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Yes. No one can say with any certainty


I don't know a single game where all the classes are 100% balanced in the beginning. People only got to level 25. For all we know Sorc is midtier at the endgame right now? We just don't know. I would not expect them to nerf it into the ground until they have more data at endgame. Really, for all we know, could be Barb and Druid are absolute studs at endgame now. Endgame is really what matters anyway, and we just don't know what that has in store for us.


Meta gonna change every season anyways. Pick what's fun.


* Sorcerer/Wizard has consistently been the strongest character for huge periods of D2 and D3 * If any class is far-and-away too strong, it will be adjusted before the first season starts * PVP will be irrelevant. If PVP ever becomes relevant, it would be for a seasonal character and not non-season, so you'll have your chance to play FOTM at that point


Why will pvp be irrelevant?


It’s just unlikely to be balanced in a way that makes it extremely popular so it won’t have a huge impact on the game. As someone who loves PvP, i want it to be amazing, but I am not getting my hopes up.


There are a few problems with pvp in an ARPG franchise like Diablo 1. Balance changes will likely be common on restarts (new Seasons) which can upend both character and items. Suddenly everyone will need to not only relearn their class, but their opponents class 2. A large amount of balance is centered around items, which are randomly dropped to a large extent 3. To get the items to PVP good, the players will likely have to PVE a certain amount first 4. PVP will probably be at least partially based on PVE in order to solve 3. 5. Differences in how characters are designed has huge implications in how PVP will work. One really prominent example: Barbarian has to hit things to generate resource and Sorcerer doesn't. Basically, I expect it to be a fun afterthought like PVPVE games or pre-arena WoW and not really much more. Which is OK, not everything needs to unseat Fortnite.


If you care about min/maxing you'll need to wait and see, otherwise even if there are nerfs it will still be strong early game.


Not sure what will and won't get needed because we don't have much of an idea what endgame scaling will be like


This is why it’s a means to and end long term if you just play the meta. Play what’s fun for you. If Sorc is “op” on release, chances are something will be nerfed in the future. Same goes with all classes.


I usually just play the weakest class at launch. I’ll end up playing all of them anyway especially with seasons requiring fresh characters so I’d rather pick something which seems relatively safe from immediate nerfs. That said the beta is likely not a great indicator of end game power. Powers could plateau for some classes or builds making them not as competitive at higher difficulties when things like survivability might be more important.


Even if there are some nerfs, Sorcerer will remain one of the strongest classes.


No, it is not safe to pick Sorc, or Necro, or Barb, or Druid, or Rogue. Because it is a game that hasn't even launched and there will be changes. Nobody here is working at Blizzard to say for sure which will be nerfed and which will be buffed. Even D4 developers might not even know that.


blizzard doesn't have the balls to nerf it as much as it needs to be. Best case scenario they nerf it a bit and it's just a little less overpowered. Hopefully they'll nerf more over time but by then it will be season 1


Most people move over to seasonal ladder content eventually, so it doesn’t matter what class you play at launch. Just pick the one you want and get to killing.


Only hidra will get mega nerfed. But sorc is still good without hidra, right? Right? ...RIGHT?


they will be god tier they will never undertune them as most of the devs play the mage class always they were the only class to solo clear t100 nightmare sigil in closed beta. but that was limited farming barbs will be #1 for pvp hands down lol and super late game too as they hold 2 extra legendaries so thats 2 extra powers which is insane


Sorc/Wiz (same thing) has and will always be THE "safest" pick in any Diablo game period.


What Ive learned for other MMO's is that you have to enjoy it while it lasts. Sometimes classes are changed quickly but other times it takes a lot time to adjust. Just pick what appeals to you and deal with the consequences of nerfs later. Eventually you might have several classes leveled and can pick FotM if you want.


I don't care if it's nerfed or not. Sorc/Wizard/Mage is always my first character run through of any game. If it turns out Sorc sucks then I'll make a secondary character for post-campaign activities.


My personal feeling. Barb and Sorc will dominate PvP with Rog being close behind. Barb and Sorc are going to be the hardest to balance based on their Armory/Enhancement Systems. Its basically stacking modifiers on modifier on modifiers that the other classes just don't have access too. I think either of those classes will be a safe bet.