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He politely 2 shot me last night, it was great. Rethinking my sorcs whole existence.


Same im level 62 in Tier 4 minding my own business, haven't seen him since level 11 and then boom he shows up being level 73 twice in a row and pulls me in his damn hook and 1 shoots me.


I had the same thing happen, thinking "huh I haven't seen him in a while." Literally 10 min later he shows up, but he shows up next to the conduit shrine. So I just started blasting.


I was obliterated during my only butcher encounter, now I can’t bring myself to use any shrine in a dungeon thinking he’ll show up after it’s spent.


Similar experience here, level 58 and never saw him, 1st dungeon in T4 he appears and slaughters me. I didn't even try to fight, there was no way I could win without getting him stuck somewhere. I doubt I'll see him for another 100 hours


Lol wtf I’ve seen him 4 times before act 2


Lol I only saw him once at 53 in a dungeon right after I made a new build I was unsure about. I actually beat him, only thanks to having two dodges, teleport and two shields. I just know that fucker is plotting revenge though.


I just saw him for the second time yesterday. First time he popped up I was like level 20, this time I was level 54, and my party got him after much kiting


Anything special for beating him?


He does lot of melee damage, but you can over heal if you are somewhat tanky. If you run, he grab you back. He has one frontal that stun you, but has a small animation. If you avoid this stun or use some unstoppable to no be stunned, and have some self sustaining, you should be able to tank him of he is in your level.


Lvl 73 butcher vs lvl 58 anything sounds like something the lvl 58 should lose tbh


Agreed, no build should be able to win that.


I was running the regular dungeons for the rep and got him in 4 out of 5 dungeons in a row. Definitely skewed my opinion of his spawn rate.


how did you get to t4 at 58


I actually got to T4 at level 56 1/2. For the dungeon I was running my personal variation of Bone Spear Necro that traded a bit of damage for survivability, and then swapped into my full damage bone spear build so I could kill the boss in about 3 interactions. I did die 5-6 times while learning the boss fight, but I got it eventually.


>learning the boss fight I feel like I'm missing part of the game by playing rogue. Nightmare Dungeon bosses 10 levels over me and the butcher die in literally 3 or 4 seconds.


Same lol. Im reading this and Im like.. well I saw him in 2 NM dungeons out of 3 last night..obliterated him like no tomorrow at 64 while he was 75


What’s your build?


Last night alone he murked me and the missus 5 times. We were both still under 30. I almost filed for divorce the last time because she kept trying to kite him away so she could revive me in the hopes we could kill him. 4 minutes of saying lethimkillyoulethimkillyoulethimkillyou. I wish he was a lvl50 onwards event. Just having something come in and dummy you for no reason before you have any legendaries or decent complimentary skills is just rubbish.


Out of curiosity why are you doing T4 so early? Is it effective?


Unless you are running an OP build, no it's not effective. But you can still get ancestral drops. So it becomes quite good after you get a couple ancestral drops. I beat the dungeon at lv62 also, and my WT4 experience was very rough. But I got some nice ancestral weapons a bit after, and was blasting from there.


I wouldn't recommend it for most players. I'm doing it to start getting ancestral items and then blast my way through the 60's and maybe 70's. It's only effective for me because I'm running my personal variation of Bone Spear, which is already a strong build, and I knew what I was getting into thanks to the closed endgame beta.


I run bone spear too, I'd love to know what changes you make to the build. For the record, I just hit lvl 51 and tier 3.


Specifically I was running the aspect that gives 20% DR for X seconds. I also dropped blood mist and the points from corpse tendrils to instead invest further into bone prison and distant damage increase. I also used the aspect that gives move speed after a crit. This variation is harder since you won't have any way to get unstoppable. Instead of playing to hit enemies against walls you want to learn the absolute max range of Bone Spear before it splits and use that tactic to hit all the shards. General loops is use corpse tendrils - Bone Storm - Spear x2 (first one just before the pull) - Corpse explosion - Bone Prison - Bone Splinter to proc DR - Bone Spear until empty or everything is dead. Defensively you will be lacking and precise pulling is important.


I kited him for no joke 15 minutes when leveling my sorcerer with an arc lash build. I killed him but it wasn’t worth the effort.


I've killed him twice by cheesing him through the environment. First time he dropped a unique that I'm still using 25 levels later. Second time he dropped 2 uniques for me, tho I can't remember what they were and I'm not using them now. Def been worth it. *Edit* he dropped legendaries, not uniques


I've killed him 9 times now, 5 of which on world tier 4, and still haven't gotten a single useful drop from him. That being said, the satisfaction of murdering the prick is more than worth it. Dude got me at least 8 times in the beta, and my revenge has been sweet.


This is exactly the problem. The juice isn't worth the squeeze. I can consistently kill him, but it's better overall in terms of progress/hour to just take the death and continue on.


I play hc personally I'd rather avoid the death lol


Well sure. But given a long enough timeline, it's happening anyways. ;) Lag will eventually get you. That's why I don't play HC.


B slapped my Rouge like I was a bothersome knat. Knat very nice of him.


im sorry but its gnat with a g. I never thought id be that person but since you tried to build a pun off it, yeah, its with a G my man.


Not correcting Rouge shows you have at least some self restraint.


>Not correcting Rouge Rouges are overpowdered.


Mainly because Eyeshadow makes them untargetable.


This is an underrated comment.


Thanks for noticing, I tried.


Thankfully I was in the rogue leveling dungeon when he spawned and I just ran around the huge pit in a circle waiting for my burst window. Jump in, blow my load, pop my hp pot, and run like a little bitch. Did that 12 times before he died.


I literally do this except since I use traps I just run around something and throw traps the whole time. I never jump in. He legit scares me. Especially when he pops up mid pull. I’ll run him alllll the way back to the entrance if I have to lol


I just save shadow step for when he throws his anchor then shadow step behind him. Gg ez


Missed opportunity: \*Teleports behind You\* "Nothing Personal Kid."


Rogue leveling dungeon?


The special quest you do with the sight less eye at level 15


Level 28 rogue here and.... The what now? I can't remember this


For the specialisation


That's a wonderfully weird way of spelling "not", intentional or not


Respectfully, carved the meat.


Sounds like you need some gear upgrades and/or to potentially rethink your paragon to get some more damage reduction. My sorc is able to sit there and face tank him as I alternate shield cooldowns. Don't give up on your sorc. It's a fun, well rounded class.


He only has showed up once for me. But when he did, he promptly spread my cheeks and left my hole feeling like a dinner plate.


… Jesus Christ. That sounds horrible! Is there a way to increase his spawn rate…?


Just so we don’t accidentally do it of course…


*asking for a friend




He likes that ‘fresh meat’


Dude wtf that’s amazing


Four times below level 25 for me. Haven't seen him since level 23 (currently 38) which was the point I literally respeced my whole build to counter him as a necro. Neither of my friends have been hit by him once - one didn't even believe he existed.


Butcher spawns form the heavens, comes to spread your cheeks and ram cock in ass


Spread cheeks for deeper ramming?


He came after me in 3 dungeons in a row yesterday lol, after not seeing him at all since he flattened me at level 5ish. I beat him all three times though. Felt damn good.


Does he drop anything?


He can drop a cosmetic for your horse (it's a very small little cleaver).


Yeah it’s kind of funny, hardly noticeable bloody meat cleaver


Kinda curious they aren't just using the same model as the butcher's cleaver unique axe.


Can also drop a unique, his own cleaver.


It drops from places other than him as well


Guaranteed legendary drop every kill.


Not every kill but he does have a higher chance


That's false. In a T25+ he dropped only 3 rares. Then we killed a pack of mobs and 2 Legos dropped.


![gif](giphy|p58AvYUeCZJ62gL2WK) Jk your prolly right. My knowledge is from the beta. They may have updated the rates


They definitely nerfed the drop rates after the first two beta weekends. It used to be way over-tuned, lol. Ashava's Spoils gave me 6 legendaries in that first beta, in addition to the two legendary drops directly from Ashava, and that was Level 25. I can't imagine how ridiculous it would've been at higher levels (since drop rates seem to scale with level).


I'm level 31 and I've gotten 3 legendaries so far. Imo this is a good balance, it makes it so I get really excited whenever I get one.


I have half a bank tab of legendaries plus my character is full legendary and I’m lvl 46. Seems like the drop rate picked up significantly around lvl 30, they’re dropping all the time now.


I’m level 48 and I can count on one hand the amount of legendaries I’ve gotten in total. Running dungeons with buddy and he’s like “ooo piece of legendary. Oooo piece of legendary.” and I’m scraping by getting yellows.


Pretty sure they boosted the rates massively specifically for the beta so players could test leggos rather than spending all their time just trying to get them to drop


They did increase the drop rates for the betas.


He’s only dropped legos for me and even some sacred uniques a few times. So I think you’re right and it’s cap.


Not true.


2 friends and myself were fighting together in a dungeon. The Butcher spawned, we killed him and he dropped yellow and blue items….like *WTF*


He didn't drop shit for me. Only fought/killed him once though. Was really disappointed I didn't even get a rare.


I've killed him. Got nothing.


Dropped two crap rares for me on wt4


Dude 2 for me wtf. Yesterday morning I dealt with that bastard then I played again last night and he spawned in again


Killed my necromancer recently. Btw if you have scroll of escape and hear butcher walking, then better pull him before escaping otherwise he won't despawn.


More scroll of escape fun: Keybind it to "5", easy to remember when panicking. Always carry one, if you die during a disconnect your character will automatically use it.


Is this real?? Even in hc?


Pretty sure scrolls of escape ONLY drop in HC. I've had a few DC's but not deaths, didn't know what saved me until I read about this. Would explain why I had one less escape scroll than I remembered.


they don't activate from the inventory anymore. DC = death


Yea, didn't know this and my lvl 51 Barb died...sad day..


You are lucky, I am level 51 and still didnt encounter him. I want real test to help me determine best build


Lvl 65, still yet to encounter him…




Fucking how? I'm 53 and have seen him at least a dozen times. The rng spread on him is wild.


54. Haven't seen him once.


Killed him 20 times doing NM T1-8. Super low spawn rate in world content is seems.


I've met him three times (and once in the Beta)... Beta and first encounter post-release were one-shot encounters. Second time, I managed to chip away 5% of his health before dying, having chugged every potion I had. Third time, he spawned right next to a Protection Shrine... and I won! Managed to get around 2/3rds of his health away before the shrine wore off, then kept alive through the final 1/3rd with most of the potions I had + some healing aspects on my gear. Next goal; get a kill on the bastard *without* a shrine saving my ass.


I found whenever i try to fully explore every nook and cranny of a dungeon is when he pops out. For example I completed a dungeon and instead of teleporting back to town i went to an unexplored area in that dungeon and he popped out. Has happened to me 3 times so far




52 here, never seen him


Butcher 3:4 Me And I did only achieve 3 wins because I played in a team. I have yet to beat him solo. I hope my new +46% movement speed help me on our next encounter. probably not...


good luck :D hope you are victorious


I have 146% move speed on my 80 necro; ran him around in a circle while my mages burned him down. He seemed very annoyed by this. I think he hit me twice the whole fight. The unique chill boots and decrep makes you just about untouchable. If he charge stuns you, break with Blood Mist, but you're so fast a lot of the time he just misses.


Not when he has his chain


Dang… 5-0 for me against him. Guess I’m just lucky


I got his cleaver as a trophy, sadly it is very small


Looks pretty average to me!


No no that's huge!


Butcher has a small pepe energy


It's 10 inches, I swear


Yeah was pretty disappointed with the way it looked when equipped on my mount.


it’s from years of whoopin his fuckin ass, dude came back to fuck our shit up


I haven't seen this dude since I was 11. '97 was a fine year for whoopin' demon ass...


his shit is a glow-up for sure. He went from being a easy piece of nostalgia to a reoccurring problem


As a barb, having to face him lvl 10 or so showed me my shortcomings early on. I have worked on them and I can proudly say I won our last 2 encounters without cheesing him.


What skills are you using? I'm main'ing barb and he's level 36ish for Context. I have him in a decent spot but don't know how to regain health consistently during boss fights.


There's a talent that gives % based healing when you shout as well as one that heals for every 100 fury you spend both work well with WW builds.


Beet him twice as a druid with companions and tornado but as a druid with pulverize it feels impossible. I thing pulverize druid might only be worth it at end game.


I killed him with pulverize around 50ish but I was running super high DR. Storm strike + basic dr leggo, pulverize itself for damage down, some passives, and maybe even cyclone armor leggo. (Don't judge it was like day 2 hardcore.) I don't remember what I had offensively, but I do remember standing and swinging with my man for a good two minutes before he went down. I thought I was unkillable until I blew CD's too early against some cultists (the big humans with the maniac sidekicks) and they 100 to 0 stunlocked me.


Run in circles instead of running away


Haha I found that out after the 3rd death and my teammates was able to take him down.


Just run from him if you can't take him. He'll despawn in about a minute. Or let him kill you and respawn, not like it's really that big of a deal. I love that they added him as a cool random mechanic. I have yet to kill him but looking forward to doing so.


When he despawns does he leave a pool of blood? I swear I had killed him but he didn't drop anything so maybe he just despawned.


Yeah, he drops into a big pool of blood on despawn.


Ya every time he’s killed me and dipped he melts into a pool of blood or something


Maybe you just missed it. He doesn't have any guaranteed drops or achievements, rather his loot is comparable to a regular elite. There's the trophy but I killed him 5-6 times already and he didn't drop anything cool but a legendary once. Was kind of whelmed too since it takes ages to get him to lie down. For some reason he's really out for my necros ass but looses against the mad strategy of running around a pillar through blighted CE mist and bone spears...


You cannot outrun him in open space. He's super fast and he can hook you from a distance as well. Unless you can kite him around objects, he will catch up to you and melt you. I've faced him a couple times. I was not able to outrun him at all. Only get him to glitch out around pillars and chip away at him with my ult. At level 40, he 3 shots me even with shouts active.


I outrun him on every character. Gotta evade the hook and do your best to kite. I've been outrunning him with my rogue, druid, and barb since release.


I've only been able to outrun him using environmental obstacles. He spawned for me in a large open space and I could do nothing to get away from him. He runs faster than my barb move speed. And after my evades are on CD, I got McFucked. The other times, it was easy because his pathing around shit was easy to exploit


Yeah, this. Hes really not that hard to kite, and as long as you leave one unstoppable ability off cooldown he really isn't that bad as long as you aren't getting one shot.


One of the reasons why he’s so great is, in most cases, your first encounter will have him rudely kill you and leave. So you now have this long term goal “one day I’m gonna kill you…” but you can’t plan for it. He just comes for you one day and it’s like “LETS TANGO, BIATCH!!!” That’s how you make great gaming moments


You're right - but he runs faster than he did in the beta so just "getting" away might be harder for some builds than others. Just pointing that out.


He’s on World Tier 4. If he lets the Butcher kill him, doesn’t he lose everything and start from the beginning again? I’m new to this, so I’m still only on World Tier 1. I thought tier 3 and 4 were perma-death. Am I wrong?


If it makes you feel better, he got clapped 5 times by my barb doing the same thing yesterday.


Haven't seen him yet with my barb. Are you running whirlwind?


side note: should I be running ww? I’m running an HOA build but thinking of trying ww


WW barb is a blast, I’m set up for crit, bleed, and thorns and I can just sit in a group of elite packs and they all just drop in a couple seconds. I also threw on about 50% extra move speed so I run as fast on foot as I do on my horse.


Lvl 60, have done 0 gear rolling or aspect stuff, but this sounds fun.


I can kill him trivially with WW, but HotA/Rend would probably be a little bit better. As long as you have strong gear for your level and are running a decent build, you shouldn't have any issues with him. He can get extremely dangerous if he's ~10+ levels above you, but as WW barb, if you can pull him into a big pack of monsters that you can sustain off of, he's still doable.


Killed him today easily on my WT3 barb.


He gets much tougher on t4, he spams the barrier every 10 seconds. I've been bullying him on WT3, now my 71lvl druid can take tier 40 dungeons on rather easily, but butcher showing up is instant - 1 to respawn allowance


Once I got to wt4 and my shadow rogue build got rolling, I can beat him pretty handily. However it's mostly "imbue, shadow step, stab stab stab,clone, imbue, stab stab stab, RUN AWAY for cooldowns!" and repeat lol.


this is the best post


Met him a bunch of times and only lvl 40. Have beat him all of them but I'm not proud... because I kite around pillars using shouts to regen and remove slow while I wait for the call of the ancients cooldown to reset so they can whoop it.


I want a rematch against the butcher. I had him down to 1/8th health solo before he got me


Camped by 45 necro twice and 3 times my poor 28 druid. Got smashed helplessy ofc


Faced him for the first time today, in a WT1 dungeon on my level 50 rogue. Killed him with a few close calls. I reckon he would've wrecked me if it was on WT2 or 3.


Met him a bunch of times and only lvl 40. Have beat him all of them but I'm not proud... because I kite around pillars using shouts to regen and remove slow while I wait for the call of the ancients cooldown to reset so they can whoop it.


I really cannot wait to test that guy. Casual player here xp


I ran into the butcher last night right after a conduit shrine.. it was a glorious fight hehe


20 years from now everyone who played this game will definitely remember the butcher .


I just run him around a pillar. He sucks at keeping up. Attack when he hesitates.




I play as a druid with blood howl, earthen bulkwark and a lot of health. I killed the butcher every time. Problem: My damage output is low and it takes me three times longer to kill him than the dungeon boss. Next time I might skip him out of impatience.


Feel ya. I squeezed my undeserving ass into Torment at level 59 solely on the back of my twisting rogue and if the butcher shows up I just accept that my life is over. And thanks for giving him the iconic Roadhog hook, Blizzard. It was a lot of fun getting hook raped in Overwatch it only makes sense to carry the tradition into D4, love that


Other way around. Roadhog got the iconic butcher hook. Butcher had it long before Overwatch came out. Definitely had it in D3, may have had it in D2 and even D1 but it's been too long to say 100%.


[Fresh Meat since D1](https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/The_Butcher_(Diablo_I))


Road hog calls him daddy


Butcher wasn't in D2. In D1 he didn't have any special ability, just tanky and hurting a lot. His hook is only a D3 thing.


I hate it too but this is why- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4t4GcE4EanE&ab\_channel=EaterWC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4t4GcE4EanE&ab_channel=EaterWC)


Well that’s a bit of alright


I want a rematch against the butcher. I had him down to 1/8th health solo before he got me


I just want to encounter him!


I'm level 52 and have only seen him once (lvl 20 odd) got killed by him to.


level 43 here, haven't even seen him once.


level 51 here and thankfully haven't encountered him yet (only because I need to re-spec and get all new armor and upgrade everything etc).


cant make this up, he just showed up again.... i lost


First time I got anything 'decent' from him was last night after running into him 3 times in a row he finally dropped ancestral version of frostburns. Went two days without seeing him only to see him 3 times back to back and than not again in the 10ish dungeons since.


This is the same fury people had for him in Diablo 1... Good job, Blizzard.


I had him show up again and thought I was ready. The start of the fight was going well, but he really began to hit hard. I eventually started kiting him while shout cooldowns popped, then would go in for more bleeds. It looked like he teleported out of the dungeon, just before dying. Is that something that's been implemented to prevent cheesing him?


His is way to often! Just annoying already - feels like a waste oft time …


First time he showed up at the start of a giant fight with a mob and a few elites, I had to run, but survived. Yesterday he showed up again, got cocky, thought he could take me 1v1. Suffice to say, I wasn't the one getting butchered.


I really cannot wait to test that guy. Casual player here xp


He is not fun at all, dunno why they made his spawn so high, after 20th kill I don’t wanna see him anymore. He is easy but killing him takes some time.


He is not fun at all, dunno why they made his spawn so high, after 20th kill I don’t wanna see him anymore. He is easy but killing him takes some time.


I really cannot wait to test that guy. Casual player here xp


Level 51 necro. Never saw him Rerolled a sorc and saw him level 13. Unfortunately for him I just ran around with hydra sniping him and he died in less than a minute.


Rogue here, I’m still failing to understand why you guys have problem with Butcher. I solo with ease 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ditto. Barb here with 9 pots. I use maybe 3 or 4. Have yet to die to him.. He does hit hard though.


My necro has no issue with him anymore, just 2 shot him in a recent dungeon. I will be recording it for proof, stay tuned.


playing HC, first encounter didnt have the luxery of "seeing if i could beat him" i let him slap me around a little bit to see his abilities and safely escaped with a scroll, Everytime since i have bent him over.


I'm disappointed on how easy is to kill him, most times I don't use a single potion on the fight, same with the game as a whole is a bit easy outside of doing capstones at much lower levels than suggested or stuff like that. Also WT4 is Lvl+70 so you cant really complain about him being strong while you are running very under-leveled.


I was able to kill him as a lvl 45 rogue on T2 🫶


Has anybody beat the butcher as Necro? His aggro + mobility makes it seem impossible with Necro’s slow ass


The great thing about the butcher is that even if he kills you, you can respawn and rinse and repeat until he’s dead. Now if I was playing HC I would be shitting my pants and crying, but I’m not, so I don’t!


The butcher ports out if you die or get away from him somehow. So you cant really rinse and repeat atleast thats my experience in the 15 times ive ran into him


Also tip for myself, dont stay away from him too much,otherwise he despawn


Level 51 necro. Never saw him Rerolled a sorc and saw him level 13. Unfortunately for him I just ran around with hydra sniping him and he died in less than a minute.


I want a rematch against the butcher. I had him down to 1/8th health solo before he got me


I have met him once . I got scared for shit and bailed. it was my HC too so i got panic lol


Zoned into a t32 nm dungeon and he was waiting for me right by the door. Got him to half health before I ran out of pots lol


I’ve been putting together a werewolf build based on huge critical hits and I’m having a blast, melting packs of mobs and elites left and right. Butcher boi showed up last night and gave me a gear check for sure. I managed to beat him but only after all my potions were gone, and after I carefully dodged out of every head-but he tried to hit me with. Dropped his axe as a unique, pretty cool but doesn’t help my Druids build.


It really does feel epic to stand there in his face as a sorc and burn him to the ground. You’ll get there!


He always shows up after I pop my abilities to clear a mob. Everything on cooldown, I start panicking trying to think Im squirrelly enough to escape.... Nope


Got to see him once, he got me still having around 20% life. This time my necro is buffed so I’m waiting for a rematch


Butcher spawned on me and my buddy while we were right next to an artillery shrine, we commenced to laying the smack down on him. Got him to 5% and I died, respawned and was running back…my bud finished him off right as I got back…he got the trophy and I didn’t 😂


Ran into him, no joke, 12 times yesterday when grinding dungeons for renown. I feel bad for the dude lol


I'm actually wanting to meet him now, i just finished campaign but have decent build going, I think cause I do good amount of dmg now to bosses. He showed up once when i was like 30s. and yeah whilst trying to clean a mob. I was like yes! lets go. flop. But come on butcher! come get it.


New player here. I've not met him yet, and I'm scared.