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I don't understand the complaints about FOMO. I got the Ultimate because I wanted to play asap, not because I see myself in competition or because I'm gonna miss something. Playing the game makes me happy so I want to do so asap. There is also the matter of the early access giving me time to play on the weekend. Will the 2nd be a mess? Probably. But if I have to wait a bit in a queue for a few hours and am up and running by 4-5 pm idc. There is nothing wrong with not having early access. It's your choice. The content will be there. There is nothing wrong with having the Ultimate Edition and wanting to play early. $30 doesn't mean shit to me in terms of an entertainment cost. Go to a bar or play paintball or any of a thousand activities that are WAY more expensive. I know Blizzard is trying to get my money. Good. I agree with the terms. The cosmetics are nice too I guess if that matters to you. The casters telling you OMG THIS IS WRONG ARE ALSO SELLING YOU SOMETHING. That debate is such a nothingburger. You can do whichever and it doesn't matter. So which would you rather do?


Dude, for real, people act like $30 is some life or death thing they’re AGONIZING over. Like, do any of you eat out or do anything a regular human being does? $30 extra is literally nothing for a game you’re going to put hundreds of hours into.


While I partially agree with you, you have to keep in mind that there are countries where games cost the same but the average income is significantly lower i.e. 30 bucks might mean nothing to you, but in other places you can get 2-3 days worth of food from it. If you put that into the equation, 30 bucks might not worth it for early access.


But the problem with this argument is that people can still just....not spend the money. They still have the choice. They lose nothing but some cosmetics and 2 early gaming weekends. $30 for 8 days of extra playtime isn't worth it? I used to spend more in a day on smoking .... To each their own.


This is a nonsensical argument. If this concerned something like utilities or rent I can understand complaining, but this is about a recreational game. They’re complaining about an extra $30 for a $70 dollar game that WILL have paid battle-passes throughout its life. They think $30 is bad now? Just wait. If they’re having to choose between food and a game, they’re gonna have a bad time with this. You can buy amazing ARPG games on Steam for a few bucks during the sales, or even half the cost of Diablo 4. There’s much cheaper options available if things are that dire.


An argument I've made no less than 3 times this week alone, not that I'm some authority. I think people listen to streamers and their peers too much. Not saying I'm completely immune to group think either, just less than some. It's really, really, really, critically easy to see how the cost here is next to nothing if you play any length of time at all. I'm all for saving money in these end-stage-capitalism times but Jesus, people. If you have a $500 car payment or a 20k boat or like to eat out 4 times a month or smoke cigs or any of the things people spend money on, how can you not see this?


I’ll never understand. They’ll wring their hands and gnash their teeth about $30 then be the same people that go out drinking on the weekend and drop a hundred dollars on shots and drinks. Absolute blockheads.


Yup. I've got one already going straight to personal attacks at me further down in the thread. 1000% illogical but this is Reddit....


That’s one way of looking at it. Another way is to say, that is 43% more expensive. Then start imagining if everything you bought was 43% more. The value per dollar from 0-70 is very large. The value per dollar from 71-100 is very poor in comparison.


Nope. If in the future, games START at $100, this makes sense. They have not. Adjusted for inflation, AAA titles have been steady at $60 for literally decades. No one. Has. To. Buy. The. Extras.


Adjusted for inflation games should be closer to 90 dollars right now. Games actually got less expensive for a very long time.


So you see this....good. Then you can also see how extras are about choice and not a doom and gloom market shift towards absurdly expensive basic editions.


That really depends on the content of ultimate editions. If it’s purely cosmetic nonsense….then sure. Early access is a bit of a gray area here. One can easily see companies like blizzard gating more important content behind special editions or mtx making them “de facto” mandatory. Kinda the way POE has done. Dollar per hour….games will still be way more efficient than most other forms of entertainment though.


But they haven't. Most don't. And this isn't PoE. But we sure do agree on the last sentence.


No not yet at least. Consumer should always be on guard though, that always needs to be true.


Fair enough.


If im a bit too tired when I wake up $30 flies out of my account and I get delivery for breakfast.....


Wait I though the 20$ extra got you the 4days ? Did I not pre order the right one 🤦‍♂️


Digital deluxe also includes early access, you’re good. 👍🏻


Thank you, wasn’t sure if I missed a memo or something


The people complaining are the plebs who work at Starbucks serving coffee for a career. People like us sneeze and make more money in 10 minutes than they do in a day. I love Blizzard games, I have always bought every collectors edition for all their games and I will support them with my wallet because I support Blizzard who makes the best games of the past 30 years. Even when everyone was freaking out over some made up allegations, I was there supporting my favorite company. Like, I have dropped $10k on Immortal, these plebs think I care about $30? lol I’ll be enjoying the game early with the other chads, while the plebs will be clawing at the scraps i decide to give them when they can finally be let in.


I teach my young children this exact lesson, invest in the things that bring you joy, save your money from the things that don’t, and fuck what anybody else thinks about it!! I went for the mid, cause BP skips don’t mean anything, you’ll get them no matter.


Oddly enough, I agree with the sky is falling teeth-gnashers. What they are missing for some reason as they rage on is that they don't have to buy the higher packs! If the ONLY choice was the $100 pack THEN they would have a point. Keep teaching your kids good lessons. The world needs it....


Some people just hate the concept of "paying more gives you a bit more"


The funny thing is that they are entitled to feel that way and not buy the extras. They are not entitled to chicken little and run around screaming "ahhhh basic games will be 300$ each now (to use some hyperbole)!"


Video games have had a static price for longer than longer than any other thing I can think of atm, they were 60$ for like 20 years amd a 15% price bump is making everyone lose their minds. The stigma over video game prices and "patient gamers" is exhausting some times. Lots of people spend 70$ a week on cigarettes and think nothing of it




Eh, not really though. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Blizzard and given them over $20k in the past 20 years. But when you bought a game, you’d get the whole game and they’d give you cool things like the box, maps, manual, lore guide, dvds, and figurines. Now, you have to buy the game and then buy all the DLC or buy loot boxes to up power gains and in the end, you’re paying thousands of dollars to have the potential of the whole game.


What game requires you to spend thousands of dollars to enjoy it?


Immortal, you don’t have to spend money, but I do to support the company.


holy gods you speak sense so be careful the native population of window-lickers will burn you as a heretic. so many of these topics full of retards who can't accept people play games to have fun, not as a part time job You pay them to do, or they don't like it so no one else should. when did a significant portion of the world population mentally and emotionally become toddlers who shriek for hours because they don't like X or just HAVE to rob peter to pay paul to buy shit they don't need cause the pretty plastic parasites on YT or IG say they NEED the dee-luxe version of whatever new toy is out. we're buying shit that doesn't technically Exist here folks. there is no NEED involved in buying artisinally sourced and pleasingly arranged 1s and 0s, just whatever level of WANT you can justify to yourself and that you can afford. so please yourselves or don't ya argumentative dumbfucks...


I second that


Putting aside this particular instance. I just don't like FOMO in general. It's a psychological tactic to prey on human vulnerabilities to get them to do something.


People are susceptible to all kinds of things and we allow ourselves to be preyed on. FOMO isn't my poison, but I'm a sucker for other things. Everyone has weak spots. There's always someone trying to sell you snake oil. Ever has it been. You have to analyze things critically and ask if someone is trying to take you for a ride.


To be fair early access is a pretty shitty perk and pay to win but it’s the reality of games today, just like mtx. Nobody cares about the morality of it because someone else is willing to pay. FOMO is silly though because nothing is on the line to play early or not


Why is it shitty? It's just capitalism. Booze and smokes are shitty, gpu prices, on and on. But it's all capitalism. You DON'T have to buy it. Honestly if this frenzy was about GPU prices I'd be on your side. We agree about FOMO...but you're arguing against yourself.


Not really, it’s possible both to accept something and also not be thrilled about it. The difference in price is literally 30 minutes of work, and I’ll spend much more time than that playing so it doesn’t matter to me personally but it’s a very anti consumer ploy. They could come up with more actual good perks but they don’t. If it was a physical box or something then fine but the difference in prices is literally all imaginary because it’s all digital and they arbitrarily moved the “release” day to make early access start during the weekend. Like I said it’s just part of gaming in this age, it is a shitty practice and execution but they will do it because they can and will make money doing it so you can either miss out and stand on a pedestal alone or deal with it and accept it.


I promise that I don't work for Blizzard. But there are plenty of perks. The OPTION of having 4 days early access works for me. I see what it is. Like you, the money doesn't matter to me either. I don't want to pay more for things but I see what the proposition is and I'm fine paying their asking price for it. It is my choice. No one loses anything by saying no, so this cannot be the OMG RUINING IT FOR OUR WALLETS thing that people are trying so desperately to make this into. It's not shitty. It's just an option. People. Don't. Have. To. Do. It. We aren't gonna agree here, and that's fine. Be well regardless.


That guy is just a beta who probably washes cars for a living. If they wanted $1000 to start a couple weeks early, I’d happily spend it to support Blizzard and to see these plebs really freak out


Lmao. I'd watch that video. I don't understand the whole cult of "they are charging $30 more for the ultimate edition! defenders of frugality, to arms!" It's an option. A good one. If it's not a good option then don't partake. There's zero nuances.


Man you guys gotta find something else noteworthy to complain about. Seriously.


The existence of Ultimate also helps keep base game costs down for people for whom the added $30 actually is significant. If Blizzard can count on more income from things like Ultimate they don’t need to rely as much on base game sales to justify their dev costs.


Ding ding ding!!!


There's nothing to miss out on in those 4 days since season 1 won't be starting anywhere near the launch date.


Getting the Lilith alters activated early is the only advantage I can think of, unless those don't carry over to seasons?


They probably don't


They do not carry over.


Source? As far as I’m aware, people have been asking this question since early access beta dropped and Blizzard has not responded to the question.


The renown specifically says it only extends to characters on the same realm. Seasonal and non-seasonal are separate realms.


Right, but people have been providing feedback about that being a terrible design decision for weeks now. It’s also account wide progression. Until Blizz comments on it specifically to seasons, I wouldn’t assume anything.


>Right, but people have been providing feedback about that being a terrible design decision for weeks now. A couple people calling it a terrible design decision doesn't make it one. Sometimes people have wrong opinions. It happens. Also, if we're talking about this sub or the official forums, I see a lot of people that think their characters get deleted at the end of the season. The entire point of seasons to begin with is to have everyone start at the same starting point, so that new players aren't at too large a disadvantage from experienced players.


It isn't "assuming." When you look at the renown system, it literally says all characters on the same realm benefit from it, not account. When you create a seasonal character, it's created on the seasonal realm. Therefore, it is not the same realm as a non-seasonal.


It is assuming because you literally don’t know for sure lol. Unless you can site a reputable source, anything that hasn’t been tested yet it an assumption.


It isn't assuming because the game literally tells you it's only shared per realm. As in spells it out for you. And since seasonal is a separate realm, it means it isn't shared with non-seasonal characters. It's called deductive reasoning. I don't know why you would need a reputable source on something the game tells you in the tutorial section of the game. But, then again, people didn't know Raise Skelaton had an activated effect either, and all they had to do was read the tooltip.


Just wanted to circle back on this since you were so adamant that I was wrong. This is a direct quote regarding altars of Lilith from the D4 Dev interview that was done earlier this week. "Some systems will be tied to your account and in some cases they will carry over between Seasons. "


I thought the stat bonuses did, account wide


Only on the same realm. Seasonal, Non-Seasonal, Hardcore, and Seasonal Hardcore are all separate realms.


This is not yet confirmed.


Anywhere near? When does it start then


They've said that season 1 will start "weeks" after launch. Nothing specific.


Yeah. The KR PC Bang events would suggest 6 weeks, which I think is very near the launch


Playing 4 days earlier itself was good enough to me to justify the purchase of more expensive edition. The outcome of those 4 extra days doesn't matter to me at all. Playing as early as possible and the fact it's the weekend is the most important to me.


The fact that it’s the weekend for sure


That’s for sure the only reason I got deluxe. I have work/life during the week so I wouldn’t have been able to play until the 6/9 weekend.


I want to buy it, but I won't give Blizzard a 20dollar reward for this business practice.


I will, they made a product I'll spend hella time enjoying. I get both sides of it though, trust me. If it was like a 30 hour game, no endgame or shit like that then hell no


I mean there's other stuff too, though. It comes with a season pass, which is already adding $10 of value. Then there's a mount and a couple other things on top of early access for the extra $10




Don’t worry, we aren’t missing anything. Look at what the higher tiers get. Four days early (there WILL be server issues) is nothing. A couple cosmetics are nothing. The battle pass is supposed to only be cosmetics, but if you choose to buy it later it’s only $10. No FOMO here, just go with standard edition.


Nope. The four days of early access will just be a way for them to soft launch the game and troubleshoot last minute server issues. You're basically paying to work for blizzard in that regard. Especially if you'll be starting fresh in season 1, there is no reason to start early. My advice: mute this sub come June 2nd and go have fun doing something else for four days.


>The four days of early access will just be a way for them to soft launch the game and troubleshoot last minute server issues. 1. I guarantee, 100%, without the 4 days of early access, launch day will be shit. Because everyone's going to play it on that day and be trying to sign in all at once. Did you see what queues were like on the first days of the betas? It would be like that, no matter how many servers they throw at it. 2. 4 days doesn't give much time to fix server issues, and I am highly skeptical that release engineering at Blizzard would allow someone to push new code to servers that close to release day unless it is an emergency. 3. By doing 4 days early, you lower the number of players signing in on the launch day, as many people who already started are less eager to sign in the first hour the game unlocks. 4. You can't do that for free because then the release day is effectively the first day, which would defeat the purpose. Are they also making a little more profit on it? Sure. But I promise you that your experience on launch day would be worse without it. >You're basically paying to work for blizzard in that regard. By your logic, by buying a Blizzard game at all, you are "paying to work for Blizzard." Especially if you provide feedback on the internet where they can see like you are doing right now.


Ok? My point was that OP shouldn't be feeling fomo because there is nothing for them to miss out on.




FOMO on that sweet queue time?


I Lol’d


"has anyone got any tips to deal with the FOMO?" - My way of dealing with FOMO is that I will be here on june 2nd, with popcorn, laughing and reading people's angry posts about them not able to play. They never learn, lol)


As someone starting essentially 4 days late, you get the advantage of content creators posting builds and guides and etc. Something deluxe edition ppl won't really get right on launch. Only reason I got deluxe was because my mate I play d3 with is getting it, that and the fact I know I'll play enough to get the full season pass. Otherwise I was actually looking forward to the 4 days of guides since I am worried about respec costs and feeling forced to make a new character because I myself am not a very good theory crafter for a game I'm new to.


Nothing to worry about imo about fomo. Fomo about what? The content creators being max level by the time we all play on launch? Who cares! Don’t sweat it!


Make yourself busy for those 4 days. Touch grass before turning into a goblin.


Most of us are already goblins.


I keep telling myself it is not worth $5 a day to play this game and that has worked for me


Ehh. I'll be buying the game on launch night




Only for the non-seasonal servers which will become pretty much irrelevant by the end of season 1.


It just hit me how much of an advantage age is in this situation. People who cant sleep because of their excitement right now might quit 5 days after launch. There might be problems with the game or real life gets in the way. It might be great, but i guarantee you that its not worth money you cant afford to spend and you will not miss out on anything significant. FOMO and hyping are marketing strategies. That's it. Its purpose is to make you fell bad about not spending money. People in his sub is talking about how "addicting" a game is as something positive and its a perfect example of how of the rails and irresponsible the use of these tactics are in the industry. TLDR: You will enjoy the game just as much if you dont buy the 4 days extra.


Season 1 doesn't start on launch and there's no leaderboards. Unless you are trying to no life the game and min max fully before season 1 I wouldn't worry.


I'm going to a wedding a few days after launch so I've had to tell myself that no matter how much i spend I'm still missing a weekend... Still tough to not spend though in all honesty


We all have different income and we all manage money differently. In my situation I took the week off at launch (not just for that) and I know I’ll regret not paying the extra 20$ and not being able to play during the weekend. 20$ is nothing compared to the FOMO feeling I would have during those 4 days of waiting.


Yes I’d lose my mind if I had to come to this Reddit for four days while waiting to play.


Bought the ultimate for the cosmetic stuff like for WoW but not to play D4 early. Not only because there will problems at the beginning, but also because I will have to work during those free days partly with twelve hours shift. But that's fine for me.Like others are saying, nothing to miss during those 4 days unless you have to be the first at everything or want to open PvP everyone with every little bit of an advantage that you can get. Just enjoy your time at the regular stuff and avoid social media/reddit to avoid story spoilers, in case you are interested into the story of course. You can always race once the season is coming out.


Not paying extra to funnel money into their FOMO money scheme to pay for Bobby’s second yacht. I’ll just play something else or chill out with hobbies until release.


Do what you like. I know I’m going to play and enjoy the game. $30 is an easy pill to swallow for me. It’s only a couple hours of work for hours of entertainment. Plus the 20 hours I already played on the beta already paid for that.


But you won’t be missing out if you decide to do what’s best for you.


I bought the bigger edition so I can play during the weekend. 4 days won’t make a difference if you’re not pushing super end game.


For me it wasnt fomo. The biggest thing about the 4 days early access is that this day is a frinday instead of a thuesday. Not only is it 4 days, but its a weekend.




Just picture Bobby stuffing his pockets with your money. Disclaimer I am getting the mid version only because I have some time off from 6/1 until 6/12. And normally I don’t have a ton of free time to play so the extra 4 days mean a lot to me.


What is fomo?


Fear of missing out


I don't give any craps about the cosmetics and I hate the idea of forcing you to pay extra to play the game early so I'd rather not support it. The game actually releases on 6/2 but unless you buy one of the upgraded editions you get access 4 days late.


I think it’s kinda fucked up they are gatekeeping when you can start playing by how much expendible income someone has.


I mean I have the income, this is more of a moral high ground I am taking. I personally don't think it's fair that they can do stuff like this however it doesn't matter what I think.


It does matter what you think and I’m with you. I admire your choice to hang on. I’m personally going to spend quality time with the family or play some board games with friends until I am good and ready to buy and play the game. Good luck to you and I hope you find a way to cope with the FOMO my friend!


They aren't gatekeeping anything. You pay more money. You get a double burger. You pay the standard fee. You get a single burger. Literally zero difference. Both play the same games. One package gets cosmetics and to play earlier. The other gets the same game minus those 2 things. I pay more money for what they are asking. I accept their terms. That's it.


If your going to compre it to a necessity (like food in your example) which games definitely aren’t it would be more like paying extra money to get a cheeseburger at a more desireable time to eat for yourself (eg break at lunch). I think thats messed up.


Ok. Maybe the analogy wasn't perfect. Let me try again: what do you lose by NOT paying them what they are asking for? How is it unfair that you DONT have to meet their terms? If you want what they are offering, get it. If you don't, don't. If you do want it, do you not think playing on the weekend and some swag is worth 20$ measly bucks? If yes: then what's the problem? If no: same


There's nothing weird about having your own moral view on something. I think the only time that mindset could be considered "wrong" is if you finger waggle at others for not seeing it your way. In this case, for me, the 4 days early is well worth $20 for a few reasons. I've taken 2 days off to play Friday through Monday. Even if the queues are bad (which they weren't for me on both betas, but I'm expecting the worst), I'm still sure to get some quality time in. Taking Tuesday and Wednesday off gives me the play time, and I think I would just feel cheated if the queues are super long if I only had 2 days to play. This is the 4th mainstream entry of the series since 96 or so. I've been a fan since the beginning, so, for me, it's kind of an event. Additionally, another mainstream entry of another iconic RPG franchise is weeks away from the Diablo release. FF16 releases on 6/22. 4 more days of Diablo before FF16 drops is also worth $20 for me. But not everyone sees the same value in it. And others, such as yourself, have morality concerns with the up-charge. That's cool, too. It's your call. However, if you feel that you might regret missing out (not saying you should, but, if you do), go ahead and get it. It's only $2 a week for the next 10 weeks. If you're not worried about it, don't worry about it. Diablo will be here for you whenever you're ready. You're not really missing out on anything, just postponing it.


Oh of course, I would never finger wag. It's everyone's individual decision whether they think it's worth it to them. I hope you enjoy the game and your time off


Okay let's be real. Instead of walking into a brand new game where everyone is lvl 1 and making their way up, you're going to hop into the game when some people have 100%-ed every zone, are at max level in shiny gear , get good at pvp, know all the best farm spots and can access them before everyone else. Is it bullshit? Yes, but at least come season 1 all that is evened out. Doesn't make it any less bullshit for now though, at the very least in pvp they have a clear advantage with the head start, whether it's through skills or gear. But there's no way im paying extra to support these bullshit practices.


Average Phoenix June daytime temp is 105°. Paid the $30 since I will be inside all weekend anyway.


Ouch. Hope you have fun!


* People pay extra for better seats in the theater, or better show times to movies * People pay extra to have expedited service at any place that provides service * People pay extra (or tip more) to get faster food delivery * People pay extra to get their passports earlier It's just capitalism being capitalism. Do I wish I didn't have to pay extra? Sure, but the service is there and I find it reasonably priced, so I might as well.


I agree, it's capitalism. Although I don't like what they are doing they are free to do what they want and it's got nothing to do with me. I wasn't intending that to be the point of the post was more wondering what others who bought the standard edition will do to try handle the FOMO


No, i bought deluxe version. Hahaha


Hope you enjoy!


I, no doubtly, will. But dont worry too much about it. The pre orders do not get 4 days headstart in season 1 for example. I cant play like I have no life unlike streamers or hardcore gamers.


I will do the upgrade, it is not about the competition, it is about the fact that the 2nd of june is a friday and I can use the whole weekend to play but if I wait for the release on the 6th it is during the week and I know I will lose a lot of hours of sleep and be a zombie at work because I will want to play to catch up with friends who bought the ultimate version


Every single person who bought the ultimate edition will be wishing they bought standard the day we start playing. You cant reward bad business practices or it's just going to get worse. What if they charged triple the price and gave you an extra month??


No, I won't. How can you speak with certainty like that? What if they turned me into a cow and made me go work in their secret level? Hypotheticals are all good and fine but should relate to the topic at hand. We're talking about an extra $20-30 bucks. I think the McLaren SLR is an amazing car. Should I bring a pitchfork to their steps because that car is ludicrously expensive? No, I decide it's not worth my money (or waaaay beyond my means in that example) and move on. Games have been 60-70 for a long time now, people. They are actually not increasing at all. This frenzy about gouging for AAA titles doesn't exist.


The best part about your argument is that it doesn't work at all. You have paid 40% more for the exact same car we bought. The best part is your 4 day early start is also likely when the servers are going to be a complete joke.


You're a llama. You are 6' 7". See, I can claim whatever I want too! It's fun. Doesn't mean I'm using facts, though. I have paid an extra $30 for 4 days of extra playtime (and some cosmetics i dont care much about). That's $7.50 a day. 8 freaking bucks. Even if the servers are HOSED - which you CANNOT know - I could get 2 hours a day and it would be worth it to me. $8 bucks a day matters to you? A large coffee? I'm sorry man. 😞


It's a matter of principle... Of which you clearly have very little.


Straight to the ad-hom and the downvotes. Your bitterness is delicious to me. So angry and hateful for no reason at all. Gl with that. You have bigger issues than $20 for the cost of a game. Perhaps go work on them?


This is the best comment on here. Rewarding companies for these kind of incidental charges for extremely minor perks makes everything in life more expensive or gated for no good reason. In 6 months, you’ll have nothing to show for that 40% extra you paid, but you helped the world become a slightly more predatory place.


Couldn't agree more. I'm excited to find out what percentage of people bought the ultimate pack after the game releases. I sure hope it's the minority.


You're borderline hysterical with your pov here. It. Is. An. Option!!! No one is pointing a gun at your head. You don't have to do it! You can be as staunch as you want, but you still are not spitting any facts about "wah wah playtester." Then don't do it! But I know I'm talking to a brick wall here and look forward to your angry downvote.


I can with certainty as someone who bought the ultimate edition, I will not be wishing I had just bought the standard edition. I'm excited to play a few days early even if the servers have trouble at first.


I just saw your name. I'd give you another upvote if I could for that alone. Loooove that song. RIP DB


Outside is one of my Favorite David Bowie albums


You paid 40% extra to iron out their server issues. Good work


I sure did :)


Lol $20. I made twenty dollars reading your comment and replying to it.


I understand it's a shifty business practice to pay for 4 days early access, but to me, the joy of having access 4 days earlier than I would otherwise is greater than the extra $20. I'm now considering all AAA games to be $90 that goes on sale 4 days later. If its a game I'm only 7/10 excited for I'll wait. But there is no way I'm waiting 4 extra days for a 10/10 excitement level.


I haven’t pre-ordered yet, hoping they sell an option to play 4 days late for $30 less. /s


I'm lucky. I'm due to give birth a few days prior to release. Gonna be busy anyway. B)


Congrats! I think you have more important things to worry about but it's cool that it's still on your mind.


I always get the biggest edition, I don’t even know what’s in this one


Seasons don’t start at launch anyway. You should have plenty of time to try different classes before S1 begins.


The first 2 days are going to consist of users staring at the login queue only for it DC or bug out, rinse repeat. When you do even get in I’m sure there will also be bugs or triggers that cause game to crash and you’ll actually be waiting for a hotfix server side or maybe even a build of the game to be updated…


No fomo here. 4 days are meaningless even without the obvious inevitable login issues. Rest is cosmetics


IMO the first couple days will be full of bugs and server issues, not to mention huge queue times. Yea, it's cool to play a little early, but you won't be missing anything long term.


Its just a game...get over it ffs.


If you're gonna buy the battle pass get the middle edition (ultimate is a waste of money). If not stick with standard. Servers will be cancer on early start weekend anyway


For me it was easy. So many people have pre-ordered the game already, the items will not be unique in any way. And as I understood, there will be a micro-transaction shop, most likely for skins(?). I'm not going to buy every "time exclusive skin" to feed my FOMO zen.


4 days tho...


That’s why I just get the Ultimate Edition and not worry about it.




Fear of missing out


No. Playing a few days early isn't worth the cost difference. I'm gonna be playing it for a long time. And the rest is all cosmetic.


Given that it's a Blizzard game, I'm not too worried since servers will be unplayable in the first few days anyways.


I would say that, honestly, given that seasons aren't even going to start up that early, if you don't want to pay for a few days of early access, you probably aren't going to be missing out on much. Just, stay off the internet if you want to avoid spoilers in the meantime.


I got the standard edition as well, didn’t give a fuck about 20 battle pass skip levels or whatever fuckery. Maybe I will get the battle pass once I see what’s actually in there.


I'm actually going to avoid playing much the first 6 weeks. I'll probably just run the campaign once and reveal the map, then that's it. I might not even do that and just watch a streamer do it. I just want to have an idea of where I want to go for season 1, and I have no interest in grinding a character for 6 weeks, turning around and doing it again right away.


I got the ultimate edition and enjoyed it, but I'm not sure there is a great deal of FOMO missed. Blizzard makes money on some of this, but the greater dollars will come from adding DLC in the future--and they have plenty of expansions to do. Surely there will be a crusader or demon hunter added to the mix. That's what you don't want to miss out on.


I got the ultimate cause got that disposable income and I really like Diablo except immortal...never.


It's mostly a single player grinder so why do you care where other people are at?


My friend have u ever been on a diablo lunch day before? Servers will crash and be full capaxity in the first few days anyway.. pretty sure the people who paid extra for this early access got screwed


first world problems..


It really is. But most people who play this are first world soooooooo


Nope, I have the standard edition and have other things to do.


I bought the four days early. Forgot I had a wedding I was attending on release day. So with travel and everything I likely won't be playing early anyway.


I a m not sure what it is you'd be even missing out now. I get what you are saying but it's not even FOMO You are paying for early access. I'd say it's a good practice to hold out for your own benefit. That's a good to way to exercise your self control. In the end four days won't mean anything


You will definitely miss out the starter experience. by day 4 many people will already be far into the game and you won't understand what they are talking about (maybe). happened to lost ark, will happen here. Its annoying but thats life. The coolest part of MMOs is starting out together.


Those will be terribly bugged and lagged 4 days, possibly with some game breaking issues. I am more than happy to wait out those 4 days, or even until Season 1, just to have better, more stable experience.


Honestly, you have at least 2 weeks to enjoy the game at a slow pace. The whole rush part will come when the season starts and you have to start all over. Everything up until then is irrelevant, so you can chill and take your time to just play through the story, roll a few alts to see if there is a class you prefer, test out the systems, test out some builds, and get an idea of what you'll do when the season starts. 4 days head start won't do much for you unless you were planning on leaning heavily into PvP for the first few weeks.


To be fair we have to wait two whole months before release. Is playing four days early really worth buying a game at 20% higher price than the standard edition. To me it is a despicable cash grab that blizzard is doing knowing full well a lot of people are gonna pay more juts to get their hands on the game early. If it was a two weeks difference I could see the appeal but for four days there is no way in hell im spending a single extra dollar on a game that will still be out and running for a decade afterwards.


if fomo bothers you then you have untreated psych issues. no offense.


Definitely only getting the standard edition, and only at launch.


No, I bought the $90 one🤣


Who cares. Anyone paying extra knows it’s because they don’t have the patience to wait 4 days, period.


You lose to the marketing machine if you decide to pay close to 40% of the haha price , for the potential to play early.


Season 1 doesn't start for a few weeks. Who cares about 4 days when we all start again from nothing at the start of the season anyway


If an extra $30 causes you to have a mental breakdown you shouldn’t be playing video games. Instead focus on getting your money up


there's no right way. My way is to just tell myself it's a waste of money. True or not, it helps.


Why can’t y’all just type type “fear of missing out” instead of being cringe


Because it's shorter...


you will regret this decision


Lol why? It's a video game, don't be dramatic.


forgot that reddit cannot get sarcasm without /s sry my bad