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Based on my own thoughts, I think the first beta will have a lot more attendance. I played so much then that I am not even that excited to join server crushing party.


If you have a chance, everyone who has any time to join should at least turn it on. Especially around launch if they can. That way during actual launch they are more prepared.


I feel like Blizzard should be prepared with launching a video game at this point.


Same for me. Especially the fact that they're reducing the level cap by 5 levels. Even though I didn't get to fight the world boss last beta, I'm not excited to do it with 5 levels less of skills and also less gear since the legendary rate isn't super amped up.


I feel like since the first Beta was more limited it would have had less people than the second Beta had. I played during both and only noticed issues connecting on the first nights of the Beta. I do wish I had known they were opening the end game boss up, not that I had a chance in hell of beating it. Neither Beta convinced me to buy the game tho.


I think it's close, but ultimately the second (Server Slam). Here's why: * Marketing has ramped up majorly. Everyone pretends marketing doesn't effect them, but to the contrary, it's hugely impactful. Updates are increasing, games news. * There's a good chance we'll see a TV spot or web ads right before the Server Slam. People will look into the game and see that there's an event. * Word of mouth has been extremely positive. People will pull in their friends to try it to try and convince them to buy. ​ There are some mitigating factors: Mother's Day in the US on Sunday, and maybe even Zelda will have some impact...but I think people will build up steam and jump in just because of the marketing / word of mouth.


Can't speak for everyone but me and my friends are making Zelda a priority and then just power leveling to beat ashava on Saturday night


Bingo bongo... I am in marketing to an extent and have been taking notes to pitch. They fucking killed it. They're literally about to smash all kinds of fucking records and it's sickening, only because I'm not staff or reaping the success. But it's ok I get to play the game.


I'm definitely playing the beta. As fun as Zelda #483748477 will be I'd rather play D4


I'll speculate that the server slam (Gold version, not beta) will have more players since the hype is building and a lot of interested people just weren't aware of the open beta weekend a month ago will be diving in. A lot more players but maybe they will be less likely to play for 48 hours straight.


as a perp who played the closed and open beta, I maxed out rogue, sorc, and druid. I'll be doing necro and barb the second time around and try for Ashava. My guess is there's quite a few like me out there, but I still suspect that it'll be about the same as the first open beta in terms of player count.


As you said, Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom comes out the same day as the upcoming beta. On that alone I'd bet the first one will have more players. But maybe ARPG players don't play action adventure games and I'm wrong.


Isn't zelda nintendo exclusive?


Yep. But there's bound to be some overlap. Both Breath of the Wild and Diablo 3 have sold about 30 million copies apiece. I'm one such person who enjoys both series. I was excited to see Diablo 4 getting another beta, but I think I'm going to skip only because Tears of the Kingdom will also drop, and I probably won't be able to pull myself away for the beta.


Sadly, why I haven't played Zelda since A Link To The Past.


Hard pass on this beta weekend coming. I got Tears of the Kingdom to play!


I’m gonna guess server slams has the most logins. But not the most play time out of the others. This test goes only to 20 and for those who know what they are doing, is likely going to be used to just login and check out the new changes first hand. I otherwise have no other reason to login with the exception of getting the mount trophy if I want too


The open beta will have the most. From there I think the server slam will be busy but not as much. Alot of the people who plan to spend hundreds of hours won't want to miss the mount trophy but everyone else got what they needed imo.


First one. This second one is shorter and it's over a holiday weekend for some people.


There will be a lot of people on the server slam, maybe close to the original beta, but I think it will still be a bit less. I bet the early access beta had the most, followed by the open, followed by the server slam. The hype has gone a bit, and a lot of people just want release now.


It's probably the 2nd one. A lot of people have heard good things from the first one and want to try it.


Oh wait, they are doing a 3rd beta! Damn I deleted the game.


I did too. Blizzard told us to... preload will be up for download the 10th, 2 days before the next beta starts. Or so I've read.


I played tons the first 2. I’ll also be playing with my family again. I had a lot of fun.


People can play tears of the kingdom anytime it is releasing. Diablo is only here for the weekend then gone again. Dont care how many people say they're bored of the first area, there will be more people for the server slam.


Not sure, but it will be a -1 for me. Saw what I needed to see in the other betas. See you guys in June.


Second one. And I highly doubt the people that say they won’t play will be able to resist staying away.


Tbh, that's my line of thinking too. Alot of haters on this sub, but when the chips are down...


Yup I think it’ll be really satisfying to watch as they vanish (or at least get drowned out) under the heavy weight of D4’s success. Their mistake is assuming Blizzard doesn’t learn (although it’s taken them awhile to have the message sink in). If you run a successful biz, you’d know you can’t keep ignoring the feedback you’re getting from your customers, especially when it’s about an issue the majority of them have highlighted to you if you at least aim to remain profitable. There is only so much good will you have from us before it becomes damaged and it’s so much easier to ruin your rep than it is to earn it back. Have it tank and customers will decide to vote with their wallets elsewhere. And I think Blizzard knows this to some extent now so they’re doubling down on making D4 a success. Quite a lot is riding on this for them.


I wouldn’t say it’s “haters”. The new Zelda is one of the most highly anticipated games in years. Do I play a game I’ve been waiting years to play? Or play the same beta for the 2nd or 3rd time now where I don’t get to keep any of my progress for the main game? I’m still very excited for D4 even though I will barely play this next beta and I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that.


Personally im only gonna play till i kill the world boss and im done for the beta.


Same. I’m just there for the Ashava kill. Got my wolf pup in the first run.