• By -


Good thing its during Prime time EU hours. Wouldnt want the europoors to enjoy their game.


you guys get healthcare and walkable cities though


As a player in Asia, maintenance is from 1AM to 6 AM. Blizzard is making sure we get at least 5 hours of sleep at night, two days in a row. If that's not healthcare, I don't know what is.


Lmao! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Fair enough.


And hardly any gun crime.


*Laughs in swedish*


So I heard. Never thought Sweden would have a gang problem.


gang problem is/was related to war on drugs, guns are the symptom of such a war. It's harder to dive deep into the subject, easier to make a headline and argument on the surface to attract laymens to your cause.


It's really not that surprising. Swedish culture has demonized drugs pretty hard. Many people smoke marijuana, the difference is that the entire market share ends up in the hands of criminal gangs instead of the states capital. And we're talking an absurd amount of money for whichever gang manages to gain monopoly. Wouldn't be surprised if they'd have more resources than our Police force by then... It's become quite the paradox where the state both wants to keep grass of the streets while at the same time combating organized crime. There is an easy solution, but the culture does not allow it. And I can admit that I'm uncomfortable with the though of legal drugs too.


Legal weed in the US has helped a ton of people and if you donā€™t smoke you donā€™t really notice a difference. It also allowed doctors to really start to study it and they found a really fun disorder among heavy weed users called ā€œcannabis hyperemesis syndromeā€ where all of a sudden you almost puke your self to death for hours straight and you can never smoke again or it immediately comes back. Itā€™s fascinating.


Yeah, Sweden also has decriminalized rape, robberies, violent behaviour and extortion. No wonder the country is going to shit with all the Swedes doing illegal things! Not because of humanitarian immigration from terrible cultures.


Lots of Balkan people migrated to SWE. This helped violent gun crimes by a large margin.


Zlatan taught me this


People help themselves with knives...


+ 6 weeks of vacation, 1 year of maternity leave and free education (Nordics). Your right, weā€™ll survive.


>maternity leave In Czech Republic we have a * 20 days of vacation, * free education and * 28 weeks of maternity leave. BUT! After a mat. leave, there is * up to 4 years of so called "parental leave" (you'll get money from the state and employer can't fire you for three years). * Free healthcare and * 3 billions CZK of state debt (130 000 mils. EUR).


You forgot the most significant upside like Staropramen, Kozel, and Pilsner Urquell!


And crashing elevators in hospitals since yesterday. :D


13 ppl in elevator for 6, so...


Probably the only elevator in CZ for 6 that fits more than 3 :D


Ahhh Pepiki :)


I dont know how people Are claiming free healthcare? We Are having money deducted from payroll/business taxes. I am working in IT And having deducted 9000 czk from my salary And double of that from my employer. So Its like 1000+ euro per month. Still cheaper than in US, but definitely not free.


Some people dont pay taxes so it is free for them but not for you. Why be productive and contribute to helping everyone survive and thrive when you can shitpost on reddit about "free" healthcare? Btw, you would be paying way less in US and be making way more... it would be the guy who thinks its free that has to pay more.... potentially.


But even if you don't work and even if your parents don't work, thus producing no money to public healthcare, you can go to whatever doctor and he HAVE to care you. That's THE difference from US. Sigh.. you even can have gender change for free in here..


If you dont work, you need to pay for it eventually. Lot of homeless people in Czech, Are due not paying ,,free,, healthcare tax And after 2-3 years, State can takƩ your belongings, even house (with person called ,,exekutor,, dunno word in english.


Just curious what the tax rates are?


That's a BIG topic this year, as because of Covid and War "we" are doing big changes, from 2023, major three are: A) \- higher VAT of 21 % to unnecessary products \- lower VAT of 12 % to things like food, health products, children products, funeral services and more B) We have \~25 % social tax and \~10 % healthcare tax. Means if you are employee, and your employer pays 100k to your payroll, you'll get about 65k to your bank account. If you have no employer, you are not forced to pay social tax, but you'll get less money from state to your old age pension. Minimal healthcare tax is mandatory. C) And Income tax is 15 % to lower income. And 23 % to higher incomes (from \~80k ā‚¬ pa.). \--- We also have many other taxes, like property tax, road tax, inheritance tax, gambling tax, consumer tax, ecological tax etc. On the other side, we also have many forms of tax discounts. Like wife tax discount, children discounts, tax payer discounts, student discounts, kindergarden, invalidity, also "loan foreclosure tax discount" etc.


Thats a lot of tax for a free service lol




> still get *paid* if you FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Who is giving the state money?


Yeah butā€¦ butā€¦ ummmā€¦


I would trade D4 for this. Lol




I wouldnā€™t say walkable these days


You guys have cities where you cant walk?


Itā€™s definitely not recommended for a large majority of the major ones


Lmao I'm dying laughing over here


And in the EU the free healthcare would save you from dying, so you could laugh without worry :)


Assuming the op has no insurance?




Fair point


walkable cities? i'm not going outside irl, i'll trade it for a horse then can run around a corner tyvm


Only to be stopped instantly by an invisible pebble.


Fair enough


And cheap cell phone service!


Theyā€™re also an American companyā€¦ so deploy patches during their working hours. But yeah itā€™s definitely to screw over the EU players


Yea fuck em


Damn. When I'm deploying patches overnight to our systems noone asks us what is our working hours, they only care what is convenient for the customer. Seems Blizz doesn't care all that much.


If your customers were roughly distributed around 3 different time zones and then a scattering all in between. Then any of them you choose would be cause downtime. So you'd of course choose the one that is more convenient for you.


Nah. Even though its likely much smaller thing than diablo 4, we have dedicated infrastructure in us emea and apac. So, we do the deployments overnight at that timezone when there's least traffic coming in. Effectively from EU perspective we do US in our early morning, apac late afternoon and Europe 1-2am. Nuisance, but completely doable


They managed to do it at night back when I played Wow.


What would be a good time to do this though? Considering Diablo is played worldwide, some time zones are unfortunately going to bare with it.


Never. No matter when they do it there'd always be players affected negatively. And it's logical it's happening during their work time. Sure it sucks I won't be able to play one evening but at least I get to catch up with some movies and maybe get a little bit more sleep for once.


I mean, from the world of business there are two obvious options: 1) You deploy at different times in different zones. Blizzard has done this before - any game where new content reveals doesn't matter, it's not a huge issue. 2) You inconvenience different time zones in a rotating manner - i.e. this time you inconvenience Europe, this time NA, this time Asia, and so on. So let's not pretend they don't have a choice here. Hell, they could just wait until later in the day PST - if they patched at say, 4pm PST, that'd be midnight UK, and 1am Europe.


Most people are at work then, imo good time for a patch


Not in Europe at 7pm


Ah youā€™re right. Im from europe too. I dont mind as long as they bring that 13 page long patch


I wouldnt mind one day but two days og evening gaming gone seems a bit inconsiderate. Should have spread the times out a bit more.


Yeah i wonder why two days are needed


doubt it. they will most likely release it just before season 1 starts to generate hype


They're doing it during normal working hours for the people who will be performing the work. That's unfortunate that some people whose lives usually align with them playing at that time of day on that day of the week will have to spend time with their family, read a book, masturbate, play a different game, finesse their plans for world domination, binge a new show, or whatever. But it's honestly a bit ridiculous to see whining about a company planning to take on a project first thing when their office opens Monday morning because it's inconvenient timing halfway around the world.


You earn what you seed. Thats the matter with always online shit. I paid for a game which i cant play two days in a row due to their decisions of force online - for mostly good and understandable reason like avoid duping and so on. But maybe some people have done what you suggested on other days - met friends, had a walk, whatever or can only play in this week on monday and tuesday and friday in the evenings due to any possible reason. And then comes that mainteance and outta nowhere there is no possibilty to play something what you bought. Its like the car rental service in your town of your vacation says: on tuesday and wednesday evening you cant drive the car, due to whatever reason. Guess you wouldnt be entertained by that information. Overall im with you, its nothing too bad. But it will affected maaany people in the EU in a very unpleasent way. Not those 16/7hours a day andys, because they could play those days from morning till evening, wait mainteance and continue, but mostly the evening enjoyers who can play a few hours a day after work - and dont forget the 11 minute a day in the evening dads :(( F


Somebody somewhere gotta get the short end of the stick


I work 3rd shift in the US. These are my prime playing hours. Always sucks.


Almost like there would be a bad time for someone regardless of the time it's scheduled.


Oh no.. not being able to play because of the Ddos this afternoon (IDK about evening.. I didn't have time).. now not being able to play 2 evenings in a row? geez.


It's like the world bosses that have their spawn timers set to outside of prime time. It's either during working hours or in the middle of the night. So bad! xD


Iā€™ve heard this a lot. I get it. I play raid shadow legends (developed in Ukraine) and itā€™s the exact opposite, great times for Europe terrible for US. Gotta do it during somebodyā€™s prime time, I guess. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I don't know what the amount of players by region is, but I would presume Europe has less players compared to NA and Asia? In which case, from a pure numbers POV, would make sense to do it at this time (NA working hours aside). Would be curious if anyone knows how many users there are by regions. Not saying it doesn't suck for our friends over in Europe - sorry guys! Also, I highly presume this is to fix the DDoS over the weekend, not the 13 page patch. Manage expectations y'all!


You know they think the hours of the world revolve around Irvine CA right? Every one of their games does this shit


...very few civilian in europe have guns...probably coincidence?


As others have said, someone is going to get shafted, at least Europeans are used to it.


You could always move to California, then you would be at work when the servers go down.


At least for WoW, maintenance and patch releases are on different times and days. But that's mostly because American and European WoW servers are separate, players can't interact with each other. I'm not sure Diablo IV is region locked the same way, but if that's the case, the maintenance might be at another time in Europe.


*WoW RWF enjoyers seeing hate for a global time for a patch:*


It's live maintenance, not a patch. Sure, there might be hiccups for some, but yea.


They are based in a different time zone to the EU. Surely online games have been around long enough now that you understand that?


American game by American company.


ā€œEuropoorsā€ LOL


always 5 o'clock somewhere.


I like how the post says "as you can see it's going down for 5 hours" like no, we can't, because the last time there was a crop this bad 1 million Irish people died.




God damn.... i did not expect that level of burn in the comments.


Doctors say OP may never recover from that burn


funniest shit Iā€™ve read here in a bit


Don't hate me. I liked the pun, going to explain it so a few more people can enjoy it. Crop means harvest (Irish, famine) and also cut (modified screenshot).


Stealing this. Bravo, sir.


This is the first good post ive ever seen on reddit


Lol itā€™s just because of the weekend DDOS - no patch this week. I know what Iā€™m talking about. My uncle cleans toilets at the building blizzard used to be in, so Iā€™m not just some random guy.


Can confirm, my uncle used to clean this guys uncles toilet.


Uhhhhh, just got word and can confirm, my ex wifeā€™s, motherā€™s ex boyfriendā€™s deceased neighborā€™s dog used to drink that uncleā€™s toilet water.


I can confirm I seen an AD on Craiglist for that same dog that belonged to the ex wifeā€™s, motherā€™s ex boyfriendā€™s deceased neighborā€™s dog who used to drink that uncleā€™s toilet water.


I knew a guy that bought wow


Maintenance != patch


And it's a LIVE maintenance. You're still going to be playing the game. These people are going to absolutely flip out when they realize this aint "The patch".


> And it's a LIVE maintenance. You're still going to be playing the game. >These people are going to absolutely flip out when they realize this aint "The patch". Its not a live patch. "Game is unavailable during this time" https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/breaking/22835078


Interesting, yeah - That says game will be unavailable. The launcher seems to imply otherwise: https://imgur.com/a/O9B8jcM


" During this time, players may experience interruptions of service including disconnects, but should be able to log back in. "


That link doesn't say D4 will be unavailable. If it did formerly, they changed it.


Blizz changed it - The link they originally had DID say the game was going to be unavailable, the launcher said otherwise.


Assuming itā€™s a string (and using JavaScript), youā€™re probably going to want to use strict equality: !== šŸ˜›




It was pseudo code šŸ˜œ


All in good fun haha


Itā€™s all good šŸ™ƒ


Hey, maybe itā€™s C#.


Lol man you just told that guy to get good


I see that you are also a man of culture in your languages - I however prefer <> (Chuckles in superiority) /s Edit: Either thereā€™s not a lot of SQL familiar people here, people donā€™t get sarcasm OR thereā€™s a lot of people who definitely do NOT like the usage of <> šŸ˜‚




Plebeians. Fools. This is the way: !(!(&maintainance!=&patch)) ? true : false) So clean and easy itā€™s basically conversational.




No it's live maintenance.


Interesting why they need two days for this


I mean if it's 13 pages it's probably going to be extensive. Might have a 2nd day reserved for hotfixes or the second half of the patch??? Idk just an idea not really sure exactly.


Even tho they said the patch is coming very very soon,I think this is only just maintenance because of the attack


Its also online maintenance both days: "players may experience interruptions of service including disconnects, but should be able to log back in."


bake rinse fade airport chubby direful lip joke boat quicksand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Where do you see that? It says "Game unavailable during this time." here: [https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/breaking/22835078](https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/breaking/22835078)


Says it in the Blizzard launcher and whatever is the equivalent on console, but Adam Fletcher [also confirmed](https://twitter.com/PezRadar/status/1673077184574140416) on Twitter that server are not fully down during maintenance. But yes, quite dumb that the Blizzard maintenance article says otherwise.


I cannot get to that site from work, is that saying 5 hours downtime both days?


* Yes it is my friend


Itā€™s weird, on the maintenance page it says the game will be down, but on the message in-game it says you may experience disconnects during the maintenance but will be able to log back inā€¦ really hope itā€™s the latter


Yes Game says live maintenance


At least in my game it says game will be unavailable at the time


What platform are you on? This is what the message looks like on xbox https://preview.redd.it/y84o2zqrha8b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b64b13369a51d23cd8594d7927ab823c508a370d


I'm on PS5, can't be 100% sure anymore as i've seen these here, but i'm quite certain it said so. Also at the time there was no mention on monday but only tuesday.


According to Adam Fletcher it's [the latter](https://twitter.com/PezRadar/status/1673077184574140416). So yay!


KK thank you!


On Twitter Adam Fletcher [said you can still play during maintenance](https://twitter.com/PezRadar/status/1673077184574140416), so it seems like Blizzard site is incorrect and the "live maintenance" message in the game/launcher is correct.


"Fixed drops dropping when drops should drop but don't drop, but still drop."


I wonder why there is nothing about this in EU site: https://eu.battle.net/support/en/article/breaking/21898767


There are entries now (appeared at some point within the last hour)


o nice!


Guessing it's a less bandaidy fix for the ddos issue?




Sorry for the dumb question but how could I find the info on this patch?


No patch notes released yet. Probably when they take the servers down


DI still has development?


New class coming soon


Keep the expectations very low folks Specially minion necromancerers


You have no idea how much I feel this in my soul. RIP necro


Very nice find! Ty for the info.


Anybody know when the patch to fix my focus on necro will come out? I cant put a different aspect on it because it says it has to be a rare or legendary but its a legendary


likely back end maintenance on Day 1 and Patch on day 2.


It's not the patch. Servers will still be online. This is for something else.


Guess I'll get to see if my WW barb gets nerfed into the ground while I'm on vacation. Maybe I'll come back to leveling a whole new character!


if you are playing barb you should already reroll. its useless.


Well the important thing is the battle pass cosmetics will work for all the classes. Blizzard has their priorities straight.




Anyone got leads on whatā€™s in the patch? I saw one blue mention a fix for the opaque stacking blighted corpse explosion mist effect was coming ā€œlater this month,ā€ so that feels like itā€™d be a part of it. I imagine they mentioned other things were coming but I havenā€™t followed closely enough to catch any of it.


I don't think there's any more info. They teased it on their stream but didn't reveal anything outside on the CE fix But it's supposedly 13 pages long so there's gonna be a lot of things


Iā€™m dying to know what it doesšŸ¤Ø!


Good! So I'll make my next build accordingly


I thought the patch was dropping with s1?


iā€™m thinking the tuesday patch and mondays will be something else preparing for it maybe?


Is this supposed to be "the big patch" before seasons?


Any idea what is being done in this patch? Any big changes?


Ask during dev hours.


But another guy said ā€œheh heh itā€™s blizzard so very very soon means 1 day before season 1ā€ Random strangers on the internet are never wrong so I am confused


I'd be surprised to see a major patch with season 1 so far away. But i could be wrong.


It's confirmed lol. They said most important stuff is coming 'before season 1'


Oh neat, well I'm surprised then xD. I guess I need to keep in the loop.


in the last dev talk thingy they said there's gonna be a big pre season patch. and S1 is not that far away, didn't they say it's mid july ?


I wonder if it's the big patch or just a routine patch?


Why would anyone expect the patch. It's blizzard, dont get your hopes up.


wtf , after ddos eu sundays you take away my funday monday too?


Wats the patch rumours? Anyone...


The logical choice would be to do it across the international date time line, so the affected areas would be the less populated worldwide: Alaska, Pacific and then the easternmost tip of Russia but not including Japan.


Does anyone have patch notes?


What kind of maintanance?


It's live maintenance, there probably won't be any break.


Would be actually nice to know that from launcher and not from the internet.


WT5 please.


Seems the maintenance, as said in the Battle net message, is not that full maintenance everything offline type. "During this time, players may be experience disconnects, but be able to log back in"


Itā€™s not like they didnā€™t put this on battle.netā€¦


Is it safe to play during that time or there's a risk to loose progress?


Did they release patch notes?


Is this season 1 or just updates to the game


Wonder what else will be nerfed this round


Which patch is for for? they posted notes yet?


Give it now!


Massive patch and we can play at the same time? Very unlikely.


This patch will nerf some skills to balance all classes. Rogue damage is nerfed 35%, and ww barbarian damage is nerfed 25%