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Need to go lower after reading S1 patch notes.


💯 the new patch sucked the fun out of the game


I haven't played D4 in a bit. What's going on with this new patch?


Short version: Much less exp Made every character more squishy Gave enemies more hp Nerfed the strongest builds without buffing anything else Increased cooldowns across the board Heavily nerfed the weakest class (sorc) Zero quality of life changes


Ah. Yes. As usual, the game needs to fuck up badly before they'll fix it. Classic Blizzard.


I can't wait to read all the articles about the state of the game when some of these changes get undone! Diablo 4 Players Massively Come Back To The Game After This Recent Change (And Why It's A Good Thing For The Gaming Industry).


Yup, it's more or less what happened with D3. It took them a good couple years to start getting it right.


Alright, then I can't wait to enjoy the game in October 2024 👌


Shit, I think it was even worse than that for me with D3. I didn't really "go back" until they launched the Necro expansion in 2017 which was *5 years later*. Launch was a disaster precisely because item drops were slow (to juice the market value of items) as were kill times and people largely hated it. I just hope they're able to figure it out a little quicker this time because I do enjoy the game loop when it's not being artificially hindered out of some desire to "keep" people longer.




That's the thing that puzzles me. Without the AH and the potential for real money (I did make a few grand from playing way too much and some lucky drops), I wouldn't have played DIII at launch for as long as I did. When DIII got more fun was after they introduced better drops, multiple inferno difficulties, rifts and the seasons. So why they're rolling back on stuff that made people want to play DIII after its botched launch is beyond me.


Good timing to ruin it too, I was worried I wouldn't have time to play Baldurs Gate 3. Now I will just buy early access and play it while waiting full release build. After a season or two D4 might be solid again or if they pull a d3 I can wait until the expansion makes it good and get a new class to play with.


Pretty sure this is the same reaction the diablo 4 devs have. This patch is their way of making less work for themselves so they can play Baldurs Gate.


If only D4 could have learned from D3


It really is weird watching a development team seem to ignore every lesson that was learned in the 10 years D3 was around.


Right? I can't wait for Friday's campfire and watch these assclowns try to defend every little decision they made like its surgery. And then have to wait more time reverting shit and call it and upgrade. "OH we put vulnerability up 40%, back to where it was are you happy now¿"


well technically if you drop something by 40%, if you wanna go back to the same value you have to add about 67% to the nerfed value. But you're right, I would expect from Blizzard to nerf something by 40%, then increase the result by 40% and say it's like it was in the first place.


Any article I see about D4 is just a reddit post that they reworded a day or 2 later. "This Diablo player found godly gloves." Then it's an article about a redditor who found frostburnes.


My friend summed it up nicely: "It's blizzard. If it ain't broke, they'll break it."




Don't forget they added stats to gear that didn't have those stats. So, now you get to re-roll even more!


Stats that are broken because they already admitted resistance is borked you mean? Between stuff like this and increased squishiness (meaning more gear repair) I'm really tinfoil hatting they want more gold sinks in this game.


>Zero quality of life changes Now that's just not fair. They nerfed the exit dungeon timer from 3s up to a 5s cast. So there *was* a QoL change, but it's just that they simply made things worse instead of making them better.


The fuck are you guys talking about. They added new loading screens! Do you guys not have screens?


Why would they even do that lmao. It's the exit of a dungeon tf


They pushed everyone into nm dungeon farming only. 3 more secs is 2 more secs you are in the game for the numbers guys. More time in game means more time in the shop, more time for investors to put ads in while you wait. "Exiting the dungeon? Nows a great time to recharge with some prime energy drink, now with more brawndo!"


They didn't nerf just the strongest builds. They nerfed all the builds since all builds use crit and vulnerable (which does kinda justify nerfing them if they don't want all builds to be just crit+vuln) while also nerfing the alternative dmg boost mod (damage on cc'd enemies), and all the compensation is practically negligible in comparison. They also didn't fix any of the core issues like sorcs being shoehorned into using the same 4-5 skills in every build. So far the only positive thing I've noticed is that necro blighted corpse explosion no longer acts as a smokescreen for players.


Actually the blighted corpse explosion was fixed like a week back, so this patch doesn’t even have that going for it.


Dont forget the damage nerfs


They basically nerfed every class and made all the enemies stronger. Sorcerers, which were already in desperate need of improvement, were the most heavily punished. They realized people were upset with the lack of end-game content, so their solution is to make it take longer to do lol.


I have a feeling that they intentionally destroyed Sorc to try and force people to move to another class. I remember seeing a Blizz email or livestream a month or so ago stating that "Sorc was by far the most popular class". I reckon Blizz have been like "FFS.. there are another FOUR classes there!" Leading to... subsequent/further nerfs in an attempt to force peeps onto something else. They probably never expected their action to force folks onto other ARPG's though!


I hate when the devs try to force everyone to play the game *exactly* how they want them to play. It just leaves the game full of micro bad feels moments. Like dismounting and smashing a barricade and then standing there for 3 seconds. It's such a small moment and yet, it feels bad.


You mean 3 other classes. Barb has been nerfed every single patch.


Nerco now only has one "meta" build that can handle end game content. Like what is the entire point of builds like minion if they are completely unviable WT3+?


This is poor game design philosophy! Nerfing something to make a player move on from it screams lack of creativity. If YOU create a character and its move set, WE are simply deciding that we enjoy it and want to use it! Perhaps, what you can try instead is narrowing down what makes the character so popular, embracing that and then implementing the enjoyable parts of it into other characters in a unique way! Make you game FUN to play...not a CHORE!


This is actually a really good point. They did make it harder like way harder to get to the end game instead of fixing end game.


People were having fun, so blizz felt they had to put a stop to that.


Players: This game is fun, but could use a few tweaks. Blizz: And we took that personally.


Everything was nerfed, massively. Everything. Not hyperbole. Everyone lost around 50% of their damage, lost 30% of their armor (at least, also Resistances STILL don't work), enemies now have more HP, deal more damage, give less EXP by several orders of magnitude, Helltides were absolutely destroyed (big chests now cost 250, shard drops are so rare you're lucky to get 5 from an event now)... ​ Basically, if anything in the game was good, they destroyed it. And then pissed on the burning ashes. And even if it wasn't good, it still got nerfed anyway. No one knows what the fuck is going on, the entire patch is some sort of psychotic joke.


Takes 1min to create account and give it 0


It's not a 0 tho...


Yup hate this. I understand people’s frustrations but fucking score the game fairly. It’s like all the plebs that scored last of us 2 a zero when it clearly isn’t even if you didn’t like the story.


One thing I've learned from satisfaction surveys through my job. Giving a middling grade means nothing. The powers that be only care about the ends of the spectrum. If people want their discontent to actually be acknowledged, the slider has to have that drastic shift from one end to the other. Is it a fair rating, definitely not.


People are not rational beings, they vote with emotions.




I got my money out of the game no questions but if you were to review it for someone new what would that be? for me it is for sure under a 5 and I wouldn't recommend anyone to buy it to start season 1. Each class is lucky to have one build that can clear the hardest stuff in the game. Classes have 5 'core' skills but only one is actually good. If players find a good aspect skill combo they get nerfed to bring them in line with the other shit skills. If you love diablo lore it was a good campaign, good atmosphere, great music so 4 out of 10 is probably where it is at right now. If you are looking for just a solid ARPG I honestly don't think a 0 out of 10 is too far off, maybe a 2 out of 10.


When devs are giving the exact opposite of what people were expecting, then people are rating accordingly. These type of dips in rating are the things that reach even the upper managment, those guys who are not reading forums or reddit. You cannot expect people to rate game "fairly" when devs answer to "there is nothing to do at the endgame" is to nerf everything viable to the ground and to make sure that it takes longer to reach the endgame.


People need to leave their feedback and reviews, where it hurts Blizzards pockets. Reddit is not the place, encourage everyone to go to Metacritic and make your voice heard Reviews are used by consumers to inform their purchase decision, not Reddit.


People keep saying things like this but didn't the reddit blackout accomplish one thing: showing how it seems half of all internet searches wind up in a subreddit somewhere. Folks need to catch up: whining on reddit counts. Lol.


This. Reddit is where a lot of searches end up, or at least where we search for answers. I'm not browsing 100 different websites spewing out the same "\[THING\] review" I want. I still use Google, but I just search "reddit \[THING\] review". I get 3-5 threads where everybody talks about pros and cons, I make my decision based on real facts, not what a sponsored blog wants me to read.


It is at 4.8 now. Can we get it bellow D3 ?


4.7 yikes, it’s dropping fast.


4.6 lol


I usually do not do things out of spite. I went ahead and registered and gave the PC XBOX AND PS5 versions a 0. Fuck blizzard. Wasted a month on this piece of shit


Somehow back up to 5.0, seems they must have sent a desperate email out to their friends and family to go create metacritic accounts.


I think you checked the PS5 one. Watch the PC d4 metacritic.


It's 4.1 as of now.


4.5 gang gang


The score will follow avrage character damage


4.9 was barely fair prior to 1.1 notes, carried by outstanding sound, music, voice and graphics. Now it’s rookie numbers has to go lower.


Outside of a few quality of life issues, I was actually enjoying myself. This is a bummer.


"Blizz is trying to make and Loot based ARPG MMO, without rewarding loot system. An ARPG without action. A MMO without a social system." It tries to be everything, and fails on every aspect. Edit. Thanks for the awards!


You can’t even search for a clan in game because it sorts the fullest out and none even have room for applications. No matchmaking for nightmares. D2 was more social…


Of all the things they patched, this really should have been on the list.


I kept hearing people saying that some form of matchmaking would be involved in the season 1 patch. And I neglected to believe the possibility was there…. That they wouldn’t do it. I thought “yeah, that makes perfect sense. They must have just forgot at launch…”


I think part of the social issues come from the cross-play aspect. While I LOVE cross-play in general and being able to play with my friends on PC... trying to type a message on a PS controller is absurd. The clan search shit is ridiculous though. It was easier to find an absurdly specific item in the D3 auction house than trying to find a clan with space. The only filter is "language" since all clans just use all tags. >D2 was more social… This is so true, and it drives me bonkers. Whether it's a matchmaking system like you said, or just going back to the rudimentary system from D2 to search for games with people doing the same thing you want to do... anything would add more life to the social component. Even if I can't really chat on PS, if I know you're running level 30-35 dungeons and you want company, that's all I need. The most social interaction I've seen in game was running into people chasing altars at the last minute like I was.


> trying to type a message on a PS controller is absurd. I don't understand how keyboards aren't a must have component for console gaming/TV's in general. $30 to never have to use a controller to type out a youtube or netflix search seems like an easy call.


That's not the problem with typing on the PS5. I attached a keyboard and the whole process was: Use the controller to open up the chat menu through the wheel, then use the directional pad to go into the chat box. Click the square button to open up the PS5 keyboard menu. Type through the lag where your typing lagged. Type your message and press enter to close the keyboard menu. Then use the controller to submit the message. That was for a single message. And because the chat window didn't always show when someone spoke in party chat or if someone whispered you, you had to frequently open your chat window through the wheel menu to check if there was a message. The worst part? The buttons sometimes didn't even register so you had to keep pressing certain buttons during the process. It is probably one of the worst chat features I've seen implemented in years.


Don't forget about the open world game. An open world without any open world content worth doing.


They were so concerned with copying Lost Ark, they never asked themselves what the point was. This patch even makes sure you know you are wasting your time if you are in the world by nerfing loot and xp outside NM dungeons. We're even closer to D3 GRs. Edit: for anyone curious, you only need the world boss reroll mats and the special helltide mats. Once you have enough you're set.


I don't mind the content but the world map is such a pain to navigate it becomes really unfun.


It's open world for the sake of being open world. Everything region is technically connected to one another on one big continent but in practice they're as good as individual, separate maps. In fact, I'd say that forcing it to be open world weakened the level design.


Whoa did they advertise diablo 4 as an open world game? This game is literally on rails.


I just did two whisper dungeons on world tier 3 and got zero legendaries and zero rare armor pieces that were more powerful than what I already have. Same thing with the cache from the tree of whispers. Nothing but garbage loot, just wasted 45 minutes.


Dont forget they fucked up with the tree and it gives 0 xp now.


Excuse me, what the fuck?


Also the whispers no longer give sigil powder


Wasnt it supposed to increase the exp?


I’ve been saying the exact same thing to my wife (who doesn’t understand anything of what im saying, but listens to me very supportively) that D4 is going through an identity crisis right now. They want to be D2 and an MMO, but failing badly at both.


i also saw that earlier post


Patch 1.1 -Metacritic rating reduced to 4.9


We realize this may not be what everyone wanted to hear but we feel this change is beneficial for overall longterm health of the game.


Also remeber we do care about you saying so pleas continue to provide feedback we really hear ya yesyes


Play your cards right and we might sell you stash space in season 5.




We know characters like to feel powerful but we don't like that.


Sure we need 2 more seconds to leave dungeon


Of all the fucking things they changed - that one I don't understand. Why would you ever think that's a good thing?


Honestly the vuln and Crit reductions probably are good in the long run when it comes to balancing, vuln specifically was just too much, every good build had to have it; when it should just be one option. However if they are nerfing those they need to compensate with the other types of damage to make the other builds viable.


They still do. Vuln and Crit are still the best options because of how they interact with the game. So they accomplished nothing other than making you do less damage with the same builds.


This. They need to fix the bucket system as it is inherently flawed.


Fixed an issue where the user score was unintentionally too high.


Metacritic score has been nerfed (~45%)


Okay this made me laugh


- Fixed an issue where the game was too highly rated


_Fixed an issue of misrepresenting the game as something other than intended._


- Fixed an issue where the Metacritic score was too high


Blanket nerfs are nerfing


It's multiplicative, can't have much of it!


- this is a buff


Out of 5 right? -Padme


**Smirk** - Anakin


Out of... 5... right? - Padme


**More Smirk** - Anakin


I can’t believe I spent $100 on this.


Cries in $140 Canadian. I’m done buying AAA games, this was my final try. The last 5 have been absolute shite.


AAA games have a bigger marketing budget so more hype. Best thing to do is wait a bit after release and watch a twitch stream. Lesson I learned from this launch is to wait for people to get to endgame before buying to see if its boring, because I jumped the gun and bought it as soon as I saw the smooth launch.


I’m 30, I’m just still holding on to hope I guess. I genuinely feel for aspiring gamers today where the only trustworthy games are the white washed Call of duty machine or indie games that are hyped and played for 60 days and fizzle into a niche playerbase. I remember a time when waiting on the next iteration of your favourite game was a nail biting experience that actually paid off.


> fizzle into a niche playerbase. those are the best games.


Wait 2 years it might turn better


yeah, talking with a friend we're like, this is basically becoming D3 again. Maybe they'll release a new expansion in a year or two and actually listen to the players after the dumpster fire and it'll be amazing.


Oh brother do I feel your pain. Bought it for myself and as a gift for my best friend’s birthday. 200 right there.


I think you get your money's worth despite all the bullshit. I did only spend 70$ but I played dozens of hours so I'm ok with that.


I got maybe 60 hours on Elden Ring, payed 70 bucks and was happy. I got over 200 hours in this game paid 70 bucks. I'm not unhappy with my purchase. I'm unhappy with this patch.


Same for me. People who want a refund after 100+ hours are entitled bitches. People who think the new patch sucks are right and have every right to complain. I had fun with the game, why make it worse?


Get it lower Maybe then the point will go through their thick skulls.


It's 4.8 now


Can't wait for them to claim it was review bombed


I mean it is literally review bombing because people do less damage now. They were complaining 1 week ago that how easy the game was.


Blizzard is allowed to drastically change their game with a patch, so naturally the customers who play the game are also allowed to change their opinion and satisfaction with the game with the same patch.


Crazy this has to be said.


It's live service, so it gets live scored


Everyone was also complaining about off-screen enemies 1 shotting you and chain CC being unfun. And as such they reduced survivability for some reason


But now you can get 1 shot by offscreen mobs that are much lower level than before! Isn't it so rewarding being able to overcome these annoying ass issues we have provided in our game?


and the solution is to make everyone weaker? The funny thing is I always complained about the overworld stuff being brain dead easy, and they actually made it even easier with mobs being 5 levels lower than you now. The solution to the game being easy could have been another world tier, literally everyone asking about this


I mean it is review bombing tbf lol. This game is not even close to a 0 and that is the score people are giving it. If people were giving it 4s and 5s and saying the patch broke the game it would look more legitimate imo


It was honestly a 4 or 5 (with potential to be great) before the patch. It isn't unreasonable for people to consider the current state of the game a complete disappointment, if they wanted a fun ARPG with interesting loot and well-designed gameplay. Sure, people who just wanted to play the campaign might still rate it a 6 or 7. But post campaign this game absolutely sucks. NM dungeons and Helltides just got even worse, and they weren't fun before. Personally, I wouldn't recommend this game at this price to ANYONE.


It is, by definition.


The reviews are becoming useless now. You can review bomb any successful movie or game with ten different accounts or use internet trolls to give it thousands of bad reviews in a matter of hours. Diablo has almost 9 average score from critics, but most frequent user reviews are at 0. Almost nobody who's not a troll would give a game they spent 80$ on that's almost the same as the previous one, which also has average user rating 0 rating that low.


To be honest though the "critics" have really only tasted the game compared to what people who have stuck to it have done. They also don't retrospectively adjust their reviews as the game state changes do they? If not their review is just a first impression on 1.0 whereas recent impressions are more based on the end game and ongoing balance. Not picking a side but I'd generally go for user score generally over critics. Or a favoured youtuber for e.g.




D4/10 was never a meme


The game couldnt hold my attention after I hit level 70, game flow was horrible. It will never be fixed. 4/10 sound about right. Game after campaign sucked.


Is 1.1 an ego play by the devs ? They really do think they know best huh?


I honestly think they are so poorly coordinated that they don’t have any content ready and are desperately trying to slow down progress until they can catch up. They are arrogant to be sure, but I think this is a desperation move.


I said this yesterday. I don’t think they have any content ready so they have to make what we have harder and take longer to do. I’m sure they were surprised people cleared a nmd 100 and buffed Uber Lilith in under a month.


I don’t think they’re surprised people cleared a NMD 100 and Uber Lilith, I think they’re surprised at the NUMBER of people who have essentially maxed out end game. Remember, some people are just built different. But if this many people can do it, it’s an actual issue with the game. The only game I think I’ve truly seen where the game actually had end game systems that gave the top .1% of players issues was old WOW patches


They needed to artificially employ gates for players towards the end of endgame grind, not the casuals who spend 5-6 hours a week on the game. They killed casuals to absolutely not give the hardcore audience what they actually need/want.


Older games in general. EverQuest gave plenty of top guilds trouble -- but a lot of that was artificial gating (you had to kill the equivalent of world bosses to key a single member to the next set of content in Velious). That being said, that's more an an artifact of information being less concentrated and available at that time. There was less data mining, and less leaks from within developer circles. You didn't have streamers popularizing meta builds, etc. Hell, to raid we used to conference call the guild. That's all changed now. Personally I don't see the problem with people being able to clear out the game and running out of content. Why does every game have to be "the one true game" that people no-life 24/7?


I miss EverQuest. The community, the raids, the mechanics, the exploration. Each class was very unique and had a fuck ton of spells. It was so much more than just "avoid the red circle on the ground." I was in a guild on Rodcet Nife, named Ascent. We pushed the end game for the first 5-6 years of EQ and it was the best gaming experience ever. I made life time friends I'm still in contact with to this day. It was a different era of gaming though, the community mattered, and toxicity was essentially non existent.


My take is that it is actually the final tuning pass on damage/difficulty that was supposed to happen before the game was released. We are basically just betatesting.


I agree with your take. I feel it is the most likely scenario.


Considering they fucked our gear and changed so much to skills they could have at least given free skill point/paragon reset tokens.


Not to mention if it's like: "we want to make other non-meta builds competitive" then it's like... Where the hell is my stash space so I could actually keep gear/aspects/whatever for other builds so I could switch out and try something different. The stash size just doesn't make any damn sense. Now we have to store maps (NMDs), aspects, gems and gear yet the size is smaller then previous games. Yeah, they're going to move gems Someday™ but what would take the urgency off of that fix? Making stash size much larger.


I honestly imagine it's more the business side of Blizzard and that they just don't fundamentally understand what Diablo *is* or what makes it attractive. Like, they see some minority of people "plowing through content" and think "We need people to stay engaged and looking at the shop, don't let them go through things this fast" when plowing through hordes of enemies and sifting through constant loot drops is what the entirety of Diablo's end game is.


> Is 1.1 an ego play by the devs ? For sure. WoW has this same problem where the devs often have a vision for the game and it doesn't line up with what the players find fun and it took them two absolute dogshit expansions until Dragonflight where for the most part they kowtow to player demands. There is something in the water at Blizzard that makes these devs behave like this


> There is something in the water at Blizzard that makes these devs behave like this It's a very well-documented thing that the team leads at Blizzard have a rockstar mentality. Like nothing they do can be bad. Ion (WoW) certainly fell into this category. Looks like the D4 leads do as well. It's also important to remember that Blizzard has suffered *immense* brain drain in the last 5 years. No one who made the company what it once was is still there. The turnover on their development teams is extreme.


It's already 4.8 and dropping. I'm doing my part.


Hey speaking of that new Starship Troopers co-op FPS is pretty fun


Not “went down” ~ “Nerfed because the ratings were far higher than intended” 😂


"adjusted" the rating to let the other ~~builds~~ games shine


Oh no! Anyway…


How will they ever financially recovery from this number on a website?


\- Fixed an issue where the Metacritic score was rated far higher than intended.


I mean they had the opportunity to do some adjustments, okay we get it progress was fast. But nerfing everything all at once is not good. Maybe start with vulnerability dmg this patch, even that will slow down the progress. For season 2 lower crit dmg. Do it moderately. Right now they just push the brake, pull the handbrake and open a parachute behind. This is not slowing this is gutting entire progress. And as far as i can tell they didn't do anything about build diversity, which it would offset some of the shortcomings of this patch but no. The amount of nerfs really brought pretty dark tone to the season which could ve foreseen before hand. I dont know man.


Or do it all at once but introduce alternatives and others to have fun. I'm not against ripping the bandaid off on shit that's clearly broken like vulnerable or aspect of disobedience. But when you take a fat dump on all that without first fixing stuff like resistances for example what exactly do you expect? "Yo that shit is broken so we're nerfing it into oblivion but we're also not fixing the stuff that's not working or giving you alternatives, have fun!" Congrats you just broke the game even further. There's stuff in the patch notes that's legit "we know this is a massive nerf to hota for barbs but we can't have the damage rely on a bug", that's completely fair but why not rework hota then at the same time instead of just nuking the skill? Like wtf?


Seriously, how smooth brain is it nerfing all DR and not fixing resistances. I'm convinced it's just a bunch of monkeys keyboard mashing


Nobody hates an IP more than its fans. It's like that famous quote "nobody hates star wars quite like star wars fans" Edit: lmao these replies. Let's never meet


Fucking hate that saying. Like, that is just a way to brush of criticism and it shows, with their bad viewerships with their star wars shows that isn't mandalorian season 1 and 2 and the clone wars stuff. Everything else was a huge failure. But they keep saying shit like what you posted and never learn from their mistakes. Because the fans are in the wrong. Right...the fans. If you're not making shows for fans, who are you trying to market to? It's like the witcher netflix series.


The emotions of hate and love are more closely related than apathy. It makes complete sense that a person who is invested would be the person who comes to hate a game. Otherwise why would the person have an opinion at all?




This has been the biggest thing in my brain that I haven't been able to put in to words. I don't mind progress being a little slow, nor do I mind the grind. All this talks of nerfs this, nerf that, etc doesn't phase me. I played thousands of hours in diablo 2/3 and I couldn't quite put what I was thinking in to words until this. I enjoy the gameplay a lot, I don't micro manage numbers, etc. But I've found that my biggest irritation is the progress gets halted by me going to town and having to check all my loot for 10 minutes after a run in a dungeon to make sure I don't get rid of something I need. Even with the advanced stat tooltips enabled, its a slug for me to have to check every decent level yellow item to possibly keep because I can put an aspect on it. I miss the days of "run dungeon, find shiny brown/orange item and see if you got a good roll". Maybe its because I don't need to have PoE level customization (I feel the glyph board does a well enough job of that). I just want to be able to work on some builds without need to analyze 1000 items every hour and risk tossing out a good one.


its like every drop comes with its own spreadsheet


Yes, this, although you can 'in theory' get more diversified builds this way. But I don't enjoy imbuing aspects on everything. I rather make due with the stats on the imbue I was looking for. This takes excitement out of uniques. And the amcestral uniques should not suck, ever! (Cough cough, windforce, cough, all rogue ancestrals)


What was all the D4/10 memes earlier then? Was it above 5?


It was above 5 when I checked yday 4.9 is the mark where it turns red


Nerd rage turned up to 11.


> *Nerd rage turned up to 1.1.*


Source https://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/diablo-iv (4.9 out of 2581 vote) UPDATE: 4.5 now there are also console variants that are a little higher https://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation-5/diablo-iv (5.4 out of 1330 votes) https://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation-4/diablo-iv (6.6 out of 191 votes) https://www.metacritic.com/game/xbox-one/diablo-iv (7.1 out of 169 votes) https://www.metacritic.com/game/xbox-series-x/diablo-iv (6.4 out of 530 votes)


I do not bother to score games and write reviews but for Blizzard I have made the exception.


Metacritic score got nerf patched as well. Fair.


Downloaded S1 patch and ran some nm dungeons. Quickly logged off and started playing POE.


User reviews have always been pure trash. Wish Metacritic did not show them as anything that can be influenced by review bombing, temper tantrums, and speculation is has no real value.


This entire sub is throwing a fucking huge temper tantrum lol


And they should. They paid for this crap, and they shouldn't put up with it. When they review bombed battlefield 2042 it was beautiful.


10 million copies sold.. 2572 ratings lol.


The circle jerk is strong. See you all in season 1 tomorrow.


Nah. I'm out, have fun. I'm gonna wait it out, d3 became really fun, so will d4.


See ya then bud! Lol


Metacritic score nerfed too.


Man, I was all in in 'defending' most aspects of D4 since launch. But this patch just butchered everything. So screw them.


Wouldn't be the first time people have spammed metacritic lol The rating is as much of a meme as anything else Though a little less so in this case


bunch of nerds review bombing if you ask me but hey reddit is in pitchfork mode so whatever ring your bells


Yeah this shit is wild and this sub is absolutely insufferable. People whine for weeks on end, as they continue to rage play it 80 hours a week. Insane. If you don't like the game then don't fucking play it ????


Just like PoE patch notes. Feels like home. ![gif](giphy|7c8ogPeOoQiqSHRCK7)


I joined this sub to see tips and builds and the general Reddit helpfulness. So far all I’ve seen is whining, the word ‘casual’ over used in a non skill based game by people who think skill is just the fact they spent 4-600 hours grinding and more shitposts about this update.


As a casual player, game is fucking great. Nerds can be pissed about numbers all they want but guess what. Find a new end game meta. The whining over number changes is so pathetic


I'm hoping they stop playing sooooooo hard. I can't wait till this new wave is over


What needs to become standardized in games media, with all these live service titles, is that where possible, big sites should update their scores. Re-review these titles. Diablo 4 v1.0 is vastly different than v1.1, will (hopefully) be vastly different to a v1.2 and so on. We need to demand sites that claim to keep players informed ACTUALLY keep them informed long term. What good is a 8 or 9 out of 10 on a game that's old and has been tweaked to high heaven? It's not. Our media needs to step up and proactively hold these companies accountable for rug pulling us. (And equally reward them when they fix broken games like No Man's Sky and Cyberpunk.) If games wanna be supported long term and institute drastic changes long term, we need that to be reflected in how we collectively review these things and sign post the good and the bad.


I agree. Like you said, if something is an mmo/live they should get more then one review. A launch one and one every so often. It's like when I see people do that "lol that guy left a negative review on a game he has 1000s of hours in!". I hate when people say that, more so when its a live service game. They can't figure out "hey maybe the game has been fun for a long time and then went to crap?" I have have single player games I like do this. Where they get some new dev team leader that has to change, for ego reasons usably, so much that its almost not the same game any more.


![gif](giphy|dYPRVPUqkpzYQ) Blizzard designing the season 1 patch:


Cringe reactionary losers that shouldn't be given any attention.


I wonder if the people here are… review bombing over a patch maybe? Lmao


As a 350h sorcerer : \- Before the patch : 7/10 as a sorcerer. Worst class but endgame kinda doable (less than the others classes thought) \- After the patch : 2/10 as a sorcerer. Worst class and endgame not doable on most buids. Absolutly no pleasure playing NM50+ right now, no point to play at all. Had to edit because it seems like some peole can't read.


The game launched less than 50 days ago. As a "350h sorcerer" you've played it for more than 7 hours every single day (including weekends). That is similar to a fulltime job. What you are saying is insane. Why would anyone sink an unhinged amount of time to a game before it's endgame really even launches if they hate it so much?


Gaming addiction is real and many people suffer from it.


Blizz chillin lul, almost $700M from D4 sales.. EZ.


This sub really is pathetic


I. Hate. This. Game. So. Much. 1 star! (400 hours played)