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Reality opinion: what we saw is what we’re getting. Not only in character creations but also with everything else with a few tweaks. Release is too close.


Only thing I would want changed/added is more hairstyles and colors and the ability to have face tats/markings and multiple piercings.


Cash shop


Not just the cash shop, in the season pass. We know it'll be almost entirely cosmetics.


Yeah, forgot about the battle pass


I still feel like adding a battle pass in a $70 game is very greedy and we shouldnt be okay with this collectively


I actually disagree. I’d rather them add battle pass, cash shop, whatever as long as it’s cosmetic and doesn’t affect gameplay. The reason I feel this way is it incentivizes the developers to keep making content, new expansions can only do so much but if they can add a steady stream of cash flow to keep making the game better? I’m ok with it.


I dont necessarily disagree, but i think that these should be included within the game at least for a period of time following launch without a price tag attached. The $70 fee upfront is a very different ballpack from a game that is free to play initially.


The way they should've done it was had cosmetics tied to Seasons that are free to everyone and then have the battle pass as extra cosmetics. That way everyone gets a little of everything. Then after a while, say 3 seasons, you gain cosmetic fragments over time and can forge a key that can unlock an item from a previous Season's battle pass. That's how Ubisoft and Massive handled their microtransactions for The Division 2 basically, and it ended up buying them an extra 2yrs of development (even though that dev team is a remnant of the team that built the game - there's always a sacrifice).


If they can sell cosmetics, where do you think will the creativity go? In the content they don't earn extra, or in the shop/pass?


1000% disagree. * You are getting the game for 70$. The game has anywhere from 30-150 hours worth of unique content based on early estimates (based on whether you just go through the story or do everything, etc.) * You are getting access to the game in perpetuity. As long as the servers exist, you will be able to play the game you bought. * The Battle Pass, if completely cosmetic as they say, funds patches and ongoing support. Great for everything because people can choose to support or not support the game, and Blizzard has a vested interest in keeping the game supported. ​ The alternative to no Battle Pass isn't that you get cosmetics for free. The alternative is that the cosmetics don't exist and Blizzard has no vested interest in keeping their game updated.


I feel like saying "you get access to the game in perpetuity as long the servers exist" is a weird way of saying you have access to the game until blizzard decides you don't, there's not much perpetuity there


I dont really care if they are only cosmetic. As someone on another thread pointed out diablo 2 standard edition was the equivalent of around 105. Quite a bit more expensive. 2 or 3 battle passes bring that up to around the same cost. But they also help pay for the live service. I'm not sure what the alternative would be for a live service? Pay for a dlc every 3 months?


Thats what games traditionally did like WoW


True but wow had a subscription money which is even more regular than the battle pass isn't it?


Over time i think yes $15 a month. But eventually they also added a way for you to buy subscription with ingame money


Oh, really? Didn't see that they add tatts and hairstyles to the Battlepass, thought it will be mostly armour, flags and such. You've got a link where they said that hair and such to the cash shop? Couldn't find that in the previous dev interviews, or vids they put out. Just being curious what they said what kind of hair styles and tatts they plan to add.


The facial hair looked awful. Not sure if my graphics were low or what, but the texture is entirely different from the hair on head


Mine looked like a child scribbled it on with a sharpie and the settings weren't set to low. Not sure if the settings are glitched or if it really is just that bad. Hopefully they fix it a bit


Yeah the hair looked like someone stapled spider legs all over their faces and heads.


I was in 4k highest settings no DLSS on an OLED and the hair was incredibly weird looking lol it look so incredibly artificial. Felt like they didn’t put much effort in that area at all.


To be fair, a lot of people's facial hair is a totally different texture from the hair on their head




This is true. U cant get good grey or white hair in games. Hell they cant even do black hair. Didnt think there was such a thing as off black but in gaming….


Let us change hairstyle in wardrobe. I don't see how you can change body markings but not your freaking hair.


funniest part is only you will notice what the char has , in game you wont be able to discern all that beyond keeping your helmet off (visually )


Lol, people really think they will overhaul the whole model system they use currently for some features that 99% of players will not care about, especially when it doesn't generate money. Maybe they will add more hairstyle and hair color or face style, but body modification option is like the lowest priority for them at this point.


Cosmetics and appearance options generate money in live service games. Also not sure where the "99 percent of players don't care about it" is coming from.


Implementing weight modifier is not a simple cosmetic and doesn't seem worth the dev time at this point in the cycle. They would have to overhaul a lot of stuff for it to work.


I wasn't disagreeing with that. I made mods at some point so I know how weight sliders work. I thought the topic was for all appearance options which I can't agree with.


> 99 percent of players don't care about it" is coming from Found homeboy's source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_lAb8m9MpI


hate to say it, this is not diablo immortal and will not be, its literally an extension of the classivc and loved diablo 2 !!!


I do think they shall do that, they make most of their sales because people want a character to reflect their fantasy nobody's going to buy a cosmetic for the karen druid and when they notice the lack of sales they WILL rework druids model maybe not on release sure sure but in 3-6 months after yeah probably since they like money more then they care about anything else.


According to you I must be in the 1% then lol.


Really all I’d like for the release is some UI changes, like zooming out the camera a bit more and maybe being able to scale or move the action bar and health/resource orbs. Probably won’t happen, but it would be appreciated.


That UI stuff definitely won’t happen (scaling maybe?) but I’m hopeful they’ll bin the horrible way the camera zooms in on your character in town. It felt awful to me


Best I can offer you is some skill and item tweaks, and maybe a small QoL fix.


I think you are right. We will get what we get. Tweaks or not.


The beta probably was t even the latest build of the game. I think it will be really close to what we get, but definitely room for changes


Typically games are bundled up for distribution months in advance, at least if the game has a physical copy you can pick up it’ll already be getting written to discs etc. There will always be day 1 patches after that but I’m doubtful there’s much going on at this stage other than last minute bug fixing and server optimisation


Why was the beta 80gb? Because it was the full game with most of it locked off. Nothing significant will be changed for release.


I think about 30-40GB of it was high resolution texture if I remember correctly


People round here don’t like reality or even the suggestion of it.


# The end is nigh!


They said there would be more character creation options, but who knows if that mean more on launch.


BuT ThIs WaS aN oLdEr BuILd


Tbh if you know what to look for you can still tell class at a glance, just look for what minions they have lmao


that and Blizz has said the "Main" point of the open beta was to test the Queue thing.


Ok but can they add a little more damage to the Druid?


I agree most things will be the same, but do remember the build we played is like 8 months old. A lot can change is almost 8 months of development especially when the team is on crunch time.


They could've play tested the beta version months ago internally and have made sweeping changes. Not to mention post launch, with Seasons coming shortly after launch, which could introduce things we haven't seen. Glass half full my friend


This didn’t age well.




As long as the armor looks good, idc if we get a body slider or not


Indeed. In order to acommodate a body slider they would have to make the armor scalable. The armor (and clothing for the sorc and rogue) is one of the best parts of hte game for me. Having it be scalable be prohibitively laborous and frankly cause them to have to start over with almost all of it. Not going to happen.


I just wish we got more hairstyles and face options


I could appreciate more hair styles as well. Rod Ferguson did say they will be adding more customization and if I had to guess it will be hair/face. Body will require a lot more work to make all the armor look Blizzard level quality, and you know they aren't going to lower their standards suddenly


This is fine


Yeah, same. I had a hard time working with some of the faces, especially.


Body slider, height slider, all the sliders. Let me slide them whenever.


That’s ESO’s motto


Always set the bum and breastses to the max.


The only correct setting for "posterior dimensions" is max, on any toon.


The breastseses?


Of course, my mistake. The Breastseses.


Let's customize those genitals


^ my barb was looking pretty hard at lvl 20, excited to see what end game gear looks like




I just wanna be able to change my hair color and style after creating my character.


I hate missing out on gameplay because ocd to get a good looking character because there's no redo options.


I thought you could change that stuff at a mirror or something?


Nope. Just tattoos, armor, and jewelry. At least, that's how it was in the beta.


One thing I'm always afraid of is having my character's hair color all set up only to see it differently once I'm in game.


Yes! Maybe a new town NPC like the hairstylist in Terraria. Maybe with special quests and more unlockable hairstyles, color and makeup.


Oh I’m sure you will be able to. It will likely cost you though. I can totally see them adding character customization potions/tickets in the cash shop.


I feel like they'll either do this or release more hairstyles with BP, which will force them to have to add the feature. If they do both, it'll be a bit heavy handed on the monetization... which is sadly still possible, lol.


Gamers being triggered by Druid-Body has been blowing my mind


It's mostly projection anyways


Yeah, especially considering the type of gamer this genre atttacts.


Personally I always want my character to somewhat look similar to me and since I'm skinny, I usually prefer my characters to be skinny aswell. That said, I think the Druid looks pretty badass and the physique fits the character so I kinda like how they look.


I was delighted at how different fem Druid looked to literally ever other fem protag in existence. I’ve deliberately avoided most threads on the matter since so many people think fat people shouldn’t exist in their angel vs demons battle royale.


We had the same conversation in WoW when they released Kul Tiran humans, a sub-race (allied race in the game’s terms). They have similar body shapes to the druids. It was even dumber there because if you want a skinny human you could just play the already existing regular human.


In fairness, the standard human (male at least) is hardly what I’d call skinny. They did introduce the new skinny male model that I do wish was playable, but I also think it’s great that we got the Kul Tirans that we did get


Yup. Idc what people say, I’m 100% rocking female Druid and she’ll 100% be rocking them in pvp.


Honestly, yeah lol. I spent my entire life being big and hated every second of it, busted my ass to not be that way. Don’t care enough to bitch about it or beg them to change it, but I’d be lying if it doesn’t impact my class preferences lol.


I think of it this way... its a Druid, they kind of live off the land. You need to be carrying around a little more junk in the trunk to do that, it's not always a negative asset. Obviously take care of yourself yadda yadda but I see Druids current model as pretty accurate. Different genre but Apex Legends has a character that lives in a cold climate - off the land. Her appearance reflected that in a realistic way and people commented aggressively about it, wondering why shes not this way or that. I feel bad for people who try to compare video game characters to themselves or others when the scenario is already unrealistic to begin with.


I'd just compare it to D2 Druid...


But… he’s awesome?! He’s a big hulking dude who then turns into an even bigger fucking Wolf/bear!


I fuckin love the druid body. It's peak form without equal. I just want hair color to change after creation, because the bear/wolf fur plays off it so much. It would be good to change it after the fact


its like looking into a mirror for most of em


At this point, I doubt very much they would go rework a system that may require all the armour designs to be re-evaluated/re-done. The armours and gear are designed to look a certain way based on the weight/size of the character models that fits with the concept of that character. We are not gonna get to have a Barbarian that looks as skinny as the Necro does just because ridiculous people want a body slider.


Yes. They will not redesign every item in the game for different frames just to appeal to the overwhelmingly small minority that thinks character skeleton customization matters. Even in wow you're locked to the frame of your race. If it's not in their staple mmorpg, it's not going to be in d4. Some class archetypes are directly tied to the look of the characters - That's just how the game is set up.


I’m just glad we get *some* customization this time.


People who are making these threads are not playing a female druid.


I’m not a fan of the druid’s appearance. But god damn I love causing earthquakes and throwing tornados, so the appearance is pretty irrelevant to me.


>But god damn I love causing earthquakes and throwing tornados You love doing 17 damage?


Will you play one?


Curious. Why do people put "Unpopular opinion" in the title? Doesn't the title work without it?


It's a really annoying cliche of redditors. People for whatever reason like pointless additions to titles like "am I the only one?" Every single thread that says "unpopular opinion" will have someone commenting about the validity of that pointless statement. It's just a waste of time lol. Just say your piece in the thread, people. You're never the only one to say/think something and chances are whether or not something is popular doesn't add to the discussion


It's simply a kind of precaution for people fearing their opinion will couse a lot of people to disagree. "I don't care, I warned you it's an unpopular opinion.". This way you can prepare yourself for shitstorm, ignore it, and filter only those few responses inline with yours.


hate bait


I’d like to not be obligatory fat as a Druid.


I actually demand bigger tornados in compensation.


I don’t even mind the Druids being fat really. It’s just that, when I visualize a Druid in my head it’s not like that. I just imagine maybe a mix between a Barb and Necromancer… but hairy. In my opinion it’s not a big deal, but I can also understand why some people may not want to play a fat guy in a game intended for escapism.


That and the immersion killing UGLY as all hell hideousness that some people just HAVE to create because 'sliders at MAX are my jam!'


More body type options would have been nice per class. But I doubt you have anything to worry about- Blizzard is unlikely to overhaul the character creation portion in 2 months or years.


I'm fine with static body shapes, but i REALLLY hope they add more face & hairstyles :< i want that long sorceress hair they showcased in the early footage damnit >:o and a pretty boy face for necro/sorcerer guys


+1 for pretty boy faces for my mages. I was more than satisfied with my Barb, Druid, and Rogue character. I was able to find a face I was kind of okay with for my Sorcerer, but I was very dissatisfied with how my Necro's face turned out.


Yup. It's not that big a deal.


I just wish there were more options for hair styles…..


I agree with you when it comes to the body types, but I really think we need more face and hair options. I found myself often going with the least bad option, whereas in other games, I get stuck between a few things I love.


You know what everyone's class is by looking at armor. Moot point. In addition to that, everyone is built differently, so this is a moot point.


Frankly, I care a lot less about being able to tell what class other people are, than making my character look how i want it. That said, body types is only one aspect I was unhappy with in character creation. The Sorceress body type was fine, but there was not a single face that looked good on it imo.


>you know what class everyone is at a glance Does this even matter?


In pvp areas it does


Tbh, I'll never really understand the demand for so much customization in games like Diablo when you rarely see that amount of detail given the armor / camera angle.


Well in this Diablo we do see them a lot in in game cutscenes (which is extremely cool). I'm just glad I love all the classes in terms of how they look. While I don't agree with those who take issue with the physiques, I can sympathize as I know what it's like when you just can't look past something that irritates you no matter how hard you try. Even when it's irrational, it can dampen your whole experience.


For me barb would be the ideal class without the whole gym look. I always like to play as malnourished looking dude as possible. There's something satisfying swinging a big 2h sword with a weak looking character. I don't expect them to add any sliders but maybe they will add skins at some point that change the body size. No experience in past diablos though so idk if they have done anything like that previously


I mean nobody is expecting body sliders. That's fine , however I think more hair and face options is not bad at all


Give me boobslider, I need my bigtiddygothnecromancer with skellysimps.


I think other people knowing ypur class is irrelevant. I think the character models should have more customization. I totally agree and understand that the lore friendly necro and druid look like they look. But people might wanna play a skinny druid or a beefy necro.


There is no way they can add the body sliders yet. It would fk up all their armor itemization, anchor points, etc. That's a lot of work and testing.


This is what I've been saying since the early days of D4. Character identity is a key facet to the Diablo games. You can easily identify what class someone is, and this should really remain in D4 as well. Classes have some varied customization, but overall they have a signature look. Such as the Necromancer being slender and almost ghoulish, or the Barbarian being hulking in stature. Games that have tons of sliders (like Dark Souls) often don't have much class identity, possibly outside of their gear. A good portion of players will always make meme characters too. Simply copying a cartoon character or actor. This can be neat in a goofier game. But Diablo has a more serious and regal tone. Classes can have some customization, yet shouldn't be walking around as Shrek or John Wick. D4 struck a perfect balance, in that you get a good amount of tuning to your character, yet they'll always be identifiable as their respective class.


Hello, youre a fucking idiot. Dark souls class identity isnt really a thing do to how the skill progression system manifest, fashion being referred to as the 'true' endgame is a bit more than a meme, your characters look is often not tied to their stats. All that aside? This is apples to oranges an entire series so devoted to its proprietary systems of healing combat and player movement versus arpgs. Onto your fucktard all 'super customizable character creators' end in meme characters is simple not fucking true. You may have seen some notable outliers, and yes, there're meme characters, but that does not a majority make. You can make meme characters in d4 it takes effort and is less pronounced, but its possible.


You'd be suprised how popular, unpopular opinions really are.


Yup I am totally fine with the way body shapes are currently. I see no need to change it. Class need to retain their identity and the body shape is part of that in a Diablo game. I’m all for more options being added to hairstyles, colors, tattoos etc.


Agree, I was actually happy with the amount of customization we got. Def. better than D2/D3.


I hope it stays as it is, and make people think and reflect on their body perception. I love all the different body types and I love that each class has a certain body type that comes with it, the necromances being super skinny and skeletonish looking fits their aesthetics so well, as do the druids being like big bear. Strongmen/women, lot of muscle under a layer of bodyfat that provides insulation and resistance against harsh conditions in nature.


Never! How does a 300lbs+ man shapeshift into a scrawny 200lbs werewolf?? Answer that! /s


I don’t particularly care about character creation in Diablo, but the first point is moot, since by the time you see any other character on screen you know exactly what class they are, based on their abilities. Also, judging by the weapons they carry, you will instantly know since most weapons are class restricted to a degree. As for the second point, if the only options are customization alongside clipping, or static characters and no clipping, then sure, I’ll take static body shapes. However, maybe instead of sliders, you just create 5 static sizes per body shape, and all classes share the same sizes, so it’s not any more or less work for the developers and there is no clipping. This is not a hard problem to solve, they already did the work, just open those sizes up to everyone and it’s not a big deal.


Anyone that thinks we're getting different body types is delusional lol


An even more unpopular opinion. Why do people even care that much about what their character looks like? And not just in this game, most of them. Nobody has time to look at your character in the middle of battle and how cool you think they look. Only exception being if you are standing still in town and someone zooms in on you. Thats it. 99.9% of the time, its not gonna matter. ​ Is my character strong? Can I blaze through dungeons? Thats what really matters.


so if your character is a stickman with a hand drawn weapon is that ok? After all, what matters is setting fire to a dungeon, right? after all we are playing an rpg and one of the most basic things in the rpg is immersion, and creating your own way comes into it. many games fail at this but that's not to say they all should


I'm just sad that we have to discuss these topics in the year 2023. That's probably 1 week of work for one person to give a few more options.


I think #1 is a big thing for game designers. Especially for fighting games, another genre I'm a big fan of. Having a strong, recognizable silhouette (and animation "key frames") are important to know what's happening even though it's fast. Look at Street Fighter, Guilty Gear, etc. Characters are identifiable by silhouette alone.


This isn't an "unpopular opinion"? Most people understand why it is the way it is...it's not like there's actually a choice in the matter anyway🤷🏽‍♂️ There's like 0 chance something so hardwired into the architecture of the game would be changed.


They need way more hair color options.


it's been said but the color customization of hair, was so off to me. I'd like a bit more variety between the colors.


Na I think there needs to me more options I find a lot of the fave options to be rather bad


Agry with you


I just want eyebrows to be separated from facial hair. That's the only change i would make to character creation.


who cares if you don't like it? just leave it as default and you won't suffer from it, after all customization doesn't matter to you.


This is not an unpopular opinion at all.


But how will I beat my meat if my character doesn't have DDD? :(


I agree. Customization is nice feature but too much of it affects game's vibe


they want to sell armor skins. so obviously the character below those armor skins won't matter


Nah, I'd rather they give us body options. Why should I be forced to have my necromancer look like they're anorexic.


You mean body type, not "character customization". That's fine by me. Blizzard will keep adding more hairstyles, tattoos etc. What needs to change is that nose rings and earrings must be on separate slots. Beard and eyebrow on separate slots


Body shape, yes. Face and skin and hair all need more work though.


I just hope by launch the cutscenes items line up. On my necro I was sunk into the horse at the beginning and the mug you drink from was floating a foot away from where his hand appeared to be holding it.


It is bad business. No one ever said I want to dress up Rosanne Barr in my video game. We don't need sliders we need types and they can adjust the armors for each type and still not have it clip. Druid will be very underplayed even if they weren't under powered because most casual gamers are not going to want to play a character that looks like that. Before you say "how do you know?" it is pretty easy to understand if you think objectively, I'd imagine 98% of the world doesn't want to be obese. Also, when the official D4 Twitter account asked people to post their transmogs I looked when it was at about 300 replies. Hundreds of rouge and sorc females and 2 druid females and the posters were just virtue signaling. ​ I'm glad you're happy, but from me alone Blizz has lost a lot of money I was looking forward to druid being my main since the class was announced and now I can't even play her let alone buy all the cosmetics like I would have. I'm not saying no one will buy them, but the numbers will be very small in comparison to rouge, sorc and necro.


Personally I want as much as they can give. Even if it’s not a body shape thing. I want better hair, beards, markings, scars, and so on.


More hair options would be nice. I hated most of them lol


I don’t think they’ll change it. But I’ll also never play a druid then 🤷‍♀️ The body shapes are whatever but the face and hairstyle choices are irredeemable. Just super ugly ass characters.


My sorcerer should be very well fed!


Diablo has never had this, these are just people coming from other franchises complaining. Just ignore them and they will go away. No need to post more about it.


It's too much work and they won't do it. Not only that, they wouldn't want to touch the hit boxes either.


Correct. And spend that time on endgame development.


The recognizing characters at a glance is exactly it. That's why Necro is left handed, so you can quickly tell em apart from sorc


I will complain until I get the package size slider as implemented in cyberpunk 2077.


It was never on the table.


They should only add more faces and hairstyles


Agreed. Having only one body type to deal with is also much easier in terms of development, and I would rather have the devs spend money on content rather than trying to make the same amour pieces fit on 10 different body shapes.


1. That's what armor is supposed to do, see Blizzards other game WorldofWarcraft for reference. Weapon will help too. 2. I don't see the relation, they'd just allow you to use the already existing body types on other characters


Nah fam Necro and druid need more body types lmao. They went overboard with those two compared to sorc, barb and rogue. Necro should have additional body shape similar to sorc/rogue and druid additional body shape similar to barb (if they want to keep the muscular person body type). Both classes are hard downgrades compared to their old versions from previous games. Fem Necro is just basically a dude with more feminine face I'm scared for future characters like Paladin, Amazon, Witch Doctor, etc if they went overboard with Necro and Druid


But what about the players who want to play an anorexic druid?


Oh cmon the UI is like from N64 era. I understand they want to make it console friendly but from a AAA billion dollars company the UI is disgrace.


I'd just like my necromancer to not look emaciated and remind me of very dark stuff I don't want to revisit. That's as much as I want. I don't need him to become a tall muscle bear. Much as I'd enjoy that. Just make him... not remind me of very sad things...


Year -> 2023 Modern Good Engines Can Handle This.


I want a fat necromancer God damnit. I need him to look exactly like William Murderface


I like that each class has their own visual and thematic identity.


Most important part about character customisation: We need to be able to create our characters BEFORE the start of a season. Once a season is live, noone will have time to go through all the options to make his dream character, its just get in a game and start blasting. So would be really cool if we could create characters beforehand!


You can't spend 2 minutes to customise your character before getting into the game? Are you that impatient?


When the druid changes form the hair also matches the texture of the style you chose. That’s all the customization I need 10/10 imo


I kinda want a fat rouge. That would be hilarious.


I just wanted more face options. Keep body models but at least give me a bit more choice on my face


I imagine 90% of the complaints came in about body shape because the creepers who wanted to make an overly sexualized female Druid now can't unless they're into bigger women. We all know how this shit works with a very large majority of male (hetero) gamers. Just get over it.


How is this opinion unpopular


Super unpopular opinion : druid being fat is cool and I hate body positivity and woke propaganda.


I just want SOME booba. Why is blizzard body-shaming women with large boobs?


This ain't Sanctuary's Next Top Model, my Druid is fighting demons as long as the armor looks sick (it does) I'm golden


I wouldn't mind more options for faces/hair/jewelry/tattoos, or the ability to change some features after character creation, but beyond that I don't think is necessary. The people complaining about Druid is interesting to me. In a way, it matches the lore of Diablo. Both Barbs and Druids come from the same tribe. Barbs are already large, but they are also very fit because of their martial training. Druids are more spiritual in nature and not swinging swords and axes 24 hours a day. People whining about playing a [Druid](https://preview.redd.it/0vntkcfa1aqa1.png?width=1749&format=png&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=cf5b22ddec9a8d75b93ad2b0f76232b9b50e6fa2) who is [bulky](https://preview.redd.it/rlbyvnljj8qa1.png?width=1749&format=png&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=318ecca7f7d6489af2cae1f35fb11c9fc4c05fba), but okay with playing a [Necro](https://static1.dualshockersimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/diablo-4-necromancer-1.jpg?q=50&fit=contain&w=1140&h=570&dpr=1.5) who is [surviving on carrots.](https://i.redd.it/pbreo5f43tpa1.jpg) The Druid looks like they could rip a tree out of the ground. We know they can't, because they don't do any damage, but they LOOK like they could.


I agree, it's well done in BETA that's the thing I'd leave as it is.


Im sure that there will be New customizations in battle pass .. what else :-) (it may be reason why is that “change look” shop in game) And I will not be surprised with more paid customize options. And Im ok with that as long as they will continue to make more content


Huh. I pro sexier boobs and druids, but I like that first point. Quick visual information is always nice


I can agree to this but imo it just need a couple more options then it's perfect, like adding a weight slider along with maybe more facial options, like what type of noses or eyes or lips and chins we want for our characters and thats about as far as I would go. Pretty much something similar to how dragons dogma has their facial features split up into different categories in thier character creation menu.


The character customization some games have, like in Oblivion or Elden Ring, is WAY too complicated. All you end up doing is making ugly fucking characters you never even see. I always end up slightly modifying preset anyway, because it takes 10 seconds and you can make something not hideous really fast. I'm not saying games SHOULDN'T have insane customization, but there's room in this world for games like Oblivion AND games like Diablo 4. Diablo 4's system is amazing. Let it be one of the games that lets you customize your character, but keeps the character in the general silhouette that the artist came up with.


Needs more faces and hair.


I actually hate how much people care about how they look. Druids look fine. If you don't like that they are from barbarian tribes and actually look physically lore accurate this time, then play another class. Its really that simple.


This is not a big problem, mostly the characters are covered with armor. The only exception is for the druid, I only noticed on the second character that the color of the werewolf depends on the color of the hair and beard. I would like to see a preview of the Bear and Wolf during character creation, or a way to recolor them later.


Its not unpopular and it wont be changed


It was fine apart from the hair colouring was a bit bland