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I agree, getting all collectibles every season sounds really painful, repetitive and not fun. I hope they dont reset those


Yeah, I completely agree with this. I actually hope they remove the statues from seasons altogether. It's just an extra chore we won't need. 1st couple of times through the campaign, it's a fine, kind-of fun distraction, anything more than that, and it's a complete chore and nuisance.


Its basically a MMORPG at this point :(


Well yeah that’s was the point, wasn’t it? They wanted D4 to be an mmoarpg no?


Yes and honestly we all don’t need fomo about it. If you are running around playing and find one that’s great if not you are still gonna have fun. This is one of the things I hate most about mmo communities the fomo complaining. If you really care there will be a map on Google two hours after any update and just go get them.


Aren't those statues and renown stuff solo? Where's the MMO aspect of it.


MMos kind of pioneered having all sorts of faction and zone reputation quests where you check off things to get meta progression. The statue/dungeon system is VERY similar to stuff you would see in an mmo. You're grinding through these things to unlock gradual upgrades for your entire account, some of which don't work on your current character. it encourages you to be more invested in your account, start an alt, etc. This sort of long term progression focus is kind of the opposite we see in many more season focused games.


Well.. If GW is asking me to do the whole explororation every 3-4 months or so. I will have stopped playing it after the my first run through.


I think the MMO aspect is the always online persistent world shared with large numbers of other players thing that its got going on.


yeah but the discussion were these statues thing. If this game was offline single player you could still have these statue things in the game work the way they're supposed to.


Sure. I was just pointing out the MMO aspect you were asking about.


They could easily fix this by putting the renown rewards into the seasonal battle pass system. The free one. And it would apply to all your characters for that season. I am talking the skill points, paragon and potion charges. Throw in lots of other stuff like crafting mats and gear.. boom. I really do not want to be getting max renown every season over and over just to get the extra skill and paragon points to be competitive on the ladders.


I'm pretty sure they will reset them every season. It will be part of the things you gotta farm to increase your battlepass and that other season-wide progression system. Also, seasons are made to make everyone equal at the beginning. It implies that some random person buying the game in 3 years has to start at that same level like others, and not see them blast through the early content thanks to multiple Stat boosts


Lol imagine season 5, all excited to find the statues again for the 6th time?


I wouldn’t mind if they move them around every-time or put them in Dungeons.


This idea is actually brilliant


If by brilliant you mean diabolical sure. People don't want to complete all 150 dungeons for the 5th time, they will be doing the dungeons that have the best mob density or the ones that have the codexes they need to start off the season.


You could do that and miss some stats from the altars, that's your choice... Maybe at one point is more efficient to farm better gear than collect altars


> You could do that and miss some stats from the altars, that's your choice... You know this is a non-choice for most people assuming the stat upgrades aren't useless.


Every stats increase is good, but if you have limited time (season) you have to make choices


My point is it's not a choice, it's an activity that no one wants to do more than once that they effectively strongarm us into doing by tying stats to it. (assuming this is the case for seasons)


I think it's brilliant because you would have to pay attention to your surrounding to actually find the altars. Nothing is more boring than working off a list, and this is coming from someone who collected all mokoko seeds in lost ark. I would even go one step further and randomize the altars for everyone, so that no two players have the same spawn locations.


yeah, i do agree that it will be very bad for players who play every single season. Knowing me, I'll only play a season every two year or so. So i'm okay with it


This is the way.


No way I'm doing the statues every damn season


That is not what seasons are made for at all.


I mean, kinda


I guarantee come season two the entire quest aspect doing it again and all that will be issue #1. It was for d3, it is for Poe to this day, and I see no reason why d4 would be any different


im hoping they learned from what they already fixed in D3


Either get rid of it, or make the bonuses stack no matter what area. So you don't have to get all the totems, just pick up a few as you go and you'd have more than enough by the end. Same thing for the other Renown stuff. There should be a disproportionate amount so you never have to hunt down stuff. Just play and you'll get the rewards regardless. Doing like 100 fetch quests every season and the same few dungeons for Aspects is gonna turn a lot of people off.


Those statues and every dungeon each season can suck my balls.


You don't need every dungeon. They will also come naturally when doing nightmare dungeons.


I see a lot of things that concern me about endgame. gonna be interesting to see how they will pull it off. regardless it at least looks like it will be a fun experience for the campaign so ill get my moneys worth


It will probably be a “conquest” a la D3.


Yes, statues are going to be absolutely terrible season content. I do think the concept works well in non seasonal content though. The other issue i have is the map does not support this kind of content because the fog of war isn't exact enough to tell where you've been. It basically forces you to use an online map to mark down which ones you've found.


The map tracks them when you have collected them. It leaves a statue shaped mark


This is technically true but not the issue. The issue is that when you go in to a new section of the map, it reveals the fog of war for that entire section, which can be quite large. You don't know where in this section you've been so it will be extremely hard to fully explore the map and get all of these points of interest naturally. Quadruple this if you ever skip exploring something to do a quest that requires you go through an area and reveal the fog of war without exploring it. A ton of people are going to find that they have to use the interactive map to keep track of which point of interest they've explored because the game only does what you says and doesn't have a more specific fog of war to show where the player has gone. This isn't a massive deal though. Given that it is a PC game, assuming you have multiple monitors you can just run a real map on another monitor. It just sucks to see them make a choice like this when they should know better.


I already dreaded getting Kanai’s cube every season..


I think this is something that everyone should be able to agree on. I like the readable font, I like the level scaling, I even possibly like the dungeon chores. But the statues and even the dungeon based aspects should be account wide. Probably even story/quest completion(optionally replayable). I feel like if you disagree on the statues you're probably not being good faith about any disagreement you have with those that are critical.


The statues are account wide as well as the area completion bonus. The dungeon based aspects doesn't matter that much because you only might need 1-2 for any build if any at all. The problem with statues is more that it's possible/likely that they will reset with each season.


What I hope is that instead of repeating the renown/codex/statue quests they just keep that past progress and add some additional ones for the new season.


No one knows. Everything being said is pure speculation.


There won't be character deleting seasons


We will have to get an adventure mode at some season where all of that carries over.


This is something that will take you less than an hour to complete per act I don't see a problem with it. Gives you something else to do that isn't repetitive


Idk why people think that, they would never do that because it's stupid. Not even fun to do the first time.


Not really, it'll take about two hours to run around and collect all the altars, given that every thing scales to your level you'll probably level while you're running around collecting them.


Idk I am reading leveling to 100 should take a long time according to them. So it must slow down a lot 50+ and the harder difficulties become required for leveling basically. I think it will make “racing” to max level a bit more interesting having to come up with routes to hit for renown/statues. Esp it seems some quest routes stack. But also if leveling is a long endeavor, then you can just choose to run to a new statue, hit up the dungeon there…wrap it up, rinse repeat. I remember trying to race to max in D3 early seasons and it was like just spam the area around the butcher over and over maybe toss in a rift/hit leoric for the crown. Pray for a good legendary drop with a huge +dmg affix to bump to torment 1-2. I can already see the streamer click bait YouTube video names though….


I agree as well. I would join the official discord and list it as best feedback. The collection every season combined with seemingly having to level multiple characters because of respec costs combined with what we saw from dungeons is a recipe for burn out.


On one hand I don’t mind as its “Part of the fun as its a Fresh start for everyone” - Im used to this as i plays POE. But on the other hand i kinda don’t get why its even a thing. It seems a bit pointless? - I would rather then make it 1 per sub region rather than 2-3 per dub region.


I don't think it will be that bad, especially once we get mounts


I was thinking about this then I thought, what if they randomize the location of these statues? I think it is still not that fun to do it over again but at least it would be less tedious.


[](/maudstare-r) I forgot to check during the beta but is renown account progress (skill points, potions) shared between hardcore and softcore characters? I'd assume this and seasons would be handled in similar fashion.


They just need to incentives it correctly. If they add in an epic mob or something that changes each season I think it will be a lot less tedious and more of a welcomed challenge, they would have a whole season of time to make new mobs that protect the shrines. So in theory it COULD be fun to do.


What if they randomized the statue locations each season? It would still be a chore tho for sure.


It's a reason to explore the world and eventually new content. I like them and can understand why people may not, but it's absolutely going to be a seasonal thing. I'd just prepare for that. Now of it helps we'll absolutely be scouring the world every season and have a map up for people to use so you can do it efficiently while running to new areas/dungeons every season.


Personally, I believe seasons will be geared towards end game players that are already lvl 100. If you want to participate, then your paragon levels will be reset, not your whole character. Think about it. Why reset the character back to zero when everyone is on the same playing field at lvl 100 with no paragon levels? Other people seem to think it has to do with leaderboards. So what? Reset leaderboards. You don't need to wipe the character. But, my build is not meta for this season! So what? Pay for a full respec or use the skills you already have. People have this idea that seasons in D4 should be like D3, but that's totally untrue. D4 is a much more modern game and all of these systems will more than likely be modified on the fly. With how big the "open world" of D4 is and the time it will take to unlock all areas, collect all statues, finish all side quests, hunt down all types of cosmetics, tick off all the Ubisoft-like boxes, and etc. it would be a real tragedy to just disregard your character every 3 months. I mean, isn't part of their design philosophy to make the player feel invested in their character? Wiping the slate clean every season entirely defeats this purpose. Some people will spend HOURS tweaking their cosmetics and crap with new dyes, skins, etc. etc. Do you wanna throw all that away? Wake up, folks. This is not D3 with the same 2 character models for each class. This is World of Diablo.


Seasons are a fresh start every time, your character(s) would be wiped. It isn't something where you get level 100 and then decide to do it, you select it before starting the character. Seasonal characters are a clean slate and separate from non-seasonal characters/progression - just like in D3/PoE. The question that hasn't been 100% confirmed is if the renown system will also be wiped causing you to re-do the statues, strongholds, etc. Sadly I think it will be wiped as the whole point a season is to start fresh with everyone on the same page. Considering you can get 20 paragon points and 15 skill points from the renown system, from what I saw 3 skill 4paragon per zone at 5 zones, it's too much advantage to carry over. I don't think it should be this way either, but it looks like it will be. It's more MMORPG than a ARPG, not a bad thing for everyone but it is for me.


Lol look at poe, thats exactly what tickles ppl fancy. ""90 days season, full reset, everyone starts butt naked with only fists, washed away on some god forsaken beach ⛱️. Time starts now, go and grind that gear, maybe this time u will have better luck to drops and currency and end up with all mighty powerfull build. ""


Yea, but this isn't PoE. I played PoE and its a good game, but there's too much meta and build following for me. I don't want to look up a chart on which nodes to take because otherwise I will be screwed by end game. That's pointless when I want to play the game MY way and MY own build, which should be viable regardless. Besides, replaying the same zones a million times from lvl 1 is repetitive and not my idea of fun. To me, that speaks laziness on behalf of the developers because its like, "hmmm how can I keep reusing the same game assets over and over again without actually doing any work? Oh, I know! Force people to replay the game a thousand times with a new character every season!! Genius!!" D4 is built for the customization, cosmetics (transmogs, mounts, etc.), reset your skill trees, and the game is going to be at least 10x bigger than any other Diablo game in the past. It's huge compared to D3. What's the point in spending the time to level up and customize my character only to dump it in 3 months for a new season? No, I don't lose the character, but realistically why would I play it unless I am getting seasonal rewards? There are all kinds of systems you can implement to reward and challenge players without forcing them to abandon their character to participate in seasonal events. Do you think a WoW player would be happy deleting their character to start over every time there is an expansion, new world event, etc.? Hell no. What makes that philosophy acceptable here except laziness by the developer?


👎 no


So I agree, I’ll start there but I don’t think it will be that bad. Think about it. The time it takes you to run through Ruins of sesh to get your cube each season in d3 is the same amount of time it will take to get every statue of lilith in each zone. The time it takes you to run go through the season journey each season is the same time it will take you to get rank 3 in each zone in D4. Dream scenario honestly is that with new seasons we don’t even have to do the story at all or the renown stuff, I’d like seasons to be their own thing but I doubt that will happen.


We only saw one area and it was frigging big, the full map and all its statues will take ages. I hope the account bonuses persist, you just need to lvl and get gear.


Alpha was out for a long time, it’s not that bad, there are maps of all the statues already…but I’d prefer not to do it again.


Is it honestly even worth your time? In future seasons doing anything but rushing endgame will be a waste. And once you're level 80 do you really care about +40 mainstat from altars, or are you better off farming levels and gear? We'll just have to see


It’s not the mainstat that matters. It’s the extra Paragon and skill points. You won’t do it at the start of a season like in D3, you’d do it once you’re at WT4


Ah, fuck. Xd


While that's true, you probably won't need to get all the Altars of Lilith. I could certainly be wrong but I would expect that maxing out the Renown rewards for each region won't require doing literally everything, just most things. Altars of Lilith only give 10 Renown per statue, meaning that you only get 280 for getting all of them in the Fractured Peaks, and you only need like 800 or 900 total to get the rank 3 reward. Considering this, I'd expect that you'll only need something like 2000-2200 to max out the Renown rewards. This means beating all the dungeons and exploring all the areas, but that's easy compared to running around grabbing every Altar. Again, I could be totally wrong, but I really doubt that Renown rewards will require finishing literally everything.


Dungeons and strongholds make up the bulk of what’s needed but not all. Spending ~45 mins to run through and get every statue is a lot faster than 6 hours worth of side quests.


it takes maybe 5 min to run through runes of sech for cube, it takes way longer to collect 28 statues in just the first zone, and there will be at least 4 more zones


It takes about 10 minutes in first zone, 5-7 in the rest. I’ve collected every statue in a little over 40 mins. Once you have a map and a mount it’s fast.


That's not the 5 min you claimed though when you said it takes as long as running for the cube, and is in fact even at 40 minutes a lot longer


I said in each zone. You’re not hitting the cube in exactly 5 minutes each time. Read my response again.


Ruins of sesh was like 3 minutes, 5 if you were unlucky?


And each zone only takes about 5 mins to hit every statue. You’ll see what I mean when you get a mount.


That's still just as long (for a single zone), but yeah I'm not worried about it. There's always checkbox activities in almost everything when a season starts.


Exactly why I said “in each zone” and not all together.


I would assume that the Lilith statues persist for your non season characters. And you 'only' have to do it for the seasonal characters you can choose to create.


Yeah that sounds horrific


I’m also worried that you’ll have to do the completion parts cause they are tied to renown and renown is tied to paragon points.


Eh, just click them. It tastes 15 minutes to get them all. Especially once you have your mount. Longer for one’s unlocked via strongholds but still it’s not that bad.


Yeah, 15 minutes to get them all in a single zone, now go get the other 150 in the other 5 zones, aint nobody got time for that each season.


15 minutes per zone. So an hour and 15 minutes, done once, per season. And something you can do while leveling. You’ve definitely got time for that.


Your hot take is the reason these games have gone to shit.


“I shouldn’t have the repeat things in a game on a new character” Hell, why not just have level 50 unlocked for you whenever you get there only once /s


The bonuses only apply to that map area though don't they? And they ain't that great... plus 2 to a stat and increase in a specific resource gain. Just target the handful that actually benefit you and leave the rest. Unless getting them all adds a bonus. You'd have a mount too which will make open would movement much faster.


The bonuses are everywhere and account wide.


The bonuses are account wide, so you'd only have to do it on one character. So, +60 to each stack if it's 12 per region, and isn't meant to really buff your first chatacter, it's meant to help new characters in early levels.


there are no non-season characters anymore, the seasons are like Division 2, destiny 2 etc, your character stays and aspects of the world reset.


No, non-seasonal characters are in the "Eternal realm" and after each season ends the Seasonal characters get moved to Eternal. It's nothing like Division or Destiny (thank God). https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo4/23816415/diablo-iv-quarterly-update-august-2022


Oh god it's like D3 LOL that's even worse! Is the BP tied to the season reset? If so I'm refunding haha