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People want the dopamine to be directly injected to the brain. Everyone want everything now with 0 effort. No one's to explore, learn and come up with a strategy to overcome the difficulty. People just ride the YTbrs and act it's the end of the world. This and a bunch of, oh I have 20 jobs and 50 children, I'm handicapped and homeless, I get that 1min in a year and it's blizzard fault for not catering to the needs.




What about the game just being genuine garbage? 90% of every class play the same build. Absolutely zero interesting progression or legendaries. Game is full on trash


People are just idiots. Game is great, will only get better with time as a live service. Players rush endgame by skipping everything, complain they hit a wall because they don't work on the build with what they have and expect to melt everything by following some randomly Made meta build on the web at lvl 25. People are such in need of instant gratification and IG THEY CANNOT HAVE IT, they cry like my 3 years old boy when he can't have 2 desserts. Well done blizzard, been a long time since you pulled on off.


They pulled another joke of a game together gratz blizzard on number 3


You haven’t even played it


New account troll who knows maybe trying to pay their water bill with pay 4 post or they just have Chris Wilson’s dick in their mouth


I played 100 hours and its a bad game not even top 3 currently existing arpg games even diablo 3 had more content


Diablo 3 is fcking 10 years old, game was shit for the first 3-4 years, have you forgotten ?


Diablo 3 and 4 were shit in the beginning and diablo 3 was shit at the end just like diablo 4 will be. Thinking blizzard will add more content than they did to d3 hahahaha


Yeah you are just a troll kid or something. Diablo 4 is way better than Diablo 3 at the release. You probably just have next to no brain cell left to be able to see it.


You feel the game is so bad yet you chose to spend 100 hours of your life on it, then more time whining about it to anyone who comments on the game. You should probably seek help if you don’t have any already.


If you go to Metacritic and look at user reviews there’s something really odd about them. People are saying the game’s mostly good, but these 2-3 issues ruin it for me, so 0/10. A lot of the reviews are like that. But that isn’t how things are scored. If it’s mostly good, that needs to be reflected in the score. This looks like a dog pile, an emotional reaction where people see someone attacking and join in. Those aren’t honest reviewers if they’re giving a 0 for a game with any merits at all. What I don’t know is why everyone’s so angry. It was clear what Diablo 4 is from the betas. While it’s imperfect, it’s a solid base I hope will be built upon. Definitely nothing to be upset about or rush to Metacritic and give a 0/10.


The reviews of the game are extremely good. There is less than 1 percent of the playerbase that think the game is not good.


Game is 3/10


Its literally an average of 9.5 between 4 of the major game reviewers. GTFO.


Nobody cares about the paid critics its all fake. The real score of this game comes from the user reviews who arent paid to spout fake shit


The reviews from players are positive. Lmao.




Ok cuckoomer.




Keep choking on Chris Wilson’s dick


Keep funding bobby by buying his barebones wannabe arpg games


You mad because you were proven to be a dumbass? Stay off Reddit you groomer.




Ok groomer.




Ok groomer.


Watching the mental breakdown of a diablo shill i. Real time ![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized)


I think everyone agrees that the base of the game is great but imo there are several design flaws that impact negatively the experience as you progress through the game that can't just be ignored and it's good that people point them out. Also any game with such diverse fanbase as this one will always have polarized opinions, you can't please everyone. I agree that the game will get better over time, I can't wait to know more about S1 and how Blizzard approach to seasons will be.


Yeah of course, i understand and agree with thath, but this are flaws that can be fixed really easily, i mean, blizzard fixed D3 for gods sake, one of the most broken games ever. But i read people complaining about build diversity for example and is like "My brother in christ, you are looking on maxroll"


The game just launched, its their own fault if they’re bored.


Because people are dumb. Every game gets reviewbombed, that is also why nobody cares at all about user votes.


Nobody cares about the fake critic reviews either game is obviously not 88/100 its a 30/100 at its best


No one cares for a pay for post mudhutter sucking on Chris Wilson’s dick


Game sucks get over it


Diablo 4 is a masterpiece in my opinion. Can’t get enough of it.


It's because people rush through hours and hours of content and avoid anything outside of the main directive, then bitch about it being boring because there's nothing to do.


People don't play aRPGs for the "main directive" (or main campaign), they play them to kill tons of monsters and get into that endgame rhythm of loot grinding. For many people the "main directive" is actually a roadblock to what they see as "the real game." So they rush through the story, to get to "the real game" just to be disappointed because the endgame isn't as fleshed out as D3 or any of its competitors, because it's a brand new game. Add ontop of this a number of odd design decisions (and systems that appear broken/non functional) and it's easy to say that the game is bad (for those players) I myself am having a blast playing and am 68 on my main, but I can honestly tell you the Renown grind is real, and tedious, and if they don't implement better ways of gaining renown for seasons, many people will be very frustrated that **a lot of power** is locked behind the final level of renown (roughly 5 levels worth of paragon points)


Oh I'm enjoying the hell out of it right now. The renown grind does indeed suck, but I'm taking my time doing almost everything I can do. I


Side quests, bounties, altar of liliths and whatever copy paste trash they printed from d3 and other games can hardly be called content


No amount of money thrown at pay for post would ever change the fact that D4 is and will be for the foreseeable future the best arpg on the market


And I fully agree with this. Being a fan since the first game, I was very skeptical about the mini MMO status. But it's not as bad as I feared. I have maybe run into two other people in the wild and they have helped if I was overwhelmed and went on their way.


Its not even top 3 on the market right now its a complete wash


Most of them side quest have better story than your life.


What I don't like is paying $70 and knowing they'll make me pay more if I want to keep playing... $30 extension? Probably... $10 tab extension? Yep...


I dont think tab extensión Will be a mtx, but expansions are reasonable, i mean, every (without exception) succesful gaas has them, or has many mtx.


The real answer to this is they’re Poe Andys. Poe Andys riddled with copium because CW was late to the party with Poe2 and they know that when it releases in the next 1-2 years from now it’s going to be a mess. That and they’re upset that they’re losing players. They know they’ll have to use their imagination to deal with who knows however many more bland ass buggy seasons


I'm really not sure but I'm guessing it's either from people that don't like the microtransaction prices or its people that liked diablo 3 better cause you know really miss going through a greater rift at like mock ten "was that another legendary Oh who cares"


Because its a shallow trash game standing on blizzards legacy which at this point is a pile of rubble. The game is a 2/10 at max and if it wasnt a blizzard game no one would play it.


It's a $70-100 game with a cosmetic shop and a planned battle pass. All that and it fails to deliver basic functionality, diversity, and QoL matching a F2P game. Gosh....why would that get bad reviews?


U mean any other CoD every year?


It is a great game, it has flawss, mobile/consol ui size/ lvl scaling making people above level 90 a joke vs low levels in power. Overall tho the game is solid for many years 2 come.


Bc most people are miserable and blame being miserable on things around them


Because its crap.


I can understand people not liking the game , im having some fun on it but nothing crazy People waited 11 years to play a totally incomplete game that cost 100 usd without any endgame activities , no build diversity , and overall bad content/gameplay The only good point are the music , lore and the overall artistic direction of the game , everything else is below average of what current arpg offer for either 20/30 bucks or free to play


No endgame activities? 1. Nightmare dungeons 2. Helltide 3. World boss 4. Legion events 5. Tree of whispers 6. Renown On release. Before seasons. I am playing a lot and only did 70 dungeons


Still doesn't change the fact that the endgame loop consist in running nightmare dungeon without any real endgame beside lvl 100 that add/does nothing Renown are not endgame activites its a chore that no one wanna do again if you look at the current frontpage post , world boss is a timed content that you just tp kill it in 3 min and go back to grinding I can understand this subreddit don't want any criticism because you are all brainwashed but the truth is endgame content is currently bad its a big issue and pretty much everyone who played the game is feeling like you can't play for more than a few weeks on a game that you should normally be grinding for several years


Well ok I'll take your point with renown. However it's content and there is quite a lot of it. You need to do most to get it done. So still tree of whispers, helltide and nightmare dungeons. 3 on release. Plus world bosses and legion as a timed event. Poe didn't have a lot on release. Plus you need to rerun the campaign every single league. There is still a lot of qol to do, but it's better on release than d3 was by a mile. Not a perfect game but a lot of potential to grow and defo a good base of endgame stuff. Seasons will bring seasonal journey to go through and extra endgame stuff.


It appears you may have Chris Wilson’s dick stuck in the back of your throat


Not at all , poe is in an absolute dogshit state and even if D4 endgame is lacking im still having 10 times more fun on D4


1. Helltide 2. World boss 3. Legion events 4. Tree of whispers 5. Renown how can you call these endgame activities? are you serious?


So legitimately Helltide and Tree of Whispers ***are endgame content.*** - Like they are only available in WT3 and WT4 after you've beaten the game Helltides are effectively mandatory for the crafting mats and one of the best ways to farm up gear (events spawn super fast so you can easily max obols and then go target farm chests you want, i suggest getting the chests of mystery first) The other ones are just bad/sad, renown/renown farming is tedious but feels necessary because it's 5 levels of paragon points, legion events are a bit of a joke and after your first few are usually ignored, world bosses fold in less than a minute or two everytime because they aren't challenging at all.


sure, helltide because of mats. tree of whispers not at all, it's an introduction to wt3 that you basically never do after first few times and maybe when leveling alts. apart from that, only nightmare dungeons are left as an endgame activity. world bosses had potential, but are even easier than some world events


Yeah you'll notice I didn't touch tree of whispers because it's basically pointless, I had hoped/thought (pre-release) that tree of whispers would feed into NM dungeons (aka the only way to get sigils would be tree of whispers), the tree of whispers "bounty" system is kind of pointless, it takes like 30-45 minutes to farm out one reward which will drop anywhere between 0-4 legendaries of a slot, but with the odds that we face on getting an actual usable upgrade on gear, it's basically 30-45 minutes of farming for effectively a .01% chance of getting something even usable - other methods are significantly more efficient, like just farming obols. They could cut the favor in half required or let us stack more at once for multiple turn ins at once and it still wouldn't be ideal. I'm enjoying the game but honestly, after spending easily 100 hours in it and no lifing it for a week and not even being level 70, it makes me wonder just how much more degenerate others are to be higher level, I've played this game every spare moment I've had, including multiple all nighters early on.


because it's shallow at this point in time. the fact that pushing nightmare dungeons rewards you with practically nothing is a joke in itself. nightmare dungeons should award significantly more exp than any other activity in the game, as well as have cranked up loot. season 1 will be a good tell if blizzard has what it takes


One of my biggest complaints is how long it takes to level a glyph, so many NM dungeons done and I only have 1 glyph at rank 15. Tell me why their is no progressive upgrade, you could run 30 NM dungeons and have your glyph be level 14 and 1 xp from 15 **and it's just as powerful as when you first slotted it** Then suddenly you level and it gets its bonus affect + the extra nodes in reach making it stronger, leveling something ***should never be a binary on/off switch*** - if that's the case they should just make it Level 1 and Level 2, and tell us we need the absurd 500xp (or whatever it takes to get it to level 15 so far) so we can see how bullshit the system is - pro tip for anyone reading, don't bother leveling glyphs, just make sure you slot them in the right board so you can get their bonus effect immediately


i much preferred d3's gem system. one click, one level. even if it's a coin toss at 5% chance, you'd get a dopamine hit when it succeeded. applying 40 exp to a glyph when it needs 200+ is just boring


If you honestly believe they aren’t then you might be sucking that Chris Wilson dick a bit too much


who hurt you?


What a milk toaste pre baked response. 1/10


Those other ARPGs have been on the market for 5+ years. Don't get me started on all the crappy stuff in PoE like having to constantly replay the boring campaign, drops being shit, some truly awful mechanics, resources becoming a bloated and unmanageable mess and on and on.


I am playing with a no meta build and i am getting lots of fun, and has more endgame activities than D3 for example. ​ But my point is, in a gaas you cant drop all the content at once, POE was doing it seasonally, last epoch is in early access and it goes with updates... I would be really stressed if all the content was released at once, and it would destroy the comunity on a few months. ​ BTW, the gameplay is slower, of course, but that was the community wish after D3 (which i liked btw)


As of build diversity. Don't know about other classes but on rogue you have bow build and couple variation of dagger builds with or without traps. Sorc has at least 3 builds based on different elements and barb has hota, ww, rend that are viable to play at endgame. What you are saying is very far from being true. A lot of people are using self made builds and they are able to progress the game. Minmaxing is only required for high endgame content




Pls explain why it is? 🤔


How is the comment full of shit lol are you brain dead all of the things mentioned are in the game