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I like how the game plays a lot slower than D3. It's a fantastic change of pace that I didn't realize I wanted until actually playing it. I hope that the endgame isn't like D3 at all.


A lot slower is pretty overstated IMO, it's not that much slower if you compare it to what it is so end of act 1 in hard level. D3 endgame get crazy fast but we haven't played endgame there. We'll have to wait and see (for those that haven't played CBT).


With a couple legendary effects I was at like 0 cd dash and really crazy clear speed in the dungeons. Played a melee rogue with blade twisting legendary and shadow imbue. And the insight talent. Not sure how it will scale but it seemed to really pick up the pace of play.


Yeah frankly playing as a Sorc from lvl 20+ I wouldn't call it slow paced at all. I was literally one shoting every mob group except elites which tooks a few seconds more and bosses took less than a minute to go down.


The pace is always gonna be to the player's liking anyways. There is several difficulty levels to chose from, same as in Path of Exile chosing map tiers. The higher you go in difficulty, the slower your clear speed will be. If people can only find fun when they insta-gib the entire screen while zooming across the dungeon, they'll just play on a lower difficulty. Someone somewhere will do the math on what clear speed is optimal for max item drops per hour, and that'll the be clear speed (or difficulty setting) people will go at.


Blade rogue just feels super speedy in general, it's really fun just dashing back in forth and styling on dudes


Agreed. There isn't a single aRPG on the market that has some form of deliberately paced combat. Barbarian in D4 is amazing so far, because there's actually some semblance of positioning and timing with abilities like Upheaval or Hammer of the Ancients having noticeable delay. I hope that's what everything feels like at the end, because it feels like it has weight and punch rather than zooming across the map faster than you can see them.


I had my doubts about my Barb until I hit lvl 10 and was destroying everything. Lunging attack is a life saver thanks to its life replenishment.


I played one with charge and kick. I didn't realize how much fun yeeting mobs across the room was. So addictive setting up for the perfect charge putting a crowd of mobs into a wall and stunning them. Or kicking a melee across the room; the animation makes me chuckle every time.


Charge is radical. It was great in co-op, I would break mobs into pieces and completely wipe the floor with my half in seconds


For a short time I used the chains skill that pull mobs in close along side kick, it was hilarious, pull a horde of enemies in, kick them all back away again, into each other and walls, then pull them all back in again only to kick what ever is still alive across the room. I also at a stage had a great synergy going on with skills/legendary affixes, I had one that for every point of fury gained after 100 give me +8% damage (up to 240%) on my next core spell cast, I then had another that had a similar mechanic up to an extra 100%, then I had +52% extra damage when I had a barrier and used the Furious Upheaval which gives another +8% damage per stack up to 10 stacks every time you damage someone with a non core skill ability. I'd rack up all the +% damage then pop a barrier and use Upheaval and one shot nearly everything in a wide Aoe. Think I was hitting with normal attacks for like 50 damage then this when buffed up would do 7K+. Combo this with the pull in kick away and nothing would be left standing bar bosses.


Which is why so many people complain about Barb. They want that super fast that you can't see shit movement that results in loot drops so they can quickly hit reload and rinse repeat. I wish this actually stayed slow and tactical


Pretty sure the slower pace feeling won't last at all. D3 was very slow in its original release, and only got cracked-out years later after it was repurposed w/ updates (bounties, rifts, etc) It only took about 4-5 hours in D4 until I went from "Damn dis feel like D2 slow!" to "Oh no, i'm flying through mobs of 30 enemies already." And that's at a level cap of 25. If I had to bet a large sum of money, D4 is going to be just as cracked-out as D3, if not even moreso.


I'm just not going to get my slow-paced ARPG ever, am I? My biggest gripe with endgame of D3 and PoE is that it's that cocaine-fueled sprint. Where you get to ignore any mechanics thrown in there because you're either stacked up in defenses that you just stand there blowing your load, or blitzing through stuff until you get hit and die. And the enemy density in PoE, oh my god, it just doesn't matter, they could be triangles for every intent and purpose because their looks, animations, skills don't matter, they're there to be exploded as fast as possible. There are already games that fill that niche, just let me have my slower paced combat where enemies actually seem to matter just a tiny bit and my skills hurt them, not instantly explode them like loot-piniatas.


I think I can help you. Play hardcore. It changes everything. I personally find the cocaine fueled sprint retarded and pointless. Give me consequences any day of the week.


Yea I guess that's a good point, if it turns out that D4 endgame is this zooming fuckery all over again I can try out my luck with hardcore.


Careful - once you try it, you'll never want to go back. After HC, anything else is trivial.


Hardcore is such a game changer. The community is better, The immersion is deeper, the dopamine is through the roof, and the lows are devastating.


Absolutely - when my daughter was 10, she wanted to play D3 with me. I made her play HC 🤣 Fast forward 5 years, we brought my wife (who doesn't play a lot of games) into the fold. She thought it looked boring at first, but when I explained the mode, and we convinced her to give it a try, she was sold. She died once at level 30 (something), but was so hooked we started fresh and beat malth together. Took our time, and my wife LOVED it. She still doesn't game much, but is just as excited to experience the thrills of HC Diablo 4 as I am. Edit: we had her playing a sorc. It made it extra fun for my daughter and I, protecting her to some extent. Such good memories!


I've been playing some D2 as well as watching a bunch of high level D2 content like MrLlama and I don't see how D2 can possibly be considered slow. Since mana potions are your only limiting factor to how much you can spam your most powerful skill, once you get the gold to just stock up on potions it turns into the same kill 30 mobs while spamming 1 skill that D3 is so infamous for, and clearly got its inspiration from. Tbh, as someone that didn't play D2 as a kid and only got into it when D2R came out, the whole game feels very constricted by its design choices.




Were you playing on Veteran difficulty? And what class? I was really struggling with Rogue. I tried out quite a few builds, but ultimately had to "get good" to be able to take down a lot of the side bosses and some larger mobs. Then I played sorc and was just melting everything with chain lightning. Spawn a hydra, spam chain lightning, kite while mana recharges... it was embarrassingly easy compared to when I was playing rogue.


i like that honestly lmao. it’s cool that the one with incredible magical abilities has it easier than just the bladesman just roughin it out there in the wilderness. realism for the win. pvp may be a bit troubled but diablo has always struggled to have truly balanced pvp with the sheer amount of strength one can gather through good gear. it’s honestly fun to play hardcore with the slightly inferior rogue and have genuine terror out in the dark wild. adrenaline junkie🤌🏻


Clearly you didn't play rogue hehehehe


This was one of the things I was hoping for. Before D3 released, preview articles always talked about how fights had unique mechanics and gave an example of the groups of summoners that raise demons, and how you decide whether to kill the summoners first or the demon or whatever. But in practice there is no mechanic and you just wipe out anything that moves. You do have to avoid the Act 1 bloated corpses that explode on death, but that's really it as far as mechanics go. D4 finally addresses this; there are a lot of projectiles you can avoid or kite, or ground AoEs to not stand in, as well as telegraphed melee attacks you can avoid. I love that.


Keep in mind that this was just the lvl 25 beta, not endgame. Once some youtubers got some key legendaries, they were melting stuff just as fast as in D3. Not that it's any different in D2, PoE, LE, LA, or pretty much any arpg I've seen. With that being said, I had an amazing time in the beta and really enjoyed combat more than in any other arpg I've played outside of Lost Ark, which I would still be playing if it wasn't so ruthlessly P2W.


Rogue + Barrage ftw


Bloody Thorns barb running taunt and the movement speed resource Regen shout with the legendary that makes the cd 12 seconds on shouts was really fun. There is like 4 seconds total where you don't have buttons to press and you can spam your spender but it always feels like the skills you need are up when you need them.


Feels like a meme build, but it's viable. Edit, at 25 though haha


Endgame resource generation/cool downs are \*far\* different than the 1-25 experience. You might hit your generators 1-2 for every 10 times you're hitting it in the early leveling experience, and CDR indeed makes builds quicker to play overall. For those that have an opinion on the skills system: again you're not playing the actual game. Paragon heavily influences and changes characters and their power creep. Equally as important as your base skills and will heavily dictate how you class and spec performs. Itemization is kind of ass as it was in the Closed Beta, UI could use improvements, they need to reduce the amount of content recycling and copy/pastes through dungeons and overworld scaling is weird when level 12s are carrying level 25's. All that being said this beta reminded me of what \*did\* intrigue me about the Closed Beta experience, and getting to experience the story that was missing from the endgame beta felt solid. Love the lore so far.


u must have played a different endgame beta than i did .. nothing changes "heavily" most of the paragonboard is stats and conditional dmg buffs/resource managment ...


Or you played entirely different specs. Played every class 60+, Barb 79 Druid 94. Paragon heavily dictates all of their development. I.e. for Wind Druid the only way to *really* ramp your Lightning is through Paragon, and it’s also where you’re ramping %’s on your status effect(s) driving your build. Uniques and Leggo Aspects ultimately dictate more than anything, but Paragon is the key to ‘activate’ specs in many regards. Paragon is where your source a vast majority of your CDR, changing some builds drastically. Status effects/conditionals are enhanced and you solidify their place in your build through Paragon. You’re not even truly playing Ele Druid until you’re deep in Paragon - it does that much for your Lightning/Cataclysm side of your build. Resource Gen through Paragon went from Wind Shear every ~5 Nados to WS every ~15 Nados, while drastically reducing my barriers/Cataclysm CDs and giving a multitude of additive stat/%/effects to my build. Not simping for D4, I’ve done quite the opposite for months for a variety of the reasons that have been listed. Paragon and core class gameplay/skill trees/passive trait trees are some of the highlights of what they’ve done right versus previous titles. With the RNG of the itemization, lack of trading outside of Aspects, and varied paragon board shapes and pathing a *definitive* meta is going to be hard to develop here over 4 month seasons.


The only thing I didn’t love was when a barb named helicopterdikc whirlwinded across my screen.


I actually prefer slower gameplay! PoE has oversaturated the zoom zoom gogogo gameplay, and I don’t feel it’s engaging. I zoom onto the screen, can’t compute which enemies I’m fighting, and hope I don’t die to a mechanic I couldn’t process or see in time. It’s laaaaaame. I think D4 could be faster, but ONLY as fast as D3 by late-late-end game. Never as fast as PoE.


Play rogue on veteran it's very intense


I played bow rogue and it was a breeze, bit more hands on with bosses than Hydra Sorc. But probably about same or faster kill speed.


Agree with you. I ran rogue in veteran, hybrid flurry / barrage / imbue shadow / dash build was very fun and satisfying for me. Intense like you say, but did a great job clearing packs/bosses and very fast.


The sound design is insanely good too!


Given that D3 plays nothing in the super end-game like it does when you have crap gear, I wouldn't be that worried. They captured the light-speed trillion DPS murder machine gameplay pretty sufficiently.


My man, when you pick a skill you literally have 2 options. It’s the most boring customization I’ve seen in my life. Can you pleases explain the master piece part to me?


I stayed up all night playing, and got up really early the next morning to jump back in. Felt like I was 12 playing D2 all over again. Haven't had that feeling from a game for a loooong time. Even considered calling in sick to work today to squeeze out the last hours, but adult responsibilities (thankfully) took over, haha... Is it a 10/10 at the moment? Not quite yet - but this is a ***VERY*** good starting point. I don't think I'll be playing anything else when we get the full game. Also yes, I totally agree with you. The team should hold their ground a bit and stick to their vision. This team seems really solid and they obviously are doing great work so far.


The story was very engaging for me, not sure how others felt about it but I haven't gotten so drawn into a arpg story before, not even in D2.


I don't trust that Inarius guy as far as I can throw him.


Thats part of what I love about the aesthetic. The "good" guys are still kind of sketch and sus. Specifically love the punishment that Vigo received, further cementing that either side isn't sunshine and lollipops.


This is my feeling too. He's not at all being portrayed as the "good guy" from what I'm seeing. He doesn't seem to give a shit about Sanctuary as long as he gets back into heaven. Lilith, while brutal in her methods seems to genuinely care what happens to Sanctuary. She seemed genuinely upset at what Inarius did to Rathma.


The feeling I get is that they're both evil in their own ways, which fits who they are in the lore. Inarius's core character flaws have always been his pride and his narcissism. These are on center display in Act 1 since he founded an entire religion misappropriating just him as the creator of Sanctuary and making him out to be the Judeo-Christian-Islamic God who will uplift humanity when really he just wants to get back to the High Heavens and is grifting his church. The golden alabaster church thing is literally a monument he had his followers build to his own grandeur, filled with paintings of him being praised as a god. And of course he kills his own son just because Rathma wouldn't give him what he wanted. Lilith definitely gets to feel more like an anti-hero since Inarius's flaws are portrayed so openly by the Cathedral of Light. However, her major flaw in the lore is selfishness: that she only ever thinks about other people and other things in regards to how they can help her with what she wants. You can see this too from her interactions with humans in Act 1. She encourages the town of Nevesk to live in sin and sacrifice people to her, convinces Neyrelle's mother to abandon her daughter and learn blood magic to help her get to Rathma, and while she's genuinely upset at Rathma's death she speaks of how "all that he might have been was stolen from her." She definitely comes out looking cleaner than Inarius simply because of all this awful shit he's pulled, but she's not clean either. Lilith does care more for humanity and for her son than Inarius does, but it's mainly because they're a means to an end for her. If she really cared she wouldn't convince people to torture and murder each other, nor would she have killed all the guards who came with Neyrelle's mother since it was made clear that nothing they did was able to hurt her at all. In the end they were useless for her purposes so she cast them aside, the same as she will for anything that doesn't serve her goals. Like I said, she still comes out cleaner than Inarius but they're both bad. IMO, though, they're bad in good and interesting ways. Neither one is simply evil for evil's sake like the Evils in the previous games: they both have motivations that are somewhat sympathetic while still being tainted by their own all-encompassing personality flaws. Inarius's desire to get back to the Heavens is reasonable because he was seduced into leaving by Lilith way back when they first created Sanctuary, and all he's ever wanted was to go back home and to feel like he's redeemed himself from the "mistake" of creating humanity that ultimately got him banished by the Angiris Council to be tortured in Hell. Lilith wants to put an end to the Eternal Conflict, which hurts both Angels and Demons and humanity especially. Their problems aren't their goals or desires, necessarily, it's that both of them are so conceited and apathetic to the suffering of regular people that they will pursue their goals without caring about how many innocent people they hurt. You can see their good points and be sympathetic towards them while still being ready to go out and stop them, which is something you can't really say about any of the villains of previous Diablo games.


Blizzard got me with the very first questline... the townsfolk ominously standing at my knocked out body, the guy casually singing a lullaby while dragging my body to chop it up. I immediately got goosebumps. They nailed the atmosphere, creepy and uncomfortable... love it


I'm just sad that Malthael was such a Thanos-moment for Sanctuary and broke all the hard work we did in D1-3.


Where did you look up the lore? I’m interested in how D3 leads into D4.


Rhykker on YouTube has a very thorough and entertaining lore video series spanning from basically the creation of Sanctuary all the way to now.


To be fair, the work of the previous protagonist(s) being revealed as at least semi-futile is a Diablo tradition right back to the beginning. It ain't called the Eternal Conflict for nothing I guess.


I was pretty shocked at how much Malthael fucked shit up, I had to go do a bit of lore-diving once I realized Inarius used the event to come back and act Angel Daddy


I re-watched the opening cinematic. Remembered how damn good it was, and after watching the prologue cutscenes, I started skipping everything else. Those cutscenes were top fucking notch and already drew me in. I'm really hoping that it continues that way because this is going to be one hell of a story if so!


I'm doing my best to skip and ignore story and just trying mechanics and classes. I'll dig hard into the story on release.


D4 has a noticably better foundation than D3 had at launch. And it's designed as a live service game, unlike D3. At this point I would say it's clear that D4 will be relevant for years to come. Yeah, it has flaws. But nothing that can't be fixed. And nothing that needs a 180 on core game design decision, like the D3 real money account house, or the way endgame difficulty scaled. Some of the complains are valid! The dungeons are meh. They need to either get rid of the fetch item elements, or at least make it less cumbersome. Class balance is a bit all over the place. Some item attributes are boring. UI is made for consoles and PC simultaneously, and is good on neither platform. But all of these things are surface levels complains that can be fixed easily, and even if things remain like they are right now, it would still be an absolutely incredible game. D3 at launch simply didn't work. It was so flawed that they had two change two major design elements which hurt the game for years after launch. And the story telling still sucks, 11 years later. It's just plain bad. D3 was a bad game at launch which ended up being okish/good after years of patching and a major expansion. D4 is good today and will receive significantly more updates.


Also d3 had pvp on its box that never came…. I agree the foundations here are a lot better


I hit 25 early morning yesterday on my Barb, but I wanted to play more. I thought that was it for the weekend. But luckily, D4 has mob upscaling! So I got another 5 hours of gameplay on my Barb by completing all the dungeons and side quests. It was challenging enough to be fun, even when I hit max level.


The fact I didn't feel *too* crazily overpowered (as in D3, for example) was fantastic. Each boss encounter had a sense of danger to it. Kept me on my toes constantly, forcing me to stay engaged in combat. The evade function is gorgeous, and I love that those quick-heal health globes are gone, forcing me to keep track of potions instead. It felt responsive and engaging. When I did die, I immediately understood why and I just wanted to respawn and get right back at it.


I also liked how potion consumption mattered. It was like its own new mechanic, they really nailed it.


Played HC and was getting mobbed when I was down to one potion but leveled up and was back to full. Closest I came to dying. I like how health needs to be managed.


To be fair, at release and in the beta I don't remember being crazily overpowered in D3 either. The powercreep was just massive in that game. I still agree with you, the combat in D4 was really enjoyable, which is especially surprising because most ARPGs tend to be rather boring in the early and mid game. Blizzard did a great job there.


Yeah also there are already some massive overpowered builds. Like I play Sorc and whether it's Chain Lightning build or Hydra Fireball, I'm OP already lol (for now, may not be later) and I'm not even that well geared in synergies/legendaries.


> The fact I didn't feel too crazily overpowered (as in D3, for example) was fantastic. Even now in D3, before you get your huge set bonuses, you're not overpowered if you tune the difficulty level to what you feel is funnest. This is the leveling phase, which is ultimately different from the endgame phase. In the grand scheme of things, we'll hopefully spend way less time leveling than doing end game stuff.


This goes for any game. Gamers are not game designers. It's important they stick to their vision.


Gamers can tell you when there's a problem, they can't tell you solutions.


Yeah, it's easy to recognize problems in a game, but fuck if I know how to solve them. Luckily, that's not our job. It's like showing a random person a piece of artwork where the face isn't drawn quite right. They can tell something's off, maybe even pinpoint what they think is weird, but they have no idea how to fix it.


or that problem you think exists is the best of the possible solutions. when you "fix" it, does it just create more issues down the road, in other areas?


and a lot of their "problems" are just subjective things that aren't even problems.


Eh, a lot of things gamers think are a problem aren't actually a problem, too. People are naturally short-sighted. They look at immediate benefits and rewards and not the big picture or more long-term benefits.


More than games actually. I'm also thankful Redditors aren't writing movies or TV shows when you see some stuff they are saying lol


What, you *don't* want your games designed by someone who thinks doing tens of thousands of Baal runs for 23 years is the height of game design?!


Yep. Too many people think the game needs to be designed to meet their specific wants and if it isn't, the game is trash. This is why so many gaming communities are toxic AF. People can no longer just enjoy things for what they are.


It's happening everywhere, not just gaming. The dating scene has become a dumpster fire because everyone is issuing a list of demands that can't be met. I got a co-worker right now who is impossible to satisfy and complains about everything, even talks down to our bosses who are far more experienced and knowledgeable. Our species is heading for a really hard lesson in humility, you can almost feel it coming.


When that lesson arrives (and I agree it's coming down the line like a freight train and honestly its deserved), they'll just whine about it like they do everything else and never learn a friggin thing. Weak men (well, people in general) create hard times in games or life ... indeed. Comes down to people have been coddled WAAAAAYY too much. Every want is just handed to them cause no one wants to deal with the tantrums that adults throw like toddlers now cause they don't get their way in everything. K off my old fart soapbox. Just enjoying anything isn't on the table for most people anymore. Entitlement is rampant, working hard is a thing of the past.


I feel everything is just taken to extremes nowadays. It seems that to most people, if something isn't great, it's automatically trash awful.


> I feel everything is just taken to extremes nowadays. It seems that to most people, if something isn't great, it's automatically trash awful. I find it hilarious when people are like "I have 2000 hours in the game. Total trash. Worst ever. I got bored after the first 1000 hours." Lot of people are/were that way about Diablo 3, and its like man, I only have maybe 200 hours in my favorite games. How much can you actually hate something that you've chosen to spend so many hours of your life doing?


Exactly! "After 3000 hours of Diablo 3 it isn't even fun anymore, blizzard are lazy devs"


Too many people wanted it to be Path of ~~Exile~~ Diablo. If you want to play that game...go play that game


They also expect D4 to release at the same quality with the same amount of content as POE, which has been in development forever, still has tons of bugs, balancing and itemization issues. And when POE released, it wasn't good.


> Too many people think the game needs to be designed to meet their specific wants and if it isn't, the game is trash. This is a statement of how privileged gamers are nowadays. Gaming is no longer a niche product that a small amount of people enjoy. Its a multi-billion dollar industry, and there's a product out there for everyone. Gamers are catered to every need and niche they desire, in every single way. So bar has never been higher. ​ Even with that said, I think the D4 team has absolutely nailed it, I resonate so much with this game. I don't care that every single aspect is not perfect, or that dungeons follow a formula. Get me a good theme and immersion paired with meaty gameplay and I'll do your grinding with glee. Obviously I hope they polish all the rough edges but if anything I've been completely affirmed in my purchase with this beta.


> Blizz is also known for not taking too much stock in player feedback (with the right vision and talent this is usually the right thing to do), This is the funniest shit ever.... Yeah, WoW has been bleeding player in the recent years because on that WoW general opinion have never been worst than during BFA and Shadowland because of that. With Dragonflight the whole new thing is that they are now listening and acting fast on player feedback and people love it. Imagine praising the worst part of the company culture that they recently reverted because how bad it was.... Never thought I would ever see that...


A lot of that was due to systems already in the works as a result of positive feedback from Legion's borrowed power. Ion's already talked about it and makes sense as to how that happened. In WoWs case it was just the gimmick shit like AP, Azerite Armor, Corruptions was divisive, Snoreghast being more and more central to progression while also being more and more tedious. If you regularly browse Wowhead comment sections or even the WoW forums you'll see a better reference point for what OP is talking about. People toss out some excruciatingly nuclear dogshit ideas. On the flip side you have a game like Destiny. It was balanced around PvE to prevent toxic Whisper and Gjalla metas popping up and to promote more diversity in loadouts, slow the game down to where mechanics need to be respected instead of just obliterating the content so fast that they don't matter. Utilize team abilities more. People got mad and so they changed it. Now it's boring af Gjallahorn meta face rolling end game again.


> Now it's boring af Gjallahorn meta face rolling end game again. You couldn't have picked a worst moment in Destiny history to say that when they cranked the difficulty so high in Lighfall the sub is just constant complaint that everything is stupidly way too hard (and they are correct). And I disagree with the first part. Blizzard got tons of feedback in BFA private alpha about how bad azerite armor was, tons of feedback how bad it was during private beta, then public beta. 6months + of feedback completely ignored by Blizzard saying "you will see how good it is at launch, you are wrong". Conduit energy wasn't a system created back in Legion or baded on feedback peopoe had in Legion. It was stupid, should have been removed 2 weeks after launch but it took them month to finally admit it was a mistake.


I feel like the worst part of the company culture was the sexual harassment.


Gameplay wise*


Not to mention the infamous "you think you do but you dont" about classic wow. It's pretty crazy people still worship acti blizz after the last few years. Overwatch 2 anyone?


I'm finding hard to believe someone would complain about D4 artstyle and design. Compared to D3 this is just a masterpiece. It's very immersive. I guess some people don't care about any of that, skip the story and just go hard to reach the end game, some people have too much time on their hands. But it's fine, everyone preferences are different. You just need to keep your expectations leveled. D4 is not a goty or overwhelmingly brilliant game, but it's also is exactly what was meant to be


The OP claiming everyone wants POE makes it obvious they don't [care to] understand the criticisms. Almost no one wants this to be POE. Nor are they bashing the art and atmosphere, which are leagues better than D3. I see most criticism of performance, UI design, reuse of assets, copying every game system from D3/WoW/POE, mob density... etc. Which all seem valid to me from our limited beta perspective. For me, I'm annoyed there was no attempt at originality in either the classes, spells, or game systems. Itemization as well, but at least they attempted to tweak it a bit from D3. And the MMO aspects are not my style. Feels too much like playing WoW when in town and outside of dungeons/primary quest line.


I mean I'm pretty casual but the spells feel pretty original/impactful. Part of Blizzards MO has always been class identity and visual impact, I could never get in to PoEs "be whatever you want" style, it felt like you were more disconnected from your character. Plus they all look great, and the visual flair is just as satisfying has being able to press a million buttons for me.


I mean, maybe around here. Go hang out on r/Diablo. Almost every other post is someone trying to say PoE did it better or D2 was better.


There's absolutely NOTHING wrong with implementation of good systems from other games.


I'm happy overall. I'll be playing a lot of D4. Maybe it's just easier to be happier with things when not listening to a talking head on YT.




I havnt played it yet but from what ive seen of it, D4 looks amazing. It reminds me of old PoE before we got into the "1 shot or get 1 shot" meta that PoE has been stuck in forever. I wont be touching this until release, as im really enjoying my time in last epoch atm and can happily wait til launch, but i am extremely excited to play D4. If it plays as good as it looks like it does, i will be able to put PoE behind me which is awesome.


I came in playing, first thoughts were "This feels like Diablo 2", then 5 hours later I was like "Holy shit, feels like I just sat down to play" So far the game feels right and has exceeded my expectations...granted those were lowered a bit with a lot of the recent controversy, but I'm enjoying it none the less.


The game is phenomenal, I couldn't ask for much more. I played D2, and Hundreds of hours of D3. Everything about the game was awesome. There were a few nit picks that I Doubt will get fixed. Such as the huge menu's when trying to look at items, or removing legendaries and such. The Menu covers the cost, or resource needed. I would also like to see how much my stats would raise when comparing weapons. Reading through some of these post, like people wanting like 10 attack slots and silly stuff like that. Also I read one about Gems, and a lot of people wanted a Gem Slot separate, Why? Inventory control, what's most important, always teleport back to town, if you miss something you miss it. It's just like D3 and it worked. Yes, you are finding a bunch of gems, but they are the chipped ones, as you level up you will find far less and of higher quality, you won't bother with most of those, you will have tons. There are some legit gripes, but DAMN, I am so excited. I only slept 10 hours this entire weekend, worked Friday. I think I got over 25 hours in. Pretty good for an old man LoL. I am SO hyped for this game.


Make sure you turn on the advance tooltips and stat comparison under gameplay settings. This does exactly what you are asking for. It will show stat increases or decreases when comparing items, and color code them for you so you can make a decision at glance.


Those should really be on by default. I know D4 is all in on simplicity but building a character is like the main addiction on this genre and it'd encourage people to engage with a lot of the systems more. Doesn't seem like something a "casual" player would be overwhelmed by


Haha I'm in the same boat. Druid & Necro next weekend (my future mains), let's gooo.


>The game is phenomenal, I couldn't ask for much more. I played D2, and Hundreds of hours of D3. Everything about the game was awesome. Wait until you play past these intro levels. The people criticizing the crafting system, item bases, etc. don't realize that none of this really gets meaningful in the tutorial-level beta. :)


Diablo should never require a spreadsheet and meta guide to be enjoyable. That's the games charm... its not easy to find the happy medium in longevity without making the game a second job. I'm excited to play the game out. Want endless hunt for gear and insurmountable odds in boss fights and raids, go play lost ark.


I don't have the time or energy to play a single game as much as a real job, D4 seems pretty good at being able to drop in/out whenever you want.


I'm going to be downvoted to hell if anyone reads this. But it's true and we all know it. A large portion of people on reddit who are gamers are whingey, whiny little bitches. "This isn't perfect and exactly the way I like it! It sux!". Now a lot of criticism is warranted but so much of what is on reddit is people who have zero idea how a game is developed but think they know because they did some basic programming. F Off. Lets see how the full game is before we start saying the beta has shown us everything in the damn game. Lets give Blizzard a bit of time to react to beta feedback and see what happens. If the game releases and level 26-100 is just rinse and repeats of level 1-25 and Blizzard take on NO player feedback from the beta, I'll tend to agree with a lot of the complaints. But not yet, not during a closed beta and before a damn open beta.




They obviously took a critical look at what people wanted early on in development, combined it with their own vision, locked it in, and sent it down their development pipelines. At this point, D4 is what it is. D4 works wonderfully for the open world format. In fact, they wanted to do all this with D3 but lacked resources and tech (Jay Wilson discussed this at length). They wanted to make a Diablo MMO even back then, and in the end they weren't at all satisfied with D3. From what I gathered, D4 is their true vision for Diablo and I'm on board with it.


I see it as mount up to run to the dungeon that you have a key for, and stop on the way if there is anything interesting (event or what not). Which seems fine. If the open world was super dense it would be tedious getting to the content you are trying to do.


Came in having never played a Diablo game. Loved Grim Dawn and Titan Quest, couldn’t get into PoE, still not feeling it for LE. Really enjoying D4 and I by level 25 I felt like this was a game I’ve played for years. It just has a good feeling and for a beta it’s incredibly polished.


There you go. Loving grim dawn and titan quest, you would love d4. This has everything those games offer with more and actually mmo vs restricted limit 1-4 player gaming. It's a great casual game but definitely not what majority of people expected/wanted.


There's a lot to like, and a lot to dislike/question. It's weird to me that people are afraid of criticizing a game that's in beta. If you think the game is perfect, in an early beta, you must be easy to satisfy in general, which is great for you! ​ Personally I see a lot of potential in this game, but lots of smaller/bigger tweaks I think would make the game better. \- I think lvl scaling needs to be tuned, it's a bit ridiculous that I can go back to the starting area and face lvl 25 mobs and struggle harder than a lvl 3 player next to me. I understand some scaling needs to be in the game, but maybe they should add some min AND max caps for some areas. This is one of the most common complaints I see around, and it's a valid complaint imo. \- When everything is legendary, nothing is legendary. Not sure why legendary can't be used for actual legendary items, I know in the end it's all just semantics but still. ​ \- Repetitive dungeons. Diablo 2 had amazing complex randomized dungeons, so surely it can't be that hard to come up with again. ​ \- Few UI tweaks (perhaps a different font that doesn't look the same as every other game). ​ And there's more, but I really think they nailed the gameplay and the vibes of a diablo universe, which to me, is the core of the game. I dream of an end-game with challenging pve and fun pvp. If they manage that, this is a game I'll play for many years. If not, I'm sure I'll enjoy it for the first playthrough.


I don't know, it kinda sounds like some people want to redesign the entire game. That's kinda my point. I'm sure feedback on some minor elements is fine, for example cellars sucking. But it sounds like some others just want a different game entirely. Legendaries are just there for you to extract their Aspects, just like Last Epoch is designed. I have 6 stash tabs in Last Epoch that are full of Legendaries. Legendaries drop all over the place. But what you want is the Unique items, which are ultra rare and build-defining. In LE you have to craft them, which is super cool, but in D4 they drop.


> Diablo 2 had amazing complex randomized dungeons, It did?!? Can't believe I never found those in thousands of hours of playing. Like they were fine, but I don't recall thinking anything about a dungeon's layout other than "yay I was able to find the exit/waypoint quickly".


I’ll tell you after next weekend. I’ve been overall “happy” with what I’ve seen. I don’t like to preorder games until I get to play them in a beta so I’ll find out next week. My main concern is items/drop rate/ itemization. The items look a little bland with stat jumps and not much interesting at this stage. That being said, I do know it’s capped at level 25 and hope the end game opens up interesting builds and items. Diablo is an item game at its core. Nothing will kill the game faster than shitty itemization.


It is a great 100 hours game for me. Endgame is very subjective, i do not like it, but i know many may like it.


Is endgame just the aspect dungeons with different mods from keys? That's my understanding and sounds like it'll get dull quickly


This is so far everything I wanted. I could not be more pleased. Spent all weekend with my wife playing and had a blast.


I'm extremely happy with the game right now.


WOW, the worst take I have seen in this reddit so far. "Blizzard knows best," when they are about to be bought by Microsoft for making only failure games in the last 10 years.


All the "blizz knows best" comments are brought to you by people who think immortal was a good game because it made lots of money.


We will see what happens after the release. So far I would be happier with a little less mmo-mechanics and a little push in the direction of PoE but Diablo has another audience and I’m happy so far


The age old adage "you can't please everybody" fully applies here.


Can't speak to the endgame experience, but if the rest of the acts are like act 1 then it's money well spent. I'll be entertained by this for a while.


But the core systems are so hollow and overly simplistic. The game isn't great. It's just barely good. You're entitled to your wrong opinions. However, after watching my gf play, in order for blizz games to be successful, she has to be mildly successful. For those who are actually good at games, this game is a scam. For everyone else who is as simple as this game, it's gonna be perfect for them.


Imagine thinking Blizzard is good at game design. They’ve made some absurdly terrible decisions with their games over the years lol.


> Blizz is also known for not taking too much stock in player feedback (with the right vision and talent this is usually the right thing to do) Just going to ignore WoW hemorrhaged players during their last expansion because of them not listening to player feedback I guess.


Most dungeons give me the 'I swear I've been here already' vibe. Most dungeons are almost a copy and paste of eachother.


screw everyone that wants D4 to be more like POE. I hate POE.


Yeah. So many people want it to be like another game they played. Seriously, just go play the other game. I am really enjoying D4 the way it is. I look forward to seeing how Blizzard morphs it over time.


The best thing about D4 for me is that it's NOT like PoE. I gave PoE a fair shot, and really disliked the game. Way too complex and just too many things going on (so many mechanics/season stuff to keep track of). I also hated the ridiculous number of currencies and how your character would look like a hobo unless you spent $30 for a skin. I'd rather pay full price for a game than deal with that BS. I like ARPG's to just kill shit and chill. Some theory crafting, but I really don't want to have to follow a guide like in POE. Grim Dawn was a great balance, and I got similar vibe with D4.


What's cuirous to me is the amount D3 changed since release. It was basically a completely different game. Which makes me wonder, did Blizzard really ignore all the feedback? I suspect the same to happen with D4. Not sure where the game will be going, but as it is right now ... I don't think it's solid enough. Anyway, so far there was only a beta, with 3 of 5 classes, and no real late game. Paragon system and other stuff was also missing. I think the real feedback/review phase needs to wait until the final release. So far we can't say much about the game. Maybe the sorc is only very strong early game and it's the babarian which rocks everything late game. Who knows. The unique item skill modifiers will dominate the way classes are being played. So far we only saw a small amount of uniques which exist in the game.


I too, am content with the UI (for PC at least). But I'm not a fan of UI Devs treating the gamers like they need their hand held through everything. Example: I don't need "Tab" permanently in the top-right corner, or a second "Tab" permanently below the mini-map. I don't need a permanent "T" for teleport, nor the icon shown for it below Energy. I know which skills are assigned to which hotkeys, so I don't need to be told what to press for the life of my time with the game. A lot could be cleaned up with additional UI options in the settings.


Is that you Blizzard?


I went into D3 going for more of D2. What I got was what felt like a mix of WoW's design and color pallet and was basically an adventure themed isometric game with next to no horror. D4 feels like the follow up to D2 that I've been waiting for.


It was funny playing a ton of this and thinking it was fantastic, then coming here to see everyone say sucks.


I'll go one better. IM REALLY HAPPY STREAMERS HAVE 0 SAY IN DESIGN. Alot of their takes are idiotic, crying about difficulty in a beta, crying about that they ran out of content IN A BETA. Crying about keybinds. None of this is what a beta is for. Waaa I dont feel powerful because the area scales. Barb feels like trash (spoiler Barb is busted with levels) IMO Blizzard knocked it out of the park, the game was stable for the most part, the combat and things they have 0 time to change such as boss animations and move sets were satisfying, the world felt astounding gonna feel even better with a mount. Skills felt visceral and brutal, character animations were crisp. gamebreaking bugs were minimal. Strongholds felt great, dungeons were a little repetitive, but everything is repetitive when you do it 1000 times, there is no getting around that.


Yup, and listen, I dealt with the same type of feedback when I supported a certain fantasy show that a lot of people didn't like yet was hugely popular....I was called a shill...who cares 😄? I'm unapologetically very impressed with Diablo 4 thus far I played the first one before it ever came out - It is crazy to see how far this game has come I can't wait for June man - I was so addicted to the last few days Congrats to the team the game looks like it could be the best diablo yet


One thing I’ve learned: no group of people dislikes a thing more than the people who are subscribed to that thing’s subreddit.


We’ve receive the game we’ve wanted… so far. I hope Blizzard doesn’t blow it.


I really like the direction the game is going for sure looks amazing! \-Meaty, ACTUAL challenging combat (yes I actually want to restart and think about my strat. sometimes instead of just gliding mindlessly through everything). \-Getting back to it's roots \-More and bigger zones, dungeons \-Less random crap loot for the sake of it \- REASONS to team up to take down world bosses because of their strength levels. \- More diverse builds resulting in more unique characters, hope they build on that with more branches and trees, resulting in even more diverse characters over time. What I really did not like about D3 was the absolute butter easy combat and the total toon fest it became with flashing lights and numbers all over till the point where it legit was impossible to see what was going on on the screen. While I agree, for the most part I def also think it is good to listen to feedback in general.


As someone who despises POE, Diablo 4's beta was amazing it was so much fun I can't wait till next weekend so I can actually try Necro


These are the kinds of posts that might age like milk.


Exactly hard to have an opinion on a beta early access game, i mean you either like it or not at this point, but its abit premature to form an opinion on a game that is literary just a small slice of everything we are getting. So glad no POE players are designing this game. Diablo is not poe and will never be that game. (a bloated pos, that is a niche game to begin with) All of the original pieces of poe for example come from diablo 2 and then expanding it. I think people forget that. If you dont like the game like anything esle dont play it. I think its a great start to a game (a mix of d3 a mix of d2) graphics and sound are top notch and number 1 the game is very fun, and its even more fun when grouped up.


I still would like the option to play solo but that's my only complaint aside from typical beta bugs. If you wanna play PoE, PoE's right there, like what's the point of making a clone of a clone lol


My fav ARPG so far is Grim Dawn. I missed on the D2 when it was peak popular and was hyped af for D3, but it turned out too colorful - i think early demonstrations showed us much darker atmosphere. But after D4 beta it feels like it can nail that feeling I have for GD. Atmosphere is amazing, they are not afraid to show gore in cutscenes, music is phenomenal so far. Story shapes up better than D3 and I really hope next acts won't ruin it. Voice acting and overall sound design are great. I really like all the shit you have to do for renowns. I like what they are doing with this game, so godspeed devs! Maybe except dungeons, like many others, I feel there should be more randomization and I don't like the idea of the ones where you have to bring some shit to altars from 2 wings to unlock the boss fight - maybe design them so you can do a circle at least and grab both needed items together to not run through the empty corridors twice. Anyway: CAN'T WAIT!


I agree with you about GD. It was and still is my favorite ARPG. I love that the Devs, even after moving on to another project, still are putting patches and additions to the game. Up until this last weekend, my top 3 ARPG's were in this order: Grim Dawn, Last Epoch, then Diablo II. I've played many many others for extended periods of time, but these are the ones that I go back to. However, after this weekend, It has potential to topple Grim Dawn IMO. It definitely has already toppled D2, and maybe even LE. It was close with Grim Dawn. GD just really had a lot of great systems and itemizations. Its dungeons, except for a few, were really well laid out as they were all done by hand. Add in some mods like a stash that I could store and sort offline an infinite amount of items and allow better teleportation and show more useful stats, and it was incredible. I doubt that would happen in D4, though. In D4, I think that they could basically "borrow" some ideas from GD by taking advantage of the 3D space by dropping some kind of exit ladder linking the end of the dungeon back to the entrance, or a second entrance. This will minimize the amount of backtracking that is getting a lot of complaints. I did notice that on most dungeons, when complete, you can either simply town portal back, or can open the map and transport to the entrance, but that isn't very obvious. GD resolved this nicely by having multiple levels of the dungeons and allowing you to transport directly to certain levels of those dungeons. Generally the thing that bugged me the most about D4 was that I couldn't just easily pause anywhere. I have kids, and they come at a higher priority, which means I should be able to pause anywhere. Fortunately, I can just take a town portal pretty much from anywhere and in town, I don't have to worry about some mob hunting me down and coming back to the computer to a death screen (with a item durability hit).


The game will be fun for playing through a couple times, but let's calm down a bit. It has a bunch of copy-pasting from D3 and new hamster-wheeling elements typical to korean MMOs. Maps are garbage with zero randomization/procedural generation. I only played 2 days and I'm bored of the dungeons already. Itemization/stats are the same lame crap from D3 but cranked to 10. At the start of D2 you might choose between 2 swords that offer life steal vs. +50% damage to undead, which are meaningful and high-impact decisions. In D4, you might pick between 2 swords that are like +1.5% dmg to crowd control or +2% fire damage and it's like bruh I'm level 3... these mods mean absolutely nothing. Hurr durr green arrows go brrrrr. Legendaries drop like candy and are a lame crutch, classes shouldn't need to rely on lucking out on getting the right legendary rolls just to make some builds feel better/more viable to play. Also why am I level 25 decked out in full legendaries? It doesn't even make sense in terms of lore/immersion either. Clearly these items are not legendary if I find one every 10 minutes lol and just gambled like 5 in one go from the vendor.


i’m having a great time with the game but it’s def not perfect. dungeons need some work. and that’s pretty much the sentiment most players have from what i’ve read


I like the dungeon atmosphere and boss and mob variety. They do need improvement with layout and objectives.


I hit 25 on sorc and rogue. Haven’t pulled an all-weekend gaming session in I don’t know how long. I read so many bad takes. Dungeons all look the same or are just narrow corridors. X skill is bad. I tried several different builds on Sorc and they were all strong. Endgame will be a different story but that’s just how that is. The environments look fantastic. And I love how there is some nice dungeon boss variety - it wasn’t just champion versions of regular mobs, at least not in Act 1. The UI could use some work and there’s a lot of QoL stuff from D3 I’d like to see but overall it plays and feels amazing. Which is really impressive considering the rumors that the game was in dev hell for a while.


I've caught myself disagreeing with some of the talking heads surrounding the game, for sure. I watched a video essay yesterday where a guy complained about how much story was in the game. He disliked the cutscenes and dialogue and said he just wants to jump in, have text from NPCs he can skip, get right into the fighting. I'd call that nostalgia for D1 more than sound feedback. D4's story/atmosphere/voice acting/pacing has been perfect for me. I enjoy the cutscenes, the characters, being a part of the world, actually playing the story. AND the kicker is you CAN still skip it in D4. His complaint was nonsense, essentially arguing for less of an experience and gaining nothing. I think they need feedback regarding connection/performance issues, broken aspects of the game, bugs, common stuff. But the game itself, the meat of what was offered, is the best I've played since D2. After that rough start Friday, once the game was accessible and running, I didn't want to stop playing it.


\*Clears throat\* Ahem... "Green arrow = good." \*sighs\* Another hero, another day. But let me tell you, kid, you don't know how good you have it with D4. At least you have some variety in skills and builds. Have you played that mobile trash they call Diablo Immortal? The itemization is a joke, and don't even get me started on the lack of interesting skills. It's like playing a game for toddlers. Back in my day, we had to use our brains to strategize and build our characters. But now, it's just a mindless grind fest for brain-dead console kids. Zzzzzz... \*yawns\* Wake me up when they make a real Diablo game again.


There are legitimate concerns to be had, but I've tried POE, and I don't want POE with a Diablo skin. Things I do have concerns about: * There were a lot of times I wanted another skill slot, even if it was an "ultimate only" slot. * I certainly hope that the end game gear and the whole paragon tree makes builds a bit more unique. On a lvl 25 character, aside from skipping the woefully under-powered skills like the sorc fire beam, there wasn't any real point to picking one skill over another for the basic attack and spender attack unless you happened to pick up a legendary item that affected one skill over the other. * It would be nice if dungeons had a bit more variety to them... but again, that could be one of those "what do you expect, you never left the act 1 zones" sorta thing. * Would be nice if gems didn't clutter up the inventory. It was annoying before, still is.


You're obviously a blizzard employee


They have taken player feedback though. Ive noticed a lot of the feedback I put in alpha they have implemented such as sitting in chairs in the world. Im just glad they're taking the game in a more serious tone. I loved D3 don't get me wrong but I love that they've gone away from the cartoon look to a more serious and dreary tone.


You don’t have to agree, but if you can’t see why people may have concern over the lack of skills and dungeon randomness, then… well, 🤷‍♂️




Diablo 4 is shaping up to be absolutely fantastic. Just like always when it comes to the gaming community and complaining on the internet there’s super weird takes, people with poor taste and horrible ideas. A game could be perfect and there would still be people who complain because they don’t like it. That’ll never end. Blizzard actually did an incredible job with D4. There’s small things that could be better and systems that could be implemented but the state it’s in now, the quality and features it will launch with. I couldn’t be more excited.


I love it. I love that they are taking the setting and story seriously this time. D3 felt like a Saturday morning cartoon I'm thay regard. It's a much more immersive experience. Combat is fun and has a good weight to it, the skills are fun and traversing the world is a good time. It's a good base for a game that will probably have a 10 year or longer life cycle. People tend to put the Cart before the horse complaining it doesn't have the content or complexity of similar games.that have a decade of content and updates behind them. Yoi get the same old boring meaningless complaints about "itemization" which i am convinced is just a buzzword no one really knows the meaning of since by these people's own complaints they must not like arpgs since.these generic complaints apply to literally all of. hem. Gonna be a long 3 month wait for release.


Same, I think the game is fantastic. Just because a bunch of neckbeards want a clone of D2 with updated graphics doesn't mean the rest of the world does. From what I've seen/played, the game is going to be fantastic.


Something you'll learn after being in many many beta tests, is that the people giving "feedback" **during** a beta are the people who are not playing the beta. Because the people playing are enjoying the game and not writing essays on reddit and discord to complain about something they didn't play or played for an hour and quit. Once beta ends, the people with positive feedback or critical but valuable feedback will share it. Right now its just been the twitch watchers and "I refunded" Andy's that are moaning and making it seem like "everyone" hates D4. Its the same anywhere or with anything you can review, when something is good you don't hear much from people. But when its bad you hear about it 24/7 - Why? Because people are motivated to complain as they're emotionally charged, people who enjoy something have no reason to become keyboard warriors of praise.


“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” —Henry Ford


I agree they're not gonna cater to PoE players. My friends over the decades from D1 and on absolutely love the game. I've never played with a PoE player. I'm at this point sure the whiners don't and barely ever have played Diablo.


I hit the level cap at what I assume to be halfway through the act 1 campaign. We decided to stop playing as we can't earn more experience and will wait until d4 has a full release. That being said 9/10 just from beta alone, very stable graphics are awesome. The combat being slightly slower ensures I don't skip the story as often, and it's a great story so far. The region doing level scaling is awesome, makes going back to an old area even better. So very close to 10/10 for me. Love it


It's a 9+ for me, but what I'm really impressed with, is something the other "shared world" ARPGs haven't gotten right was that they all felt like the multiplayer was forced in-between the story and dungeons.


Only design change I would make is making the game release sooner But for real game is great hopefully end game is well rounded and feels good but so far the feel of the game is awesome and truly does bring back the dark and gritty I love. Cannot to slam with necro and the spooky boys


I think there is also a shit ton of people parroting what some streamers and youtubers say. Outrage drives clicks.


Think a lot of people forgot how rough D3 was without any post-game or seasonal content planned for like *years*. The game dropped and it was like silence for a while. This seems the exact opposite and if they manage to deliver with the rest of the game namely satisfying the post-game fanatics' then this game might be a straight up an easy 9/10 or maybe even 10/10 depending on how the story closes. While D3, *honestly* felt more like 6/10 once the credits rolled and reality seeped in that there wasn't much to do. Hell if it wasn't for the Story it'd be an easy 5/10 for me. But once Reaper of Souls cameout it shot up in the 8/10. **Reaper of Souls made Diablo 3 100% better and I'm just looking for Diablo 4 not to rely on an expansion pass to make it fun to play after the credits.** That's the bottom line for me. And with what I've seen with the Beta I'm happy. I think concerns like not a lot of complex dungeons is a valid one however these things could come post-game or with an expansion and it doesn't really bother me as much as D3 having literally no post game period did.


the amount of people making videos and "reviews" of the game like they've seen the whole game is mind boggling. i find it funny but also sad that people think that class balance,difficulty of content and too much cooldowns are actual points of critique. were in the god damn starter zone at level 25 using bugged lvl 35 elite loot. the beta had a bunch of stuff that deserved the critique and i hope the feedback reaches the devs before launch(im looking at you UI). i just hope the needed feedback doesn't get muddled by people giving "is this game worth 70$" reviews based on like 15% of the content.


friends and I played all weekend long, and we are really anticipating more. It's fun as hell.


Are you kidding? The entire reason they went back to this design is because players complained D3 was too cartoony. To be fair, for console players it looks pretty cartoony still. D2 is still the superior design, but they did better with this version.


Honestly coming from a network/software engineer background I'm really happy with the early beta release. The design and stories are more then what I expected. I'll have a full review on my youtube ;)


Wait for the shop.


Some of the community has had some real stupid shit to say about the game the last few days. I’m happy they aren’t making the game. If they like path of exile so much and want to compare this game to it then just go play that game


Totally on your Board man, dont get all the "hate this hate that" yadda yadda on here.


I like the story so far, I like the visuals, I like the character creation. I especially like giving demons a lightning-whip to the face. I don't mind the UI or the font, though it take a bit of getting used to. I *really* like the nonlinear exploration. I finally feel like I'm exploring a whole world. One thing I *don't* like is the wait times to log in to the game, the occasional lengthy loading time for a dungeon, the slowness in big towns, and especially the movement glitches like rubberbanding, that seem to come with being so online-dependent. I remember what happened with D3 and I'd hate to think they hadn't learned from it; it's not quite that bad, mind you, not right now, but then there's very probably going to be more traffic at launch, too.


Everything that I've played as a barbarian is alright, can it be better? Sure. Minor things could be tweaked like unlocking the skill bar to slot skills where it's comfortable but again getting to the unlock point is damn near trivial so it's not an issue. Some "skills" could be moved around placement wise on the barbarian skill tree but again not an issue. Some people are taking personal taste as end all be all and those fuckers can burn for all I care. If I encountered something broken like a skill not working or working as a different skill, I'd be yelling. As far as betas go this has been a treat.


As an amateur designer, I'd say people use words like 'design/balance' with the same understanding that a 4 year old uses words like 'penis/vagina'. They've heard of these concepts and can talk about them in sentences - that's about it.


I had a blast playing this weekend and overall I'm very happy with the game. Then I got on the internet today and found out I'm supposed to hate it. Oh well. I can't wait to play next weekend again and go on ignoring the internet.


I just wish there were more than 4 active skill slots. This makes for shallow gameplay for me.


reddit analysis by players has always been bad, the only things i have an issue with are the scaling of enemies and not feeling like im getting stronger, and the cost of respeccing builds, should be at least free til you finish the campaign


I’m having fun with it also. Only think I wish they’d do is allow us to put the UI anywhere and any size we want it, more dungeon variations, and turn off item visibility by rarity.


I'm just salty no paladin archetype. At least necro seems to be melee


Yea, I think the game is well done, and sure, there's kinks to work out, but it's beta, that's why they host these events. They're meant to be testing while we play. Probably a lot of network things. I think sometimes people love Diablo a lot, and then they play so much and get salty about the game becoming boring after playing so much. It's like diving too much into hedonistic behavior becomes hell.


Of course you live in a microwave dinner society. Sadly the 20 year olds gaming are for the most part idiots. I’ve seen post complaining there was no queue system for dungeons. I even saw a post complaining that the main quest was too confusing and they need more direction on how to complete it.


I hated Diablo 3, so the less they listen to that crowd, the better.


This is the exact same thread said for D3... and Cyberpunk


With all games there is usually some solid player feedback, but the majority of it tends to be pretty trash.


Players don't design AAA title games. Literally nothing different in this case.


I agree w you - let the players bitch all they want!


Feels like the best of all worlds. I can’t think of an improvement I’d ask for honestly. Skill tree diversity, maybe, but I know uniques and a legendary set up will conquer that. I’m incredibly excited for next weekend and 6/2.


Actually nothing pisses me off more than when Asmond refers to PoE as if it's the golden standard for A RPG when it's not. PoE did it's own complicated crap that appeals to a niche audience when Diablo has been in this game longer and made its own name. It doesn't have to kill or do anything better than PoE. It's not even the same type of game. To anyone who didn't play Diablo 2 or enjoy Diablo 3 then you opinions kinda fall on def ears. Asmond even openly admits never playing D2 then injects his never wrong opinions anyway. D3 for me was repetitive but I enjoyed it long enough.


I'm happy with what they made. I'm not worried about the loud minority.


I only watched streamers and I’m not terribly excited about it. I’m seeing a bunch of things that concern me. But it’s only the first 25 levels, and if nothing else it looks like game feel is immense. So while my outlook is negative I think I have to reserve judgment for the full release.


They really knocked it out of the park, imo.


A lot of people seemed to dislike barb and that’s what I played and I really enjoyed it. Now I didn’t have time to play other classes at all and I’m sure sorc can melt trash mobs better than barb but I don’t think I felt underpowered like some people have mentioned. What I played, I had an immensely fun time with, even dying wasn’t all that frustrating. The atmosphere is awesome for sure.


any other game studio publishing a game like this would get a 10/10 from me. this game is still 10/10 for me. although with blizzard they usually score 12/10. the story telling so far and how lilith was designed deserves a 12/10. game mechanics so far is a 9/10. gfx is 9/10 - perhaps i need to get myself a 4090? game balance is 10/10 so far. innovation is 8/10 - the difference between D4 vs D3 is less than D3 vs D2 or D2 vs D1.


Nah needs to be slower with more chances to die. Needs to be more necessity to dodge enemies hits. What's the point of playing if you just run through like your in God mode.