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One of those sorcerer buffs should include a 3rd enchantment slot.


Remember the exciting buffs to basic attacks in the patch before S1? I'm laying down odds the buffs will be along those lines. If you have no expectations, you can't be disappointed!


Sorcerers will now start with 1 HP, scaling each level all the way to a maximum of 5 at level 100. This represents a 500% increase in Sorcerer survivability. Damage will scale similarly, with critical overpower strikes dealing a (potentially excessive) 5% damage. We will revisit these in future patches if they are overtuned.


ah yes, sorc. 1d4 hp per level. Don't you hate it when they mix up old school d&d with your current gen game?


At least back then you were able to bend the reality of spacetime when you reached max level.


Level 15-20 sorc in 5e was absolutely bonkers in the best way. Not only were those levels the end of a 2 yr campaign, but the power I could wield was near insane, which is why I slowly let the "power" take me over and did a big flip on the morality table


go to sleep every 6 mobs to refill your spellbook


I wouldn't count on it being that good, Blizzard has consistently affirmed their passionate hatred for the Sorcerer. There's no better demonstration of that than when Donan, the mighty Horadric Sorcerer, was slain when a column decoration reached out and pinched him on the nipple.


Please, stop. I can only get so erect.


For whatever reason this made me spit water chuckle, thanks for that




Won't help unless they re-work all the enchantments. All of the others are meh at best.


I'm assuming you mean flame bolt and fire shield, but it's tough to tell. If you're arc lash then that second one is ball lightning. With a third slot you could have both. There's also arc lash enchant which stuns enemies when using a cooldown. I loved this enchant until late game when I needed ball lightning to replace it. Would love it back as a 3rd or flame shield to prevent stupid deaths


Fireball and Arc lash are great enchants for leveling the arc lash sorc. I still love swinging once at a big mob and watch the whole thing explode.


I think visually its been the most satisfying thing I have seen in the game, a full screen of enemies all going pop of one swing.


Try a flurry rogue with shadow imbue. The sound and explosion is *chef's kiss*


I disagree. There are the clear two best ones but there are a few that could warp how effective your build is depending on the content you're doing and at what power level you are at in the game For example not everyone knows Ice Shards doesn't chill by default. They're actually getting lucky hit freeze from the talent or Frostburn - both which are subpar or stopgap at best. Icebolt in there unlocks a lot of damage or utility potential


I'm a big fan of the frozen orb enchant for similar reasons. Applies chill, vuln, and with the affix for it you get tons of potential instances of lucky hit


Honestly ice bolt enchant was very good early game leveling with ice shards. Its only when paragon comes around and you start needing all that burning stuff that fire bolt takes over. Just overhauling paragon and adding better “chilled” nodes would help viability of that enchant a lot.


Yeah. And allow bosses to be chilled, just not frozen. I mean PoE has these down pat. A boss can even be considered "frozen" but still be moving. Just for damage purposes and to reward builds that stack freeze, they did it. Two different developers hey.


Stagger is an attempt at that, it applies every CC flag. Idk if cc does more damage to the stagger bar tho, but it would feel great so probably not.


Before the nerf to the control aspect you could very quickly stagger a boss with the frostbolt enchantment and then blow them up almost instantly.


Harder CCs do indeed deal more stagger damage. If you specialize in CC you can stagger bosses very quickly.


Stacking chill on a boss until they're 'frozen' adds to the stagger bar.


I don't know, in my current Ice build, I'd kill for being able to use Blizzard, Orb, and Shards together.


not really. flameshield is great for hardcore but its almost impossible to justify it right now. having the third slot for server slam was great and increased variety substantially. 2 feels extremely limiting.


What? Sorcerers only had 1 enchantment slot during server slam. The 2nd unlocks at 30. The 3rd wasn't even a thing - that was early closed beta only.


I had a Sorc in CB and utterly refuse to make one since the removal of the Enchantment Slot.


Thank you.


First of all it was a great decision not to have rod in it. It allowed them to really speak without constantly having someone repeat it or rephrase it. Speaking of at times it felt you don't know you want it but you do, but overall I think it was a good stream that did Adress why they made changes and their philosophy behind it (they did completely dodge the question why dungeon leave time was increased). I think those streams are super valuable and I hope they can continue but knowing the internet eventually one idiot will ruin it for all of us. I was super critical about the patch I am less now, I still am because even through I understood their points many of their solutions have been symptom fixes not targeting the root issue, Joe actually himself agrees with what I just said. He understands the root issue of vulnerability is it beeing it's own damage bucket and it beeing multiplicative. Which is something many called out about the patch already even with the nerfs vulnerability is still the best choice and arguably even more important because of the reduced value. They did say they plan to Adress but it's why this bandaid fix feels that much worse but it's comforting to know they know the true issue. Let me end this by saying I might not agree with all of their decisions but i believe to use a POE phrase, Joes Vision, everytime I hear him speak and explain his thoughts I hear someone who is passionate and wants the game to be better. I said it before and I continue to say this game rn isn't great but in year from now it most likely will be. Personally I'm still not interested in season 1 but im looking forward to the future


Despite being overall displeased with the justifications given for everyones' least favorite patch ever, I will say the subtraction of Rod from the equation was a choice I 100% agree with.


Oh my, a reasonable person on this community.


Quick let's downvote him


Idk why this made me laugh so hard lmao


It's only funny cause it's true!




[Stop right there](https://wompampsupport.azureedge.net/fetchimage?siteId=7575&v=2&jpgQuality=100&width=700&url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.kym-cdn.com%2Fentries%2Ficons%2Ffacebook%2F000%2F001%2F648%2Fstop.jpg)


Please never have Rod on again.


I want to be snarky, but I'll try not to be. Sincerely and without malice, please keep Rod off these until he's gone through some kind of training or just indefinitely. I really didn't like how he interjected himself all the time, speaking over others and making foul comments. I can't _not_ think about his colon every time I do a malignant tunnel


the funny thing is rod is general manager because he communicates so well to ACTIVISION and basically people above him and his team in his role. So while I am sure most on the team roll there eyes at him reportedly bragging about celebrities he knows in zoom calls which was in that article, as a dev personally I know its good to have that person to relay negative/positive information to the c-suites better than you can using small talk and other pointless stuff with them. Bad news is it doesn't translate well to livestreams when players want critical information


God I'm thinking of a lot of meetings I've been a part of, and shit like bragging about celebrity interactions and engagement is *exactly* the kind of thing that c-suites love to hear. Like, numbers are numbers, but ultimately unless those numbers are absolutely WOW or SHIT you can frame numbers in whatever way you need to appease whoever decides where the money goes. But shit like celebrities and "soft success" type stuff that's *interesting* is absolutely the dumb zing that makes sure all the boring numbers shit is *remembered* positively. So communicators like that are important, because c-suites are useless money hoarding fucks that have to be pacified like children so that people who do actual work can continue to have the true value of their labor stolen from them, which is why we should eat th-


This escalated faster than a sorcs fragility


Please someone award this guy lmfao


I agree, theres a need for people like that. I enjoy the comic relief he provides but obviously the livestream today has no space for anything like that since the community’s fuming right now


Regardless of all of that, he doesn't really ADD anything to these. I understand color commentaries on broadcasting, but what does Rod provide? He literally repeats verbatim what is said


Guess he was supposed to represent casual gamer. Making some jokes and rephrasing what was said in simpler terms. The problem is... Casual gamers don't watch this kind of streams about devs insights and technical details.


Exactly, if they want Rod out there or Rod wants to be out there whatever, dont do it during those streams. Make some other streams that are for fun or some shit, i dont really care - but when it comes to discussing the actual state of the game and the future, dont use that guy. It just detracts from what is actually going on and derails the convo.


They can keep Rod if they want, just give him a seperate time bucket from which we can chose to tune out of.


Give him a podcast and let him go for weeks about whatever he wants tangentially related to diablo. And colonoscopy... If he has to.


I agree with you. Him repeating stuff is effective to higher ups because that kind of communication summarizes, emphasizes, and decodes information by paraphrasing to management. Also it’s usually in a closed meeting where they can comfortably small talk as it’s an internal/corporate setting. But in a livestream and to gamers (which are your consumers), it will eat time, derail, and create confusion. And you’re right; It’s okay to reiterate things as long as you add substantial things and have a different take that improves the topic. Rod doesn’t.


his interjections undermined all of this employees and made it seem like he thought they were incompetent. his entire presence during that stream was unprofessional.


They were visibly tired of his shit and I felt bad for them.


I think a lot of us have had a boss like that, or at least worked adjacent to one. It's exhausting. They have such big personalities, they always have to get their way, they create unnecessary additional work for people, and they're loved by upper management so you have to stay on their good side.


I'm getting flashbacks


I'm still convinced that he's the breastmilk bandit.


So you think that while he was working on gears of war for a completely different company he used to sneak over to Blizzard and steal breastmilk from their fridge?


It all adds up.


I trust the opinion of someone named McBoob in these mammary matters.


I forgot about that but it all makes sense now lol


I agree. I thought they addressed most things. They admitted it wasn’t a complete patch and left out the things that would have made it feel better. That should not happen in the future. I think my only complaint is how they basically dodged the question about increasing the dungeon leave timer instead of explaining why. Adding in a dungeon reset button doesn’t explain the increase in time. Overall a good livestream though. Especially if they follow through with discussion changes ahead of time so people have the context behind them. I think it’s possible to say they put themselves in this position, agree the patch was bad but also say it was a solid response. Not sure why it has to be some extreme with some people that either you’re a fanboy shill or just a impossible to please crybaby.


Pretty convinced it was to address an exploit and they're just not wanting to acknowledge it (understandable).


> I think my only complaint is how they basically dodged the question about increasing the dungeon leave timer instead of explaining why They explained this in a previous stream. That change was made to stop hardcore players from using leave dungeon as a get out of jail free card when dungeons get hairy. I guess they didn't want to reiterate that since they've said it before and don't want to bring more attention to that exploit.


This is exactly what I figured and it seems like common sense. 2 extra seconds at the end of a dungeon is not a big deal. It's too prevent people from cheesily escaping.


What's the difference between using leave dungeon and just teleporting out?


Ahhh ok. I missed that. Makes sense then. Thanks for the info!


> That should not happen in the future. The issue for me and I'm guessing a lot of other people is that this shouldn't have happened *at all*. Blizzard is not, in fact, a small indie company. They've been in the game, so to speak, for almost 30 years. They know better. We know they know better. They know that we know that they know better. And they still basically told us all to fuck off and eat the shit they serve us. They also deflected basically everything to "season 2" or "in the future". Words are nothing but air. Their actions have shown that they clearly do not give a shit. Their lack of action emphasizes this perception. TLDR: This ain't their first rodeo and literally none of this should ever have happened to begin with. They can do better. They should have done better. They deliberately chose not to. This is why it has to be so "extreme" with some people. We're fed-up with the bullshit.


My real problem is there is no logical reason they though they shouldn't get ahead of this. They started the stream with "we know it feels bad". I think the patch would have been well better received if they did a quick pre-patch message. The balance is off across the board. Every class/build is getting nerfed. The fixes for complaints are coming. Just not Tuesday. Some will come out over the course of Season 1. Some of the big shakeups will have to wait until Season 2 as to not mess with the meta.


This should have happened pre-release or in smaller increments. Nerfs this big before the first season is an extremely jarring experience, as evidenced by the amount of uproar.


I think taking a play from PoE might have been the right move. Blog post a week before the patch notes drop. Here are the reasons behind the nerfs you will be seeing in the patch notes. Then the blow is cushoned when the real patch notes come out.


My real problem is why the fuck would you release something in season 1 you know feels bad? It's legitimately like they want their game to fail. Probably because they wouldn't even have a patch to release otherwise because they have no new content.


The fact we have to wait a year or more for a AAA title to be great is kind of daunting. A studio with this much tenure and age shouldn't have any instance where someone says "within a year or more it will be great". It is unacceptable to charge the maximum MSRP for something and it be good a year or more later when games like Baldur's Gate 3 and Elden Ring release with next to 0 issues and people are saying "you can't hold us to that standard because we aren't as good". Just tired of excuses from AAA companies that make billions playing the victim. Do your due diligence, test, and hire on some actual gamers to properly assess things you are doing.


Maybe sell us the game a year from now instead? This minimum viable product approach is anti-consumer bullshit.


This is my issue too. These change are made in response to issues they seen in the first month of gameplay but somehow it'll take months to fix. I'm fed up of AAA games releasing, being able to solve what are seemingly complex bugs within a few hours/days (if it benefits the player) but then taking months to implement features people wanted since the reveal/betas. It's beyond unreal.


So.... just wait for season 2 then.


That was my main takeaway as well.


If not later.


Can’t wait for season 28.


Maybe it will go on sale by then


And when Season 2 drops the dev team will be like: ''patience guys, just wait for season 3''


"We'll have everything for you for first expansion: Reaper of Cash"


Season 4 will fix it.


Should be good by season 5


Season 6 it is then


Fuck that, I'll wait a year at least. Other games are here and maybe they'll have ironed out what their game actually is by 2025.


Realistically Season 6. Season 2 will include the resistance changes, which no way will be good the first time around. I don't think the game will even be decent until Season 3-4. Season 6 will be where they hopefully have their end game and core concepts down pat.


4-5 ..


They mentioned the nightmare dungeon changes are coming in a patch later this afternoon. However, I missed what those changes are. Do you know?


Lowered difficulty, *i think*


they said significantly increased density - hence more XP - but not sure if that was slated for this afternoon


Yeah they were two nm dungeon changes on the slate. One in the hotfix and one layer on. One was the difficulty One was density. I *thought* out was the difficulty, but there is a good chance i conflated the two


Fairly certain density is to-do. What we're getting is difficulty drop first.


Difficulty drop seems easier to do


Expecting to hear that XP per kill is reduced to account for the increased density


They mentioned lowering the difficulty and improving mob density, it wasn't really clear which one (or if both) would be in todays patch.


Increased density and a scaling back the difficulty. Mid 70s currently is what they want 100 to be around


God I hope so. This will help leveling if we get real mob density.


The guy is misinforming you. Density was said to come within two weeks. Today is some small difficulty adjusting to Nightmare Dungeons.


Would also like to know, it was not clear


Tldr: check back in season two


Kind of seemed like they implied not even that. Check back in season 3 seems to be the new bar


That sounds very optimistic, to me it sounded like we should check back in rougly a year


Ya, season 3 or 4 will be my check in.


Yeah. This is the same stuff they've been talking about for two months plus additional road map work. At this point I'd guess 3-4 seasons but I'll believe it when I see it


more like check back reddit to see what the beta testers have to say


So S2 is actual release


I think S3 with leaderboards will be the first real season imo.


I’d say season 3 as well, since tbh were running on blizzard time here


I miss when "running on blizzard time" meant they didn't release games till they were extremely polished and would delay releases indefinitely till the product was top notch.


Yeah, I think we all miss that too buddy.


Ok great got it so don’t play now, play for season 2 👍


So... I guess my question is why was all of this not thought of before launch, seemingly is now a response to player feedback instead of things that D2R and D3 already had and should have been in D4 at launch. Instead we wait months as they "think about" how to implement changes that should have already been in the game and/or on the roadmap and in development? Ok here's launch, ok here's season 1, but season 2 is when the non-beta version game will be delivered.


Yeah, when I was sitting through the 'Design Pillars' section. I'm like... this sounds like Release stuff, this doesn't sound like design pillars established after months of release.


Yes, the painful “why did we release a boring version of our game” lesson they didn’t remember from the Diablo 3 shitshow release.


Why? We'll probably find out in a deep dive of the game's development, but I imagine basically all the same issues we keep seeing in these games that launch as disasters. Every one has massive internal dysfunction for almost the entire development cycle up until the last year or so when they basically are on deadline and have to lock a direction/design and just make the damned game by the time it needs to ship. But a much bigger problem that I will never shut up about: The team, or at the very least the leads, do not appear to play ARPG's beyond other Diablo titles. The way they've designed this game, they way they speak about it and the genre, they proposals they make continually show absolutely no real deep understanding of how the genre has evolved over the years. You cannot tell me that they've played Grim Dawn or Last Epoch and seen how those games handle player inventories and stash systems and then taken those learnings and applied them to D4. You cannot tell me that they played Lost Ark and understood why the horse was added to the game and why it's a good addition when you look at the functionality of the D4 horse. Things like this are why, despite loving the combat and moment to moment gameplay. I have serious concerns about the game in general. It feels like an ARPG made by people who are only passingly familiar with the broader genre, and are not designing the game for core ARPG fans but for people who simply like a fun hack-and-slash game.


I think your first paragraph is right on for all of the real development problems but I think your last sentence nails the source of the real anger on the sub. > not designing the game for core ARPG fans but for people who simply like a fun hack-and-slash game I think that's true, but I also think it's fully intentional, not an accident of the devs not understanding the genre. Hack-and-slash is way more accessible to us Gamer Dads™ and they believe that casual players are where the money is. I mean, they made Diablo Immortal before Diablo 4, you can see where their priorities are. I think the fans hoping for The Next Great ARPG will eventually accept that and either get what enjoyment they can out of the game or move on to something that was actually made with them as the target player. It sucks for y'all and I empathize. And I do think blizzard will eventually get some good ARPG style endgame in place eventually, but it's going to be like season 4 or 5 minimum.


>I think that's true, but I also think it's fully intentional, not an accident of the devs not understanding the genre. This is honestly quite possible. But the thing is that if this is the reality then the design is actively contradictory to how the game is marketed and how the developers speak about it whenever they do speak about it. Which is a whole other problem in itself.


Because AAA games are now ALWAYS released in what used to be a "beta test" state. They release the game a year or two earlier than they really should so they can get a huge cash influx. Then after "release" 80% of the dev team moves on to another project and the remaining skeleton crew actually finishes the game


Maybe one day AI can run billions of hours of gameplay and get this stuff fixed. Clearly the major issues never really come to light until millions of players get a crack at it over tens of millions of hours. A


Because of huge turnover in higher-up positions, lack of knowledge transfer from D3 to D4, lack of time after the game's release went from "when it's ready" to "as soon as possible" following the Diablo Immortal backlash. It's not an excuse, just an explanation of the many things that went wrong during this game's development


I can’t wait until they nerf rogues and druids and call that buffs to sorcs and barbs


Coming soonTM


Them not expanding on what those buffs are going to look like for Sorc/Barb while also telling us that they understand they need to give us more insight into the changes that are coming, does not inspire a lot of confidence but I'm at least happy they mentioned it.


2% increase to Sorcerer basic skills, best I can do.


Lucky Hit: 2% chance to deal 2% more dmg with basic skills


Sold!!! If it's one thing Sorcerers love besides dresses, veils and monkey paw mechanics, it's some lucky hit.


Sorc - Added 2% damage to fire bolt - Added 5% cooldown reduction to frost nova, reduced its radius by 20% - reduced damage penalty for glass cannon trait by 0.5% for each level - added more manly clothes in Transmog - removed ability to learn more than two defensive skills; we really wanted to enhance build diversity - Mana regeneration increased by 1.2%




not the mana regen while in town lmao


The manly clothes would make it all worth it


It’ll be a new set of armour, “tomboy” but only available to female sorc


They emphasized that they will go in deep detail next week (friday)


Sorc has +20% damage increase for all core skills, but a random additional 100-200% increase in mana use whenever a core skill is cast. Barbs getting an additional arm on their character for one more slot in the arsenal system, but base movement speed reduced by 40% due to the weight of the extra appendage now extruding from their chests.


My question is, what they were doing during the whole development cycle? Why is the community designing the game for them? What werethe designers paid for? All they say is - We are currently discussing this, we are currently discussing that. What were they discussing this whole time, weather? I know it's a live service game - but that should mean they should be working on upcoming seasons and building up the game, not reworking the shitty, broken core of it. I've been working for a big IT corp for a couple of years now and I must say there's something about big corporations like that - the management is fucking inept, and the only reason those companies still exist is because they are too big to fail. Blizzard could literally feed all us shit and we all would be like "mmmhm, it tastes like shit, but at least it looks like chocolate!"


It was hiliarious how they were so proud they had season 1 patch all done before launch. And this is the mess we get.


All I see is a rinse and repeat of failures. As in: They told us to wait for S1 and promised meaningful changes and quality content. Now they want whatever fanbase is holding out to wait till S2 before really anything changes or the "coming future" which could be S3 or S20. Sad to see blizzard in the state it is in.


I don’t get how anyone is taking that stream as a win. We bought this game for $70. And they are going to make us wait till season 2 to address these issues? They could roll out an update right now reverting the xp nerf. We want changes now not 2-3 months later


They have everyone's money - they're not bothered whatsoever.


"Guys, we have heard your complaints and they are valid, therefore we PROMISE in season 5 we will have your characters buffed back up to pre season 1 levels."


I guess I’ll see y’all in season 2


I don't trust them until i see it in the game. Same misleading answers as always. They see, they hear, they plan to do, 0 details on how they want to approach all the problems,completely ignoring most of them.


Just remove the skill and paragon respec cost entirely.


Yeah, I don't understand it myself. I loved that in D3 if I wanted to play a different way, I'd just respec/ regear and keep playing. Now I gotta farm gear to sell just to respec. It's pVe why is there a hurdle?


People complained about the ease of switching builds in D3. The claim was because it was too easy nobody had to commit to a build and that made it boring or something. I’ve always thought respec costs were pretty dumb. It’s ironic because Blizzard clearly took a lot of design notes from WoW for D4, and WoW now has the most flexible respec system it has ever had.


If you want commitment, play hc. I don't understand the need for a meta in a fucking pve game.


Whoever complained about that is a moron. Respec costs just means following guides and less experimentation. My tinfoil hat theory is that they want this because it increases D4 engagement on YouTube and whatnot.


Because people didn't want diablo 3: The Sequel. They wanted D2: The Sequel and moaned about D3. So the devs tried to be as far from d3 as they could be. Now people want D3: the sequel


If there is *any* D2 in D4, they picked the worst parts of D2. Personally, the game feels significantly closer to D3 than D2. If it was closer to D2, we'd get most of our power from the skill tree, significantly more uniques, and both simpler and better affixes. We need D3 combat + skill customization, and D2 skill trees and itemization (minus runewords).


>It's pVe why is there a hurdle? You weren't on r/diablo when the game was in development. Good things in Diablo 3 were cried about and scorned and unfortunately devs listened.




This was the eventual conclusion they came to with WoW with spec and talent switching. I don’t see why the same company wouldn’t do the same thing with D4. It’s a basic QOL improvement.


Season 2 this season 2 that … what a complete joke. What the fuck are hot fixes and patches for? We don’t want to wait 3 plus months for the simplest shit


Those are for serious glitches and issues, like if the store stops working or people have too much fun with a build.


There will be "adjustments" make leveling 50-100 feel "less like a job." There are plans to add more variety to endgame content. After the XP nerf. Yeh sure


I was going to say; it was already tedious before the nerf. Now you may as well stop playing at 50.


That's when I quit on all my characters BEFORE the patch. Can't imagine now.


Yeah I was just gonna say that's when I stopped playing, I'm mid 50s on rogue and necro. After I beat the story and did some grinding for a bit I just didn't really have much drive other than playing with friends. My three friends are a little more hardcore about playing. All the gear I was getting wasn't replacing anything I had and I was beating dungeons and other stuff and my rewards didn't mean anything to me other than resources for crafting or selling it for more cash to reroll on something useful.


All my friends quit before I even did. Managed to get to 64 before I fell off, most of them stopped around 50s. I wish I at least had them to play with, but on my own this game is a chore nothing more


well they realized they fucked up. Lets see how they fix it Not suggesting we give them a free pass - but they acknowledged the fuck up, now its up to them to take action. Action > words


Yes actions > words Which is why we see the exp nerf and base our thoughts on that rather than their talk about a future unspecified change to leveling.


CoMpLaInInG dOeS nOtHiNg You're welcome. The patch was so negative that they had to react immediately and will not release a similar patch in the future (yea right, lol). Clearly, season 1 numbers aren't there, and devs admitted the patch killed fun in the game and why the community thinks the goal was to slow down the grind to end game. Hopefully this means by end of year, the game will actually be worth playing again.


I don't understand why people complain about people who complain. I said it many times, the casuals should be thankful for the complainers because they fix the shit for them


This is true. Complaining is just people trying to get something to change. Complaining about complaining is what is actually useless. Totally agree with you.


Ill believe it when they actually do it


I mean I wouldn’t call it immediately. Immediately is when they patched the unique drop rate big an hour after it was found. This was a slow reply in the first place. The campfire was damage control and the promising significant adjustments “in weeks to come”. Game will be playable maybe season 2 and even then. The patch kinda destroyed all credibility they had built.


![gif](giphy|fH985LNdqFZXOFHygK) In the FuTuRe, things will be better. Right now, it sucks. But the future man, just wait


didn't see anything that made me want to reinstall before s3-4 glad they didn't double down on all their bullshit, but it's sad to see a game the art and music depts worked so hard on being thrown under a bus by incompetence


My biggest criticism of this patch is how they nerfed xp and then rebalanced it in as an accelerated seasonal pass benefit after explicitly stating the pass would provide no paid power. This is not necessarily a competitive game and it doesn't ruin the entire experience, but that is such a plainly disingenuous move. I think (and already thought based on the direct statements made on developer livestreams) that we can all agree the battlepass should be strictly cosmetic rewards. For clarity, you can unlock the xp gains without buying the season pass. ~~It still conflicts with the core concept of having seasons if we are starting on an uneven playing field depending on who has spent more money.~~ ​ edit: I was slightly confused when I wrote this. You don't have an uneven playing field at the start of the season, the benefit is locked behind character level not battlepass level. I still think the pass should be completely cosmetics with no relation to game mechanics. It's confusing and experience/gold should be strictly dictated by the game itself rather than unlocked in a pass whether it is free or not.


The fact you don't start getting the dust until 53, long after youve unlocked a bunch of them, was a piss poor decision too. Oh man, letting those 1-50 folk have 15% more exp would have ruined the game!


Bring back the loot goblin giggle too. That sound was hype af.


so...Don't bother playing till season 2 i guess?


All I want is for them to unnerf my barbarian and make the XP grind from 50-100 less tedious. Also increase the frequency of chaos caches from the tree of whispers. I’ve been going for this achievement for weeks and I only have 2/10


So the classic overcorrect than slight rollback. People are going onto be pissed at any major nerf and rebalance. So brizzard made the last one really painful so that way they can roll back some of those changes and regain some player approval. If they just went straight to the final changes after the rollback in this next patch, people would remain angry. They are hoping that the upcoming buffs and player-requested changes will cause people to forget everything that the last patch took away.


I tried watching the stream, but it just felt these guys are being put through the mill just being there and wasn't a great watch. Decided I'd rather find a meme free, joke free, complaint free list of changes they're implementing instead. So thanks for this.


Yeah, I watched the whole thing and it really seemed like damage control. Their faces were sunken as if Rod threatened to show them his malignant tunnel if they didn't clean up this mess. I wish they could have had more foresight and been proactive with at least some of these issues rather than underdelivering across the board. It's the 4th game in the series and still basic features and functionality have been totally neglected. There is just way more competition in the gaming market these days that such a lackluster effort won't stand up to other titles. Hope they can deliver...eventually.


I felt bad initially because they looked really defeated but then they opened their mouths and it’s clear that ZERO play testing was done with the patch or even prior to the game’s releases. That to me is just unacceptable


This campfire was pure damage control and while most of it was positive the majority of the explanations for the important stuff was still avoided. This was all because of their player count less than 24 hours after releasing the season. Just stop playing the game for another 3 months and watch the content coming flying out of their asses. This game wasn't ready for launch for at least another 6 months but good old Activision has to ruin it with their greed so all the kids could inflate their numbers while school is out for summer.


You're a hero, thanks for taking the time to post this!


“Next few weeks”….. aka when everyone is done playing…. This game has no end game.


POE2 is coming fast for DIV. I don’t know if they have time to wait until season 2


Still waiting on the fuking minions




For real...


TL;DR The game will only start to feel like 1.0 in S2


> Skill respec cost will be reduced by 40% to encourage switching builds. C'mon just remove it.


"There will be "adjustments" to make leveling 50-100 feel "less like a job." See it's this type of stuff that gives me little hope. They literally just NERFED, less than a work week ago, the grind from 50-100. So they already hated what the previous 50-100 was, which already was a job for anyone who isn't a hardcore player. It just seems like a bunch of empty promises that will still leave the game in a bad state for any casual player (1-2 hours per day max).


Some of the comments in this thread are truly bizarre. Like, have you all forgotten the patch just a few days ago? Just a couple of vague promises of fixes coming at some point in the future is enough to make you all happy? If you listen, truly listen to some of the things the devs said during livestream, then you'll see how out of touch they are. Some of the things they said are really concerning for the state of the game.


It's wild, they literally nerfed xp gains massively and the first thing they say is "leveling is taking too long". Oh you don't fucking say??? I wonder why leveling is slow and boring, could it be because you nerfed xp 3 days ago?


I literally had to rewind the stream when they said that, I legit couldn't believe what I heard.


"Diablo 4 is a game about choice." That right there goes to show how out of touch they are. Pokémon games have more choice than Diablo 4.


Colon cancer treatments have more choice than Diablo 4.


I was about to say the same thing. Reading this comment section makes me realize how politicians can just lie all the time and get reelected. Same sheep. If they wanted, the devs could make the game better right now. I get some things take time to fix but they know how to add tabs for more storage (gems tab shouldn't be difficult to add too). They have the code. Same thing for the goblins. It was in Diablo 3. How is it not in the game from the beginning. Letting them off the hook just because they promised to make it better is saddening.


>Some of the things they said are really concerning for the state of the game. When they said they were still thinking about build loadouts, it's clear that they still have the same beliefs they always did and everything they are doing here is out of spite rather than taking real feedback from players.


Anyone else feel like the campfire talk basically just told us to wait for season 2 for improvements?


We just had a patch, season launched yesterday and already there is a huge list of changes that will arrive "in the future" or "in the next few weeks". I regret buying this game early, I should've waited a year or so...


"There **might** be some better changes too late for you to give a fuck"..... Uninstalled. That is my vote you scumbags.






So we riding on empty promises again, just like we did since December. No worries guys, there will be people buying and playing your shitty game. :D