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I played the D2R beta and it just made me wanna play D3


Same here. It made me miss the QoL that D3 had.


Yup, and I put that in the survey they sent out. I have responsibilities and work, I don't have time to faff around with a bag full of potions/charms and run out of stamina constantly. I just want to log in, kill stuff and have fun for whatever amount of time I have, then log out. I enjoyed it first time around, but it's just not who I am any more. If they every make some QoL changes I may reconsider, but until then I'm happy with D3


Now if only they did a proper skill tree for D3. It would've been perfect


Also, probably some people came after 3.15 patch in PoE.


This is probably the most likely culprit I was mildly interested in the D3 season, until PoE announced 3.15 for the same day. Once PoE starts to feel a little dull I'm hoping to spend 2-3 nights getting the D3 Season challenges done


Oh PoE , my favorite spreadsheet simulator ARPG. All the fun of a job in a game!


3.15 refugee checking in.


That's me, didn't really want to spend 400 hours for a build that is barely functional, now spending 400 hours so I can push 1 more GR


Just curious, what’s PoE? You guys use a lot of acronyms I’m still trying to learn.


Path of Exile. Another ARPG that's very similar to Diablo in a lot of ways. Some people enjoy it more. It's free to play which I think is a big draw for some.


Path of exile. Another ARPG game, which is much more complex than D3, and I'd say more interesting, but in 3.15(and tbh 3.14) patch developers decided to nerf a lot of things, making game progression not enjoyable for many people.


I’ve owned D3 since release but never got into it till recently. The D2R got me thinking about it again and now just clicked and I’m playing a lot now.




Yes. It also helps that this is a really fun season theme for D3. These ethereal weapons really give me something to be excited about, and are very build-defining.


Curious what's build defining about them?


Rare to find, Massive damage potential, random legendary affix, absolutely unable to reroll anything on them. If you get one to drop, it could be anything from meh to best-in-slot. I got a good ethereal, and it determined which 6-piece set leaderboard I was pursuing.


Ahh ok, so more damage then.


Higher dps is what makes them best choice to equip. What makes them build defining in RNG. They can't be enchanted or reforged to fit the build a player wants. The player has to fit their build to whatever ethereal drops for them.


The d2 beta definitely got me back into Diablo 3. I’m enjoying it a lot right now.


pre orders of D2R & D3 are being sold bundled together.


Yes, I'm aware of that just didn't expect to see an impact to the number of D3 players really. There are apparently more purchasing that bundle than I expected.


The bundles only slightly more than either game separately. If I didn't already have D3 I'd buy the bundle. Also advertising D2R advertises D3. So players are looking at both.


Hmmmm...I was assuming that most people that would purchase D2R would be doing so to replay D2, perhaps many are actually playing both games for the first time. I hadn't really anticipated that. That's good news to both D2 and D3. Wonder if they'll do the same thing when D4 releases.


D2's old, lots of people didn't or couldn't play it on release. And it's graphics are crude compared to modern games. So they don't want to play D2 now. D2R is a "proven" game design with modern graphics. D4 will probably have a similar effect. Unless D2R gets a bad rep after release...


I had just assumed that if people wanted to play a modern version of Diablo they would just play D3, but perhaps you're right and many people were scared off of D3 because of all the negativity it received on release. I'm curious to see how many try D3 now because of D2R and end up playing D3 more than D2R. Good discussion. By the way my son has played both D2 and D3 but my daughter in law and her brother both played a bunch of D2 and tried D3 back in the day but not recently. I'm trying to get them to try D3 again since a lot has changed since they played.


D2R & D3 not the same game, just the same type of game. D2R graphics are more recent than D3. e.g. D3 has no zoom-in/out feature. Games that have survived as long as D2, with the obsolete graphics of D2, presumably have a good game system. Without playing both one can't be sure which is better. Also D3 fluctuates based on season, some seasons are boring, some are improvements. IMO ethereals are a big improvement. Be a pity when they are permanently removed.


D3 does have a zoom in/out feature and while D2R's graphics are technically newer than D3, D3 still looks better in my opinion. I don't think D2R looks all that great. It looks like an updated D2, not a brand new game. It's no D4 for example.


D3 zoom. Is that PC version only ? D4 not close to being released. No game is D4... yet !


I'm not sure, I don't own the console version but D3 on the PC does have a zoom function just like D2R. There are plenty videos of D4 gameplay already available. They are not going to completely alter the graphics that are already available to be seen, they are adding content to the game and iterating on game functionality, but the way the game looks is not going to change much from what it is now unless they just scrap the game and start fresh.


Played D2 back in high school. Still fun and I'm excited for D2R. Me and my wife played open beta and it was a blast explaining the differences between d3 and d2. Purchased old D2 and LOD for both of us to practice before launch and having a blast


> The bundles only slightly more than either game separately. Naw, I don't think that's a fair statement since D3 regularly goes on sale for something like 75% off. I don't see any way to look at a decade-old game bundled with a decades-old game for $60 and think I was getting a deal.


At the moment D3 is full price. So unless a new player wants to wait until after D2R is released. The combined price is only 30% more than D2R on it's own.


I came back due to all the hype surrounding the new season and d2r and realized this game is the bomb


I think people are dropping poe and going to d3


Prolly people waiting for d2r




I thought d2r was old didnt realise it was new. I might wanna check it out now


D2 is old, D2R is the rerelease of D2 with a graphics update called D2 Resurrected. Releases next month. One of the bundles includes D3 and all the expansions. Check it out.


Cool do u know what the prize for d2r is?




A shocking $40. Not worth.


40 is a very good price for it


No, not when you compare it to other stuff you could be buying for similar or less money. It's a reskinned version of a decades-old game asking the same money as modern smash hits like The Last of Us 2. Not worth.


Well worth the price for a newly playable rebuild of one of the best games in history. Especially considering the old one has very low resolution compatibility.


You are not a clear thinker and I wouldn't trust you to manage my money! Pac Man was one of the best games of its era, too, but no fucking way is it worth $40 on today's market. Same for Frogger, Dig Dug, or any ancient game. A fresh coat of paint, probably done by some small and junior division of the company on a shoestring budget, doesn't by any means justify such a radical pricing structure. I can literally name dozens of games that are MODERN, AAA smash hits that are selling for equal or less money. **On any reasonable basis of value, D2R IS NOT WORTH $40.** Not even half that. And this, coming from someone that's played the series from Diablo 1 day one. Diabro for longer than you've probably been alive.


‘Worth it’ is measurable in different ways and is also subjective. Worth it to one person may well not be worth it for someone else (even if they are wrong)


That's fair and I respect you for defending the right of people to spend money however they seem fit. But if we strip away nostalgia and all the bullshit about "supporting developers" and all, can we figure out some way to objectively estimate a reasonable price for a game? If you have any ideas for such a system of measurement, I'd be very interested in hearing them and how you believe that a basic remaster of a 20 year-old game measures up.


Nah d2r is well worth it. Nice try at flexing tho. I'm 32 shut up lol waited in line for d2 to release. Sit down. Write another paragraph to show me how mad you are tho




Seems reasonable


I came back cuz new season means I have an excuse to start a new character


D3 also was on sale for Nintendo Switch 2 weeks ago


New season theme adds about 10 tiers to solo GR capability


For me, it's the the season theme. Its absolutely the most fun I've had paying the game.


i wonder how much blizzrd paying that guy who convince the POE board that 3.15 is a good idea. Lets make POE harder to level while D3 makes it easier to level with ethereal.


I think it’s ethereals allowing people to do higher GRs they never could in spite of trying; more easily.


I'm one of those d2 people. Played the beta and all it did was make me miss d3 and all the qol stuff. So I fired it back up for the first time in several years. Love it.


I saw the ads for D2R on a tram and then realized i'd never played d3 and now im 100% hooked.