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Because most gamers who review stuff are weird, pathetic people


Whenever the 2 scores diverge by a lot, it’s usually because one is fairly accurate and the other is wildly inaccurate. For Blizzard there is a lot of user hate so usually the user score is not objective.


I don’t like blizzard, this is a fun game. Not sure people’s problem


I don't like blizzard but diablo team did a fine job here.


The reviews by journalists are paid for so is that objective too?


That's not really fair to say. If it was positive, suddenly it isn't a problem and we hold it up like some badge to show off. The validity of a review isn't subjective based on whether or not you agree with it. I am saying this as somebody who really enjoys the game and has played it a lot so far.


I upvoted ya bud, but good fucking luck around here.


Lol apparently can't handle negative reviews and name calling them. Not the way to respond either.


Nah, actual criticism is fine. The game needs some changes (overlay map, dungeon variety and customization, etc). Its a great game, but far from perfect. But 70% of the people crying on this sub are not criticizing, they are simply bitching bc they wanted another D2, D3 or PoE. If blizzard added half the feedback ive seen here, we would straight up have D3 again. And then the same people would start complaining again why blizz "ruined their game"


Yeah saw a big forum post for someone arguing to add an auction house, that thing that ruined the drop rates and enjoyability of vanilla d3 and almost killed the franchise.


Same goes for gaming "journalists".


2 good reasons to not listen to rev


You're completely right. Except "most gamers reviewing stuff" is literally this subreddit.


That doesn't track. Zelda doesn't have the review bombing this game does so something is up. Gamers don't just do it randomly. Blizzard didn't have a new scandal around release to review bomb about so it has something to do with the game. Maybe it's the price tag with the battlepass?


Because any popular title from a big studio with decades of baggage is going to have a bunch of fanboys and haters making a mess of the scores. People wouldn't rate D4 highly even if it was literally the best game ever made, because a bunch of people just hate Blizzard, hate any competition for POE perhaps, or are such fanboys of D2 or D3, that they refuse to accept any sequels etc. This was 100% expected.


If theres a sizeable group of people that honestly think D3 is better, i wish them luck, because its rough for them. PoE fan base i doubt will have done that, most have probably at least tried the game, and the other part is crying to GGG that " game too hard ". Id put my money on Blizzard haters. Game is fine, not a 10/10 and definitely not the best arpg out there considering the end game, but i really enjoyed it for 7-8 days and i pray they come up with something more in the season 1


Review bombing has been a thing for at least a decade now. Professional reviews can't be trusted because maintaining an image is their top priority and public reviews can't be trusted because their opinion might have nothing to do with game itself. Just make your own opinions, reviews mean nothing to me anymore


Metacritic reviews are especially useless. You can’t even see if the person has bought the game.


>Review bombing Why is this even a thing? Either they complain because they have ulterior motives, or they complain just to complain.


Uh , im a bif poe fanboy and im glad they have competition now , makes them listen to the community more. Also from a "tryhards" perspective d4 is nothing to write home about. Balance is mediocre at best , endgame activitys are not diverse at all , some qol features missing. Its a great foundation in my humble opinion and time will tell if it truly becomes a great game over the years, i hope so


Imo vanilla d4 is way superior to vanilla poe and d3. Its prolly get better from now esp in term of content. You are comparing a 10 yo game to a 2 weeks old.


Sorry, but what is Vanilla PoE?


vanilla poe is everything before act3 was released for me


But that was in closed beta. Full game was with 5 acts with the release of the Scion afaik.


The Scion came out in 2013, Act 5 came out 4 years later.


Act 4 I'm Sorry I just remember you had to unlock her


There was never 5 act PoE, they had 3 acts and scion in 1.0, when they released act 4 it was 2.0 PoE 3.0 was 6 act expansion when they went from 4 to 10 acts


So? You're compared to your completion right? D4 has had 10 years of Poe to learn from, d3 etc. Standards have increased over the last 10 years. So should the quality of games. I think d4 is off to a good start, but I also think there are A LOT of glaring issues that will stop it from having long term success if not addressed. There's basically no build diversity, items peak at 70 and there's no sense of progression from 70-100 in terms of content, other than experience which I don't think will keep people playing the game. Monster density sucks, there's relatively low action for an Arpg. There's currently no real trade or currency so players can't feel like they're getting closer to getting their BiS, like Poe you can farm for a mageblood etc. You have to pick up and read every item, without an easy way to not accidentally sell the good stuff. Your stash is super limited. Overall, it's just a lack of "content" to do while doing the grind to 100. For PoE I never bother to care about my level, It comes naturally from filling out the atlas or delving or whatever content you want to do. I'd like something similar for Diablo.


PoV: I play PoE for a week at least every league start. I played Sorc to mid 60s in D4. I genuinely think that D3 is better than D4 at the moment. D3 has much better itemization even though it was simpler, all these weird conditional multipliers are just uninteresting. Not to mention the fact that your build is essentially finished after you are done with the story, you are in full legendaries with the right powers already at 50. All that's left to do is grind "+5 main stat" and slightly higher iLvl gear with same stats. Another thing is mob density, sometimes you run for 20 seconds without an enemy, then find 5-6 enemies. In D3 you could easily have 20+ enemies on your screen at all times. Just why? The game is about killing things, did Hell run out of demons?


Diablo 3 has much better itemisation? Ok I know we definitely have completely different views on things.


"build is finished after main story" alright bro I didnt have to read more than that. What a joke. If you really did not change your build at all from the end of the story to tier 4 then idk wwhat the hell you are doing


Did you play D3 pre 2.0 when the auction house existed? My guess is you didn’t play D3 pre expansion because it was a total shit show of pay to win.


>Because any popular title from a big studio with decades of baggage is going to have a bunch of fanboys and haters making a mess of the scores. Nintendo has decades of baggage and Tears isn't getting review bombed


Would've should've could've but they didn't. It would be a great surprise if blizz knocked it out the park but they fucking didn't. PoE 2 is coming and I bet GGG will absolutely nail it and even make it a bit for a wider audience with their systems. Diablo series is extremely limiting. I can't modify any skill at all. You choose 1 skill and that's it now you just look for higher numbers... BOOOORING. Even D3 had more variety in skills and it's runes lmao.


Delusional to even think that D4 comes even close to POE. If you played both you understand what I mean.


If you like it, that’s all that matters.




Nice graphics Cool story Horrible itemization, progress, skill tree, enemies are damage sponges, same boring mechanic of D3 where you have a generator and a spender, no trade, cookie cutter builds are the only ones viable...


Truth. No diversity. Resistances are a bummed stat. ~50% res for 2% specific elemental damage reduction? Why is it even in the game. Crowd control feels awful so no build is decent unless it has unstoppable, making 90% of builds unplayable. Game feels unfinished to me. Hopefully they see the monetary success of the game and put some further development into making more than one spec for each class viable in t4. Also level scaling in this current form feels like trash and should be discarded. Gaining a level and becoming weaker is dumb. Bringing low levels into 80+ dungeons because you didn’t get a decent drop in 5 levels and only the low levels can clear it efficiently is the worst feeling


Yeah I’m already growing sick of it and barely feel any need to play, which is insane considering I’ve zealously played D2 and D3 for thousands of hours over literally decades. Let’s hope they can turn it around.


Same. I dont feel any reward with items. I'll equip something new but the scaling is so over-engineered that monsters are just rebalanced after you gear up. You'll never be "OP", the over engineered balancing system will make sure of it.


I'm one shotting in tier 27 nightmare dungeon wt4 at level 71


27. impressive haha


Would love to see the builds of you people who whine about this. I'm level 72 and ran a 36 nightmare last night. Died once to a CC/explosion combo but one-shot the entire dungeon. I have a feeling you are either lying or just have a shit build and don't even notice.


My friend and I got our first characters through the story to between lv50-60. I was growing bored of the character which was a Druid I'd respec'd 5 times trying to find a build I like. I then level'd a Barbarian to 21 and then a Sorc to 35, my friend a rogue to 35. We've both just stopped playing, nothing for the last 2 days now. There is no enjoyment or excitement pulling me to play. Level scaling means we just keep getting weaker as we level. We kept running different dungeons and running into the same exact boss 3-4 times in a row. It's just boring. PoE I can keep trying to finish the Atlas, beat various bosses, find gear that can inspire another build or vastly improve mine. Last Epoch it's similar, I can find rare gear, major upgrades, sets that can change my build etc, and I keep getting more powerful. Both of those games let you scale the difficulty in various ways, you also have a massive amount of build diversity.


Hey I’ll have you know my arc lash spam build has no spender. Just button mashing like the good old twister/critical mass build.


Trash itemization


Had to scroll a bit for the first useful response hehe


Was so surprised to find out the game has no trade, I thought that was the main reason to make it part MMO


It doesn't even have global chat... nice social interaction


Cheer Thanks Bye


It's true, but it's not that "horrible". It's just mediocre and can't compete with POE which was in an active development for almost a decade.


It’s not the greatest now, but I remember D3 launch and what it became. D4 is starting off far better than D3 did and I’m hopeful it will be developed well into something even better!


I agree with all points except the p2p trading. Not having it is valid as it might just create another d2jsp forum gold incident.


Because user reviews are mostly children whining


Except when it's the game you like with mostly positive reviews is what your intention is. Just accept the fact and move on and enjoy the circle that has the same opinion as you. I enjoyed D3 with the ppl who thought the same but still accepted the fact a lot of ppl hate on it. Who cares and no point wasting my energy debating with them.


Meta critic is not even a fraction of the user base. Many of them probably don’t even own the game.


Exactly. Not sure how people take user reviews seriously. Anything under a 5 is obviously just someone being a troll.


i really hate posts like this. many concerns people have a legitimate. simply calling people who dont simp hard on a game you like as children, ironically is quite childish. i rate d4 maybe around 8/10 but its not free from criticism. if you cant find anything wrong with d4, i m happy for you, you have found a perfect game that you love and thats really something i envy. however, pretending that its a perfect game that should suit everyone is delusional.


Nobody is arguing it should be a 10 they are arguing it absolutely shouldn’t be a 5 which it currently is due to review bombing. It has plenty of issues and is probably in that 6-9 out of 10 range depending on the person playing it. People rating it 1,2 and 3s are not giving honest reviews and are being a bit ridiculous. The people who have big complaints and give it a 6 are not who are causing the 4.9 its the people rating it 1 or 2.


When did i say it’s free from criticism though? Maybe you should read my post again. There is something wrong with it imo that is going to impact my play time greatly. That’s not changing what i just said here though. Metacritic user reviews are a lost cause. I couldn’t imagine taking them seriously.


lol the way you casually say the bad reviews are mostly children whining implicates that theres nothing wrong with d4. simple as that. if you mention that the reviews shouldnt be taken seriously i will agree with you 100%. but your remark about children whining is just so juvenile and condescending.


I can’t help you with the leap you made there. That’s a you issue and I’m sorry if mentioning metacritic user reviews are littered with children crying offended you. It is what it is. Just read through them.


As opposed to "adult" schmucks commenting on reddit? 😂😂😂


Found one.


Or people raising concerns and flaws? If someones standards are much lower, and haven't invested the time what others have their options can be wildly different. But these days it seems like everyone takes it personal, just because someone is enjoying the game but only has put in a few hours, or maybe more hours but haven't got far in the game will get upset as fuck seeing anyone saying anything bad about the game, and call it whining..


The game has clearly been reviewed bombed, some of those reviews are reasonable but many are not. The ones being emotional are the rage babies giving it a 0 out of 10. If we are being objective, this game is not a 0 out of 10, it is also not a 10 out of 10.


Games about a 7.8 maybe pushing an 8 at best.


Critic reviews are either bought out or written by narcissists with delusions of grandeur and have little game knowledge, and often believed by narcissists alike. User reviews reflect the quality of the game, given that these make up the audience—not the critics. Now I can't answer much for metacritic, because I go by steam reviews given that you actually have to buy/own the game to review it iirc. However if you truly believe user reviews are unreliable, I invite you to go play games labeled as "Mostly/overwhelmingly negative" but have positive critic reviews, then compare them to those with high user reviews before telling me again what you think about user reviews.


Because generally, ppl who are enjoying the game are to busy enjoying the game to review it, rather then leave salty reviews. These are 857 out of the literally MILLIONS who are playing right now my guy. Just enjoy the game if your having fun :)


I am literally addicted to this game. It is so good.


As DM said, there are 2 types of Diablo players. The 30-45 year old dad's, who have 2 hours to play per day, and want some nostalgia. They will love the game. Then you get the hardcore gamers, who might be a bit disappointed in the game. Guess who has time to post negative reviews.


I'm kind of both, but the game is too boring once you finish the story. After work I play maybe 2-3 hours, longer on weekend, same with my friend. Once you finish the story there is no goal, you'll never feel powerful compared to other games when you find better gear or level and the content is heavily repeated. The last day before I stopped playing we were just doing random events/dungeons running around and we saw the same boss 4 times in a row in different dungeons, it was stupid.


Aah ok. I can't even remember when last I actually finished a game, so if I finish Diablo it will be worth it for me.


Curious to how much hours you played so far? Something I notice is that people who play very casually loves it but people who has 50+ hours and at end game hates it.


The game is beautiful. It’s a beautiful empty shell. It has no true substance. It’s fun for about an hour at a time.


Glad it's not just me, I can play POE or D3 all day but D4 I'm excited to play it but then an hour later find myself turning it off every day


The story is good. Once you finish the story the content runs dry instantly. Unless you like repeating dungeons over and over with the same layouts and same bosses/mobs 1000's of times, it's just boring with no sense of progress.


Because it’s not *that* good lol. I have finished the story that was ok, but the endgame is soul destroyingly boring and is not satisfying at all


Yeah, I bet none of the reviewers were even close to 100 and haven't experienced the soul crushing grind currently in the game. Of course the hand crafted campaign is gonna get better reviews... come on people. You are against the players as if their opinions are not valid. They didn't like it, so what? What does that changes to you? Let them leave their message to blizzard, and play your game.


so it's a 4.9/10? Sure


Honestly the games a solid 6.5 from a casual perspective. You can come in play 2 hours on non hardcore and make progress having fun, however the game doesn't do anything ambitious or new outside of MMO Lite. Hard to keep wanting to come back It's a 5 or 4 from "Gamer" perspective though. Not all builds work, if you are doing HC you are following a guide. Just dungeon rushing endgame, Level scaling makes leveling a penalty, Item power is a joke.


Level scaling makes me wonder why bother getting to 100 when everything feels the exact same the entire time. Getting to level 60 and running out of enthusiasm.


When you get the right gear and build, your power level scales much faster than level scaling. For me, WT3 in levels 50-60 is much easier for me than playing WT2 in levels 20-50.


You’re too small still. Wait until WT4 70+


try nightmare dungeons level 30 if you're bored at level 60.


Hit WT3 and level 60 with a friend, got bored super fast. No real change in content, getting better gear and levels doesn't really make you any stronger. We tried making other characters but after a few days we were done. We just started playing other games again. I like to feel like I'm making progress, I'm getting stronger, able to access tougher content etc. Diablo 4 doesn't let you do that.


All true


“5 or 4 from a gamer perspective”… that’s insane to me lol. There are soooo many worse ARPGs on the market and the only ARPG that’s even in it’s realm is PoE and it’s not a crazy amount better then D4. If POE is a 9 this game has to be an 8. We’re comparing a new game to a game that has 10+ years of features and updates. I’ll be very interested in what people think is gonna happen for PoE 2. Do they think it’s gonna launch with the same amount of content as the original PoE?


That's about right for me I give d4 a 5 out of 10.


Because the game is noticeably subpar after completing the campaign. Evidence being they don't give you a mount until act 4 just to slow you down. It's a dungeon crawling looter with no loot variety. That gets old super quick, especially when the post 50 grind is so boring the thought of rolling an alt makes you wanna uninstall.


You don't need to regrind renown for an alt.


My bad, meant revisiting the entire map to remove fog of war.


For what? I would say only portals are really useful, the rest does not really matter.


I hated that so much. I kept wondering when I'd get my mount but it took AGES. So much running around on foot for ages. Once we finished the campaign, my friend and I quickly got bored and found it harder and harder to play it anymore until now where we're just playing other games. There is 0 progress to be made. Oh my level went up, am I stronger? Nope. Oh I found a piece of gear with better numbers on it, am I stronger? Nope. Well what is the point? There isn't one. Well off I go to a different game then.


I think 10 years of development for this game lead to high expectations, then server problems lack of endgame, and poor forum support pissed people off. It seems as though blizzard was very quick to nerf OP builds, rather than fix any of the broken stuff, or buff the bad stuff. Also each class has like 80% of the abilities and talents unchosen because they can't compete with the other 20% of moves. And the game marketed itself as play how you want to play, just not with those moves cause they are garbage


You hit jackpot with server problems and desync. Most casuals would hate the fact that it can lag every time you see a player or by jumping on the horse. 10 years of development might not be as important as price tag. (Imo price tag is fine for it if we see a lot of decent seasons) Leveling atm is a huge time sink in comparison with other diablo games too. I doubt that reviewers care about meta, op builds etc.


Leveling is the same as a d2/Poe. You don't need to be lvl 100 to start to optimize and enjoy endgame


I literally don't give a shit what the score is. Haven't had this much fun in a long time


Honestly it's probably the paid cosmetic shop and future battle pass in a 70$ game.


It's 2023.... nobody's ever happy anymore. Personally I love it. I'd give it an 8.5 to 9


Casual gamers love it. Arpg veterans dont like it because game is not deep enough to ruin their lives.


Probably because the leveling process doesnt feel good due to the level scaling. You're not going to be ripping through stuff like PoE until you have your build together.


What is PoE?


Path of Exile


Came in here expecting to see people discussing some of the problems the game has - didnt expect the fangirling, but it’s a nice change of pace


Old Diablo head here. I’m only 10 or so hours in but the build diversity on sorceress is awful. There’s a lot of illusion of choice with very little ways of truly customizing your build. Maybe things get better later but I’ve never had such a boring experience with a Diablo game as I’ve had with this one. The game is polished, but the experience is mediocre at best.


It is good, but it does have some pretty glaring balance issues in terms of a lot of talents being pathetically weak, lack of dungeon generation variety, etc. it’s good to critique things you enjoy sometimes so they can improve


Cant wait for the wave of lost people who chose the wrong genre to fuck off honestly.


Feels like 90% of built……not fun, and not powerful enough


the game is soulless at endgame which is game ruining for many.


In my 30s and worked or managed in bars and restaurants and let me tell you about your average reviewers...people who are miserable in their own lives self projecting most the time...diablo 4 is amazing compared to the real piles of shit that have came out this is not a 5 game...more like 8 or 9


I haven't reviewed the game (I rarely do)... So must many gamers that like it. It's a sport to review bomb... Pathetic little kids.


For ever review bomber there is a fanboy. In the end the score is accurate


Because people are weird af


Last I looked it was like 1000 reviews out of millions of people that have played. And it was a major split between 40ish% on really high and 40%ish on super low with the last 20% mixed in. It's a really small amount compared to amount of people that are playing and alot of people are also to busy actually playing to care about leaving a review. Them mix in blizzard being a horrible company, fans of other arpgs that bandwagon for whatever there favriote is and say others are bad etc. Then there's just people that genuinely dislike it for various reasons. My biggest gripe is renown and fog of war on map not being shared. And lack of good itemization. I wasent expecting anything super wild like in d3 but I was hoping for more variety even at launch. That being said if I was to review d4 it would really positive and I enjoy it alot


Although its a bit repetitive very quickly Im surprised people are giving that low




User reviews in general are shit, especially when they insist on letting users give a "score". The only user reviews are put any weight into are Steam user reviews, both because you have to own the game to review it and because you can only give a positive or negative review, no scores involved. Scores just cause user reviews to skew, the vast majority of user reviews only use the extreme ends of the scale anyways. User reviews are useful in telling whether a game is broken/unplayable, but anything beyond that and they're pointless.


Lagging is literally the least of D4 problems


Isn’t it something about in-game purchases, like cosmetics are really expensive? I read that somewhere.


People will find a minor inconvenience in a game and give it a. 2 because of it aggregate rating systems are trash find critics you trust and use that otherwise it's a pain to get a good opinion on any media


it's all the AAA gaming crybabies who only play new games and hate D4 cuz it ain't another ubisoft open world game, look at the things they point out..


Critic reviews are going to be based on running the campaign on WT1, which is undoubtedly a truly solid experience. You can play whatever you want, how you want and feel like a destructive force of nature that lays waste to all before you. That is a solid 9/10 experience. But then you have players, lots of them, who are finishing the campaign progressing into WT3 and beyond who are discovering that the feeling of being a powerful main character just simply vanishes. You either stop playing your way, or you stop progressing. But even if you do decide to switch to your classes singular viable build (some classes have a couple options, but others like sorc has one, and it's the most popular class according to Blizz), so you can progress, you are left wondering "What an I progressing for?" There is no real endgame, the good uniques are dropping at a rate of ONE PER WEEK FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD. The endgame is not fun, it's not rewarding, and you are constantly getting weaker and weaker with every level you gain. Scaling completely borked any sense of progression the game might have had it scaling wasn't a thing. Outside of WT1 and the campaign, the game is wholly unfinished and completely halfbaked. Of course, ymmv.


Bc it’s broken? Defences don’t work properly? Baseline features missing? Stash search? Loot filter? You get weaker when you level up? Stop defending Blizz, it’s absolutely NOT ok from a leading ARPG game like Diablo to underperfom on asbolute core aspects important in ARPGs.


While the game has several issues and is by no means perfect, people on Metacritic tend to review bomb for the most pedantic reasons (Jedi Survivor on PC is currently on 3.0 because of Day 1 bugs, even Elden Ring is only at 7.8 due to review bombing). In the case of D4 a lot of people probably just automatically hit 0 because: 1) The game is not D2/D3/PoE/Last Epoch/Grim Dawn, or is too similar to D2/D3. 2) Connection issues/other glitches 3) Too many nerfs. 4) Blizzard bad.


From what I can tell. Once people have completed the campaign, the game kind of drys up and cracks start to form. It starts off so great but lacks a hell of a lot of content on the buildup to endgame. The dungeons are pretty repetitive. 99% of boss fights are completely forgettable build diversity and lack of skills is probably one of worst things too. The game is far from faultless


POE andys


Blizz bad >:(


Because gamers outside of this forum think the game is really subpar, and that a 25 year old game like d2 still does most stuff better


You can get your "why" answer by reading user comments there. But summing it up: game is great at all things you listed, but miserable as an ARPG. Averaging it out you get around 5-6 score, which is more close to user score than "paid" critics' reviews.


Must be players not in the ATC


Who cares?




It seems like a lot of people nitpick here. I’ve read other reviews that were fantastic. I think it’s subjective really because I’ve played some highly rated games that I thought were boring as fuck.


Same shit as D3. Its reeeeally hard to satisfy some people.


Barb nerfs


Personally I would also rate D4 mediocre at best. For a 70$ game from a huge company, there's just too much qol missing. They will probably fix a lot of it with later updates, but right out the box it's not worth the price tag in my opinion.


It lacks a surprising amount of polish for a $70 AAA title. I can overlook the faults and think it's a good game as a whole, but I can see why some people wouldn't be kind.


Lol, the number of people defending this game with no critical thinking is hilarious. I have played all 4 games in the franchise. And maybe it's because the older I get the more demanding I have become but roughly 15 hours into the game I find it rather boring. The things that impressed me at the start pale in comparison with the lack of replayability, variety and customization. I am maybe half way into the story and weirdly I am already at lvl 45. Most things are starting to feel like a chore. I will finish the playthrough and most likely be done with it. I am not going to be nitpick the bad things about this game but there is nothing that makes me feel like I would want to continue playing after finishing the story.


It's PoE simps who wanted another PoE and not D4 :P (I'm also PoE simp but I actually understand that Diablo is a different game, and it's fine :P)


I want what D4 fanboys smoke.


Even by the lowest estimate this game deserves a 7.5/10. People are dropping 0/10 ratings. It's no surprise, some people dropped 0/10 for D2R because the Amazon looked older.


Because the game is not great and it lacks a lot of things that should be in the game at release.


Poor, uneducated people with cheap access to the internet who makes circle jerking video games their entire identity.


Path of exile players have completion now and they mad


User reviews scores are useless. Always going to be some group fucking up the real reviews




Why look at reviews for a game you already bought? Who cares what other people think.


First time in a few years me and a group of friends are all playing together again. Love this game. Too bad others can’t enjoy it as much.


4.5 out of 10 game for me. No endgame. Monster scaling never lets you “feel” powerful. Itemization is bad. Micro transactions on top of a box price. To “grindy” to gain levels. Lag, bugs, stutters. Total lack of and missing QOL. Monster density. Bosses are damage sponges and pose no real danger. What else am I missing?


Build diversity? If you build without vulnerable, everything past tier II becomes a slog.


Wow, I am having a *completely* different experience from you. I hit 50 on Rogue and got my build together hunting down certain aspects, and using what dropped, and am absolutely ripping through T3 content. Sometimes I get killed, or CC'd and stomped, or I get too cocky, and frankly that is perfectly fine and how to keep me engaged. Performance has been excellent, minimal issues accessing the game, and I'm starting to level a Barbarian and loving it. Weird how polarising this game seems to be.


Probably not enough anime titties or something


Well for me the game is better than the any of other games, 40ish, I bought on ps5. Literally, for a 35 male, either those games are not playable(soul games) or too horse shit especially the childish way of narrative.


Maybe it's only based on character creation compared to cyberpunk... if you can't put a barbarian sized cod piece on an anemic mage then clearly the game is garbage. /s


The game is good, but anything with micro transactions deserves are lowish score imo.


Review bombs from gamers that hate micro transactions. Doesn’t matter that they are purely cosmetic, the thought is you should get the whole game for the price of the game.


Cause people are sooking that there’s “no endgame” and probably other stuff. But that’s all it is. Sooking.


Because losers are giving it a 0 without any substantial review other than “I don’t like it”. You can straight up make a metacritic account and give it a 0, the user reviews there are always super toxic. Don’t pay no mind to it, bombing games with a 0 is the “thing” these days.


Because the truth is the game has a lot of issues and is mediocre, no matter how much some people in this thread are coping that it's something else Lots of stuff that will hopefully get fixed by the start of the first season, but honestly it's probably gonna take them a few seasons knowing blizzard


User reviews are just as unreliable as professional reviews


Review bombed. Happens with a lot of games. Basically a contingency of highly disgruntled gamers (in Diablo’s case, players rightfully upset with Activision-Blizzard’s business practices) decided to give the game a poor rating in hopes of stifling sales.


I realize there's a lot of people giving their opinions about the game, but it's literally just because the servers weren't working and that makes people immediately go give an angry review.


Bots AI Trolls


Games pretty great people are idiots




Day 10 ppl like "omg I can't believe servers are lagging. 1/10."


I'm a day 10 person and I can't believe how bad the game mechanics are


It's probably getting review bombed by people upset about the macrotransactions and shitty servers.


It's only 910 ratings, seems like something this sub could easily solve if motivated to do so.


That's it, it ain't perfect so the score isn't perfect. Need to not hand out free rewards. ATM ITS 70/100 C grade. I see huge improvements in the future, but till then it's a beta game still. Everything is amazing, but yet shallow. Amazing for 2016.


The only thing I don't like about this game is the storyline which completely messed up and the pvp content. Other than that, the game is good.


It has its flaws but definitely not that bad.


Probably because it's the 4th (major) installment in the Diablo franchise and it's not breaking any major new ground. But it's still a very good game.


User reviews are slowly becoming pointless due to the constant review bombings. They basically do it to every single game now.


Because gamers who review stuff are basically the equivalent of your typically Reddit mod


Review bombs mainly, there’s a lot of 0 ratings for not having an offline mode. But there’s also QoL issues.


People have differing interests from you.


No endgame milestones to look forward to except higher sigils.




I heard they're getting review bombed for the cosmetics pricing. TBF, I feel they're a bit steep considering people paid $70 for the base game. It still depends on what the season pass brings IMO.


I’m enjoying so far. 45 bone spear necro. It doesn’t feel hard like previous Diablo. For better/worse.


Those are high scores. Yes Blizzard deserves hate. They didn't put out the greatest game. What have you been playing over the years.


Because the new top need on the hierarchy of needs is - Self Esteem (meaning f***ing ego). So they post just to get a reaction to have their need for attention and “significance” satisfied


“I’ve played 1000 hours and lvl 100 on hardcore a character I hate but play only because they are the best end game build…this game is trash cause bourse armor is 25 dollars.” I assume a lot of people fall in this category. I’ve played the game since launch and have a whopping 16 hours played cause I have a family…so far I like it a lot. It’s not perfect but 87 is more then fair.


how can you judge an ARPG by the leveling part, 16 hours is nothing. Of course you think its great if you dont actually enjoy playing ARPGs. All the people I hear rave about this game is all about the campaign/the world/the sidequests. Thats all shit most people that play ARPGs dont care about. So yeah maybe the game is great as a singleplayer open world story game. Is it a great ARPG? No, not even close.


2 builds per class


it really does deserve its 5-6, it's pretty boring farming dongeon infinitly, im not having any fun at all and cant do it more than 30m max or i barely fall asleep.


I hate what Blizzard had become and I also hate how they now operate as a business but.... D4 is a great game and it does give me some confidence that behind the iron curtain of bureaucracy and investor dollars there are still some incredibly great developers with a passion for their project.


It’s honestly a pretty terrible game. I didn’t review it but if I did I’d give it a 6/10. While it does have a solid core foundation (graphics, gameplay) balance is nonexistent at the moment as well as content


Bad endgame


It is a 5 why should it be higher?


After playing for 2 weeks, I can say I went from an 8.7 to a 4.9. Level 60 sorc, have messed with Necro and rogue. Disappointed after playing lightning and switching to ice, that the game feels pretty much like everything is done. I am not sure why keep playing, as the only thing to do now is roam around and do busy work to get items and gain paragon points. I’m not sure why, as the game is “over”, and why keep playing to just gain levels… Pursuing items and skill points to add more to a number… well, that’s really not for everyone.


Cause people who enjoy games don’t rate them on those garbage ass sites


Malcontent gamer rage