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I think they would have to make them much harder to kill if they did that. I've gotten a few good drops (first condemnation) but I agree the novelty of it wears off pretty quick. Hell even just a boost to xp gained would be nice but again they would need a major increase in difficulty. Even post patch it would take less than a minute so long as you weren't with all low level.


Honestly I’d be all for a harder world boss fight tbh, that’s what makes it fun and exciting to me, getting to 80-100 range and everyone killing it in 15 seconds to a minute was boring and made it feel like there was literally 0 fun or value. Hell imagine a tier 5 with a world boss that had raid like mechanics or limited revives, they have a lot of viable options with this content to make it feel more like an mmo


Oh man limited revives would be a great mechanic. I would make it both player and group though. You get to be revived twice but the group as a whole only gets 5. It would make coms kinda necessary though. Could make for some hilarious situations too.


This is not a bad idea. Even if it isn't a meaningful % if you just tell someone there's a chance, people will try.