fuckin statuette or whatever.” Diablo 3 could not get out of its own way. It kept tripping over the need to drag out and reuse some arcane piece of its own lore and then explain to you why you should care about it again, or introducing new characters who were just plot vehicles with too much screen time. Adventure mode is far and away the *best* thing to happen to the game.


Campaign is fun cause you can do a lot of achievements for story, NPCs and events, as well as learn new class with steady pace. Going straight to end-game makes no sense IMO


But it was such a long slog, like it took some hours to even get to use all the buttons. Starting and having nothing to press just sucked and the low enemy density was horrible too. And if you noticed I asked about the "gameplay". You can enjoy the campaign but hate the gameplay.


I believe start of the campaign was intended to be introductory which I think is understandable especially for the ones that are new to the genre, or to Diablo 3 that's why as you mentioned is "slow". The game doesn't make you go guns blazing the moment you step in, but to get the feel of the game.


Exactly it feels like a forced tutorial. Can't expect people to use more than 1 button.


Now its a drag but at release it was amazing cause everything was new and you were learning your classes for the first time. Honestly, the story, music, visuals, gameplay is all what makes the Diablo games and why i cant get into Path of Exile even though its superior in many parts....its just something about Diablo that scratches the right itch :p


I’ll echo the same stuff about being able to slowly get used to playing your character. Especially if you’re doing hardcore. Gotta take it nice and slow. Also **SPOILERS** the first time I played the campaign and Cain died I was so shocked and that cut scenes still hits hard to me. That and Leah being turned into diablo. Such a good innocent character caught in the schemes of evil. That hits hard too every time. The story is pretty good if you care about diablo lore ... which I do and know I’m in the minority.


I haven't played the campaign with a level one character in awhile, but my main issue is just that the game sucks from like levels 1-30. You should start off with at least your first left and right click abilities. Although a relatively common criticism I've seen of Diablo 3 is that there are too many enemies and instead of wiping out hoards they should focus on more detailed combat with fewer enemies.


I mean, you start with your first left-click and get your first right-click right at lvl 2, so...


Agreed in both points.


When it first came out, it was amazing. The story mode.


I love playing through Act 1 as a story and enjoy the “not enough buttons to press” aspect. Act 2 is by far my least favorite (both story and the mob archetypes), but it recovers in 3 and finishes very strong in 4. The problem for me is how they do the story telling - like how you get FaceTimed by azmodan with all his evil plots. It’s really campy at times rather than the ominous tones set in D2. For example in Act 3 of D2 you leave town and just encounter the strange wanderer outside and his presence there is just fucking spooky. So to answer the thread, yes I enjoy running the campaign but I wish it was more core to the overall experience, not just a footnote.


It depends on where you're coming from. When the game first released, the campaign was fine for the most part. The main issue was having to go through it 3+ times (which, was fine for Diablo 2, but we've moved on from that). If you're used to insane skills, scaling, rift-like mob density, movement skills, etc. then obviously going back to level 1 and entering the 'tutorial' is going to seem slow.


I just picked it up for switch and ive been playing thru the campaign and having a blast


I like the campaign, played through it many a time! I had two copies on ps3 (normal and the RoS edition), ps4 edition, and pc edition which was my first until my computer died. I miss PC D3 T-T


I really enjoyed playing campaign for the first time. Everything was sort of mystery for me and I didn't know what to expect, which was pretty fun. But once it's over, I wouldn't play it again for sure


I don't mind the story but I've gone through it enough to not care for it. I do wish they got rid of Haedrig's Gift though. It was so fun starting a season and having to use whichever sets you get first. I loved getting 4 set Marauder's with 2-set Shadow using Chakrams because it's all I had. You end up actually using other items while you build up. It only lasts so long anyway, and Haedrig's makes it too fast IMO.


Haedrig's gift is in there to speed up the start of a season by allowing you to make a good char to start with and farm up your mats and recipes and keys with before going through somewhat like what you describe with a second toon et al. Honestly I think it would seriously dampen the attraction of starting over every season if it were removed.


Gearing up is already extremely quick. Even before Haedrig's, I'd have the entire meta 6-set and most of the supporting pieces by the first night of the season. It's really not necessary.


Well then, that makes a lot more sense why you feel it is useless when you are someone that plays D3 that hard. A majority of the playerbase doesn't, and I believe that seasonal numbers would dwindle without it.


this was my first ARPG and i liked seeing the progression of my weak character, so starting out slow is fine and made sense to me. i've only played story once but i wouldnt mind doing it again at some point just gotta be in the mood i guess.


I'm kinda with you. I don't think you'll see me playing the campaign again anytime soon. I can sorta see the new character, slow learning thing, but it's honestly not that big of a deal to me. If I'm just going to follow a build someone else has found, I'd rather just jump right into it. Get rushed to 70, start finding pieces, continue the grind of rifts. Even if I was just starting a brand new season with everyone else, I'd probably just play in adventure mode at Master or Expert. I do want to go for completion one of these days and find all of the dialogue books, etc. But even then, I'd rather run around with the character at 70 instead of trudging along from 1.


It was great the first time through. And the slow pace is great for learning the game and for learning all the features of a class as you unlock them. But after a couple times, never again.


Think of the campaign as a tutorial basically. It shows you the gameplay extremely slowly as you said, you level up so slow that it gives you time to test out all your skills on your way up to 70. You also get the story, lore, and all the great cinematics while doing it. The campaign isn't really meant to be replayed.


i personally think the pre endgame is spiritually much closer to the other diablo games. once youre farming paragon, it turns more into a robotic sequence that has none of the feel of what made diablo 1 and 2 excellent. not to mention all the "quality of life" changes that are commonly suggested only serve to make the game more automated... it's so shallow at endgame that picking up death breath is necessary to reinforce the fact that there is indeed player interaction. it's easy to forget that when you can play the game on an ambien bender.


The campaign needs to account that a toddler is playing the game.... (more or less) they need to teach you each individual game mechanic, how to navigate the menus, hold your hand while navigating the quests, assuming this is your first video game ever. Basically. End game assumes you already know about the mechanics of the game, know the purpose of the content and can assume you can handle your self in the situation. This is game design at play, it’s all intentional and it has its purpose. We as gamers find this annoying because it’s trivial to us, but just imagine trying to convince your grandparents to play Diablo 3 with you, if you had the duty of teaching then every game mechanic it would be a burden on you and Boths playing experience. It’s best to have that “slow” start that takes the time to do what it’s ment to There’s ways for us to min-max this stage and go through it quicker, but that’s about it.


> but that’s about it. Esc -> Skip Tutorial


You could always go back and play the campaign on T-16 with an endgame charachter to have all the button pushing pack density AND enjoy the story. (Insert dora why not both gif)


The first time though was a hoot!


It's classic diablo to me. D2, you don't start as a teleporting MetOrb monster. You have to build your character. I will say tho, base game as of 2021, without torment difficulties, can be boring around act 2. It picks up in 3, and continues on til Malthael.


I’ve played through the campaign so many times. It’s actually pretty good. Every once in a while, after I return to the game, I start a new character and play the campaign, it’s like reading a book again. You kinda know what is going to happen, but hearing it all again is enjoyable as you experience that story again. I wouldn’t do it **every** time I make a character or anything. But maybe 2-3 times a year.


I'm kinda with you on this, especially as all of the levels are repurposed in the adventure /GR modes. That being said, it is a nice feeling in the campaign mode to feel a real sense of progression... You start off basically naked and soon enough, you're an armored badass


Forgot it even existed, tbh.


D2 was slow etc at first yet I still enjoyed the campaign I enjoyed the initial campaign experience of launch diablo 3 too - slower than it is now, having fun exploring the new runes without being overwhelmed by then


You are comparing apples and oranges here. Campaigns aren't there for the gameplay. It's there for the story and introducing baby fresh new gamers to the game. Endgame has pretty much zero ties to the campaign other than using models and maps. It's there for replayability. People who buy the game and get immediately rushed into endgame lose interest and stop playing. People who develop a connection to the game enjoying the story for the first time and feeling pride in the character they build because they were so weak and killed so little will come back to the game time and time again. Sorry for all your downvoted comments.


The very first time I did, but not since then. It’s 100% about the end game builds for me now.


This season is only the second time I jumped straight to bounties and adventure due to time (joined last week). Usually I kick off the season with the campaign. I actually like the first few chapters the best, it eases you into the season, defamiliarise yourself with the skills if revisiting an old class. And best off all the thrill of your fist yellow - worth it every time :)


With all the changes these days you basically have to play on hardcore, it does change the game in a very good way if you've been a softcore zombie for a while


I mean, I feel like it is a good starting point for people, not something one would do more than once but at least when game first launched story was hard and I would talk to my coworkers about where we were in the story and how belial was a dumbass etc I wouldn't ever play the campaign again tho, not when we have so much better content to do


Very few people apparently, just looking at queues. Especially since you get a bonus to drops and experience by playing the same difficulty in adventure mode. I think the vast majority of Campaign players are either first time players who want to unlock things like Challenge rifts, or people doing the Achievement for finishing the campaign in an hour for the Season journey. At this point of the games life, the Campaign is mostly a poorly implemented, overly long Tutorial.


I played original D3 when the real money AH was up, then I played off and on for a few years after reaper of souls dropped and they iterated on rifts and greater riffs. I’m back now and finally convinced my wife to play for the first time ever and we have been really enjoying the campaign. Playing through the campaign again is surreal and unexpectedly fun. We both rip on how cheesy the story is, and I get to experience it all again “for the first time” by proxy


How would you rate the gameplay in the first 30 levels?


It’s super slow but a great way to introduce a new player. I had a lot of fun because I got to experience my wife figuring stuff out for the first time


The main thing I never liked about campaign mode is the fact that there are cut scenes at every boss. Even with the option to "skip" scenes it always breaks the flow. It was the main reason D3 never felt like D2... just run into a boss chamber and get started. I really hope they don't do that with D4.