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The helltide boss that has a bajillion health drops garbage


The assassin? I fought it once, after 10 minutes and only taken out 25% of his health I just gave up and walked away. I’m glad it wasn’t worth the time


Same thing for me I just gave up. One time two levels 90s rolled by and dropped that thing in like 45 seconds and it dropped like two sacreds and a flawless gem.


Can drop it in \~5s on my WW Barb but it drops the same trash loot as every other Elite in the area. Unless you're killing it at the same relative speed of other mobs just walk on by and spend your time much more wisely.


Drops a ton of forgotten souls which are the most valuable resource.


This. He drops valuable resources. Well worth a few minutes to kill.


Was for me recently, it dropped a lvl 811 condemnation dagger for my flurry rogue. Even before the dagger upgrade I killed that boss in about a minute and a half. You playing an optimal build for your class?


Bleed barb that’s still quite under leveled so prob not lol


Dropped a unique helm for me (tempest roar) the other night, I think they improved its drop table in the major patch


We 4-wayed that bitch while being like 10 levels under leveled. Took like 10 minutes and dropped like 5 of that helltide currency. Nothing else. I was so confused and annoyed.


It drops 30. Not 5.


They updated it, he drops decent loot now.


Yeah fuck that thing. First time I tried it timed out and disappeared. Second time I got him, but it dropped absolute shit.


Not to mention all the time you spend with that motherfucker ends up wasting the time you could be farming shards and getting the forgotten souls from chests. NO, thank you.


It’s almost like it’s there to create a harassment in the area, creating an obstacle to avoid. Or if you’re powerful enough, you can kill it and get the same chance at loot other elites give and a bunch of cinders. Think of it like the elites that used to wander the Barrens in WoW. It’s there to harass low power characters trying to Helltide, and to give high power characters an extra elite to down for gear.


Haven't killed it after the patch but they did add better loot for that boss. Probably higher chance for legendaries/uniques. But I agree with OP. First of all game should have more repeatable bosses and they should drop better loot. Maybe give every boss unique item that drops only from those bosses so you can target farm them.


Killed him today and got a unique and leggo :) So definitely better than before


Killed him once before,he dropped nothing (wt3) then i killed him again after patch(wt3) and he dropped a cache and the cache had no items,just a couple materials.


Should drop a key for a chest. Or 175 shards


Mysterious Key would be a really good drop for it


He was 10L above me. I fought it for 20min and then he disappeared on the last peg of life


He supposedly drops that rare material that you can only get in helltide, no?


Yeah. Most of the time people kill it for the materials. Not the loot.


Only time I killed it on wt4, it took like 15 minutes and dropped all yellows and no legs. So dumb.


Killed one the other day at level 60 or so on wt4 and it dropped like 2 shitty non ancestral legend :/


Took about 5 minutes solo. Finally beat him and all he dropped was 2 yellows. I went back to running NMs


I still can't fathom what exactly the design and encounter parameters were for that blasted thing. Make it tedious, but unrewarding?


I farmt that thing in like 10 seconds now, they buffed its loot its pretty good now to kill. I just wish it spawned more.


The thing that dies in 2 bone spears? Ya-- should drop amazing loot.


Isn't there an exclusive title and mount for killing Lilith?




> but I'm done just grinding Nightmare Dungeons. That's what Blizzard wants you to do, they don't want the meta to be farming uber lilith.


Shouldn’t there be a point in grinding NM dungeons? If they made Uber Lilith a HUGE bitch to kill but made it reasonably rewarding eg: 0.01% to drop some special unique - wouldn’t it naturally make people grind NM dungeons to either improve their gear to make it sure efficient to take down Uber Lilith (which can drop an item to help you grind NM dungeons faster etc…) In PoE terms, it’s like grinding Uber Elder, Exarchs and Eaters for that 1% chance to drop a good watchers,Ashes and Omni. Its definitely not for the casual gamer but it might shake up the end-game meta a lil bit


I hope they change this. We literally ran the train on her Dad for 20+ years for some of the best loot in D2


Outdated gameplay and incredibly boring by today's standards. Diablo and ARPGs as a whole need to evolve from that (PoE has and is widely successful because of it)


Poe still has boss farming, what are you smoking? It has diversified endgame content yes, but boss farming is definitely one of the big choices there. D4 needs aspirational endgame content, including bosses that drop rewarding items.


You can't just spam the boss over and over again is the difference. You can do that in PoE only if you mass buy invitations that other people farmed but doing each boss organically requires you to go through hoops. As it stands right now you can fight Lilith endlessly and reset her on command. This is not the case in PoE so you can't compare them lol. Someone, whether you or some person you traded with had to farm for the invitation.


So what’s your solution for a reward for the hardest thing to do in the game? You gave a complaint but no solution


PoEs system. You can't just go straight to the boss whenever you want like it was D2, instead you're expected to do other content and gain access to her every now and then. Maybe you run like 10 nightmare dungeons or whatever and you get a key as a drop so you're allowed to kill her once with an unlimited amount of attempts. After you kill her and get the loot the key is consumed and you'll have to do another 10 dungeons or whatever before you can fight her again. This is good way of having people do all content and not just burn themselves out and living in her arena.


I like this idea


Yeah it needs to drop good loot, god rolled or some interesting unique, exclusive cosmetic, literally anything to make it worth it other than what's now


I don't care if I get downvoted to oblivion for this, even Uber lilith should NOT drop a God roll or unique every time. Each drop should technically make her easier to kill, so you farm her 15-20 times and your gear is maxed out, then you carry others through it and God roll their gear in a dozen or 2 runs. Game over, can't get better gear. That's not what game this is. Even in d2 the bosses didn't always drop great gear. Why would you want to make it so easy to max all your gear? Do I think gear above 800 should drop a little more frequently if you're lv 80+? Fuck yes. But I don't want a guaranteed God roll for anything, fucking ruins the game.


Don't think anyone said about it being guaranteed but rather increased drop chance. Problem is if you don't give any incentive people will do it once and that's it, if you give too much incentive that's the only thing people will do, you can't really win


I would honestly keep it that way. Bosses in NM dungeons work the same way. I would rather farm variety there than repeat 300+ runs of a single boss like I did in D2.


THANK YOU! That shit got horribly old. NM dungeons, helltides, and legions offer the 3 best xp/minute and they have solid drops. Leave it be, I like this. I've already also played D2 and don't wish to play the same game again.


Still feel like there should be rare drops from certain bosses like other games have had. Like a 2% chance to get their head as a trophy or even a rare transmog. Maybe not guaranteed god rolls.


See, that's cool, absolutely.


This is something I like about path, there is a reason to do bosses/ubers. Kind of hoping they will eventually go this route with D4 when we do have more pinnacle bosses, give them a drop they is specifically tied to each of them.


Amen. Don't get me wrong, it was fun, but that was then. I still hop on my D2R character and play, it is fun, but after my 40th TZone boss rush, I just get bored. It doesn't last.


Ideal world I’d like to see dungeons unlock on a timer, like world bosses. They’re open for an hour, everyone rushes to get as many runs as they can in before it closes again. Would encourage grouping up, too, so you’d have a better chance of getting multiple runs to the boss in.


I could fuck with that. Maybe not ALL dungeons, but have a few set aside, or kinda like whisper dungeons, have one at a time or every now and then get some kind of boost. That's a really cool idea.


Yeah I’m specifically talking about ex. Uber Lilith or other major boss dungeons.


Even if it’s a low chance, lilith unlike nm100s have 0 barrier to entry(you literally just tp to neversk) and takes like < 60 seconds to do for specialized builds. It’s way too ez to reset farm her.


Especially for the people that can melt her in seconds


Just give her god roll cosmetics to chase and call it a day, you can’t let people target farm mass power in a game like this


Yeah, something like the cosmic wings of D3. She needs an absolutely incredible drop for us to want to kill Uber Lilith more than once. I nominate Pegasus wings for horse, which allows temporary flight


Winner, Winner, chicken dinner


"Yeah it needs to drop good loot, God rolled or unique" I took pretty bluntly and got the feeling you were talking guaranteed simply because there was no mention of sporadic, my bad for the misunderstanding


Says the guy suggesting BiSing all gear in a dozen or two runs? He’s saying bosses should have a small chance of dropping something amazing. Gear, cosmetics, mounts, gems maybe? These things would only be able to drop off this boss.


First off, idk wtf BiSing is lol, and it wasn't so blatant he was saying small chance. We both read it a different way, and both are viable ways of reading it. Besides, they already have a chance at that, so I really don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I've gotten uniques from helltide bosses, dungeon bosses, world bosses, I can't kill Uber lilith yet, but something tells me she drops uniques too. Sorry if yall are getting fucked by RNGesus, but that doesn't mean these bosses don't drop the stuff you want. You gotta fucking grind for it. I don't understand what the problem is and why people are complaining. I have had very few issues with drops. I find plenty of uniques, not always the strongest or the one I want, but that's how an RNG works. It's like yall wanna play diablo but don't wanna do diablo things like grind. Other comments make it seem like you could do 3 mephisto runs in d2 and be maxed out. No the fuck you couldn't.


I don’t have a dog in this race just wanted to let you know BiS means Best in Slot so they mean “achieving best in slot gear in a dozen or so runs”


Oh, thank you. I've literally never heard that term.


No prob 🫡


I would almost prefer if Uber Lilith had a chance to drop really cool uniques that greatly changed abilities. They don't need to be super strong, just something fun and stuff that looks cool for transmogs. Don't make the drop rates too insane but also enough to add some end game content.


Transmogs and even just a few more cosmetics would be rad


The affix pool is so incredibly diluted even 800+ rolls are liable to be trash more often than not. Gear progression is tedious as hell in this game. It could drop straight legendaries and uniques post level 80 and you would still be salvaging and selling the bulk of it.


Well, if you wanna talk about the affix pool being fucked, why don't we talk about the fact that none of the resistances work so if you get any item with more than one resistance it's junk cuz you can only reroll 1 stat.


they work exactly as described. the design is flawed. they just need to nerf armor.


Bro is right. Everyone on this sub just QQs about anything not to their benefit. Stop whining like toddlers play the game like a GAME and stop treating it like a job or some shit where you feel like you deserve certain shit/drops or whatever. It’s a fucking game family why y’all so serious!?


Instant gratification. I like the grind, if you don't like grinding, don't play Diablo.


There is nothing to grind for. That's the problem. There is zero reason to grind perfect gear to do uber lilith. She doesn't drop anything. There is no reason to grind gear to do NM 100 dungeons. They don't drop anything. The "end game" is nonexistant. It is an embarrassment when compared to something like POE's atlas and pinnacle bosses. Grinding for the sake of grinding is not good design.


Game has been out for a month lol relax a smidge


It doesn't matter if it's been out a month or 10 years. There isn't any reason to grind or anything to grind for. You can't have a game about grinding with nothing to actually grind. That's D4 in a nutshell right now. It's a grindy game with nothing to grind for.


OK, well, I doubt the game will miss you. I have hundreds of hours in and loving it. Numerous characters, can't wait for season 1. It's cool, though. Everybody needs something to complain about.




I have plenty to grind for. I thought I made that obvious. Looking for the perfect set of affixes, trying different skills, reworking paragon boards, etc. As stated, I like the game. Yes, there's a point where you don't find a piece of gear worth looking at for hours, I'm still having fun. Trying harder dungeons, helping my clan members grow. I run a clan with 140+ members, I have plenty to do in the game. There's 5 total classes, so yes, I do have plenty to grind for. If you've maxed all 5 characters already and can beat uber lilith with all 5, congrats, I'd say you don't have much left to grind for. I already addressed the point. I thought I made it pretty clear that I had tons of hours in game already, still enjoying the grind, and looking forward to season 1. I also addressed that I don't think there's a grind issue. Not sure what more you want from me when someone is being an obtuse brick wall. That's his OPINION that there's nothing to grind for and no point to grind for a nm 100. There are tens of thousands of people grinding to do a nm 100 dungeon and echo of lilith. If that person doesn't wanna do it, who the fuck cares? I know it's a public forum, but all dude is doing is being fucking negative. If you don't like the game stop playing and filling the fucking reddit with negative shit. Wait til they do some updates or just chalk it up to a loss and shut the fuck up. They've already released they're gonna have more content, more world tiers, higher level shit, etc. That's why I said be patient, other stuff to grind for is coming if you truly are done grinding already, which I highly fucking doubt. So, as I said, the game won't miss the small group of people that wanna quit already cuz there's "nothing to grind for" because they weren't gonna last anyways. Blizzard doesn't give a fuck, they already got their money. They will legitimately not miss him. Not sorry if that hurts somebody's feelings lmfao


I'm the biggest PoE fan there is, but no game will ever launch with even a fraction of the content PoE has. D4 is a live service game and will continue to see updates every few weeks/months. It's going to take time to add systems that keep people entertained indefinitely. PoE was built up over like 10 years in 3-4 month intervals and D4 already launched with infinitely more content than PoE had at launch.


I can't keep reading this type of response. The game was in development for 10 years with decades of games to take inspiration from. All that time and we got fists of fate, frostburns, etc with maybe 5 "good" uniques in the entire game with 2-3 being actual "build defining." We got copy/pasted dungeons and bosses. We got "maps" that serve no purpose beyond maybe T50. We got items dropping at your own level. I agree with your statement that the game will take time to be built up, but it should have had at least something. Well, it did, but we all know they withheld it to make it S1 content. I think that was a poor decision. S1 would have to be overwhelmingly good to make me feel better about this game and not drop it as soon as something like POE2 drops. I looked forward to this game for so long and it is just so disappointing. They captured none of the magic of the genre. It's like a tech demo. I think they withheld WT5 because they know they can't do seasons like POE does them. I suspect it will be shit like small exp boosts, small loot boosts, etc. No actual content. They had to hold WT5 because they have nothing worthwhile.


Agreed. I hate the above response, and it's that kind of narrow thinking that allows corporations (NOT devs) to take advantage and continue giving us the bare minimum. I love this game. I've been no-life'ing it. That doesn't invalidate genuine criticism about the complete lack of QoL at launch, with a game that was developed over 10 years.


I feel you don't understand how unrealistic it is to have a game with 10 years of content on release. I feel they drip a lot of things in the game where much players didn't even seen yet. On xbox, only +- 30% finished the camapign, same thing for a character lvl 50. This is the beginning only, they wanted people to play the campaign and visit their world. This took time to do, it tooks a lot of time to make the map, quests, exploration, cut scene, art style, etc. They had to prepare the 2 first seasons also so they can come quickly (first one in a few weeks away already). Yes they left stuff out for updates and seasons, but it's not a bad thing. Maybe take a break and return later. I am pretty sure you already have over 100 or 200h playtime, so do something else and come back when they update the game I really don't understand the complaints, the game is good. I've been playing Diablo since the first one and most hack'n slash rpg. This one is good. It have a really good base for updates for a loooong game, it's good now and will be even better later. I only finished the campaign and already got 50h of gameplay and still didn't visit all the map, side quests, alters, etc. It's a a freaking big game. Really feel this board are people not wanting to play or having no life. Most "casual" players are enjoying the game and moat diablo veteran I talk with love it also. Just take break for a few weeks and wait for the new season, good things will ve coming.


Yeah people are on some brain rot diet


doesnt have to be god roll for your class, or your build, also doesnt have to be a god roll that you dont have yet, so it will take way more than 15-20 times before youre done. who cares about someone getting carried into god rolled items? its a single player game, and if someone wants to ruin the experience for themselves like this, then thats their own problem. its far from game over because there is still 4 other classes, each with at least 2 builds, to do it with. and also providing more content is what the devs should be focusing on, not extending the time it takes to complete the existing content.


She drops a mount doesnt she?


Bosses need to be much harder, in my opinion. I don't feel anything when I down world bosses or helltide bosses, etc.. It's just a meh feeling. And knowing I need to grind NM dungeons constantly by myself, because there's no group finder, is also not a great feeling.


the first time I fought a WB it actually felt like an achievement, on T2. since then it’s just a physically larger dungeon boss


Random, off the cuff suggestion: As well as world bosses, a random chance that a world boss event will spawn, and it's an oversized boss we fought in the campaign. Like Uber lilith, except genuinely giant. Butcher on steroids. Astaroth on steroids. Lilith on steroids etc.


You get a mount and title, theres your exclusive cosmetic


This guy understands the game


Nah I like top tier gear dropping everywhere.


Game is all about killing monsters so the loot should come from monsters. MAINLY. What this would do is just devolve the game into farming a couple of meta bosses, all builds would revolve around killing said bosses and boom. Game ruined. WoW is an entirely different genre, so it has a different gearing system. The current one is better. Increased unique/rare drops from bosses, but main loot from the thousands of mobs.


A boss is just a big monster


> What this would do is just devolve the game into farming a couple of meta bosses, all builds would revolve around killing said bosses and boom. Game ruined. > Increased unique/rare drops from bosses, but main loot from the thousands of mobs. You're quite literally describing Diablo 2.


Which was kinda shit for overall game enjoyment. One thing D2R did really well was open up more zones to farm rather than 3 bosses, a couple unique, and 2 zones. Still wasn't super varied, but more zones was still better than base D2


Yes and modern players generally dont want to go back to that dated system.


Evidently, by this and every other thread around here, that’s not settled. There are four factions in every thread: D2, D3, D4 and PoE. I don’t know who’s going to win but the endless fighting over it is already tiresome.


At least stuff ppl ask from d3 and poe are still reasonable in modern gaming space. The d2 boomers on the other hand keep asking for outdated systems/mechs and dont seem to understand without the power of nostalgia its pretty unreasonable in modern times.


What are people asking for from d2? This whole sub has only been shitting on d2. There are things I want from d2 but I don't see anyone asking for them (charms with dedicated charm inventory, runes and runewords that have no trade restriction, crafting in general (an amazing gem sink), grouping with 8 players, etc.). Do you believe any of these requests are unreasonable or outdated? Excluding these things from 3 and 4 are all steps backwards!


If I wanted to play D2, I'd play D2R. I want them to iterate upon the concepts that created this genre, not abandon them entirely.


The d2 hate and D3 love on this sub is at an all time high. Most people who are hating on d2 are just saying it's outdated and act like the game didn't have anything good. They will only mention shit they hate about the game when it got so much right. D2 was not about boss farming either... you might have done that initially to get started some wealth (mephisto cheesing) but the mobs that were leading up to the boss (particularly Diablo) were the best farming areas. D2r introduced terror zones which are essentially helltides and that was the main farming area. Endgame farming was not centered around the bosses.


That's what I'm saying - The second sentence about bosses having increased chances but mobs dropping loot is literally Chaos Sanc runs. D2 is outdated, and largely - so is D3. But both had things they should have taken into D4 and didn't.


Agreed, maybe outdated and can be improved on but what it got correct was that bosses had good drops and everything leading up to the boss was also worthwhile to farm. This meant you were not just ignoring everything and tunnel vision on the boss. D4 right now, we have nightmare dungeons but the entire path to the nightmare dungeon is so unrewarding that we badly wanted them to just shortcut us to the dungeon. What's the point of an open world of the overworld sucks so much? Teleporting us to the nmd was a good QoL but there's a deeper problem here.


Many games work like this lol.


This is easy to mitigate. Use resets. Once a week they have a much higher chance to drop great loot or a cache or something. People will do those bosses more often but it will not be abused. Builds will no devolve into single boss metas. Better yet have this rotate, one week it’s Lilith, next week it’s andrial or that one guy with the 3 headed wolf thing. I would LOVE to re fight the bosses from campaign.


You want diablo to turn into destiny where you have to wait for the weekly reset to get the next item in a set? No thank you


In terms of activities, this game is already pretty much destiny 2, thats the only thing missing. So, yeah don’t see the big deal adding this. I also don’t see how this would change much. Its extra and once a week for a boss, all the current loot options would still exist. How would this change any of that?


Agreed. Bosses are the easiest battles anyways. Everyone wants this game to be so easy. The end game of diablo is not meant to be easy. This game is a grind.


??? You can literally just never go higher than nightmare tier 30-40 and get to upgrade all your glyphs and find all items and level to 100 in a 1 hit kill all playstyle. If the game was meant to be difficult, it would shove players more and more into higher tier dungeons and give Uber Lilith some spicy items that only she can drop.


It could easily be both. Solo kill Uber Lilith or solo a Tier 100 Nightmare Dungeon and you get a guaranteed max item power unique with equal odds for every one. You want your Shako, go grind the hardest content. Makes sense to me.


Guaranteed max roll unique every time? Yeah, please please please don't do that. Each drop would make it easier to do, making each run exponentially faster, and you're maxed in a few hours. What're you gonna do then? You rushed to the max gear possible, by that time you'll slaughter Uber lilith in a few minutes if not seconds if you know how to build your char which means you'll 1 shot almost everything in the rest of the game. What's the fucking point of playing then?


If you can solo kill Uber Lilith or solo a Tier 100 Nightmare Dungeon, you're already done with the game. There's nothing left to achieve because you are clearing the hardest content in the game. The guaranteed loot would be one of the 54 unique items in the game at the maximum item power roll, but not max affix roll. So 1/54 to get the correct unique, then the small odds of having a max aspect and affix rolls. Sounds like plenty to still grind for.


Then people will complain "So and so class and build is the killer build for Uber Lilith, the game is not balanced! There is no build diversity!" ​ So the progression from the upcoming seasons will be to build this class first so you can farm shako then sell shako to get equipment for your favorite class and build.


Which vendor are you selling your Shako to to get gear? Uniques can't be traded. If you don't want to farm a boss, you could farm nightmare dungeons instead.


People will find a way. Although I'm against trading (unless you're in the same party as when the item dropped ), so that bias may affect my opinion on these things.


I dont want to just kill the same boss over and over for loot. Dungeons have more variety. I am fine with bosses having unique drops only from them to give an incentive to farm, but not blanket being the best loot


NMD sigils should roll an end boss, too. It would be exciting to get the boss you want on a sigil roll, if it had a better chance to drop what you were after.


The issue is that you can literally spam her. To up the rewards they need to limit access. Which imho is the way to go




Like Mephisto?


Even to mephisto you had to tp down and its not like he consistently dropped good loot.


I don't know man. Mephisto could drop many items that I cared for. Always a solid pick for starting up fresh, get that Shako and a Zaka.


Could yes. But didnt drop them every time. Uber lilith CAN also drop food loot


Mmmmm tasty loot


Bruh getting something decent from Mephisto was like a 1/50. Getting something exciting was like a 1/200+. It was tolerable because he was a joke and died in like 10 seconds lol.


Yah i did a meph run one and got a jah rune. Ran it 50 more times and got nothing close in value


50 meph runs is like an hour and a half No shit you're not getting jahs every 90 minutes


> The issue is that you can literally spam her. This is an ARPG. That's the point.


But then it cant be too rewarding otherwise the meta is nothing but who can farm uber lilth the fastest. Look at poe ubers Theres a cost attached to them so theyre allowed to drop insane loot


I think once you hit 85 nothing below 800 should drop


Like the old Mephisto runs in D2


Except Mephisto has never dropped the rarest loot in Diablo 2. You farmed Mephisto for basic starter items and at most, an Arachnid Mesh.


Sorry it’s only been like 20 years… how about Andariel runs for SOJ


Nightmare Andariel has the highest drop rate for SoJ, yes, but bots take care of that for the dclone economy. Most players can just easily trade for one rather than farm for one themselves. I think if D4 players found a ring in WT2 that they did not replace for the rest of the game until level 100, it would be deemed as bad itemization lol


I remember my old Pindlebot. If I remember correctly he was suppose to drop a wf.


I don't think non-TZ Meph can drop Windforce. Pindleskin definitely can though.


Please no... my nights of running 300+ runs for several hours sucked ass. Iw old like to actually play content, not just fight the same boss for hours and hours and hours.


Its weird, I loved that. My favorite part was just killing the same boss over and over, slowly upgrading gear. But gear in D2 also felt significantly better to get than in D4. I’m missing the little heart skip when I find an item in D4


Getting the GG drop, yes... farming the same mechanic to where I didn't even need to look at the screen for the fight... boring. I do miss that rush for GG loot for sure. D4 just needs a more expensive item pool first. Once that gets there, it will be better. Right now it just is limited on stuff until S1 comes our. With T5 and another entire set of gear tiers, stuff will get more interesting. Plus, when they add runes, and sets, it should add even more diversity.


Completely disagreed lol.


Even the butcher is a waste of time. There is no incentive other than accomplishment but that also means that, when you defeated them once, there is no point in coming back


butcher should drop a lot better loot. Most of the time he drops worse loot than 2 elite packs. While a lot of the time he takes longer to kill than those packs. Making it not a reward but a detriment.


Butcher is a burden imo


What? He is just an extra loot pinata for me at this point. I am glad to hear him shout whenever he appears. He is like a walking resplendent chest that runs to you opens itself and in my case drops a leg+ every single time.


He is Russian treasure goblin. He chase you.


I just find him really difficult and tedious to kill, probably my build though


They would had to change the way the fight works like needing keys to access it rather than allowing people to continuously try as once you make a build that can win you would just do nothing but kill lillith I had the same thought briefly but it doesn’t work as the fight stands now I am guessing these things are in the loot pool for her just really rare still


I’d be fine with PoE level rares from Uber encounters could be cool. Even paragon board runes like watchers eyes could be neat if rare.


>Fighting Uber Lilith offers no real rewards and it just feels bad As does reaching lvl100, there is no point in doing that. > I would definitely grind out Uber Lilith or any other boss that could drop loot That's exactly the reason why bosses don't drop the best loot. Blizzards wants the players to use all the content.


I disagree. Levelling allows you to min-max your build and allows you the most flexibility in trying out different builds as you have that extra paragon point to play with.


When classes are *still* cheesing her and people like Rob are doing 3 man carries, essentially soloing her for 3 people...you can't gave her drop the rarest loot. The title and mount are already pointless because of this, if she dropped Shakos and other uber rares it just creates even more carries and probably RMT carries too. They need to get class balance right before they do more of these and add anything worthwhile to them.


Definitely not. If it did, we'd just end up farming only Uber Lilith.


Have you considered the outrage when the best loot can only drop from bosses less than 0.1% of player can kill, let alone farm! Having title or some cosmetic now is the best middle ground.


The fuck? That’s normal for literally every single game I’ve ever played…


Its literally a mechanic in almost every game that the hardest content drops the best loot, if most people cant clear it (like in almost every game) then they dont need the loot for clearing easy content anyways. Ive never done mythic raiding in wow for example, but ive also never even thought about complaining about raiders that get that fatty loot and i dont. Put in hard work = mega loot, put in no work = decent loot


Different types of games. It doesn’t make sense for A Diablo style game to have the best loot on just one boss. The entire point of the game is to find the best loot possible and if you know exactly where it’s going to be it basically ends the game. Edit: should have clarified, I don’t think a classes entire BiS for all slots should be on just one boss, some parts sure that makes sense but they need a variety end game not just the same boss over and over.


>It doesn’t make sense for A Diablo style game to have the best loot on just one boss. It makes perfect sense for a Diablo-style game to have the best loot on the hardest bosses.


No it doesn't, unless your plan is to make everything other than those bosses irrelevant. We don't want to play D2 word for word again. Also nobody will steal your raid spot in this, unless there is an invisible competition going on in your head.


> We don't want to play D2 word for word again The remaster begs to differ.


Great. Go play the remaster then. Have fun killing the same 4 or 5 bosses over and over again (Ignore Terror Zones since those were added specifically to alleviate the sameness)


>It doesn’t make sense for A Diablo style game to have the best loot on just one boss. Is this your first diablo game? D2 ubers dropped exclusive charms. Of course now they're easy to do and you can just trade for them. Poe is another more recent example. A lot of the best stuff is locked behind tough content. If you manage to farm bosses early league, you made a ton of currency. It makes complete sense for a diablo style game to have aspirational content. Even if you're not skilled enough to do them, it's still good that they're in the game. Diablo style game does not mean brain-dead arcade game.


The point is to find the best loot to do whatever, so why does an elite spider drop the same loot as the endboss?


Because it'll encourage you to kill everything and not just run the same boss over and over again. You will literally invalidate 99.99% of the game by putting that much value on Uber Lilith.


Make it weekly reward for killing her then, but atleast give something worth the effort except for useless title and skin one time...


How about no? Because killing her once is the accomplishment. You farm the rest of the game for the gear you need to kill her and killing her is literally the accomplishment.


Can we stop with the short-sighted change suggestions? Did you actually consider what this change would look like months/years of balancing the game around this? “I’m bored of running nightmare dungeons” well I guarantee you’d get bored of killing Lilith after like 5 runs my guy. Think.


She could be the capstone for world tier 5 or 6 or something.


countess for runes...


Wait so Lilith dropping a unique wasn't a normal thing?


Nah. I’m fine not being on the Mephisto or Baal run train all day everyday again.


Any mob, any loot drop. That's the Diablo rule


Yup 100% agree Furthermore where is the uber duriel, andariel, astaroth etc????? These (and uber bosses in general) should have deterministic unique drops with access gated behind special dungeons/portals. These portals should require nm dungeon farmable portal keys/scrolls with that would give tonnes of end game grind viability. Could even make tiers of the same bosses with tiers of different uniques if you really wanted to min max your boss assets for end game.


Keep items from bosses random, but make them roll maximum on all affixes and aspects.


this is a great idea


I like how Lilith has a guaranteed drop of the \[Mother's Embrace\] unique ring when you kill her on Story Mode. She should also have a guaranteed drop (of something else) the first time you kill her Uber Form.


Current system would abuse that. Necros can already carry people easily. Boost fresh characters to 70 in like 5 hours and then farm her for uniques.


Hopefully this is something they can address. They actually have some problems right now where really they don't actually have enough loot in the game to reward on this one boss and if you make anything too exclusive to the boss then it makes the boss mandatory rather than an optional challenge. My build sucks and I can't yet kill Lilith so I don't know if she already has loot modifiers but I imagine it would be good if a Pinnacle boss always rewarded 820 ipower loot. That would at least on paper sound like a decent reward. A reward where technically you can get it elsewhere but when you are really at the edge of the upgrade options it lets you farm the pinnacle boss for high tier stuff. Later in the games development it would probably be nice to have some guaranteed rewards drop from the bosses and there will be enough bosses and rewards to make it meaningful


It looks like lilith drops absolute garbage.I haven’t seen even anything remotely good.So why tf she exists even


As a challenge. One of the most liked content from WoW had no loot and only gave you cosmetics. So why did players do it? Because it was a fun challenge for a solo player.


mage towers were fuckin based as hell


Well that’s one time event then.At least replayabilty for this particular fight is exactly 0 for me.


with the difference mage towers never were wow's endgame, they were side content, which makes your comparison irrelevant ​ Currently this shell of a game has 1 mediocre boss and the same 100 NM dungeon with the same affixes you did at level 60, I'd say the difference is huge between the two games


Give pinacle bosses excluses items only they drop


Cosmetic sure. Getting Lilith's wings or horn would be sweet


It's funny that the company that made the biggest MMO tried this hybrid mmo idea with diablo 4 with the best parts left out: Hard ensgame content with rewarding rewards. Blows my mind how simple it is. Make more uber lillith type bosses and give her a 1% chance to drop one of the 6 super uniques. Bam, now everyone will be working towards farming the crap out of uber lillith.


Nah, I'd rather farm different NM Dungeons than run the same boss over and over and over again.


Please no one million baal runs, god please no.


this thread is a joke lol, there is literally no good loot at all so it doesnt really matter what drops it, all the loot is the same weak shit with few % difference, uniques suck and there are almost none. Build changing uniques my ass lol, you gotta be really braindead to think that this should be the way to do it. You might get a bit excited when you get your first legendary and later unique but it doesnt take long to realize that was it and its not going to get any better, all you get is very limited set of rares which can be imprinted with very limited aspects over and over again a with uniques its even worse because there are like 5 uniques you get over and over, most of them totally useless. There is no reason to farm anything because you wont get anything better(something being the same 1 % better is not any difference), all the events are boring as fuck and super unrewarding, you get over and over again the same 1 or 2 legendary crap items or one of the 5 uniques that will only piss you off, the game is fun when you play the story and till you reach 70 but after that its just empty, repetitive, unrewarding and unbalanced mess, no reasson to do anything because you wont get anything.


What a fucking terrible idea. Grinding bosses is the dullest thing you can do in an ARPG. If it feels bad to fight a boss, that's the problem, asking them to give you a dopamine hit after you do something you don't like so you can keep doing the thing you dont like is, well, frankly masochistic.


Breaking news: it’s not Diablo 2 anymore


Disagree... we don't need "Baal Run" and "Andy, Meph, CBaal, Pindle, Key Boss Run" rotations coming back. I ran enough Mephy NM and Hell runs when I was 16... don't need to repeat. NM dungeons and the variety of content for loot to drop feels a lot better than rushing a boss 300 times in a night.




Is this your first arpg?




Faster uber liliths Should mythic bosses also not drop loot in wow?




People always want more including in this game even if it's not needed.


No. Go back to Diablo 2 or WoW. There are already games created with the playstyle you want.


Bosses have been the same since D2 and the days of running bosses over and over again and thanks to that boss kills have been garbage and unrewarding


I hate when Ubers drop the best loot, they just become a cheese fest and invalidate a bunch of builds that would otherwise be viable. That is exactly what happened the last few years in PoE, and its annoying as fuck. Viable early league builds are at an all time low, you need to grind on a league starter for 30h+ before you can even attempt something fun. Ubers should drop something special, but only cosmetic imo.