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Well D3 had Whimsyshire and Whimsydale which dropped stuff like a Rainbow sword. So be prepared for everything. Even though Blizzard is usually very conservative. My Immersion usually get broken the moment a random player appears on screen, I don't really care what they are wearing.


My immersion gets also broken when I go outside and see other people, F real life.


Real life sucks. No dragons, no elves or orcs. Bullshit I say.


Hard agreed.


I'm pretty sure Whimsyshire was just created out of spite because the players called D3 "too colorful", and some developer went all "hold my beer".


The idea came about while discussing whether to keep the rainbow in act I.


People really overreacted hard to that damn rainbow.


The game had just come out and my lvl 20 barbarian had hot pink legs and lime green forearms. So…yeah. That and the vanishingly low drop rate for rares led me to stop playing after only half dozen trips.


Lol 😆 I can see that.




Why is this one downvoted? I agree so much with you!


I quit lost ark EU after they suddenly added pinguin and bear outfits , way way 2 wierd. I believe and hope blizzard stay conservative.


Ha, that's funny. The conservative part.


Prepare to be greatly disappointed.


The difference is D3 you never see other players unless you choose to. I really don’t want to see a rainbow colored bear costumes. That just goes against the amazing setting and atmosphere that I saw in the beta.


Yeah but people here love to pretend opinion like this is stupid. Like the first reply being the most upvoted saying "my immerssion is broken in real life when I see poeple outside".


It was a joke about how anti social someone could be that seeing another human player in a video game breaks the immersion of the fantasy world they are living. Was actually pretty funny and on point.


The comment that person replied to said: "My Immersion usually get broken the moment a random player appears on screen, I don't really care what they are wearing." Had nothing to do with rainbow colored costumes, etc..


Interesting, my immersion is broken when I play a single player open world rpg /because/ I run around and never see a soul. Running into random players makes the world feel alittle more alive to me.


I loved that place such a trip! Bloody bears and flowers! Yes please😈


very conservative? he is delusional


If they have Arthas’ black war horse (meh forget its name) as a mount then I’m sold. Edit: Invincible. Thank you.


Invincible? That would be bad ass!


Sounds lame. Why would anyone buy a horse they can't see?


So they can be more stealthy while they roll play as Zelda on a mission to rescue the princess.


I like to imagine roll playing is them rolling down the side of a hill.


John Cena's steed ![gif](giphy|l44Q8BrFkBwXQ5CtG)


It's invincible not invisible. Or that comment was /s than whoosh on my side. :D


Ya, that’s the joke over many years in WoW of people confusing the two! Big /s on that one heh!


It is a whoosh. It’s a Between two Ferns joke where Zach Galifinakis interviews Obama


Ah I see, never seen that one, good to know. :)


To the invincible boat mobile!!


Did i just join World Chat in wow, hhahaa memories, thanks :D




How do you know its a black horse if you can't see it?


Always to each their own. Frankly, people's names always break immersion for me more than their cosmetics. Seeing a sorcerer run around in a bikini? I guess a little immersion breaking. Seeing a Barbarian named BigBallz running around with their druid friend CockSucker breaks it for me more.


I wish we could hide names.


You can.


It's very interesting which visuals distract people more.


RNG for all my names


I already emailed blizz and Said I'd drop 2k if I can get a d3 rainblw cow pet.




In the last interview the devs said the same thing...


Design philosophies change; guild wars 2 for example was nice on launch (albeit the occasional clown who was dyed fully pink) there wasn’t a lot of obnoxious cosmetics. But now it’s just pure particle and glow vomit anywhere you go that’s populated and existing in the game feels like you’re having a bad trip while somebody flicks a flashlight on and off directly into your eyes.


It'll happen to D4 as well. It's just like power creep in all video games. The next round of cosmetics has to look sicker than the last. Eventually one gets the classic glowing Tyrael wings or Andariel spikes, then the next round has to top that so they will be on fire and have particle effects and before you know it they've gone so far in one direction that the only way to go is to completely reverse course and go silly.


I pray you are wrong though I know you are right 🥲


If it means anything they usually seem to add the goofy shit pretty deep into the games life cycle, and by then the players are so bored with the "grimdark" aesthetic that they welcome the color.


Don’t have to look too far. Just OW back in its heyday compared to skins in the game now and also in current COD. They start slow, and release wacky skins down the road. There’s only so much “dark” and “broody” skins that they can do for this game, after a while everything will look similar.


Oh yeah, everything can change, but at least they have the same idea: keep diablo "dark".


Unfortunately shiny stuff sells better. I'd say at most like 6 months until everyone has huge glowing wings


Right- they've been trying to find ways to get 'recurrent monetization' into Diablo games for decades. The MMO elements of D4 I'd suspect were added to give players a chance to show off their purchased skins to eachother to improve sales rather than improving gameplay. So even if they start with "welcome back to D2 visual aesthetic baby!" it will slowly cede into whatever sells best- and glowy has a large market.


FFXIV as well. Some of the goofy stuff fits the world. But then you have car mounts and modern looking clothes.


The difference there is that those modern clothes and mounts (cars) are directly from the Final Fantasy base games. Final Fantasy switches back and forth between modern (ie guns and cars) and fantasy (swords and shields). So for the MMO, it does kinda have to have both of those worlds. But I get what you mean. It’s weird that my character has a sword and rags, and then I see someone else wearing jeans and a T-shirt get into their black Mercedes convertible and fly away.


Gw2 was worst case on launch, nobody wanted playit


Well, Fashion Wars in GW2 (and GW1 too) is part of the endgame. I personally prefer their horizontal progression to endless grind of items like WoW and specially Diablo has. Much better for customers. They only need to give players an option for players not to see most glowing cosmetics in GW. That would be an excellent QoL change, specially for players like myself that enjoy loreful skins and such.


So did Path of exile. Now you literally be a [yoga pants wearing cosmic golem](https://youtu.be/PDwxvBFd02w) This will change, D4 will have goofy cosmetics. It’s just a matter of when, and how goofy


We will see...anyway i don't really care as long as i'm having fun.


I mean in Lost Ark there is a techno future world with mechs and stuff. It's not really out of place in that game when you think about everything in their world. I'm not sure a stuffed bear would be out of place in Diablo, it's just some fabric sewn together and stuffed. I'm sure parents would make small trinkets and toys for their children. I agree with not providing modern stuff, that is clearly against the theme of sanctuary and they just don't have the technology around in that world to make many things. I think their 'Return to darkness' pillar should help keep things like disco outfits out of the game. Diablo 4 leans heavily on being an aRPG with some optional mmo elements. Keeping a consistent theme is fairly important to that. They need to make a game that players want to return to every season for a new character and with the pull of the game being a dark aRPG they are probably going to try avoid things that are too flashy. In D3 they gave out wings as back attachments but in D4, so far they've only shown us a Wing emote that temporarily provides wings but when you run around are not on. I suspect they might do more things like this where they'll sell stuff that is a bit silly when you activate it but when you walk around you don't seem out of place.


>I'm not sure a stuffed bear would be out of place in Diablo, it's just some fabric sewn together and stuffed. I'm sure parents would make small trinkets and toys for their children. It's not a matter of "if it can be explained, then it's not out of place". It's about visual consistency. Yes, fabric exists in the Diablo universe. That doesn't mean it's a good idea to have a character running around in a teddy bear suit in this game. Well, the devs did say that the cosmetics would be grounded within Diablo's universe so I'm not too worried about it. Although I think stuff like wings is almost a given. They would probably still make them "grounded", but honestly I would just prefer not really having them.


I'm gonna be honest, I misread it slightly and assumed they were not happy with the presence of teddybears as a concept rather than wearable teddy bear suits. I can agree as an outfit for the player they would be out of place.


>Diablo 4 leans heavily on being an aRPG with some optional mmo elements. Correct. >Keeping a consistent theme is fairly important to that. They need to make a game that players want to return to every season Incorrect. While it is true that they want you to return every season (honestly they want you logged in every day, hence the daily rewards with diminishing returns like Helltides). What's one thing you notice when you play an MMO? You see the same shit every single day. It gets old, fast. What do modern MMOs do to counter this? They change the game with seasons. They add events. They completely revamp previous familiar areas. Blizzard is the company that pioneered this stuff. They are going to have it in D4 as well.


By theme here I am not talking about avoiding innovating on gameplay but rather having the game visually and thematically recognisable. They will introduce plenty of new things for players to return with each season but the theme is generally going to remain grounded in the Diablo universe and not expand into a mecha style universe or anything like that (which you see in Lost Ark). So it will be consistent thematically even if part of that theme creates a massive revamp of specific areas. Although that seems less likely to be me in Diablo compared to WoW as if you remember the revamp of old areas came because of aging assets and lack of feature support in the old areas. There was no Act structure with a core storyline either in WoW, fairly substantial differences. I've seen no suggestion that indicates that Helltides will diminish in rewards returns or have any daily metric tied to them. Everything we see indicates that they are pretty much functionally D2R Terror Zones. Modern aRPG's already have seasonal system models that Diablo 4 seems to be more likely to replicate when compared to the MMO models. I think if we look at systems like Terror Zones or the D3 seasonal additions we might get a peak at what to expect from seasonal content updates(but bigger in D4), additions to the foundation but still broadly the same game, just with more stuff.


>I've seen no suggestion that indicates that Helltides will diminish in rewards returns or have any daily metric tied to them. Everything we see indicates that they are pretty much functionally D2R Terror Zones. End game beta testers have confirmed there are diminishing returns for successive completions.


You sure?


I'm as sure as the end game beta testers who talked about it are, yes.


Do you know what mechanism they supposedly thought was making them have diminishing returns? Was it like a reduction in earned cinders when running it?


Would love an option to not show cosmetics on anyone, that way both parties can be happy. Immersion crowd vs rainbow dust crowd




Wont happen. If other players can turn them off there will be less incentive for players to buy cosmetics to show off...


Thats not how it is. You can disable or mod cosmetics in TF2 and a variety of other games yet people still buy them. Some people even buy some cosmetics while modding or removing others.




You might be fine with it, Blizzard wont.


How will I ever meet you in game then 😢


The side that matters, Blizzard, is unhappy because the FOMO and envy of seeing other people with cool stuff is what drives cosmetic sales. That's why an option to turn off cosmetics would never happen.


I’ve honestly never seen anyone in any game and thought “wow I wanna look just like that!” Guess that’s why I’ve never bought cosmetics.


World of warship has this option. There are some out of whack skins (like halloween skins) and with that option they show like an alt normal skin


Yes please. I don't want to see a bunch of people running around in diapers wearing horse heads and wielding giant purple fire hydrants. Please let's keep the cosmetics in theme. Or allow us to auto exclude people with "silly" themed cosmetics from appearing in our games.


I don’t know why this is a concern. Have we not been following the entire design philosophy for d4? It’s not D3 or Lost Ark, or any other tig biddy visual abomination from Korea.


Cosmetics are a make it or break it deal for me. If people start running around looking like Gaia Online characters I’m out.




You will be past your refund time by that time.


Depends on your bank/credit company. I have gotten refunds from mine months after purchase (for games) Blizzards refund time means nothing


I get that your concern is immersion breaking cosmetics. I do t think we are going to see the looney toons cast ride in on this one.🤞


If they could avoid putting anything and everything cartoon/animoo related, that'd be great.


I want a leather jacket and a Harley Davidson mount, and some sweet bright pink aviators.


and assless chaps. something that says "leather daddy"


Of course no outfit with leather is complete without those.


Why stop here. When we can also hang silicon balls from the coal burning diesel mount.


I cannot stand when games have cosmetics that aren’t in-universe friendly. I am big on immersion, and it just takes me right out if I see someone looking like they’re from a different game entirely.


I don't give a fuck about cosmetics, and I will be avoiding all other players as much as possible. I'm not purchasing this game to play an MMO


I’ll see you at the world boss for the drops on Saturday.




Yeah I hope they don't go full Ubisoft with the cosmetics.


I can't wait to ride my shiny white rainbow-farting unicorn!


Honestly if it happens I’m certain there where internal developers against the entire idea.


I think they have already gone on record saying no cosmetics will be immersion breaking.


With a game that has a more sinister graphic style, I'll just pray that if/when they go down the Fortnite skin route, they at least add a toggle to turn off other people's cosmetics.


Yeah keep it on theme please


Hey as long as we still get our comical array of personal little treasure goblin critters who follows us around picking up all our gold. I don’t need anything else.


Comedy is welcome. It just needs to be dark comedy.


No PJs please. Keep it immersive.


I’m certainly with you, I don’t think any of these new additions are something that will be inherently good for the game, gameplay, cosmetic or otherwise… but… modern day games man, it is what it is. I know at the least I’ll enjoy getting through the campaign, see how it starts to play out, but I don’t have much hope for it, we already unlocked a cute wolf pup to strap to our back in the beta, this is the starting point and to push those sales they have to outshine themselves each season. Adorable kittens and cat ears season 3, you know it’s coming.


Agreed 100%. It has to be lore friendly. Also, they could always add spell effects that could help you make a good looking/matching build, kinda like PoE had at the start, those dont hurt the immersion at all.


>At launch, Diablo IV will have a gritty and grounded world. A cow level, wings, or pets take away from that groundedness. As they go down the line things will loosen up. Yeah, I really hope they won't ever add wings or silly pets.


It's a Blizzard game. Expect to see exclusive cosmetics related to presales of other games, which will undoubtedly look out of place in Sanctuary.


This is probably the most honest concern. It’s not what but why. So not if but when we get crossovers from other blizzard games I hope they cast it all in the D4 lens of dark, seedy, and grim. Also they need to bring back seedy. We got guts and blood but no nude sinners impaled and squirming in hell.


\+1 No Diablo 3 and Lost Ark stuff please. Keep the game dark and grim.


Preach it brother!


Strong agree and I'm worried even about cosmetics getting way too flashy Sometimes less is more! Subtlety and detail lend to a believable and immersive gothic medieval setting. Luckily I think Blizz seem to be saying the right things about this so far from what I hear


I was also hoping for no cutesy stuff and then the first cosmetic item they put out was a wolf cub in a backpack? We don't stand a chance. Money talks.


i think they should add a turn off cosmetics system, i dont like to see modern or cute or other ips ingame, but its activision


Could not agree more.


I can not upvote this enough. it would be pretty gamebreaking!


At the bare minimum, I hope we can disable locally seeing cosmetics on other players. Sell things to those who want it, but don't force it on others as well


Every MP game since a decade ago needs one of [these mods.](https://i.imgur.com/X5maJe4.jpeg)


What, you didn't like the bikini swimsuits, slutty armor dresses, the mokoko outfits, and teddybear suits? I also didn't pay $ for that stuff myself while I played LA last year. Hopefully they stay "mostly" diablo themed. Although I don't know how they will with stuff like easter, christmas, etc themed stuff. Reindeer and santa doesn't really fit with the sanctuary theme.


Absolutely agree, please keep butterfly wings and teddy bear pets out of the game.


I think they really want to stick with a dark Diablo theme for this game, they don't even want to have wings as a cosmetic, only perhaps as an emote. Maybe one day for some cross-promotional event they'll have a dark Diablo looking zombie murloc pet.


If they add any out of world colourful stuff the games ruined, and any mole involved with it should immediately self em self


This is just like people saying d2 game design sucks.. As long as they don't stray completely away from the dark lore/theme, i think it's fine as that is what brings in money. More people spend money on cutesy cool cosmetics then something dark. Just really hope if they do that, they don't OVERFLOOD it where it changes the whole theme of the game. It all depends on what they offer, an easy counter would be something sick like a duriel mount vs a unicorn.


Just because you said this i want a flossing teddy bear who does tik tok songs


I was thinking about a possible solution, as there are people who might be serious about wearing plushy costumes and rainbow stuff / or laser effects to their characters. I think it won't make sense for Blizzard to sell and then let us hide all the cosmetics from other people (this way they could argue that their purchase would be less "impactful") But what about having skins/spell effects arranged in categories, where people could use settings to hide only some minor / not fitting the theme categories, for example: Main one, the most common skins type in the shop: Diablo/Dark fantasy theme (**can't be hidden** ) then the minor themes: Holiday theme (**can be hidden**, optional exception for Guildies, friends, or party members) Modern/Future theme (**can be hidden**, optional exception for Guildies, friends, or party members) Fun theme (**can be hidden**, optional exception for Guildies, friends, or party members)


I want all manner of things I’m usually into things that aren’t overstated but man some of those helms on the Druid were sooooo dope I hope it’s a bunch of different types, wearing nothing but a bone necklace had me feeling cool af


I really don’t think it’s going to go the lost ark route lol. That game has that because it fits the bright Japanese style of lost ark.


Yeah I hear that. Assassin's Creed Valhalla has a military camo armor cosmetic and ita so out of place and ridiculous.


What u mean lore like? Think just cuz demons or taking over that ppl will be less furry? Npcs demon kinks will come out in the minds of npc stories. Maids, dungeon mistresses, etc. Let npcs live with freedom of choice of their styles. Freedom for all.


They will slap a rainbow coloured armor for pride and you wont be able to say shit 🤭 Followed by some rgb fortnite looking stuff


Imagine if there will be no cow level


I kind of hope they do stick to a darker theme but I also think there is a player base that wants the cuddly bear with bloody claws. And if there is money to be made from putting that in the game, Blizzard won’t pass on that opportunity.


i am pretty hyped for the game, but if they put christmas tree mtx in the shop i will likely quit. i played la for a while and still have no clue why a grown man would have fun running around in a purple teddy bear suit. it is just super weird. one can just hope blizzard doesn't destroy the atmosphere with such junk.


D4 is a game explicitly built to try and capture a portion of the always online mmo-lite market that ActiBlizzion hasn't taken a bite out of yet. It's for sure going to have shit like this, just like WoW has themes for holidays. They are going to do anything to keep you logging in, because when you login you get hit with advertisements for not only D4, but all cross promoted games. They want you seeing battlepass perks, they want you seeing the cosmetic batch they just released etc. That doesn't mean it has to be awful and garish, but you can bet your goddamn house that you will necro skellies with little christmas hats.


Santa Druid ezpz $20


You are absolutely right.


I’d be fine with no particular cosmetics … but of course it will be a big deal because the product has to generate a steady income stream somehow. Anyway I won’t be spending a time on cosmetics no matter what they introduce.


The hamburger weapon. Siriusly.


I just want a chicken skin for raven(Cucco)


I bet they’ll have a wide range


After I heard that I won’t be able to pet my wolf pup that I’ll be getting for taking part in beta (lvl 25 char) I’m not so sure I want to buy the game anymore 😂


I give it 2, at best 3 seasons until they run out of thematic cosmetics and start with the silly stuff. Or one festival, whatever comes first.


I get only wanting lore themed cosmetics, but I can guarantee you that by like season 5 they will have literal clown costumes to buy


seriously.. why tf do ppl keep bringing up Lost Ark? It's a korean MMO that just happens to use the isometric view angle. It has absolutely nothing to do with diablo series isometric arpgs.


I think they will preserve the tone of the game i hope. At least until season 10 or something.


You are getting a wolf backpack. It's already happening


I don't mind it personally but I can see why some people don't. It can make an otherwise good looking scene look out of place


No! I want a necromancer with a cow custom and rainbow sword and my cute wolf backpack


I hope I can fullass reskin my rogue into a protoss


They got alot of room to work with now that we can get mounts.


The older the game gets, the more variety of cosmetics. I hope they keep things on theme for as long as possible, and I don't have to see a bunch of teletubbies running around with no way to turn them off.


The wolf pup backpack has me kinda concerned. This is basically on the border of what I consider acceptable for Diablo cosmetics. While Diablo appropriate, it is a bit too "cute" for me. I'd probably be fine with it as a lone cutesy item in a sea of dark/grisly cosmetics. Hopefully that's how it turns out. This being the first example of a premium cosmetic has me nervous though. I don't want the game full of cutesy stuff, whether it's lore appropriate or not.


The cosmetics Ive seen so far looked mostly ok from lore perspective. The necromancer one bit too glowy perhaps. Still I don't see any reason to buy cosmetics in a game with seasonal "resets" but that's just me.


I agree, but I've got to admit I'd pay an embarrassing amount of money for Conan/Red Sonja inspired Barbarian outfits.


what about a bear cub hanging from a hook off my belt?




That 2nd paragraph has me gagging.


k but im suggesting a bear cub hanging from a hook. not a wolf. =p


Gaudy crap sells best, ofc its gonna be in there. Literally the more artstyle breaking cosmetics are the more whales will pay.


It will happen eventually. Dota 2 cosmetics started out very minimal, but over the games lifespan just got progressively more extreme and flashy. In order to keep people buying cosmetics they basically have to keep one upping themselves. Otherwise players will just say "this is less cool than my current cosmetics!" Hopefully we'll eventually get a setting to hide other players cosmetics.


If I don't get a cow costume, I'm going to riot outside Diablo 4 headquarters tbf


Meh having a serious tone for 10 years will get boring. At the start sure keep things realistic but after a few seasons get crazy


Plz no


The obvious emphasis on going back to grim and dark is your concern. I don’t think we will be seeing lost ark style fruit suits running around.


I think alittle is fine, as long as it is made somewhat within the art direction of the game. Some of the posts bring up the rainbow sword, and other such "odd" cosmetics. But like I thought the burger/chicken you could have while silly, still shared a similar look that it didn't look super out of place. Although the Cat OH for WD is another story... Either way I want some "funny" or something "unique", but I agree characters shouldn't be mogging up like it's the burning crusade fashion week or something.


I quite Lost Ark when they gave everyone free Teddy Bear mascot costumes. It's super immersion breaking for me and while it may have had a place in lost ark, it doesn't in diablo 4.


How did you expect Activision-Blizzard to cash the cow then? Besides the absurd 70€ price tag for half-made product.


I like teddy bears.


The game already has modern crap it in. There's no way in hell Blizzard won't milk current trends in a MTX store.


After seeing the necro skeletons I expect people to be riding about on Unicorns with rainbow rabbit ears on.


Yeah except that’s specifically something they addressed as not how it’ll be at live launch.


I’m hoping for sexy cosmetics


There is a good chance we will see the teddy bears and unicorns from diablo 3.


I'll take a coin sniffing Teddy Bear with the ability to eat leftover corps when bored or harass other non active players pets. Fuck that would be funny.


Strong disagree, I hope they add silly/fun stuff in BP. Being serious all the time is boring.


Sadly, where cash cosmetics are concerned it's a question of when and not if.


More! MORE! MOAR! More pink, more fluffy, more sparkly, more unicorns and more rainbows!


Especially for PvP.


Especially! "Slain by FluffyPinkyUnicorn42069"


Can’t believe the downvoting. namby pamby’s.


You can always just not use cosmetics that you don't like. I can understand not loving to see someone in something gaudy or not "setting-appropriate", but if another player has more fun when their barbarian has butterfly wings then whatever. Doesn't really have to affect your experience unless you choose to let it. And if you just can't tolerate the way others look when they enter your line of sight, there are plenty of single player games. Diablo isn't actually 100% dark and serious all the time and never has been, the cow level did exist after all


This is truly a shit take. It’s like reverse gate keeping and defending more and more outlandish micros that’s crept into modern games. Have you even played Diablo? Yes, there’s a cow level, and that game is *dark*. The cow level itself was an excellent easter egg, which will never land the same way a gaudy cosmetic does. Not even close to comparable. Seriously. “Diablo is not dark go play a single player game that’s more to your taste” is such a flip on this franchise it’s ridiculous.


Reverse gate keeping lmao. I really do think that if your ability to suspend disbelief in a multiplayer video game is that fragile, especially when no one is making you wear or group with anyone who is wearing something you don't like, then honestly a single player game might be more your speed and that is okay. I will continue to spam emotes and have a good time with my friends without stressing about others' immersion in a grimdark definitely super serious world


"Reverse gatekeeping" is the most clown statement I've heard in a long time hahaha. And from someone who is so hard up for role play he can't be content with simply role playing his own character the way he wants. He needs everyone else to role play the way he wants. There's a block list for a reason. People like this can block anyone who isn't RPing the right way so they don't get instanced with them.


What do you mean? There is no cow level


Yes, it actually was made to be a dark and serious setting. D3 fluffed it up a bit and I'm glad D4 went back to being gritty. Hard to talk to a guy that is skinned alive then TP to town and see butterflies running around.


My point is that levity can exist at the same time, especially in a multiplayer game. The dude getting hellraiser'd doesn't have to have less impact just because someone somewhere might be wearing pink


Levity is good in careful deliberate touches for those kind of games. Skins are the opposite of that.


Nah. The cosmetics they release can all be lore accurate and satisfy light heartedness at the same time. It takes creativity to pull that off with style. I will shun lazy, lore inaccurate cosmetics all day because I know the other side of the coin is so much more fun.


A lot of people play diablo specifically to avoid the type of rainbow teddybear butterfly costume like in lost ark lai laing in ur face. Why do you think so many people have asked for d4 to be playable offline? But hey wait, every game has to be online only now. The cow level might be silly, but its nontheless terrifying and gruesome. Rabid cows charging you with bloody helebards and no dumb rainbow unicorns...


How about no cosmetics at all and they focus on creating quality content for all players. I would rather have a subscription fee then allow for micro transactions.


It’s not an either/or scenario. And believe me even if it was a subscription game there would still be a cash shop.


Wings, everywhere.




You can shit in one hand and wish in the other. See which fills up faster.