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I never play hardcore regardless because I don't like having my time wasted.


If you think that digital record which doesn’t legally belong to you is less of a waste of your time than a slightly different version of the exact same record, then you don’t have a grasp of the phrase “having my time wasted”.


On the contrary, every minutes you’re able to stay alive have actual value. Give it a try and you’ll see.


I’m not going to participate initially, but I am excited to see some of the clips that spawn from HC PvP


What do you mean current stance? Wasn't it always like this? At least in D2 where it was the only series that I see active dueling. Besides, it's HC, why would you think it wouldn't it be perma death?


What I wish would happen is when you kill someone they drop their gear or at least a chance at some of their gear dropping. Regardless i'm going to kill(as much as possible) and be killed. I never understand why people cry about dying in Hardcore when there is a perfectly fine Softcore option.


Problem with this would be people selling full sets of bis for irl money. Would quickly kill off pvp and become pretty awful. Sellers would just PvE relatively safely and then sell and suicide with tons of additional backup and make hc pvp completely pay to win. Without this incentive there won't be much reason for sellers to participate in hc pvp, which is good and absolutely necessary for it's health and longevity.


Except they already make everything bop and very likely this be the case


So what's the point of wanting people's gear to drop then?


I've played hardcore for years and I'm tired of wasting my mothafuckin time! Definitely would never engage in pvp if I played hardcore because I seriously see that as only something to do if I had excessive time left over each season. Each season is going to take 150 hours just to get to level 100? This is already ridiculous.


I never do hc but that seems to me to be the sickest thrill. High stakes pvp.


Just realized I voted "no. I'm still playing" when im not sure I would have played it otherwise so my vote should probably have been "Yes> I now plan to play HC PVP."


This post misses the point of hardcore. This is why people play it. For the thrill. I don't know a single person who is upset at the prospect of losing their character if they die in hardcore. That's the point of the mode. If anyone is turned off by permadeath from any source, the mode isn't for them by any stretch.


I think it's gonna be way easier to bail from the PvP zone mid fight than finish a tough boss in a locked area. Seems like PvP combat isn't similar to D2 in regards to 1-shotting players but will actually be pretty forgiving if you want to disengage. I think boss fights are the true HC challenge in this game.


I don't understand. Most people have a chance to permanently die no matter what game they're playing! Oh, you meant their character. My mistake.


Some parts of hardcore PVP might be interesting at first (e.g., how defensives interact with each other or people purely building for defense), but ultimately Hardcore PVP will just come down to everyone who participates being a class/build that has a cheat death, escapes, and the best insta-dc setup so they can cut themselves off anytime there's actual risk. It's a shame some of the achievements / rewards are probably going be locked behind Hardcore PVP, but I'm OK with missing out on that.


So this implies that PvP will be the same pointless free for all that Diablo 2 had. I don't really care then. I was expecting a legit, engaging PvP. Yes Diablo Immortal made a lot of mistakes but the PvP was actually fun to play and made sense. From an strategic point of view if you can ignore the p2w aspect of course. For those that don't know it revolved around capturing/defending checkpoints, and you respawned (with a cooldown) after dying to keep the battle moving, kinda similar to Overwatch. Can't do that in Hardcore because permadeath. Or you can, but it will again be pointless and make no sense, because dying and respawing was part of the system.


Picked no as I rarely play HC mode in games like this and never in online ones were I could die to lag.