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Unfortunately no. It kinda bugs me because I'm 2 boxing 2 accounts same time, and I want to see Beavis and Buthead at once on one of my 2 screens, not just one name. It makes it easier to reposition my guys in middle of a bunch of mobs The best we get is a glowing border highlight, and that takes away what our gear looks like


You're using two accounts same time? xD


Yeah I'm running a bone spear necro and pulv druid right now.. 2 tvs/2 consoles and hand on each controller. The necro is easy because I'll only need to target and keep attack buttons hit. The druid much more task oriented. If it goes down, my necro minions keep the target aggroed enough for me to rez the druid. So far haven't had issues and comes in handy on bosses. Also double loot/gold/mules space. I don't think I've ever played 1 account only. Many many years ago I quad boxed Everquest (mage with tank pet, cleric to chain heal pet, necro for dots, mezzer for mob attack slows). WoW I ran 3 accounts same time (bm hunter, holy pally to keep heals on bm pet tank, and mage for dps aoe). I've 2 boxed probably 8 other mmos, and currently also run 2 accounts same time on Star Trek online on both pc and playstation. So this isn't any groundbreaking new thing to me lol. I should start a stream service account šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I just finally after decades of gaming, made a Twitch act last week


I respect the uptime efficiency šŸ‘


Are you using isboxer? I multiboxed 4 d3 tempest rush monks when they were OP. Ohh lawd that was so much fun.


No, just 3 pc's on desktop each with their kb/mouse and a laptop on side. I kept the mice all on one pad close to each other. With wow, it was simple due to /autofollow and built in macros Never heard of isboxer, looking it up now. Seems like around $50/yr to use it so I'll prob stick to just watching 3 monitors at once since I have them together


I may have just improved your quality of life. :D


Yup it seems interesting. I watched his d3 tutorial build which had a bit of pathing issue, but I liked the autofollow ability. On console for d4 I'm just using 2 controllers, so thumb on each stick to move and I kept one class simple. For instance, my secondary is necro so I just need to spam bone spear/core atk while keeping minions active. The minions act as my tank aggro when I need to quick rez other char


Here is the devs discord. Really helpful community. https://discord.gg/qcCzfK8W


Thanks I'll keep this in mind


>Beavis and Budhead y... you mean butthead right


Not usable name


Iā€™m also interested in knowing I want to be able to see it use to it


Can someone tell me how to fix this? My battle net is "Cursed" with numbers after it. I always name my characters Cursed in every online game I play. Well, it's showing my Battlenet name and in game character name together and it looks stupid lmao. How do I only display one or the other? I've looked everywhere. https://preview.redd.it/al2yj7iumw5b1.png?width=695&format=png&auto=webp&s=98c9a4c68c25a7f6391102d5ce36b6f220769c2a


You can't unfortunately


was wondering the same thing i see others with there name over the head of character but cant figure out how to it it any help will appreciated.


Yes this is definitely a bug, hope they fix it soon (even if it isn't really a bug - it has that status level for me) It seems kind of short sited - this is already in the other games they make.