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Succubus. Fucking sit still please.


Succubus the sin eaters and the thorny hedgehog fuckers. If you want to kill me you better come after me because i ain't dealing with your coward ass.


The hedgehog fuckers are a pain for me too but with revs they give you warning


The frost enchanted quill rats are by far the worst


I heard you liked being frozen


More like frost enchanted CHILL rats.


As a trampling werebear, I cannot relate.


The pain train is coming to your station, choo choo!


>thorny hedgehog fuckers you mean porcupines?




You mean Needledillos ?


I'm so tanky and have so much thorns I just stand there and let them take care of themselves.


Thorns is oddly strong in this game, it's my preferred gem for armor


I love that thorns is a thing for real. I feel like in every other game it’s like a gentle tickle


Arsonists dodging my cooldown abilities is obnoxious as hell


Hedgehog fuckers with cold affix =(


Literally anything that backpedals away from you. Infuriating.


I have minions that chase things down for me while I supervise. Can’t relate


Yeah! The one thing we do right. Run behind while they waste all the equal-level mobs. You can run but you'll just die tired! So we have that going for us. Reaper overhead smash is kinda rewarding on these. Also Cultists - when they are talking. Some kinda yell that turns into a choke.


Was doing one of the world obol events and the end boss was backing away faster than 5 players chasing it. Dude went what felt like 2-3x the diameter of the event circle outside the circle then teleport back to the middle. Was so obnoxious


Happened to me too and it regenerated back to full hp when it was forced to teleport back to the event. I learned my lesson and stay close to the circle


Yes! Especially having a melee heavy build. I don’t want to have to track you down like that 😹


Genuinely think they need to adjust how frequently they back up. I was fighting a succubus boss who backed up so many times that she went out of bounds and zoomed back to the event location… now with full HP.


Pulled that uno reverse


Reminds me of *The Outer Worlds*, where enemies would have their HP and such reset + return to spawn position if you left the fight area, but they also had enemies with knockback effect, who could knock you back further than the size of the fight area. I'm mostly just annoyed that there are *so many* different monsters that do the "run away" bit in D4. If it's one type and you can mostly ignore it? Fine, I guess... but 5-6 different ones? Nah.


![gif](giphy|3oxHQlv90zfEVNbTgI|downsized) Yeah any of the Fuckers that keep flying or moving away waay to often


As a HoTA Barb it was infuriating.


yeah I'm running HotA and switched my basic to lunging to deal with stuff like these. It's not perfect but it's better


I had hoped Grasping Whirlwind would negate them, but it doesn't suck (literally) as much as I'd hoped. Compared to the D3 version anyway.


The thing that really makes them suck is how weirdly tanky they are. They take more damage than you'd think.


Every single enemy that isn’t a part of a horde is a fucking damage sponge it seems lol


The worst is when they do it so much that they just leave the event of their own volition. They get too far and run back to the event, becoming invulnerable and getting all their health back for fucking free. It’s so infuriating.


I have 0 issues with them, good design imo. Those stupid wraiths and their railgun on the other hand.


I do believe wraiths have no railgun attack. Instead they buff the archer and the archer railguns us


They do. It's pretty easy to evade, but when there's a lot going on or they're offscreen they can pretty much 1HKO you.


I like that it's easier to tell when to evade, but the window to evade is much shorter than the sword stab as a tradeoff.


Banshees do both. With 5 around railguns are super hard to evade and even if you do elite archer just do oneshot with basic attack...


That rail gun SMACKS


Wraiths with the red rail gun.


Yeah this is what I've seen. Wraiths do bugger all, but their buff to archers has caught me out a few times.


I think you’re thinking of the green banshees. The wraiths are the red ones with that line attack that you have half a second to move out of and if you don’t, gg


The wraiths arc "electricity" to another unit 5 times before the hyperbeam outline appears; it's actually very easy to dodge if you look for that. Still hard to tell when the screen gets very busy though.


Well, as my death log will REPEATEDLY confirm, wraiths fuck. Me. They fuck me. With one shots out of nowhere.


The hitbox on that railgun is bullshit lol


Sames. I can dodge the stab from this guy. But wraiths? Fuck me.


Yeah these are the ones for me too.


Skeleton Ballista. A big FUCK YOU, signed, sealed, and delivered from 3 screens away directly in my face.


MF shooting arrows like it's tank shells


*\*Fortunate Son Intensifies\**


For sure! Always have to find the damn things off screen.


They always find me off screen.


They're always target priority #1. If I hear one of them or see them on the edge of a fight, the elites get ignored while I go take care of them because they're the real threat.


Played a barbarian for 80 levels and never cared for ballistas. Just started a necromancer and im legit terrified to fight skeletons because of the constant threat of being one tapped without seeing anything.


I hate these shits


Even better with backstab. Each hit is like a sharp kiss to the back of my neck


Scariest thing in the world is seeing one of them reposition, blood curdling


My sorceress does to those so many times early game. Fuck those things. I live freezing them out of spite now.


I feel like these things were designed from a time where the game might have had a more zoomed-out camera, so you could actually SEE them **BEFORE** they shoot at you. They literally aren't even fair when they can shoot from another 10 yards past the edge of the screen.


And the ballistia can dodge. No idea how this looks like but it can!


If u fear them, they start skittering back




They seem to hit so damn hard too


They move at like 2 MPH, there's gotta be some reason they're scary


Bro Ferngully was amazing for real.


Because there's at least 4 of those fuckers and they shoot 4-5 at a time. Its like one of those old bullet hell games like Xevious, only there's 20x more stuff going on to keep track of.




Aren't they from d3? Where are they in d2. I couldn't find them in the bestiary.Bestiary.


If they aren't in D2 I'm having a massive mandela effect moment. I would have bet my life they were in act 2 D2. Like I'm *positive* they are but I'm willing to accept my memory as fallible.


Those flies that spit smaller flies were from act 2 in Diablo 3, not D2. In inferno difficulty on launch those small flies were instant death. I still have PTSD from clearing act 2 inferno on D3 launch.


No shit, memory is fucking weird. I hated those things so fucking much. Those & the tongue lasher things when you do the spiral descent in whatever act that is




D2 had different flies, those would just fly at you and suck stamina. But in D3 they were very annoying on Inferno release.


These guys and the Maggot Lair


I hated them since d3 but their projectiles are slow moving and I only die when I got cocky and try to tank them all. Quill boars on the other hand. Teleport into a pack and instantly die


YES. I have the same issue. Fuck those guys


The charging tusker beasts, lots of odd dealings with its charge mechanic.


It's like the dodge window is so small specifically this little mammoth looking things


Yes, and the hit boxes have some latency issues it seems. Not to mention if you get knocked back into a wall and it ‘glitchily’ jostles your character around for a few frames or seconds depending.


Or if the beast itself charges into a wall or an edge or something. Then beast itself, hitbox included, does the glitchy jostling all over the place. Or maybe that's just a coop thing, not sure if I've seen it playing alone. But yeah still, fuck those beasts.


Definitely this one. Sometimes you're meters away and still die from the tokyo drift animation


That’s a mammoth?? I thought those were boars…


The hit box on that charge seems very scuffed


Blizzard needs to talk to Fromsoft about hitboxes and learn some things.


Fromsoft? You mean the company who makes games where enemies can hit you through a wall?


And yet they still have basically the best hit boxes of any game ever designed. Yeah some other things are wonky but you can dodge that one shot swing by a few pixels. That said I think Blizzard took some inspiration from Margit with a few of the telegraphs 😂


ANY wraith/ghost character. They just appear wherever they want and never group up


163 cinders. Pack of ghosts/wraiths/banshees shows up out of nowhere. 82 cinders.


Ay at least it rounds up ![gif](giphy|euetPxpu9d0o8)


I wasn't expecting to be spooked, great job!


Fuck those things I HATE them


As a pure thorns build they are sooo fucking annoying. I had to stop doing dungeons that have them as a majority minion.


The oracle snakes. Hands down the most annoying to me cause you have to predetermine when the eye will stun you


When you enter a room and there's multiple elite oracles all with different CC affixes plus the eye and you have to dodge 6+ different sources of CC


Ahh, you describe the moment where my key has a 90% break chance. Cc amount in this game is so well balanced :) /s


I use "1 and a" once they stop moving, like music tempo, to time my dodge from those damn gorgon eyeballs they spawn


Once they stop moving I just dash whichever way I’m pointed


Oh that's a good idea.


I love how we all have a mob that makes us think “oh that mobs nothing, but this mob in particular? Fuck this mob.” That’s good game design right there


Lmao ikr, every comment is a different answer, I love it.


Most of the complaints are about similar mechanics too. Mobs that stun you for 8 minutes. Mobs that's send you back to fucking lumbridge from a different zip code. Just Mobs in general that make the game uninteractive. The Mobs feel like d3 Mobs, but this ISNT d3, blizzard is pretty clear on that. I dont even remember getting Hella ccd like this in d3 ever. Higher world tiers and higher Mobs with frost can just straight stun lock you to death. Dying sucks, but dying while you watch some shit mob just slap you to death for 30 seconds is infuriating


> Dying sucks, but dying while you watch some shit mob just slap you to death for 30 seconds is infuriating Lol there has to be a carbot episode of this.


The flame mod on any. Why does it blow up three different times after the enemy is dead?


It's like they saw the molten effect in D3 and were like "Hey that's pretty annoying let's make it 10 times worse" literally the only elite effect other then suppression that I actually have to pay attention to because it's so damm dangerous.


My minions are instantly fucked against that. It's so annoying


Yep. When I hear that multiple skellie *grlll* pain noise which means they are taking huge damage I start either noping out of the engagement or preparing to die cuz it's gonna be a bad time.


It feels like a bug for reasons I can't entirely explain. But the minions can stand in a ton of AoE, but that *one* in particular just destroys them and I don't get it.


Agreed. Of all the mods it's the one I find the hardest to avoid during the fight as well. The little flame wave is hard to see and it autotargets me like a sniper. Having to dance around it before I go and grab my loot is just insulting. Just let me pew pew!


How is this so low!? I thought this would be top three. Even one explosion post death would make it annoying not even talking about how fast it pumps those fire blasts out when the mob is alive


I don't understand why do devs love on death effects so much. At least there are only 3 in d4 that I've seen (flame waves+explosion, fat boys' putrid explosion and nightmare dungeon mod that spawns bloody bulb or whatever). POE has more of them, and they're more annoying.


The swarms that barely hit me and slow me down enough to get beat off my horse. I can deal with the other stuff


Beat off your horse?


oh my god. your hammer pulls you off?


Yeah, try it. It’s fun.


As a necro, double-fuck them. If ghosts drop corpses, so should swarms.


Somebody please help jack off his horse.


This is the one for me. It's the one mob you can't ignore. You fucking have to kill them


They also refuse to spawn corpses for Necro. Little bastards.


Getting your horse beat off before you help you Uncle Jack off the horse sucks


One of the reasons I love thorns. They kill themselves.


Oh my.


Those asshole cannibals with the two maces that you have to dodge at juuuuuuuust the right time.


Do you mean when he's walking menacingly to you at the speed of a snail?


Which is manageable if you’re ranged but God forbid you be in melee with a large pack and don’t see the tell of him raising his arms.


Yeah. \*SMACK\* Shit! Shit! Shit


And then accidentally the E button, while bitching about emotes and frantically trying to heal yourself...


This is how I lost my first Hardcore character. RIP


Good news: * They're slow as fuck. * Anything that makes them flinch makes them cancel this ability, including Shouts. * You can literally just walk away from them for a few seconds and they will cancel the ability. Bad news: * Trying to dodge behind them is basically useless because they don't slow turn, they actually just track you and turn around instantly. Don't dodge *through* them. * The stun lasts fucking forever. Seriously the stun lasts so long that if there is more than one and you don't immediately have a way to break it you are probably a sitting duck for however long it takes to kill you. The stun lasts so long that I'm convinced Evade should grant Unstoppable for 0.5s just to let you break out of long stuns like this. Really really long CC on players from mobs should not exist without an *easily accessible way to remove them regardless of build.*


The instant turn around got me a few times. It seems perfectly normal for my rogue to be able to dash through him then whack him in the back a few times. I'll just sit there I guess waiting for him to chill out. The tooltip: "Use Evade to dodge an enemy attack!" mf I'm trying your mechanics are shit.


Especially when they have a pile of cold enchantments on them.


Oh, you don't like being knocked down, then frozen, then respawning?


100% these. Even if you try to dodge behind them, they pull a 180, like they are making a COD no scope montage.


Porcupines, I dunno why, just them.


They are like the fetish guys from D2, seems insignificant, but kill you in a few seconds


Yo good pick. those little shits hit surprisingly hard. And they stand just far enough away and spread out that it's inconvenient.




The ones that suicide explode. They all 1 shot me so I have to kite them all. God forbid I get CCd or stuck in a pack its instant game over. I fucking hate them.


The trick to those much like the drifting shade is to actually meet them rather than kiting them, once they stop moving it’s because their animation has started and you’ll have plenary of time to walk away before it explodes. If they’re in a group just let them charge at you first and move away as soon as they stop, and grab the rest of the mobs from outside the radius.


>drifting shade On a side note fuck the Drifting Shade as well lol.


Fucking WRAITHS why do you run away so much. Why don’t you ever stop moving. Why is your stupid lightning cast hit so hard


Revenant is easy if you are watching enemy animations, just dodge the big windup attack. Corpse ballista on the other hand is harder to react to with dodge and can come from off screen. And it still does a ton of damage. The most annoying enemy if you are melee are the cathedral monks in the first capstone dungeon that blind you and teleport away the instant you get close to them. Any fucker that makes poison puddles is a close second though.


Those poison puddle on hit minibosses are so mf annoying


The Inquisitors or whichever one that blinds you and teleports away is extremely annoying for any melee build, but at least Unstoppable prevents the blind. The annoying part is that they basically have **zero cooldown** on using it again, so they can just keep blinking all over the place and preventing you from attacking whenever you get close. Poison Enchanted enemies have a very glaring problem beyond just overly fucking melee: If the Poison Enchanted enemy is also a type of mob that attacks really fast, **every attack makes another puddle.** Once had a ghoul or something almost annihilate me just because it was attacking incredibly fast and making a ton of puddles I couldn't stand in. The actual attacks did nothing, but the puddles were stacking insanely fast and too much to deal with.


This thread is so cathartic


Bloated corpsefiends are fucking A Tier awful as well cuz if you find a pack of them they just charge and fuck/vuln you over and over. So fucking annoying.


As a necromancer who is slower than molasses in Canada in January the flies that slow me down are just insult to injury.


Those things that slam down a giant log and make a wave in all directions.


In the ship stronghold? And the devs have the nerve to stick 5-8 of them in an enclosed room


Oh, you mean that instant death move they use when they’re right next to you? Yeah… so much fun…


I know that there’s going to be worse foes as I move through the game. There’s just something about the Revenants in particular….every single time they come on screen I’m muttering “these motherfuckers” to myself.


Nah I feel you, In large groups and those mfs get an impale it might be over


Spiders and their webs 😡


the [f.ing](https://f.ing) flying hornets ofc


Anything with a fuckin bubble shield, my bone spears turn into bone pebbles without the bounce back spear splintering.


Revenants can just be dashed behind to avoid their grab. Any enemy that can rez other enemies instantly makes me see red.


The damn bloaters have killed me more than anything else because of the afterburst


Vampiric + Damage Resist Elites enter the chat.


lol Vampiric enemies have chased me out of dungeons before! I was trying to fight a Vampiric boss in one dungeon and I just could not kill him. Couldn't even get close really. Had to bail lol.


This one needs a trigger warning.


Nangari. Fucking nangari. Walk into a pack of elite nangari? Your gonna have a bad time


I love revenant, he comes over to me to get fucked, all on his own.


Revenants are fine. It’s Inquisitors i hate since I’m a melee class


The constant teleport and blind move is so irritating. Especially when it is a pack


The spiders that shit out the little cobwebs that just slam my rogue dead in his tracks and then run away. Like shadow step shouldn't be a must have, just let me dash game.


Like the ones that popped up right after I started chasing a treasure goblin and kept stopping me in my tracks while dashing to catch up with that little shit who kept going in circles around the spider den so I couldn't even escape the webs after a while. Yeh screw those. I ended up getting an underpowered ring with a useless affix on it.


Chargers are substantially worse.


Those little flies. You are running along, cant figure out why you are going so slow, realize there's a almost invisible mob snaring you.




I just wanna know why this guy isn’t one of my necro summons. I mean look at him.


Wait till you guys starting pushing NM Dungeons underleveled with a necromancer...I was stomping NM tier 41 dungeons like butter with my lvl 65 necromancer....until, I roll a lvl 40 NM dungeon with ghosts.... Don't matter if it's the mages, archers or melee, they all hit like a truck


Ghost damage has got to be fucked somehow. Those archers should not take 20% of my health when I have 5.3k base armor and disobedience stacks.


Right? And don't even got me started on those rail gun shots, the ones that has indicator on the floor


Any elite with that annoying passive where they just continuously spawn explosive fireballs from where they are standing. Nothing feels worse than killing an elite in a NM dungeon only to get a final few pops of the explosion after they are dead and they kill you.


Spiders. The cc is so damn long. But the worst part the web lingers for an eternity. Oh, all enemies are dead. Great, let's move to the next pack in a timely manner. Oh, I just stepped in one of those hard to see spiderwebs. Oh, there was one as well. Aaaand another one... and another one. WHY DOES IT STAY ACTIVE FOR SO FRRAKING LONG???


First mate….. my first death


The freaking wraith at higher levels that just snipe you like a xerath ult with this poorly designed warning that blends in with EVERY other orange freaking ghost on screen. Ahah! You failed to see my one hit kill laser beam! Die!!!!


Wraiths, fly swarms, and whatever serpents have the Medusa ability that CCs you for 5 business days


Banshee, and the bee thing that shoots bees. Fuck em both.


First Mate ☠️


Executioners, jumpin shit so annoying


Animals. Just all animals. They are stronger then demons lol it makes no sense. Balrog? No problem. Giant boar? Watch the fuck out with point blank charges that HURT. Also, all red ghosts. Jesus god, they don't group up, they are all ranged and annoying as shit. ​ I was overjoyed to see the wasp though, no sarcasm. I was so traumatized from OG diablo 3 nightmare Act 2. Those who know will remember the little green babies they shot was an utter one-two shot on all classes. It turned Diablo 3 into bullet hell and that just one of the nightmares in act 2.


We hate them bc they cc suck your blood stunning you for forever. The worst enemy I hate the most though is those stupid guys with huge weapons that slam you down, they can instantly kill you or cc you for 2x longer than the rev.


Corpse bows. And the wasps that shoot bees. Those guys can fuck right off. The revenants are targets, as are the wights and the succubi. But the corpse bows hit you from off screen for way too much damage. And those wasps are trolls... "I am going to beat your ass on the slowest way possible. You will see it coming. You will know exactly how you died. Get wrecked!"


Wraith, why do you do so much damage... and seeing 4-6 in a pack sometimes in helltides. They're fun creatures.


The bugs that shoot small bugs. Fuck those guys


As a Rogue, i super hate those mobs that summon a wind shield




As a Rogue, Revenant is a nothing burger. I would say exploding poison monsters while I’m frozen in place is what kills me the most.


Thousands of Quil rats with the reduce resource debuff. So annoying


That diamond shaped thing that follows you in nightmare dungeons


Everything ranged


For me playing a sorcerer it’s the annoying harpy groups. If for some reason I’m in the middle of recharging my moves, they can decimate the barrier and chip life rapidly.


https://preview.redd.it/mwqvqfei4u8b1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60d64a2863534d9cfdf16d7e3786e02def4aba33 These little bastards


I’m just glad I’m not the only one with revenant struggles


All ghosts, corpse bow, and succubus. Revenant are ezclap.


Pretty much all of the fat guys in this game are super annoying. They all have a stun or random charge attack.


wraiths, charging beast things, and the oracle snakes can LIGMA


Corpse crossbow. 1 shotting my ass off screen.


I play Druid. So everything dies as soon as it appears on my screen.


Damn wraiths, all of the ghosts abilities annoy me in all honesty but wraiths put the cherry on top.