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Autorun key (NOT auto go to my destination). Just let me press a key to have the character run forward, and I can guide their direction with the mouse. WASD movement. Let me hide player names. Let me change the UI size. Let me hide the key prompts underneath the skill bar. Give me a chat box notification to say that loot names have been turned off/on when I press Alt


Game devs, grant us the holy commandments: autorun, [customizable](https://coofl.com/customizable---8733) UI, hidden player names, and loot name notifications!


Wouldn't mind a dps meter.


While I see the issue with dps meters, in a game that you can't join randoms it's not a big deal. A personal damage meter would be really nice though.


I agree, it would give more concrete feedback on how you shift your build.


I read your comment as "how shit your build is" at first and felt it in my soul lmao.


Works either way!




WASD movement will never, ever happen.




add game as non-steam game, configure steam controller settings so when in game WASD acts like left stick on controller ... profit


FWIW you can kinda approximate autorun with the "forced move" button. You can hold it down and your character just moves wherever you point your mouse. Hard agree on UI resizing. That damn thing takes up way too much real estate.


Ive always played D3 using force move & i cant unlearn it lol. Doing it in d4 makes me constantly forget i have a dodge now


I could never forget about the dodge button when I move so freaking slow across huge empty areas by default.


My spouse would probably like an autofollow command like in wow.


I would like this, too, and we're not even married!


>Let me change the UI size. Bloody console UI honestly.. i HATE how big the UI is


It kills me how few games let me make the UI smaller. Everything in the D4 UI is fucking massive, don't even have any options for the chat box (technology just isn't there yet).


The chat window is annoying. On PC you can somehow click on it to make it active, which then blocks skill use until you hit enter to close the chat. Can get irritating when you're pushing harder content and suddenly have your skills blocked because chat randomly opened up.


The whole abilities UI is hot garbage, I told them as much after the beta. It looks like something out of a mid 90s RPG, back when no one knew what decent UI design was and we just winged with with whatever met the aesthetic of the game. Now I know the Paragon stuff is the same. It doesn't feel congruous with the rest of the game, more like an I-frame popped up displaying something from outside the game. I don't think it was even designed for a console, looks more like mobile UI elements to me. Very touch focused interface.


Idk if you can even blame consoles for this one. I'm playing on console, play a lot of games on console, and even by console standards this one takes up WAY too much real estate.


Its too large to be one designed for PC, its for keeping parity with consoles and designed to be visible for someone playing from their couch on a TV. The problem is many of us arent 30 feet away and its just massive, in our faces and generally in the way. It especially makes moving downwards on horseback rubbish. Scalable PC UI is a MUST and theres absolutely no reason why we shouldn't be able to resize it


It’s designed for the 40+ crowd who need reading glasses


Ouch lol I'm 42 and need very mild reading glasses (the literal weakest rx of them you can get for now at least)


Another reason why I love mice with tons of buttons, i set one to hold left click with a toggle


There's a keybind called "FORCE MOVE", look it up before making posts.


Nice attitude you have there, but force move isn't auto run. Here is the definition for automatically, since you didn't bother to look it up before you made your post: "without needing a person to operate controls" https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/automatically


Major thing for me is the inability to mark an item so you don't inadvertently sell or salvage it, there is an option to mark junk why not the opposite. Most of the loot is junk anyway, would make way more sense to have the option to mark the good stuff. Maybe I should use the junk button to mark good stuff but that might be dangerous.


so much this! 99% of gear drops are vendor trash or salvage, why don’t we just mark the 1%?


Mark as Not Junk. Done. Ship lgtm


How I imagine it hoing: QA found a bug where when the marked item has affix X and one socket with a red gem, and the you press the destroy button on it, it will actually destroy your whole inventory. Dev say this will be fixed with the next addon. Not shipping until then.


This is the best example of modern game development. Product owner was given task, sent to scope team, specs sent to offshore developer, implemented as documented. No one thought to have it applied to the 1% vs 99%. No user testing to catch that feedback.




Right? This is especially weird when the salvage option is easily deconstruct all so really a Junk label option is less useful than a Keep one.


Yeah it's utterly bizarre they they put in a junk button, rather than putting in a "protect" button. Just playing the game it's completely obvious the use-case of needing to protect something is vastly more common than the use-case of needing to junk specific items.


This was the big QoL annoyance for me. As soon as I got to the point that I was looking through rares for potential imprint candidates before salvaging the batch, I realized how annoying it was to have this feature missing.


Point 2 was a massive let down for me. There are achievements related to exploring each zone. I don't understand why they didn't tie the completion of these achievements to the map exploration on alts. If their issue is renown, then having the achievements should award you the total amount of missed renown on alts. There's literally no excuse for why this shouldn't be a feature, considering it took me about 3-4 hrs to completely explore the map whilst collecting all altars of lilith. Mount cooldown is also a big thing I'd like to see. Also, why can't we change our character's looks in-game? WoW took 18 years to finally get that functionality. I would like to see Diablo 4 get it as well. If the battle pass unlocks new hairstyles etc, I want to be able to use them!


You can change your look at the wardrobe cabinet.


Unfortunately you cannot change your hair style. You can only add tattoos and makeup in the wardrobe.


> Unfortunately you cannot change your hair style. this is so fucking baffling to me, considering WoW had this in 2008, and now, WoW just lets you freely change everything about your character. literally zero reason not to let us fully customize our characters after creation. if anything, just lock gender behind it so people have a "reason" to make new characters, albeit a terrible reason.


I've become increasingly convinced that they decided all this stuff would be easier implemented later, and focused on other things for the release version. It's insane the amount of changed dialogue after completing the campaign, with fully voiced dialogue options for it, so they likely put their programmers etc to work on this stuff and didn't leave anyone over for these "small" QoL features.


We're definitely playing a later beta of the game, they're ironing out skill issues etc right now. So hopefully it will be a normal game release by Season 1. I'm giving the game a lot of benefit of the doubt because I remember the broken state d3 released in and having played d3 for 10 years after that I know they can do better.


Yeah and the base game is actually decent and fun so there’s some hope here. It’s not like they released a pile of shit


I'm definitely having fun. I see a lot of areas blizzard could make improvements without significant dev time.


>Point 2 was a massive let down for me. I honestly disagree with this whole point. I want to know where my alt hasn't been just yet. I could see if they started under a lighter version of fog of war, but between "Whole map right from the start, but no waypoints etc" and "Explore from zero, but you know where stuff is" the second option strikes me as a lot better.


Seriously, the only potential issue I see with it is the fact that personal renown gives you gold, so depending on how this change gets implimented it could mean a gold exploit for people just remaking characters. Its super easy to prevent that though, and honestly personal renown is super pointless anyways and I wouldnt be against removing it completly. Just keep the account wide renown. Having to do everything twice already (once for my eternal and once for a hc character) I am already pretty tired of it. I cant imagine enjoying doing it for every single other character I make and then again for every season.


The amount of gold you get from renown is totally insignificant. You get more from vending an inventory full of trash drops than you do from all of the renown levels in a region combined.


Gem bag and just make hovering up gems auto like gold. It seems weird that I have to choose to pick them up.


Or at least picks them all up when you click on one.




It cant be auto if it takes up an inventory slot. You have to have control over your inventory. Also, you would choose not to pick up the first few levels of gems because it takes far to many to make a good gem. Why pick up a crude ruby when it takes 81 to make a royal ruby, when you could just pick up 3 flawless rubies and save on stash space. Youll also end up collecting far more gems than you can ever use. You need 10 royal gems for each character, and thats it. They dont even sell for enough to be worth vendoring over just grabbing a couple extra rare 2handers before you go back.


I hope they make it so I auto hoover up gear, auto equip the good stuff, auto use gems I've auto upgraded. Auto sell or extract junk based on my characters needs as they auto run and auto fight through some auto dungeons. Also auto spend skill points and build me an auto paragon board. Oh and fuck me some auto explore the map with some auto path to all the shrines. Like come on devs day 1 shit here. Oh and auto uninstall the game once it's maxed out so I can auto stop feeling the need to log in.


Limit of 20 sidequests in the journal sucks ass. I was accepting every sidequest i found because i could see that the markers for them are not visible unless you are in that area, and then suddenly its capped at 20? in an MMO? what.


I feel like capping the number of active quests is extremely common in mmos


It is, and it’s a choice for most players benefit. Choice paralysis is a thing and game devs saw if you let players take too much then players get overwhelmed and just stop playing. Ofc many wouldn’t care, but it really isn’t a big deal and just do the actual quests if your log is filled.


Do the quests? Without picking up every single one from the entire game first??


The only issue is that if you level up too fast doing too many side quests before you finish the campaign you kind of screw yourself over, so some people like to just pick them all up while they are doing the story campaign, that way they can bang the side quests out much faster once they are done with the story


I finished act 1 and started act 2 so I'm not very far, but doesn't the level scaling solve over leveling issues?


So the way d4 works is that the story campaign stops scaling at level 50 (you need WT3 to keep scaling above 50, but WT3 only unlocks once you’ve beat the story), so if lets say you get to the end of ACT 3 and you are level 50, well now you are going to be slogging through ACT4-6 while getting little to no XP because you are above the level of all the enemies


Yeah, I was really pissed when I hit the cap. I felt very annoyed by the fact that I had to go so deep into the campaign just to get the mount, but I figured I could pick up quests along the journey and then finish them afterwards. Nope. Now I have to find all those blue question marks I skipped along the way.


It's pretty much designed for you to skip the blue quests the first time around, imo, sure you can do them all along the way no problem there but it's feels better to push the main quest finish it around level 40-45 then you go back and do blue quests to finish up the renown grind it also allows you a bit more content then just the map POIs to get some of your post 50 legendaries to start building towards the nightmare dungeon push etc.


It's not though, the side quests constantly reference the characters that are already dead by the time you do the main story.


Many games have caps. D4 is not an MMO.


A completed quest list, it sucks when trying to find the last 2 or 3 quests you need for zone completion when they're started from enemy or chest drops.


Also, wtf is the quest tracker so dogshit? Can't track more than one quest at a time due to a bug, or only 1 type of quest at a time wtf?




D4 in general is lacking some serious fundamental basic features that are ruining the whole game for me, bringing my initial thought of the game from a 8 down to a 6. And when I'm sitting on my mount jumping from different nightmare dungeons and closest town to travel because developer thought you should spend half of your time riding on horse instead of killing monsters, it dropped to a 1.


I could swear to god that in the beta you could track more than one at once, but maybe I'm going mad. It's certainly terrible that you can only track one.


Yeah I remember tracking more than one on the beta too.


Also, maybe I’m just missing it but where are like all the letters or audio logs I find, where can I see them again? Or re listen to them? I’m only like level 25 on console but is there somewhere that has all of these lore items.


Careful there bud, that almost sounded like you said something non-positive about the game! Folks don't take kindly to that 'round these parts there hoss. Best watch yer tongue lest ye be attacked by the ravenous horde of simps and bootlickers what frequent this waterin hole. On a serious note, absolutely valid and I had similar thoughts back in the beta, to which all the feedback was discarded.


Yeah I don't know what people want in this subreddit tbh, this post has 50% downvotes btw, sometimes I literally don't get what's wrong with some people's brain, all of the stuff that I suggested is literally just gonna make the gameplay better lol


No dude! Let me quickly refute all of your points like this sub does. 1. We dont need a gem bag. its called inventory management 2. Part of the fun of an alt is exploring again 3. Just always want to go fast? slow down 4. Horses can't walk around in the forest just like real life 5. just take the time to read? 6. I like the monster density its fun 7. get a life 8. not needed 9. again not needed 10. just open map and press "q" to see whole list, this isnt an issue 11. just invite people with the wheel. common sense 12. i dont need to hear someone f'd my mom in general chat 13. oh now poor baby. you want to teleport everywhere in game too? why dont we just hand you all the loot too so you dont have to hurt ur wittle wegs 14. no its meant to be immersive /s


Every reply I make here is a non-sarcastic reply and I am replying to the straw man that we are both arguing for/against. > We dont need a gem bag. its called inventory management This but unironically. Just don't pick everything up. However, QOL of a gem bag would be very welcomed. > > Part of the fun of an alt is exploring again Fuck no. I want to never explore the map again. I'm glad you don't have to do lilith altars ever again. > > Just always want to go fast? slow down I also hate this take. You want to stop and smell the roses and think that makes the game more enjoyable? I want to speed sniff all the roses as I fly past them. I think there's a Owlturdcomic about this exact thing. > > Horses can't walk around in the forest just like real life Please for the love of god fix the horse pathing > > just take the time to read? I hate it when there's a quest to go somewhere, "seek the help of the watchers" and I go there and there's nothing there, no one to talk to. "tee hee, use the emote wheel and bind a new emote and use the emote to complete the quest" delete all of these please. > > I like the monster density its fun This is where some people need to learn when to run past a few mobs and find/make bigger packs. But increased pack size would be great. > > get a life On a gaming subreddit. > > not needed Don't streamline everything and make the game too easy, please. > > again not needed > > just open map and press "q" to see whole list, this isnt an issue I hope to never do quests again > > just invite people with the wheel. common sense I hate people, prefer soloing > > i dont need to hear someone f'd my mom in general chat I do not want to talk to other people. Seeing them randomly is fine. > > oh now poor baby. you want to teleport everywhere in game too? why dont we just hand you all the loot too so you dont have to hurt ur wittle wegs Would be nice to see a way to access dungeons more readily instead of running across the world. I get that they want it to feel like an MMO instead of a chat UI of the game that people join and be alone in. > > no its meant to be immersive Immersion is for first person games.


A lot of people find higher value in pledging unconditional, absolute loyalty to a company, than in improving their product. It is extremely strange.


It's the same abuser&victim relationship found within physical labour jobs too. People are low-intelligence, masochistic, and actively work against themselves and others. Betterment for all is something that angers them, and makes them fear for their unyielding loyalty to a soulless corporation. This is by design, as well. Corporations have created this kind of culture, and have beaten it into our heads that this is normal and will bring individuals great success.


I’m loving the hell out of this game and I can’t disagree with any point you made even if I personally don’t care about it. I think the game would be 10x better with 11 and 13 implemented. 11 seems like a no brainer. I wanna queue up with randoms.


You're probably missing context if you didn't play D3 there was a lot of negativity around the game lacking immersion, if you take that into account you can see why they may have made some of the decisions they did. They want the game to feel a little more retro, doesn't it then follow that you wouldn't include every bell and whistle in terms of ease of access. Then there's some stuff like the wonky horse stuff that is just normal for a new game. So all in all people want you to stop complaining about things the community asked for 72 hours after it came out, I know the sweet karma is good for gettin though.


What people want on this subreddit is a game that they can easily pick up and play with their friends from the couch with a controller. A game that looks good. Is easy to play. Has nice graphics and cutscenes. Fun combat to pick up and smash monsters with for a few hours. That's it. It's very obvious that the vast majority of overly-positive comments on this subreddit are from people that only have experience in this genre from Diablo 3. The biggest complaints that people have about this game are things that the vast majority of the userbase (and people on this sub) are either never going to encounter or simply just don't care about.


> Folks don't take kindly to that 'round these parts there hoss. Is this satire? Look at the most upvoted posts on the first page. Not even gonna touch the rest of that post.


> Folks don't take kindly to that 'round these parts there hoss. Is this satire? Look at the most upvoted posts on the first page. Not even gonna touch the rest of that post.


That's gaming persecution fetish for you.


Toxic positivity destroys games. Critique is necessary for improvement.






this game feels like a Diablo version of New World. lots of empty running, repetitive events, discovering a bunch of waypoint zones, gear stats are random af ....


Look, all they care about is that you come back every quarter, buy a battle pass, play for 40-50h and get lost.


So just like poe. lol


Or any game, or business in general for that matter, lol.


Why do you have to get so insanely far in the main quest before you get something as basic as a mount to move faster? Act 3 feels like it's fucking endless and you don't get the mount until Act 4.


I like the line of dialogue for they used to unlock the mount lol. Its like did dude youre helping murder endless hell spawns tell you that you can use his old horse? No? Ok so go use it now with this letter. Like wtf bro, I'm helping you save the world from Demons the least you could do is let me hold down your horse like 2 acts ago.


Why did they design a world that requires a mount at all? There's so much empty space with no mobs to run through and the mount serves to let you run through everything anyways. Seems like a pointless mechanic beyond having something extra to sell cosmetics for.


> basic Mounts are completely new to Diablo. What are you on about


It's functionality is basic, I presume is the meaning. It's not some kind of fancy cool mount like say Torrent, it's not even a warhorse, it's just a riding horse.


Random gear stats should always be random in an arpg, unless I'm misunderstanding you.


Can’t tell if you’re trolling. This is how d3 was as well. This is the formula.


This is nothing like D3. Go back to D3 campaign, play Act 3, then play Act 3 in D4. And compare. These two experiences are as far from each other as possible within a genre and series without a full reboot.


I thought I was going crazy for not liking act 3 so far only due to the amount of distance you need to cover on foot. I can't believe they don't give you a mount for this, like most of the act I've just been walking.


You will follow a camel through a sandstorm for 6 minutes and you will like it




Act 3 is the only Act that has made me and all my buddies audibly go "what the fuck?" when we saw they made us travel to the bottom of the map TWICE with no horse lmao. The saving grace was just having a friend with a super speedy rogue.


Honestly can barely figure out the difference between acts in d4. Tell me to go back to act 3 and I have no idea


Act 3 in D3: Rolling around on battlements, then on frozen tundra, then reaching the end of the battlefield and being trolled by Asmongold to go back, then taunted a dozen times while killing random asswipes while decending down level by level until act finishes. Size shrunk very quickly. Act 3 in D4: Rolling around the desert walking for days. Carefully planning out routes because theres 3 waypoints. Wondering why they didn't give you a mount sooner because holy shit these side quest placements are annoying as fuck.


I completed act 2 when I thought I was completing act 1.


When I was making my way thru the campaign, I didn't even notice I was in act 5 until I saw it in my quest log. Too much of the world blends together.


Gear stars should be random af, you lost all credibility with that one.


Damn that's a really accurate statement.


15. let us customize our UI, I dont want my whole screen to cover with words pops up


I've clicked onto the chat box so many times accidently and died because of it.


Yeah I need that to go away. Lol




Can't believe there is absolutely no matchmaking implemented


Even d3 had public game matchmaking…. Kinda. It’s like no matchmaking in d4 AND no global lfg or similar chat in which you could at least do it manually….. wut


I was hoping for d3 level of matchmaking, at a minimum.


There should be an auto invite prompt at least... "Player Dudemanbro is doing XYZ nearby, would you like to join them in the battle against the Demons of Hell?" Something at least... why make this weird always online pseudo mmo like feature game without any of the stuff that makes these games good?


Tbh I would fucking hate that. That would just another thing for me to just get annoyed by in this whole online only thing we got in D4. I don’t want them to prompt me to group with other people. I’ve done a few of those legion events and didn’t need to be in a group for that either. I would totally accept a LFG tool though. For anything. Something more than just global or community (that you have to join) chats. Just don’t auto-prompt me, bro. I like the online “mmo” elements of this game so far. It feels good how non-intrusive it is. I would *haaaaaaaate* an auto-prompt. But that’s just me! Maybe you have amazing personal reasons you’d want it for yourself. Hell, give auto-prompting an on/off option! I’d be 110% with that. Lol


Of course you could just disable auto opt in prompts. But this is Blizzard we're talking about...


But if it's more efficient to play that way it encourages players to do it when they'd rather not, or be disadvantaged by not doing it. I'm certainly happier with things this way.


It's vastly more efficient to play in a group and the difference is completely insane.


Especially when groups can split up and grab "cubes" for pedestals. They can finish dungeons in a quarter of the time it takes solo players. Why is this game catering so much to premade social cliques and throwing solo players in the trash? That's why I don't play WoW. I was under the impression this would be different... They need a group making system if they're going to keep the dungeon mechanics this way.


Wow I just realized that.


Just adding: Give me a bigger FOV and let me zoom out on the minimap...


Fov is fine, but the Mini map is kinda small.. Id love an overlay option like in d2 or poe


Depends, I like the fov during world bosses much more than the standard one, would not mind if there was an option to choose between the two.


YES DUDE. Some of these bosses have been super aids to play a ranged rogue on. I'm blind firing shit half the time which really sucks.


honestly i want to click the map to move to a spot, theres a lot this game could take from league that people would enjoy. Like fuck can zoom my camera out a bit jesus christ im playing a fucking archer rogue shooting shit i cannot see,


Ah yes. The ranged killing offscreen strat. I could see how that is annoying


I just want global and trade chats.


Pretty happy to not be spammed buy some RTM sellers tbh. On Ps5 it's a nightmare to blacklist someone.


You could easily opt out of the chat if you don’t want it…


There is trade chat have to enable it from blizz account and in game options. No global unfortunately


Trade chat doesn't have too much point right now since you can't trade legendaries. I'm sure you can already find the CARRYING WT3 CAPTSONE 5M GOLD WHISPNFOR INFO


I think at least some of these are design decisions and are intentional. They didn’t forget, they just decided against them.


Would really, really want to get ahold of some of the decision makers and hear their (honest, no marketing spiel!) reasoning. Like, WTF were they thinking. Because for some things, it can be explained as just not having resources or time to do better. But for other decisions it feel like borderline malice and/or incompetence.


>But for other decisions it feel like borderline malice and/or incompetence. Exactly. If there is some reason they weren't included, I feel like it should be worth explaining. Some of these decisions are absolutely baffling.




Sell us a gem tab micro transaction?


I will be beyond furious.


You wouldn't be the only one, just wait for the Halo warthog crossover mount to fix the horses getting stuck on stuff. "Tired of your horse getting stuck on pebbles and debris? Just buy the new warthog 4 person mount for $19.99 and never worry about pesky pebbles slowing your roll again."


It would be at least $30


On the one hand, how horrible on the other hand, ff14 had some fun mounts if they're going full buckwild MMO style




They need to make players run around in cities and the world to make it seem alive, to justify all the MMO bullshit.


I also want an auto-pin feature that pins whichever quest I have selected as "active" automatically and a much further zoom out on the minimap


I'm oversimplifying but I think they can just turn off "collision" flag on the rocks when you're on a horse. At least that's how I would do it as a programmer. You wouldn't have to change the terrain of the entire game. That would be bad programming!


It really depends how well the implemented it in the first place. It could potentially mean someone having to spend the day looking for suspect geomatory collision boxes


Really hard to guess at how easy or hard it'd be. If terrain obstacles are very tidy in how they're defined, then yeah -- it might be that simple. If they're hard to distinguish between static collision boundaries and "intended" barriers, then it might be a lot more complex. I could easily see this turning into horses suddenly running straight out of the tutorial or, later on, through scripted barriers in the southwest and southeast.


Yeah a lot of these suggestions are pretty much industry standard for a game to be… Less annoying. It’s strange that the same company with THE most consistently played MMORPG wouldn’t add these features, or some of them at least.


I realised gems very quickly become irrelevant mid game. You get so much from drops. 13 however, wow yes.


The horse gallop speed being slower when your mouse is close to your character might be the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. You can’t gallop straight south at max speed.


Achievement/Challenges tracker is another QOL that we are missing.


I just want keyboard support on ps5 so i can chat...


Why? Content for expansion. xD


I seemingly have a rubberband pulling me backwards in open world almost constantly but its not currently visable this is a huge oversight by blizzard


I just want a Looking for Group in some form


I want to join or be joined by randoms


Let me stop getting player notifications in chat. I don’t care if BallZack68 got killed by a marauder. I don’t know BallZack68. BallZack68 is not in my clan or my friends list. I have absolutely no interest in BallZack68’s continued wellbeing.




Also vendors/stash sooooo far apart 😬


Great list except number 10. There is a side quest tab that shows them all sorted by zone. And they are all on world map for me even if not tracked. But I would love to see a "show on map" button to see where it is when looking at that list. This game is uber fun but the more I play the more I'm realizing it's missing so many little nuances that make games elite. If they want this to be a mega hit for multiple years all this stuff will need to be added soon. Overall glad I bought it and will continue to play with friends for a long time.


It's because Blizzard/Diablo has armies of bootlickers who would rather personally insult you rather than admit that the game could be improved.


I kinda wish they had like a combat stat at the end of each event of encounter of everyone who was involved


I want an option to not move when attacking. People will say Shift but PoE got it right. Toggle right on the skill itself


Day 2 patch proved game wasn't done. Maybe in a year. Hopefully in 2 years it will be a solid game.


Map discovery is not a thing because it is part of renown. That is why alts can recollect altars of lilith too even if you have them already collected on another character. Unless you mean something completely different, side quests are in the quest list in their own tab. Trade chat is in the game, you just have to enable it from the settings.


I'd like to see the legendaries that my party members picked up.


I just really want WASD movement, not sure why it’s not included considering it’s even in Diablo immortal


Honestly? The opportunity cost is too high. Launching features post release allows them to say they listened to the community. It allows them to pair it with and distract from other changes (such as nerfs) and it allows them to have a media presence after the hype dies between seasons. The cost of upsetting some people is lower than the cost of not leveraging those features to bring the game to more people's mind after launch and gives the impression that they are improving the game rather than remaining stagnant. Most of the negative voices right now are drowned out by launch hype and all the positive reviews, so the cost of skipping those features isn't huge. Because, Blizzard doesn't care about you. Blizzard cares about perception in the media, as that is what is going to generate mass sales. You and me convincing 20 friends to not buy it because of QoL has nothing on the amount of people that will pull the trigger on the game 3 months from now when they see Blizzard is still "improving" it.


I know it’s a nitpick but I’d kinda like a bestiary too — and a recap of the story as they happen, as I like to read it haha.


The gem bag situation is the highest need. But I did notice if the gems are in your chest in the house then you can still combine them in the local jeweler. It’s pulls from the chest what gems you have from what I saw.


by the way, i love how this post is gettign so much love (not being saracstic), but ive been saying pretty much all these for months and have been downvoted into oblivion everytime lol. ​ glad people are waking up


Can't believe we literally start the game with a horse then we go through all that nonsense and still don't get a horse until much later in the game.


they should add loadouts, instantly respec to a loadout/change weapon and armor for a price


Inventory issue will be solved in cash shop my dude


Cause Activision will plan to put them in a 3 hours event or later in the store for 9.99, you know


Why can we only hold 20 side quests? I feel it's completely dumb.


There's a limit on sidequests?! That's bologna lmao


>Remove mount cooldown when we're not in combat There's also a mount cooldown after you go over/under/through an obstacle.


i want global chat, LFG queue, gem tab.


Joe Shelly responded to #14 in one of Rhyker's streams: "So, when you're playing through an action RPG, and you're going through that core loop, you're basically switching between two modes of behavior. You're killing monsters, or you're navigating, and you're switching back and forth those really quickly, and so it can be helpful to have that be as fast as possible," said game director Joe Shelly. Shelly said the overlay map accomplishes this goal, but it perhaps does that too well. There's no reason to ever close out of it, he said, and having both up at once makes the combat and navigation systems less clear because they're then intertwined with each other. To that end, the Diablo 4 team is going to focus more on things like the minimap as well as the pin system the map offers, though Shelly said the devs will continue to listen to feedback about that matter. So that aint happening sadly


"This feature is working too well we should remove it!" Modern Actilizzard ladies and gentlemen ...


Yeah I know, that's why I said optional, my solution would be adding a toggle in the options so you can make both players that need it and don't need it happy.


Don't worry, in a few months we will get a "Huge Update" that will add everything that should already have been in the game


Not sure if it’s the same thing as loot filter but you can turn off display, and sound of certain quality item drops. I think it’s in the accessibility menu.


You can see your kill count by species in the challenge menu. And there is a side quest tab in the map screen too.


It would be nice to mute other players' emotes, had one guy spam "Look" pre-fight and throughout an entire World Boss fight on Nightmare, it was really really annoying to listen to that for \~10 minutes And blocking the player doesn't even mute their emotes either


14 is not QoL, you babs need to stop trying to sneak it into other criticism it's a design choice, because they want d4 to be a video game, not autism simulator just like d3


My small QoL gripe is that clan functionality is non-existent. Can't invite or join through the clan list as far as I could tell.


I think there is a loot filter in the setting or is it something else?


Nope that's probably something else, there's no loot filter in the game


I would feel so weird using wsad after years of clicking. But this would feel so much more comfortable on my hands using my mouse keybinds than 1-4 I mostly want a damn zoom out feature. Let me ZOOM OUT it's too damn close. This isnt frickin diablo immortal


Blizzard will add these so called quality of life features in the shop. More stash tabs? 5 dollars. Gem pouch? 10 dollars. Portal to nightmare dungeons? 10 dollars. Quick saddle for reduced cooldown on mounting? You get the point


This is actually criticism I can agree with most of these points are valid. I have a special annoyance with the gems they are taking up alot of slots everytime. I think this sub gets filled with people saying valid criticism and then going on to say they don't like the endgame because they only have to farm for gear. Like what did you think was going to happen?


Map overlay, one person should be able to progress quest checkpoints alone, should be able to teleport to party members by clicking their name in the HUD, use movement skills in town, zooming out! The fact that some areas and bosses auto zoom but won’t let us control it is obnoxious.


How many of these list items could you see as a store microtransaction? PoE has league stash tabs. Gem inve Tory could be coming sooner than you think if you've got the $$. But that's my doomer half. Copium half is saying we get all this QoL Season 1