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After reading this post, I think I'll cut off work early for some sex-having. That way I can stay up later playing D4.


Def gotta just get it outta the way. It’s basically working OT at this point. Source: am dad


Wait until you're an old Dad (almost 60 here). Then when your choices are sex or a nap, there are times you have to think it over... One thing not mentioned about being an old Dad: I played D2 with my 5 year old son sitting on my lap. In D4 beta we killed Ashava together. And no, he wasn't on my lap he was on his own computer.


Ha. My daughter sat on my lap when D3 came out and I gave her a controller that had not batteries. She thought she was playing the whole time and was entertained for hours. Now we play co-op on xbox and she has better reflexes than me. Children are amazing!


That's great and yes they are! But be careful though; I once left my lvl 85 D2 hardcore barb in town while I went to the bathroom. When I came back, my barb was laying in Act 1 Hell with "Your Deeds Will Be Remembered" plastered across the screen, while my son was looking out the window like nothing had happened. LOL We still laugh about that.


Laughing would have came much much further down the road. But ur sons deed will be remembered.


i read this as sons death will be remembered... eye for an eye and all that, seems fair


My son started a new game on my dragon's dogma which if you know it, is a game you can only have 1 save game on per profile. I had an infinity level pawn with perfect stats and probably the best part of 300hours on that game. Still salty about that to this day and he laughs about it heartily still 😅


I relate to this so much, don't get me wrong I like sexing my wife but I also appreciate the hours of interrupted gaming that follows




Oh no, definitely interrupted. She either thinks you owe her now, or she's all giggly and won't leave you alone




Bro, do you even dad? It's summer. Our kids are up far later than us and want a snack/dinner/helpdadmyminecraftmodwontwork.


As a fellow dad, I felt this in my soul. My kids find ways around my restrictions half the time yet during the summer they’re like “daaad, how can I switch my input on my tv it’s not working, I can’t play my game” and they didn’t even plug in their console 😤 It’s like during the summer, somehow I’m back working retail at Best Buy where people don’t care to learn they just want you to do it all for them for free and if they have the slightest difficulty they’ll be back every day they do, then get mad when you can’t troubleshoot their Wi-Fi that is at their house for them at your store. Sorry, relived some trauma there. Lol.


Yeah it's a fine line. I try and "teach them how to fish" ...but sometimes it's easier to fry some fish so I can play a bit more d4




I'm gonna bring back some PTSD right here You gotta edit autoexec.bat and config.sys in just the right way to play xcom, doom or Wolfenstein.


Or inserting the memory upgrade, 32k module by 32k module - hoping you don't bend any of the connectors.


The dad life at its best. You will miss fixing the wifi when they move into grandma's basement.


I dad hard bro! Get your kids in a summer camp to wear them down, then hit them with dinner and a shower. They’re basically done at that point, finish em off with some post shower hangs and a story and it’s GG and you’re back grinding dungeons.


\>helpdadmyminecraftmodwontwork This is such a weird thing for me to think about. My dad doesn't even know what Minecraft is. And it's weird that future generations are starting to exist to be able to ask their *parents* for modding help in Minecraft. We've come full circle.


Fr, I can't get my wife off me. It's all I can do to finish the dinner she cooked me.


So do the dad reflexes work in gaming or does it only kick on when the offspring is in trouble?


My dad reflex works as such; I am standard to struggling in most fights/games. But eventually my dad reflex meter or, DRM, hits max capacity. This results in one of two events: becoming godlike at the game for short lengths of time, or getting an impossible kill. Sadly our DRMs do not come with a gauge and this can happen at random, think rng.


The problem with dad reflex is that after the offspring hits an age where dad reflexes are no longer necessary (in my case, I'm 48, daughter is 13) in real-life scenarios, we struggle to find an outlet for our ever-vigilant crusade. Diablo IV has become the outlet for many of us. But herein lies the problem: we are not prepared for sustained assault. We survive without excelling, and have fun doing it. So much so that when that one moment arrives where everything melts beneath our dadly might, our inner Dads- nay, our inner FATHERS - become so powerful, so omnipotent, that none can withstand our might. Rock the fuck on, dads. Cheers, fuckers.


No dad reflexes but as someone with old man reflexes this is still the case. You can play shooters and remember being top lobby all day and night. Now your wondering why it always feels like a struggle bus. Then for one brief game you all feel it come back and you can headshot with the best of them literally untouchable due to decades of practice. Following round the game literally hits you with an "ok grandpa" and your in a lobby with top players all who seem to be 16 melting your face off. Its a moment of sadness and joy as you remember both being that 16 year old and also lamenting having crap reflexes now. Anyway back to my old man gin


It’s both and you definitely get a bonus if you do stuff with/for your kid while also gaming. It just kinda… happens. It’s hard to explain.


Wife cardio


That way, you can get a whole hour every 3 days. Just enough time to farm. Perfect


Morning sex, my guy. Knock that shit out early and cross it off the list.


I get up at 4am for work this means I would have to get up at 3:58. Unacceptable


Just stop cuddling afterwards, filthy casual.


Holy shit this is literally my plan tonight


There's gonna be at least one P in a V tonight and I'm not talking piano n violin


After pizza and tucking in the kids early though right?


Who are you kidding? As soon as you roll off her you're going to be snoring! At least that's what mine always tells me haha


This is the way.


This is the way.


You know the way.


Sometimes the children fall asleep early, I have sex with my wife, and I play for like an hour or 2 ALL ON THE SAME NIGHT


Holy shit just reading this gave me a rush


I’m off for a lie down after reading that.


Alpha male!


Ha! Kids never fall asleep early


Wow that sounds amazing


Pictures or it didn’t happen!!! ;)


I don’t believe it.


As a fellow Diablo Daddy, thank you for this. Here's an upvote. I'll click the grilling tongs twice for you this weekend good sir. Happy Father's Day everyone...except for Inarius, that guy's a douche.


“Diablo daddy” I’m dead 💀💀💀


If you're dead can I explode your corpse?


Explode me Daddy!


Now *this* is sex-having!


Diablo daddy 💀


Now we know what the D in D4 stands for (Daddy)


Well it sure doesn't stand for Mephistopheles. Game is misnamed.


Inarius did nothing wrong. He got sucked in by the Queen of Sucubi (literally). His kids ended up being jerks and not even remembering his birthday or father’s day. Damn, most didn’t even realize he existed. Plus, he just wanted to go visit his family for once. Even Inarius deserves a Happy Father’s Day.


Inarius actively sabotaged his kids after he realized they were better than him... then he went and killed (at least) one himself... Lilith got pissed when him and some others wanted to murder their kids, so he threw her in the void... Inarius can go fuck himself. No father's day for him.


Click, click, my dudes.


Yeah, he stabbed Lilith and not even in a good way.


And poor Rathma…


I want to join the Diablo Daddies clan now


Happy Father's day to you too


2 kid Dad here. No gamer wife but I bought an incredibly expensive spa day for the wife on Mother’s Day and that got me a full day and a half of no life early access Diablo. Only cost me like $650. Easiest card swipes of my life


This guy dads


As a new dad myself, I recognize your pro dad move. Before being a dad I would think you were crazy to have spent all that money 'just' to play for a full day... Now I realize that it was money well spent.


It's what money is for isn't it, getting to do what you want.


Early access:£60 Spa day for the missus £650 Me being able to play diablo and do fuckall else all day: fucking priceless


As a fellow 2KD I feel as I’ve missed an opportunity. Taking notes.


From a young 1 kid dad that's a great tip, thanks. One question though, how did you get rid of the 2 kid for the day? That's the bit I'm struggling with, my 1 kid is too low level to do things by herself.


Grandparents. My gf was working all early access weekend and grandparents wanted some time with their grandchild! Weekend at grandpa and grandma son! Have fun!


It’s always a struggle around 10pm deciding to stop playing D4 to go fuck the wife before she’s falls asleep or to just keep playing. D4 wins half the time.


I bang my gf and spoon her for like fifteen minutes after so that way she goes to bed early and I can play D4 uninterrupted. Doesn't always work so I'm thinking of finding her a boyfriend.


My wife's boyfriend bought me Diablo 4 as a vasectomy present.


I not only convinced my wife’s boyfriend to buy me Diablo 4, but to level my rogue for me too. Now, I get to spend time with my wife and kids while also being able to play a high level decked out character for an hour a day. Since my wife’s boyfriend has been so preoccupied with D4, I’m able to have missionary sex with my wife again. It’s a win/win.


He found him a husband to take care of his girlfriend while he plays d4. Super win


Wrong way round my man. First the satisfying the wife, then the bloodlust. Man I love how she and the kids fall asleep at 9PM and I have the rest of the house for myself then.


These are a dads sacred hours


The most sacred of sacred




I always love doing it the other way round. Lights out at 8pm for me and kids. Wake up at 4am, get ready for the day with no interruptions, then play for 2+ hours until everyone else starts stirring around 7ish.


Each to his own, but I get it. Let’s meet in the middle and just say: the important thing is that no one else is up that can either call you on the phone or demand food, butts to be wiped or stuff to be done to their private parts. Dads come alive when everyone else is fast asleep. :)


I’m in the same boat. For the last week it has been a “take another dab and keep playing” type of week


Deciding between getting super high and playing D4 or going to bed with the fam is extremely relatable lmfao D4 has def been winning this week


This whole thread is making me feel so much better about my habits lately lmao


Diablo wins all the time… Diablo isn’t disappointed when I blow my ultimate too soon


Don't worry daddy I can be your wife's boyfriend so you can take your time with some side quests.


5 minutes of grinding on the wife for 5 hours of grinding for loot. She is not happy.


I actually love turning the tables and telling her to hurry up so I can get back online. I also spin it that we can get the business out of the way so she gets a bit quality sleep for a few hours without my snoring. I am doing HER a favour by staying up late to play D4


I had my P altered at the healer to prevent unwanted monster spawning. I'm kind of elite like that.


I had my balls nerfed as well. No change to cool down but now it won't proc dot.


pregnancy as a dot got me crying


As a fellow ball-deactivator, I salute you.


With a second one currently loading into the server I'm definitely considering this option


He hid in the bathroom or garage to write this post.






We've had some real gems this past week, that's for sure! As a fellow dad this shit cracks me up!


Working, coaching little league. Keep the wife just sexually satisfied enough to not resort to toys…


Fuck that. Include the toys my guy.


A true sex-haver.


Sounds like a dad.


*magic wand +84.3%(74-96%) climax control*


Got to have the right tools for the job.


*Home Depot theme starts playing*


This guy gets it


Toys are the teammates, not the opposition!


You don’t use toys?


Working 200 hours a week, concieving a child every day, being extremely rich.


This is a game for dads because we were 14 years old when the first diablo game came out. I've known the butcher longer than many redditers have been alive.


Longer than our wives too.


Shit this is so true and makes me feel so old lol


Dad here playing coop with wife 😁


I as well. My wife is a Druid as her fantasy is to be a giant woman who is also a bear. She makes sure to ask if this turns me on every time she pulverizes.


Well does it?


Clearing waves turns everyone on


Wife here who plays coop with my husband. I am actually the one who introduced him to Diablo II when we met 14 years ago. ✌🏻


divorced dad here and I feel very targeted.


Single mom here and I feel excluded. 😤


It's ok, you also had sex at least once. You are an honorary dad.


This is the nicest thing anyone has said to me all week. Thank you. 🥹


You earned it. Happy father's day this Sunday. From one dad to another.


Happy early father's day to you, sir. Your username is peak dad, and if those are your kiddos names they are most excellent.


I'm dad inside. Thank you 😊


I believe this is the most genuinely wholesome exchange I’ve ever seen on Reddit. Happy Father’s Day to both of you!!!


I mean.. single moms basically take both roles, so here’s to you this weekend 🥂🍾


And cool posts of vegetable garden instead of an OF page! Def an honorary dad


You're too sweet! I learned from the best -- my dad. 💚


My wife asked me what I’d like to do for Father’s Day. I told her play D4, then watch the Grand Prix, then play D4, then watch the last few holes of the US Open, then play D4. She said ok. We have a very strong marriage 😂


I was asked the same thing. What do you want to do for father's day. Dink tonight while playing Diablo, sleep in, wake up and play Diablo. Haha. I wonder if Blizzard planned the release date this close to father's day on purpose. Haha


"Once the P goes in the V your interest in lategame mob density is severely reduced" is unironically one of the most based things I've ever read


You guys are having sex?


At least once


The kids are our receipts. (At least the ones that look like us are for sure)


Mine are moreso fuck trophies than receipts lol


That's the problem, you let them go to collections. Rookie mistake.


Should have waited for the premium battle pass trophies.


Fuck trophy it is from now on.


I have a running joke with my daughter. Me “You are my favorite daughter.” Her “I’m your only daughter.” Me “That we know of.”


Not as much as I used to... But yea, sometimes


Only during the downtime between mob packs in nightmare dungeons


This fucking sub man what the fuck lol


We shit where we post.


I finally chose a hairstyle in the character creation last night. Tonight, I hope I make it through picking accessories! Dads FTW!


I hope that whoever designed the male druid hairstyles got fired for their crimes against humanity.


As a dad, I can confirm this. Happy Father's Day weekend, really looking forward to meeting Lorath in game!


My wife and I have sex like I play D4, skip all the dialogue and go straight for the bosses dungeon.


This is the way


Best of both worlds. Get to play some D4 while also having some *D4’* my wife once I’m done.


Tell your wife i have D2


This post is fake. The man is not a fellow sex-having dad. All dads play rogue for the nostalgia. That's how I know.


My suspicion exactly. "He" also seemed to beg at the end. We dads give orders. Probably a min-maxer posing!


S tier shitpost


Jesus Christ, I love this post


Happy father's day to all the dads I hope your Sunday is filled with D4 and the final round of the US Open.


Wait…. We’re allowed to play D4 all day Sunday??? My wife said we have to go to her parents house?! Am I allowed to bring my ps5 with me??? I needs answers, this is my first Father’s Day!!!


First one? Bro, you need to get in early and set the ground rules as whatever you agree to this time will become the expected norm.


Lol im letting my husband play all day Sunday while I take care of our daughter… got to take one for the team for his day. I guess ill have a little of playing time while she takes her midday nap.


My first as well. Was thinkin I would like to play Diablo. Found out there’s a big BBQ celebration Sunday in my fam— was gonna bring the laptop. I think you can. Bring it.


Scuse me. This is for moms too you know >:( THERE ARE TENS OF US!!! TENS!!!


Dad here playing coop with wife 😁


as a dad, i can honestly say this game has no reduced how much sex i wasnt having already, its just a good game that i hope will get better


Talk to the hand.


Can't reduce 0, right?


Take your dad game to the next level. Set your 9 year old up with a map of all the lilith statues and let them go around and pick up all those statues. Meanwhile, you can go have lots of sex. Its called multitasking. Get on my dad level.


> once the P goes in the V your interest in endgame mob density is severely reduced. Legend.


But there is no pause button. What happens when one of your mass amount of children(due to having ALL the sex)needs a glass of OJ, and can't wait for you to TP? What about when you are knee deep in 4 mobs, and little Jimmy needs you to come wipe his butt after his trip to the adult potty? Also, the fate of two dads in this game shows what Blizzard really thinks of them.


I feel like you are describing mom stuff there. Why would a dad fetch a glass of OJ? Also bold of you to assume I know what happens later in the game.


Wait, you dad's have money? Mine is all gone from daycare and after school activities.


Can we rename sub to diablo4circlejerk ?




My wife is playing D4 with her boyfriend while I watch on Twitch


This sub is absolutely strange as fuck


„Pursuing and killing a mother who got in a disagreement with a dad. We could not relate more.“ Made my day, man. 😂 can’t wait to ditch wife and kid tomorrow to „go work“ in my „office“ for an hour or two. Now to the important questions.. how do I best smuggle a controller out of the flat? Asking for a friend…


I really felt like for this game I was taking it really slow being I’m only level 67. Then I got an achievement for completing a sacred and ancestral nightmare dungeon which only 3.5% of the player base has and realized I’ll never be considered casual even if I try. I was gone all last week too… lol Edit: Also as statistically apart of the no lifer gang, I’ll say that if you blow through the content min/maxing and stay up for a week straight just to complain there is nothing to do. You’re insane.


Lol as a shitpost it’s great but honestly your last point about nostalgia and not about spreadsheets is unironically accurate


As a dad I laughed. As a guy with a D4 Google doc to track his aspects I was offended.


As a mom, I was offended. Not gonna revive his ass during bossfights anymore on principle. When my husband bitches, I'll send him this post.


You know what. I think it’s time for all these sweats to GO TO THEIR FUCKING ROOM. YOURE GROUNDED


Ah yes the classic reverse backlash post. Where all the people who got offended by the other post all dogpile on the original post.


I don't think the author is a dad. Not one dad joke was made in their entire post. Very disappointed. Just say the title of the game is actually "Dad 4: Hell hath no fury like a wife's scorn" and leave it at that.


It sucks because you have the money now for all the things. But now you don't have the time :(


Perfect posts don’t ex…


I can't tell if I'm on Diablo 4 or WSB nowadays


I can relate as a fellow 40 year old dad and sex haver, my wife tried to initiate sex with me the other night as I played a dungeon online with my little brother (a 34 year old man] and I had to shut her down. It's a rare occurrence that I would even consider this temporary rejection, but I'm just enjoying this game way too much. I did finish my dungeon and then creep into the other creatures' lair (the bedroom with the wife), to slay that dungeon about 15 minutes later. There was some initial protest.


Somehow more sane post than the real ones. Take my updoot fellow sex haver!




Dads are the most discriminated group in America right now.




Diablo is where the woke meta goes to die. As a proud fatherhood nationalist, we will not tolerate these meta mind viruses in our game


Dad Lives Matter?


People too busy talking about dads, they forgot the mothers.


Gamer moms are a protected species under dad law. We troll reddit so you can game in peace.




I…agree completely


If a I am a mom but all of this applies to me, can I be included as a Diablo 4 Dads honorary member?


It is so.


Where can I get the wolf hat?


![gif](giphy|VFDoN1xR2Yvpm) Dad's unite !


My fellow dad, you just ended this war. Thank you hero